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Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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In an international industry, regulators cross the border too
Since nuclear physics works the same in Ontario as it does in Tennessee, the industry has been trying to create a reactor that can be deployed on both sides of the border. Now, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission have decided that some of their rulings can cross the border too.
ANS Officers
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page iii
Meeting Officials, National Program Committee
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page v
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages vii-xvii
Cross-Reference of Divisions with Tracks
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages xix-xxi
Author Index
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages xxiii-xxvii
ANS Plenary: Talking About Nuclear Differently: A Critical Element for Our Future
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 3
Track 1: Talk About Nuclear Differently: A Good Story Untold
ANS President's Special Session: Emerging Nuclear Nonproliferation Issues
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 4
Nuclear Energy: Quantifying and Communicating the Benefits-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 5
International Spent Fuel Storage Developments-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 6
General Chair's Special Session: Critical Infrastructures: Good Stories Untold
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 7
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant and Low-Level Waste Disposal Facilities
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 9
Beyond the Field of Dreams: WIPP Programmatic and Regulatory Challenges and Accomplishments, 1999-2005
Inés R. Triay (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 11-13
Technical and Regulatory Challenges in WIPP Compliance Recertification
R. L. Patterson (DOE), S. C. Kouba (Washington Grp Int)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 14-15
Applying and Enhancing the WIPP Transportation System
Casey Gadbury, Chuan-Fu Wu (DOE), Angela Johnson (Washington TRU Sol)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 16-18
Implementation of Administrative Controls for Contact-Handled TRU Waste Operations
Chuan-Fu Wu (DOE), John A. Stanley (CBFO Tech Assistance Contractor)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 19-20
Focus on Communications: Meet the Media-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 21
Focus on Communications: Communications is Science, Too-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 22
Focus on Communications: Speaking to the Media-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 23
Communicating with Your Congressperson or Senator-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 24
Equipment Reliability: A Driving Force in Nuclear Asset Performance-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 27
Track 2: Nuclear Plant Systems, Advanced Energy Research, Operations, and Training
Education and Training: General
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 29
Application of the Evolutionary Matrix Concept to Early Detection of BWR Equipment Malfunction
Javier Ortiz-Villafuerte, Rogelio Castillo-Durán (ININ), Yassin A. Hassan, Elvis E. Domínguez-Ontiveros, Carlos E. Estrada-Pérez (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 31-32
Educating Students on Core Loading with TRIGLAV
William Arthur Wharton III, Sean O'Kelly, Michael Krause (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 33-34
A Global Warming Website to Build Public Support for Nuclear Power
Vagadu Varda (Environmental Activist, Biologist, and Journalist)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 35-36
Bringing Value to the American Nuclear Society: The Employer's and Young Professional's Perspective-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 37
Management Perspectives on the Use of Risk Information in Operational Plant Management-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 38
Small Liquid-Metal-Cooled Fast Reactors
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 39
No Refueling Core Design for the 4S
Yasushi Tsuboi, Tsugio Yokoyama (Toshiba), Nobuyuki Ueda (CRIEPI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 41-42
Development of an Advanced Fuel Subassembly for Non-Refueling Core
Tomonari Koga, Satoshi Nishimura, Izumi Kinoshita (CRIEPI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 43-44
Development of an Extrapolation Method for Longer Metallic Fuel Pin for Non-Refueling Core
Nobuyuki Ueda, Izumi Kinoshita (CRIEPI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 45-46
Reactivity and Power Effects of Fission Gas Release in Pb and Na Cooled ENHS Cores
Ser Gi Hong (KAERI), Ehud Greenspan (Univ of California, Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 47-48
An Economic Analysis of GEN-IV Lead Cooled Fast Reactor
Alan Lamont, Neil Brown (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 49-50
Alternative ENHS Core Designs for Increasing Reactivity Worth of Control Elements
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 51-53
Development of Neutronics Analysis Technique for Non-Refueling Core (Part 1: Critical Experiment)
Shigeaki Okajima, Masahiro Fukushima (JAERI), Toshikazu Takeda (Osaka Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 54-55
Development of Neutronic Analysis Technique for Non-Refueling Core Part 2: Method
Toshikazu Takeda, Takanori Kitada (Osaka Univ), Shigeaki Okajima (JAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 56-58
Development of Neutronic Analysis Technique for Non-Refueling Core Part 3: Burn-Up Calculation
Yasushi Nauchi, Tetsuo Matsumura, Nobuyuki Ueda (CRIEPI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 59
Progress and Review of U.S. Department of Energy Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education Programs-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 60
Training Excellence Awards
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 61
Current Experience in Meeting Training and Workforce Challenges for New Nuclear Power Plants-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 62
