Understanding the forces driving and impacting the advancement of our clean nuclear energy future
American Nuclear Society Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer Craig Piercy speaks at the 2024 UWC opening plenary.
The 2024 Utility Working Conference brought together the nuclear industry’s best in August to discuss and learn from key developments, successes, opportunities, and needs in the sector. American Nuclear Society Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer Craig Piercy opened the conference and its first plenary by talking about the nuclear industry’s current momentum.
The three elements of radioactive material risk (Image: U.S. GAO)
A new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office finds that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has not taken the steps needed to address the potential economic and societal radiological risks that could arise from a “dirty bomb.”
Kairos Power leaders, elected officials, and key partners break ground on the Salt Production Facility at the company’s Manufacturing Development Campus in Mesa del Sol, N.M. (Photo: Kairos Power)
Kairos Power broke ground yesterday on a Salt Production Facility at the company’s newly dedicated Manufacturing Development Campus during an event at a sprawling site in Mesa del Sol, N.M., just south of Albuquerque. The new facility will produce the FLiBe (a mixture of lithium fluoride and beryllium fluoride salts) needed to cool the advanced reactors Kairos Power plans to build, starting with its Hermes nonpower demonstration reactor in Oak Ridge, Tenn., and could be operational and producing salt in 2026, according to an October 3 Department of Energy news release.
Survey respondents (%) who favor or oppose the use of nuclear energy for electricity in the United States, 1983–2024. (Graph: Bisconti Research Inc.)
Ann Stouffer Bisconti has been surveying and analyzing the American public’s attitudes and knowledge about nuclear energy for more than four decades. Her research company’s 2024 survey proved to be especially revealing. “The 2024 National Nuclear Energy Public Opinion Survey contained such a wealth of information that I prepared nine reports” to cover all the collected data, she said.
Attendees at the Roadmaps to New Nuclear conference in September. (Photo: OECD-NEA)
World leaders outlined an ambitious push and targeted plans for increasing nuclear energy capacity at the Roadmaps to New Nuclear conference, held September 19–20 in Paris, France.