ANS Executive Committee releases statement on recent killings of unarmed African Americans and systemic racism

June 5, 2020, 4:33PMANS Executive CommitteeANS Executive Committee

The American Nuclear Society has issued a statement on the recent events around the country. The full statement can be viewed below.

Statement from the American Nuclear Society Executive Committee on recent killings of unarmed African Americans and systemic racism

On behalf of the American Nuclear Society, we express our deep sadness over the death of George Floyd and other unarmed African Americans. These events have laid bare the deep racial wounds and divisions which still exist in our society today, including those within our own community of nuclear professionals.

As a charitable organization founded to promote the public good, ANS has an affirmative responsibility to combat racism, promote diversity and practice inclusion in our community. We pledge to work closely with our Diversity and Inclusion in ANS Committee to take tangible steps toward positive change in the days ahead. We know we can do better and we are committed to achieving it.

As individuals, we also have a personal responsibility to take an unflinching look at our own behaviors and biases and seek actively to better understand the views and perspectives of others. Each and every ANS member of color brings unique experiences and lives-lived that can help strengthen our collective conscience.

Ultimately, we believe that if we summon the best of ourselves, together we can forge a piece of the anger and despair of recent days into a more just and equitable nuclear community.

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