Planning a Country's First Power Reactor: Trials and Tribulations-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 63
U.S. Department of Energy Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education Research
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 65
Impact of the DOE INIE Program on the University of Missouri Research Reactor
J. David Robertson (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 67-68
Advances in Radiochemistry Research and Education by WNSA Universities
Alena Paulenova (Oregon State Univ), James T. Elliston (Washington State Univ), Kenneth R. Czerwinski (UNLV)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 69
Aspects of Neutron Depth Profiling at the University of Texas
S. M. Whitney, S. R. Biegalski, B. Hurst, D. S. O'Kelly (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 70-71
Phase Contrast Imaging Progress at the MIT NRL
A. Damato, G. Kohse, R. C. Lanza, Y. Ostrovsky (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 72-73
INIE Big-10 Consortium Enabled Research: A New Physical Model of Two-Phase Transport in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells Using Neutron Imaging at Penn State
M. M. Mench, A. Turhan, K. Heller, K. Ünlü, J. S. Brenizer (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 74-75
Design and Testing of a Prototype Slow Positron Beam at the NC State University PULSTAR Reactor
A. G. Hathaway, A. I. Hawari (NCSU), M. Skalsey, W. E. Friese, R. S. Vallery, D. W. Gidley (Univ of Michigan), J. Xu (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 76-77
Digital Upgrade Issues in an Evolving Technical and Regulatory Environment
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 79
I&C Current and Future Challenges and Opportunities
Joseph Naser (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 81-82
Hybrid Control Rooms - New Guidelines for Addressing Design and Regulatory Issues
Doug Hill (MPR Assoc), Bob Fink (CDF Svc), Joseph Naser (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 83-84
Integrated Approach to I&C Strategic Modernization
Randall May (Consultant), Ken Scarola (Nucl Automation Eng), Ray Torok (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 85-86
An Assessment of the Value of Defense-in-Depth and Diversity in Digital I&C Systems
Dave Blanchard (Applied Reliability Eng), Mark Walz (Ameren UE), Ray Torok (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 87-88
Re-Evaluating the Software Paradigm for Digital I&C Systems
Charles M. Waite, Roger D. Horn (Process Design Consult)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 89-90
A Parametric Study on the Capabilities of Remote Visual Testing for the Nuclear Industry
S. E. Cumblidge, M. T. Anderson, S. R. Doctor (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 91-92
Innovations in Nuclear Engineering Education, Training, and Distance Learning
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 93
The New Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES)
L. J. Bond (INL), R. A. Wharton (Idaho State Univ), A. Kadak (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 95-96
Essay Contest on the Beneficial Applications of Nuclear Science and Technology - A Recipe for Success
Blair P. Bromley (Canadian Nucl Society/Chalk River Branch)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 97-98
The Livermore Summer Course in Non-Proliferation
E. Morse (Univ of California, Berkeley), D. Archer, N. Hutcheon, T. Gosnell, T. Isaacs, S. Labov, C. Shannon (LLNL), S. Binney (Oregon State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 99-100
A New Nuclear Engineering Program in the Idaho Universities
M. L. Dunzik-Gougar (Idaho State Univ/INL), M. J. Lineberry (INL/Idaho State Univ), J. F. Kunze, J. S. Bennion (Idaho State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 101-102
Graduate Level Distance Education in Nuclear Engineering at Penn State University
D. L. Zimmerman, L. E. Hochreiter, M. A. Stark, J. S. Brenizer, Jr. (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 103-105
Distance Learning in the Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics Department at Oregon State University: A Status Report
Stephen E. Binney, Kathryn A. Higley, Todd S. Palmer (Oregon State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 106-107
Online Learning is Greater than Web-Based Training (WBT)
Lorraine F. NewHaven (Westinghouse)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 108-109
Using Full-Scale Virtual Mockups for Nuclear Power Plant Training
Vaughn Whisker, Tim Shaw, Anthony Baratta (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 110-111
Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems Including Nuclear Power 2010: Research and Development
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 113
Power Shaping of a Long-Lived GFR Core Using Diluents
C. S. Handwerk, M. J. Driscoll, P. Hejzlar, P. Yarsky, M. A. Pope (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 115-117
Comparison of AREVA's EPR with a Conventional 4-Loop PWR
Meghan McCloskey, Jennifer Butler, Kevin Barber (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 118-119
Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Coal Gasification Electricity Generation
Jay F. Kunze (Idaho State Univ), Gary M. Sandquist (Univ of Utah)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 120-121
Evaluation of Uncertainty Analysis Techniques for On-Line Sensor Calibration Monitoring and System Diagnosis
Wes Hines, Dustin Garvey, Becky Seibert, Alexander Usynin (Univ of Tennessee), Steven Arndt (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 122-123
Neural Network Mass Inventory Estimator for Feed Control in Helical Steam Generators
J. Michael Doster, Hengliang Shen (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 124-126
EPR Fuel Assemblies: Proven Technology for Advanced Reliability
Bernie Copsey, Eric Francillon, Horst-Dieter Kiehlmann (AREVA)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 127-128
Human Factors: General
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 129
Conceptual Model Design for Computerized In-Field Nuclear Power Plant Procedures
Nicholas J. DiFrancesco, Brian K. Hajek (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 131-133
Development of Methodology for the Evaluation of Relationship Between Safety Culture and Safety Performance
