Sponsoring Organization or Individual

Local Sections Committee and Student Sections Committee

Focus Areas

Activities the grant is intended to support include:

  • Collaborative projects with Local Sections, Student Sections, local NAYGN, WIN, and other allied organizations that bring together the larger nuclear community in a particular region for unity events and opportunities for recruiting new ANS and Local Section members.
  • K-12 and community outreach efforts that are focused on engaging students and bringing nuclear science education to the classroom, after school programs, and other similar activities.
  • Public awareness and communications initiatives that help inform local communities or regions about the positive benefits of nuclear science and technology.

Grant funds are not intended to support travel to ANS Conferences or program speakers’ travel and lodging expenses. Funds may not be used to purchase alcohol and sections are encouraged to share the cost of food & beverage.


  • Grant awards are up to $5,000 for any sanctioned ANS Local or Student Section.
  • Previous recipients may reapply if prior grant requirements have been met.
  • Grant applications must be submitted online by 5:00 pm CST on their specific deadline. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their funding request once selections have been made.

Grant Conditions:

By submitting an application, you are agreeing to:

  • Complete the proposed program within 12 months of receiving funds.
  • Provide a final report once your project is complete, including photos or video that can be used in ANS communications.
  • Notify ANS of any changes to the program that were not included in the original proposal.


Application Deadline


Recipients Notified

Annual Meeting - May 1

May 31


Winter Meeting - October 1

October 31


Apply for Grant

Last modified August 15, 2024, 4:19pm CDT