Abbie Witwer from “Children of Fallen Patriots” greets visitors and explains the charity's mission. (Photo: USA)
Next-wave presentations: Among those who presented at the meeting were experts representing Idaho National Laboratory, the Nuclear Energy Institute, the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, the Electric Power Research Institute, NuScale Power, X-Energy, and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power. They provided updates and innovations regarding the nuclear community’s efforts to advance nuclear power’s contribution to the clean-energy mix.
USA president and chief executive officer John Christensen noted that the summit provided “the open exchange of information and innovative thought on how all stakeholders supporting nuclear power production can achieve mutual success by working together.”
In advance of the general session were business meetings on topics including advanced remote monitoring, personnel sharing, and supply chain management.
Not all business: In addition to taking care of business, there was time for recognition and giving—and fun for the attendees and other guests.
The 2021 Supplier of the Year awards, voted on by USA members, were presented at the summit. The Technology and Materials award went to Curtiss-Wright in recognition of its AP Services brand, which provides fluid sealing technologies. The Services award went to EnergySolutions for its nuclear decommissioning and decontamination services.
A charity Casino Night underwritten by Curtiss-Wright and Frham Safety Products raised a record $30,000 for the Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation. CFP was chosen as the recipient by the summit organizers because it “has really made an impact on thousands of Gold Star children as well as our Board members,” said Christensen.
The gathering also featured social and recreational opportunities, such as area farmers’ markets, art exhibits, and music festivals. There also was time for golfing, fishing, boating, river rafting, and other outdoor activities. A conference survey revealed that 100 percent of responding attendees found the summit to be “worthwhile and a good value for their investment of time and money.”