Young Suk Bang, Yong Suk Lee, Chang Hyun Chung (Seoul Natl Univ), Ji Hwan Jeong (Baekseok Coll)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 134-135
Project to Update Section 2, "Generic Knowledges and Abilities," of NUREG-1122
Valerie E. Barnes (Performance, Safety and Health Assoc), Charles W. Sawyer, Jr. (McGuire Nucl Station)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 136-137
Insights into the Role of the Operator in Advanced Reactors
J. Persensky, Paul Lewis (NRC), John O'Hara (BNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 138-139
A New Hybrid Network for Operator Supporting
Kun Mo, Jitae Kim, Poong Hyun Seong (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 140-141
Human Cognitive Process Based Operator Support System Design
Seung Jun Lee, Ji Tae Kim, Poong Hyun Seong (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 142-143
Modeling and Transportation of Radiation in the Environment - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 147
Track 3: Environment, Safety, and Health
Analysis of Tritium Transport in Flooded South Carolina Savannah River Floodplain
Alfred J. Garrett, James S. Bollinger, David W. Hayes (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 149-153
Evaluation of Cs-137 Concentration in Deer from the Savannah River Site and Environs
Donald W. Padgett, Peter D. Fledderman (Westinghouse SRC)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 154
Improved Resuspension Dose Model for RADTRAN Transportation Risk-Assessment Code
Janelle J. Penisten (Univ of Michigan), Ruth F. Weiner (SNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 155-156
Implementing a Monte Carlo Sampling Interface for RADTRAN
Matthew L. Dennis (Univ of Missouri, Rolla), Janelle J. Penisten (Univ of Michigan), Ruth F. Weiner (SNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 157-158
Modeling and Transportation of Radiation in the Environment - II
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 159
MCNP5 Shielding Evaluations of the NUHOMS-24P at the Oconee ISFSI
Dominic G. Napolitano (NISYS), Herschel P. Smith (Duke Power)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 161-162
MCNP5 Dose Rate Evaluations of the Oconee ISFSI
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 163-164
The Environmental Radiation Dose Assessment by a Mobile ERM System
Hee Reyoung Kim, Kun Ho Chung, Wanno Lee, Geun Sik Choi, Young Hyun Cho, Mun Ja Kang, Chang Woo Lee (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 165
GIS Tools for Environmental Restoration Analyses in Site Decommissioning
G. L. Stirewalt, J. C. Shepherd (NRC), A. J. Gross (MANDEX)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 166-169
An Assessment of the Codes Used to Model Radionuclide Release
Vanna Gaffney, Chester Rodrigues, Chakila Tillie, Tica Valdes (SCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 170-171
Nuclear Waste Drum Safety and Issue Management
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 173
Packaging and Shipping TRU Waste Safely: Past, Present and Future
Dermot M. Winters (DNFSB)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 175-176
An Improved Analytical Approach to Determination of the Explosion Effects of Flammable Gas-Air Mixtures
Joong M. Yang (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 177
Review of Hazard Analysis Processes at U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Management Sites
Dae Y. Chung (DOE), C. Brad Evans, Patrice McEahern (Calibre)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 178-179
Subsurface Disposal Area Case Study: Developing Insights to Guide Retrieval Operations
Patrice McEahern, Hopi Salomon (Calibre)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 180
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 181
Proposed Regional Centers for Emergency Response to Support the Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center
Robert P. Addis (SRNL), John L. Merrick, Jr. (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 183-186
Meteorological Support for Emergency Response at the Savannah River Site
Robert P. Addis (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 187-192
Transport of Radionuclides Within an Urban Office Building
G. Sayre, S. Landsberger, S. Biegalski (Univ of Texas, Austin), R. Jubin, J. McFarlane (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 193
Lessons Learnt During DSSNET - Emergency Exercises
Gert Sdouz (Austrian Research Ctrs)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 194-195
The Savannah River National Laboratory's Response During the Graniteville, SC Train Accident
R. P. Addis, C. H. Hunter, M. J. Parker, R. L. Buckley, A. H. Weber (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 196-199
Criticality Safety Emergency Planning
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 201
Recent Evolution of the ANSI/ANS-8.23 Standard for Nuclear Criticality Accident Emergency Planning and Response
James S. Baker (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 203-205
Managing Emergency Planning and Response for Criticality Accidents at CEA
L. Reverdy, J. P. Rzepka, F. Barbry, V. Massé (CEA)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 206-207
Recent Developments in Criticality Emergency Planning and Preparedness
Neil Harris (British Nucl Fuels)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 208-209
First Responders and Criticality Accidents
Valerie L. Putman (INL), Douglas M. Minnema (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 210-212
A Systems Approach to Integrated Safety Management-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 213
A Review of Integrated Safety Management at DOE Nuclear Facilities
Lawrence M. Zull, Daniel L. Burnfield, Matthew B. Moury (DNFSB)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 215-216
Improvements to Hazards Analysis to Support Hazards Reduction Across a Major Nuclear Site
Jim Tisaranni, Nina Adams (Washington Grp Int)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 217-218
Panel Discussion
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 219
Risk-Informed Revisions to 10 CFR 50.46-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 220
Realism in Nuclear Criticality Safety
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 221
Applying Realism to NCS Analyses at the Y-12 National Security Complex
J. J. Lichtenwalter, P. L. Angelo (Y-12 Natl Security Complex)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 223-224
Sources of Nuclear Criticality Safety Unrealism
Burton M. Rothleder (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 225-227
Benefits of Realistic Modelling in Criticality Assessment of Plutonium Contaminated Material
Tristan Thomas (British Nucl Grp Sellafield Limited)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 228-229
Reflected Realism
Nicholas W. Brown, Robert S. Maurer, Derek J. Slagle (Nucl Fuel Svc)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 230-232
Criticality Safety and Disposal of Drummed Waste of Unknown Fissile Contents
Georgina Willock (British Nucl Grp Sellafield Limited)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 233-234
Clearance of Materials from Regulatory Control-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 235
Essential Results of PSA '05-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 236
Data, Analysis, and Operations for Nuclear Criticality Safety - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 237
Accounting for Precipitation in Tanks with Concentration Control
Robert L. Frost (Nucl Safety Assoc), Harry W. Webb (Nucl Fuel Svc)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 239-240
Accounting for Phase Separation in Tanks with Concentration Control
Robert L. Frost (Nucl Safety Assoc)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 241-242
Personal Annunciation Device (PAD) - A Wireless Technology for CAAS Compensatory Notification
Peter L. Angelo (Y-12 Natl Security Complex)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 243-245
A New Shipping Container Design to Ship HEU Parts from TA-18 to DAF
Debdas Biswas (Washington SMS), Paul Blanton (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 246-248
Evaluation of Criticality Safety Reference Values - First Iteration
Dennis Mennerdahl (E M Sys)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 249-250
Decontamination of Process Gloveboxes During D & D
D. G. Erickson (Fluor Government Grp)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 251-252
Data, Analysis, and Operations for Nuclear Criticality Safety - II
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 253
Validation of XSDRN Using Selected OECD U-235 Benchmark Experiments
F. Edward Kendall (NNSA Y-12 Site Office), Robert H. Smith (Y-12 Natl Security Complex), Ronald E. Pevey (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 255-256
Determination of Consistent Benchmarks Used for Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis Applications
J. J. Wagschal (Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem), C. M. Hopper (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 257-259
Critical Mass Experiments with Uranium and Polyethylene
Rene Sanchez, David Loaiza, Robert Kimpland (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 260-262
Using the SCALE 5 TSUNAMI-3D Sequence in Critical Experiment Design
Donald E. Mueller (ORNL), Gary A. Harms (SNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 263-266
ENDF/B Cross-Section Evolution for Criticality Safety Burnup Credit Applications
Douglas G. Bowen (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 267-269
Comparison of Subcritical Measurements from SILENE with Calculated Results
B. Verrey, B. Méchitoua, P. Humbert, S. Combacon (CEA)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 270-271
Bounding Domains for Validation of Criticality Safety Calculations
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 272-275
Demonstration of Benchmark Adequacy for CSAS26 for the US MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility
Robert G. Foster, James J. Bazley (DCS)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 276-278
Disposition of Low-Activity Radioactive Waste-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 279
Emerging Topics in Nuclear Installation Safety Technology
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 281
NPP License Renewal and Aging Management: Lessons Learned Halfway Through
Amy Hull, Jerry Dozier (NRC), Omesh Chopra (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 283-284
The Significant Enhancement in Construction Sequence of Optimized Pressurized Reactor 1000+ in Korea with Area Completion
Jinwon Kim, Jaehee Han (KOPEC)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 285-286
Safety Software Guide Perspectives for the Design of New Nuclear Facilities (U)
Kevin R. O'Kula (Washington SMS), Debra Sparkman (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 287-290
Water Vapor Leak Imaging by Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy
Chris Hovde, Shin-Juh Chen, Mark Paige (Southwest Sciences)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 291
Use of Fuel Cells to Power a High-Reliability GFR ECCS
D. Akkaynak, M. J. Driscoll, P. Hejzlar, G. E. Apostolakis, M. W. Golay, E. G. Cravalho (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 292-293
Effect of Radiation Heat Transfer in Loss-of-Offsite Power (LOOP) Transients for Material Irradiation Capsules in the HFIR
Juan J. Carbajo (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 294-295
Materials and Methods for the Reduction of Backscattered X-Rays
Abdulraheem A. Kinsara (King Abdul Aziz Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 296-297
Climate Policy in the U.S. Senate-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 298
Nuclear Facility Risk Analysis
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 299
Risk Significance of HEMYC® Electrical Raceway Fire Barrier System Failures
Raymond H. V. Gallucci (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 301-304
Using Virtual Engineering Tools to Assess Fire Scenario Hazards
David Muth, Jr., Kenneth M. Bryden (Iowa State Univ), David Buell (OPPD)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 305-306
Development of a Standard HRA Method for PSA
Daeil Kang, Wondea Jung, Jaewhan Kim, Seungchul Jang (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 307-308
On the Use of Importance Measure in Option 2
Kilyoo Kim, Joon-Eon Yang (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 309-310
Grand Gulf Filter Impacts with the Alternative Source Term
Gregory E. Broadbent (Entergy)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 311
Preliminary Analysis on Chemical Compositions Following a Loss-of-Coolant Accident
Jinsuo Zhang, Marc Klasky, Mei Ding, Dong Chen, Jack Dallman, Bruce Letellier (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 312-313
Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards-Forum
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 314
Relationship Between Security and Safety
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 317
Track 4: Security
Challenges in Emergency Preparedness, Safety, Security, and Communications Challenges Post-9/11
Anthony McMurtray (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 319
A Simulation Methodology for the Evaluation of the Physical Protection Systems in Nuclear Power Plants
Chansoo Kim (Seoul Natl Univ), Sangman Kwak (Ajou Univ), Chang-Hyun Chung (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 320-321
Development of a NPP's Security Vulnerability Assessment Tool
Isao Sakaki (Toshiba), Hirohide Chiba (Toshiba Sol)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 322
Radiation Detection Technologies for Homeland Security Applications
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 323
Evaluation of Timed Neutron Detection for Detection of Mines and Other Explosives
J. A. Bamberger, B. E. Schmitt, T. Y. Colgan, R. A. Craig (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 325-326
Artificial Networks for Nuclear Source Characterization
S. Clarke, R. Gao, Y. Xu, L. H. Tsoukalas, T. J. Downar (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 327-328
A Novel Portable Ferroelectric Source of Fast MeV Neutrons for Homeland Security Applications
Andrei G. Lipson, George H. Miley (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 329-330
Emerging Nonproliferation Issues and Compact Reactors
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 331
Quantitative Assessment of Probabilistic Measures for Proliferation Resistance
M. Yue, L. Cheng, R. Bari (BNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 333-335
Nonproliferation Assessment Tool Software
Victoria S. Pratt, Kendra M. Foltz Biegalski, Tomer Pintel, Sheldon Landsberger (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 336-337
The "Atoms for Peace Reactor (AFPR)" - A Proliferation-Resistant, Long-Life, 100 MWe Nuclear Energy System
G. Tsiklauri, T. Shea, A. Waltar, G. Meriwether, D. Newman, Richard Brouns (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 338-339
Nonproliferation Features of the Small Secure Transportable Autonomous Reactor (SSTAR) for Worldwide Sustainable Nuclear Energy Supply
James J. Sienicki, David C. Wade (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 340-341
Control of Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle for LFR Autonomous Load Following
Anton Moisseytsev, James J. Sienicki (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 342-344
Chemical Form of Polonium in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic
Terumitsu Miura, Toru Obara, Hiroshi Sekimoto (Tokyo Inst of Technol)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 345-346
Reactor Physics: General - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 349
Track 5: Nuclear Engineering Science
Calculation of Uranium-236 Penalty for Recycle Uranium Fuels
H. Okan Zabunoglu, Evrim Metin, Yücel Özer Özkök (Hacettepe Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 351-352
Microscopic Cross Section Generation of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors for VISTA Project
Mehmet Tombakoglu, Cihangir Çelik, Mehmet Ceyhan (Hacettepe Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 353-354
Simulation Environment for Space Nuclear Power Systems
Mark Ayres, David L. Wait, Andrew J. Zillmer (Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 355-356
Power Flattening in ARIES-RS Hybrid Reactor
Sümer Sahin (Gazi Univ), Mustafa Übeyli (TOBB Univ of Economics and Technol)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 357-358
Reactor Physics: General - II
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 359
The Interplay of Theory and Experiments in Reactor Physics
M. Salvatores (ANL/CEA)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 361-362
Advanced LWR Multi-Recycle Concepts
E. A. Hoffman, R. N. Hill, T. A. Taiwo (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 363-364
Finding MOX Equivalence to Uranium Fuel Assembly
Ramon Ramirez-Sanchez, Gustavo Alonso (ININ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 365-366
Benchmark Sensitivity Analysis for the Np-237 and HEU Fast System Reflected by Polyethylene
David Loaiza, Rene Sanchez, David Hayes (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 367-368
Comparison of ENDF/B-VI and Initial ENDF/B-VII Results for the MCNPTM Criticality Validation Suite
Russell D. Mosteller (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 369-371
Code-to-Code Benchmark of Coolant Void Reactivity (CVR) in the ACR-700 Reactor
Kevin T. Clarno, Mark L. Williams, Jess C. Gehin (ORNL), Chris Cotton, Deokjung Lee, Tom Downar (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 372-375
BWR Rod Drop Accident Analysis
Arantxa Cuadra, David J. Diamond (BNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 376-377
Cost Evaluation of Power Uprate Due to Reduction of In-Core Power Peaking Factor
Masafumi Adachi, Akio Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Yamane, Yasunori Kitamura (Nagoya Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 378-379
General Two-Phase Flow - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 381
In-Phase and Out-of-Phase Oscillations in BWRs: Impact of Azimuthal and Asymmetry and Second Pair of Eigenvalues
Quan Zhou, Rizwan-uddin (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 383-385
Interfacial Wavy Motion in Film Boiling Heat Transfer from Downward-Facing Surfaces
Chan Soo Kim, Mong Jin Yu, Kune Y. Suh (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 386-387
Advanced Safety Injection System Design for Reduction of Direct Bypass During a LBLOCA
Sang H. Yoon (Philosophia), Kune Y. Suh (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 388-389
Applicability of Scaled Passive Condensation Heat Transfer Data to Prototype
Seungmin Oh, Shripad T. Revankar (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 390-391
Capacitive Thin Film Thickness Probes for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Beds
Hayden C. Olenik, Shripad T. Revankar (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 392
Correlation Factor for the Local Bulk Mean Temperature in a Sub-Channel
F. B. Cheung, D. M. McLaughlin, J. P. Spring, L. E. Hochreiter (Penn State), G. S. Rhee, S. M. Bajorek, J. E. Kelly (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 393-394
General Two-Phase Flow - II
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 395
A Study on Bubble Growth and Bubble Movement in Horizontal Sub-Cooled Boiling Flows
Wen Wu, Peipei Chen, Barclay G. Jones, Ty A. Newell (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 397-398
PIV Measurements in a Matched Refractive Index Packed Bed
E. E. Dominguez-Ontiveros, C. E. Estrada-Perez, Y. A. Hassan, B. Banner, J. Ortiz-Villafuerte (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 399-400
Supercritical Fluid Blowdown Experiment and Preliminary Results
Guillaume Mignot, Mark Anderson, Michael Corradini (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 401-402
An Improved PTV Algorithm to Analyze Single and Two-Phase Turbulent Flows
C. E. Estrada-Pérez, E. E. Domínguez-Ontiveros, J. Ortiz-Villafuerte, Y. A. Hassan (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 403-404
Rod Bundle Heat Transfer Facility - Steam Cooling Test Series
B. R. Lowery, D. M. McLaughlin, L. E. Hochreiter, T. F. Lin, F. B. Cheung (Penn State), G. S. Rhee, S. M. Bajorek, J. M. Kelly (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 405-407
Phenomenological Investigation of Gas-Liquid Flows
Mark K. Ho, Guan H. Yeoh (ANSTO)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 408-409
Current Issues in Computational Methods-Roundtable
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 410
Advances in Radiation Transport and Physics for Radiation Detection Simulation
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 411
Transport Method Challenges in Radiation Detection Scenario Analysis
L. Eric Smith, Christopher J. Gesh, Richard T. Pagh (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 413-414
Computer Modeling of Radiation Portal Monitors for Homeland Security Applications
R. T. Pagh, R. T. Kouzes, R. J. McConn, Jr., S. M. Robinson, J. E. Schweppe, E. R. Siciliano (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 415-418
Coupled Deterministic/Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiation Transport and Detector Response
C. J. Gesh, G. H. Meriwether, R. T. Pagh, L. E. Smith (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 419-422
Detector Response Function Status and Needs
Robin P. Gardner (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 423-424
Production of Vacancies in SiC Detectors After Irradiation with Monoenergetic Neutrons
B. Khorsandi, T. E. Blue, J. Kulisek, W. Windl, D. Miller (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 425-426
Application of Duality Principles to Solve Inverse Particle Transport Problem: A Framework
Jean C. Ragusa (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 427-429
MCNPX Deconvolution Tallies
John S. Hendricks, Gregg W. McKinney (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 430-432
Student Design Competition
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 433
Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch for Aqueous Nuclear Waste Slurry Vaporization
S. D. Ramsey, D. L. Rokusek, C. A. Tomchik, Y. Wu (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 437-438
Two-Step Mercury/Uranium Carbide Target for a Rare Isotope Accelerator
M. W. Francis, B. S. Catalanotto, J. M. Cole, G. E. Balagtas, N. J. Devaser, J. T. Pope (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 439-440
PWR Fuel Rod Optimization and Transient Calculations with FUELROD
Meghan McCloskey, Rodolfo Ferrer, Kevin Barber (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 443-444
Conceptual Design Study of a Rare Isotope Producing Assembly for the Proposed Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) Facility
R. Woolley, Z. Faiztompkins, R. Kopenec, G. Sweder (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 445-446
U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Engineering Education Research Highlights - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 447
Effect of Tube Diameter on Condensation in a Passive Condenser Tube
Shripad T. Revankar, Haijing Gao (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 449-450
Horizontal Heat Exchanger Scaling for Passive Containment Heat Removal System Experiments
Yong Jae Song, Karen Vierow (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 451-452
Energy-Loss Straggling for Electrons and Positrons Using Moment Preserving Methods
Lee T. Harding, Anil K. Prinja (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 453-455
Efficiency of Variance Reduction Schemes for Monte Carlo Isotopic Inventory Analysis
Phiphat Phruksarojanakun, Paul P. H. Wilson (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 456-457
Progress Report on the Development of Time Dependent Neutral Particle Transport Benchmarks in Two and Three Dimensions
B. D. Ganapol (Univ of Arizona)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 458-460
Improving Monte Carlo Source Convergence with the Functional Expansion Technique
David P. Griesheimer, Jesse Cheatham, James Paul Holloway, William R. Martin (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 461-463
Advanced Reactor Passive Emergency Core Cooling System Stratified Flow Experiments Project No: DE-FG07-03ID14500
Hiral Kadakia, Brian Williams, Richard R. Schultz (Idaho State Univ), Jim C. P. Liou (Univ of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 464-465
U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Engineering Education Research Highlights - II
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 467
Enhanced Thermal Conductivity for LWR Fuel
Jamil A. Khan, Sujan B. Pakala, Travis W. Knight (Univ of South Carolina), James S. Tulenko (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 469-470
Corrosion Performance of Surface Modified Materials for Lead-Cooled Reactors
McLean Machut, Kumar Sridharan (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison), Ning Li (LANL), Todd Allen (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 471-472
Dislocation - Radiation Obstacle Interactions: Developing Improved Mechanical Property Constitutive Models
I. M. Robertson (Univ of Illinois), B. D. Wirth (Univ of California, Berkeley), C. M. Li, Blythe Clark (Univ of Illinois), J. A. Vandersall (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 473
On Using Electrochemistry to Predict Activity Transport in PWRs
Jonathan S. Pitt, Mirna Urquidi-Macdonald, Digby D. Macdonald, John H. Mahaffy (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 474
The Simulation of Electrochemistry to Predict the Accumulated Damages in BWRs
HanSang Kim, Digby D. Macdonald, Mirna Urquidi-Macdonald (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 475
Results to Date on Radiolytically-Induced Novel Materials and Their Application to Waste Processing
Akira T. Tokuhiro, Massimo F. Bettino, Tadashi Tokuhiro (Univ of Missouri, Rolla)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 476-477
Short-Term Rupture and Biaxial Creep Studies of Recrystallized Zircaloy-4 Tubing
B. Marple, I. Charit, J. Yan, S. Gollapudi, K. L. Murty (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 478-479
U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Engineering Education Research Highlights - III
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 481
Model Predictive Control of Space Nuclear Reactor Systems
B. R. Upadhyaya, K. Zhao, X. Xu (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 483-484
Novel Photocatalytic Energy Converter for Nuclear Safeguards Applications
Douglas A. Kinsman, John R. White, Thomas M. Regan, Leo M. Bobek (Univ of Massachusetts Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 485-486
Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Aerosol Dynamics III: Coagulation and Source Reinforcement
Geethpriya Palaniswaamy, Sudarshan K. Loyalka (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 487-488
Scattered Neutron Tomography Based on a Neutron Transport Inverse Problem
S. Vittorio, W. S. Charlton (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 489-490
Development of a Pyroelectric Neutron Source
Jeffrey A. Geuther, Yaron Danon (RPI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 491-492
Status of an Inverse Approach for Normal and Coincidence PGNAA
Xiaogang Han, Robin P. Gardner (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 493-495
Determination of Hydrogen Content by PGAA in Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials
Emilio Alvarez II, Arumugam Manthiram, Steven R. Biegalski, Sheldon Landsberger (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 496-497
Transport Methods: General
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 499
AGENT Code: New Features and Benchmark Tests
Mathieu Hursin, Alison Burns, John Hopkins, Tatjana Jevremovic (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 501-502
Weight Window Generation for Photon Electron Coupled Transport with Photon Source and Electron Detection
Taro Ueki (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 503-505
Yet Another Optimum Polar Angle Quadrature Set for the Method of Characteristics
Masato Tabuchi, Akio Yamamoto, Tomohiro Endo (Nagoya Univ), Naoki Sugimura, Tadashi Ushio, Masaaki Mori (NEL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 506-507
Variance Calculations for Electron Energy Straggling in Binary Statistical Media
Erin D. Fichtl, Anil K. Prinja (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 508-510
New Eigenvalue Evaluation Technique in the Heterogeneous Coarse Mesh Transport Method
Benoit Forget, Farzad Rahnema (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 511-513
Probabilistic and Generalized Regression Neural Networks for Non-Multiplying Material Identification
Roberto Furfaro, Barry Ganapol (Univ of Arizona)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 514-516
Adaptive Angular Resolution for the Finite Element-Spherical Harmonics Method
HyeongKae Park, Cassiano R. E. de Oliveira (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 517-519
Stability and Monotonicity Conditions for Linear, Grey, 0-D Implicit Monte Carlo Calculations
Scott W. Mosher, Jeffery D. Densmore (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 520-522
Thermal Hydraulics Code Development and Application - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 523
Extended COBRA-TF and Its Application to Non-LOCA Analysis
C. E. Park, S. Y. Lee, S. W. Kim, C. J. Choi, E. K. Kim (KOPEC)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 525-526
COBRA-TF Analysis of the High Flux Reactor Hot Channel for a Postulated Large-Break Loss of Coolant Accident
Sule Ergun, Jason G. Williams, Lawrence E. Hochreiter (Penn State), Hergen T. Wiersema, Marek M. Stempniewicz, Marcel L. F. Slootman (NRG)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 527-528
Prediction of Thermal Mixing by Steam Discharging into Water Tank
Young-Seok Bang, An-Dong Shin, In-Goo Kim, Sweng-Woong Woo (KINS), Chul Hwa Song (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 529
Verification of Whole Core Sub-Channel Analysis in LMR Systems Codes
Floyd E. Dunn, James E. Cahalan (ANL), Dohee Hahn, Hae-yong Jeong (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 530-531
Architectural Advancements in RELAP5-3D
George L. Mesina (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 532-533
Coupled COBRA-TF/RELAP5-3D Prediction of the LOFT L2-5 Experiment
Jason G. Williams, Lawrence E. Hochreiter (Penn State), Rodney J. Kushner, David L. Aumiller (Bechtel Bettis)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 534-535
Modifications to COBRA-TF to Model Dispersed Flow Film Boiling with Two Flow, Five Field Eulerian-Eulerian Approach
Sule Ergun, John H. Mahaffy, Lawrence E. Hochreiter (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 536-537
Assessment of TRACE 4.050 Using UPTF Bypass Tests
A. D. Shin, C. W. Huh, I. G. Kim (KINS), Stephen M. Bajorek (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 538
Thermal Hydraulics Code Development and Application - II
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 539
Multiple Parallel Solvers in a CFD Code Using PETSc
Daniel T. Rock, Rizwan-uddin (Univ of Illinois), Constantine P. Tzanos (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 541-542
Evaluation of Minimum Droplets Size on Cladding Temperature During Reflood
C. K. Nithianandan, J. R. Biller (AREVA)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 543-544
The Effect of Boundary and Initial Conditions on the Transport of a Scalar in a Turbulent Developing Flow Through a Straight Tube
V. Vishnu Karthik, Y. A. Hassan, A. R. McFarland (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 545-546
Preliminary Uprate Study of the University of Missouri-Rolla Reactor
C. M. Carroll, A. T. Tokuhiro (Univ of Missouri, Rolla)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 547-548
Developing a Fully Integrated Training System for Severe Accident Management Using the MELCOR Code
Ko Ryu Kim, Sun Hee Park, Dong Ha Kim (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 549-550
A Restructuring of the MELCOR HS Package for the MIDAS Computer Code
Sunhee Park, Ko Ryu Kim, Dong Ha Kim (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 551-552
Computational Methods: General - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 553
A Potential Issue Involving the Application of the Unit Base Transformation to the Interpolation of Secondary Energy Distributions
T. M. Sutton, T. H. Trumbull (Lockheed Martin)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 555-556
Convergence Criteria of Inactive Cycle Monte Carlo Calculations
Hyung Jin Shim, Chang Hyo Kim (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 557-559
Intergenerational Correlations in Monte Carlo Neutronics Calculations
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 560-562
Extension of MacMillan's Approach to Autocorrelation Estimation of Monte Carlo Fission Sources
Brian R. Nease, Taro Ueki (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 563-565
Biased Reaction Branching Variance Reduction for Monte Carlo Isotopic Inventory Methods
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 566-567
Models for the Interpretation of Local Flux Measurements in Subcritical Systems
Sandra Dulla, Matteo M. Rostagno, Piero Ravetto (Politecnico di Torino)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 568-570
Computational Methods: General - II
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 571
Escape Probabilities in X-Y-Z Geometry
R. D. M. Garcia (HSH Scientific Computing/IEA)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 573-574
Implementation of an On-Line Reactor Power Monitoring System Using CTPS
Mihaela Biro, Tunc Aldemir (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 575-577
Screening Technique for Loading Pattern Optimization by Simulated Annealing
Tong Kyu Park (Seoul Natl Univ), Hyun Chul Lee, Hyung Kook Joo (KAERI), Chang Hyo Kim (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 578-579
Coupling of a 2-D Nodal Method to Parallel Boiling Channels
Miguel Ceceñas-Falcón (IIE), Edmundo del Valle Gallegos (IPN), Rina M. Campos González (IIE)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 580-581
Discrete Ordinates Singular Characteristic Tracking Algorithm
Jose I. Duo, Yousry Y. Azmy (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 582-584
Adaptive hp- Mesh Refinement Applied to 1-D, One-Group Diffusion Problems
Yaqi Wang, Jean C. Ragusa (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 585-587
Identification of Unknown Densities in a Source/Shield System Using the Schwinger Inverse Method
Jeffrey A. Favorite (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 588-589
An Iterative Method for Simulation of Dynamic Behavior in Fast Burst Reactors
S. C. Wilson, S. R. Biegalski (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 590-591
Radiation Protection and Shielding: General
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 593
Analysis of Emulsion Coating Effectiveness for -Particle Attenuation
Charles A. Sparrow, Donna M. Rogers (Mississippi State Univ), Victor F. Medina (U.S. Army Corps of Eng)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 595-597
Determining Heavy Ion Fragmentation Cross Sections by the Use of Weak Factorization
John R. Edwards, Lawrence W. Townsend (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 598-599
Thermal Neutron Collimated Beam Line
Eric Burgett, Nolan E. Hertel, W. Lee (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 600-602
MCNP Model of the Semiconductor Device Characterization Vessel in BP1 of the OSURR
Joshua Sroka, Thomas E. Blue, Andrew Kauffman (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 603-604
Predictions of Radiation Damage in SiC Neutron Power Monitors in IRIS
D. Berens, B. Khorsandi (Ohio State), B. Lohan (Westinghouse), T. E. Blue, D. W. Miller (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 605-606
Radiation Damage in SiC Neutron Power Monitors in the GT-MHR
T. E. Blue (Ohio State), B. Lohan (Westinghouse), B. Khorsandi, D. W. Miller (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 607-609
Glovebox Glove Optimization
M. A. Griffin, S. Landsberger (Univ of Texas, Austin), M. E. Cournoyer (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 610-611
Comparison of Damage in SiC and Si: Proton Versus Neutron Radiation
Jonathan Kulisek, Behrooz Khorsandi, Thomas E. Blue (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 612-613
Reactor Analysis Methods
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 615
Effect of Anisotropic Scattering in PWR/APWR Radial-Reflector Calculations
Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ), Naoki Sugimura, Tadashi Ushio (NEL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 617-618
Three-Dimensional Cross-Section Generation for TRIGA Core Analysis
N. Kriangchaiporn, K. N. Ivanov (Penn State), A. Haghighat (Univ of Florida), C. F. Sears (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 619-621
LWR Equilibrium Cycle Search Methodology for Global Fuel Cycle Analysis
Reuben T. Sorensen, John C. Lee (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 622-623
The Analytic Function Expansion Nodal (AFEN) Method in Cylindrical (r,,z) Geometry for Pebble Bed Reactors
Nam Zin Cho, Joo Hee Lee, Jaejun Lee (KAIST), Do Sam Kim (KINS)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 624-626
Exploration of Mathematical Methods for Fine Group Reconstruction of the Net Leakage and Flux in Pebble Bed Reactors
Nathanael Hudson, Farzad Rahnema (Georgia Tech), Abderrafi M. Ougouag, Hans D. Gougar (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 627-629
Burnup Dependent Core Calculations via MCNP-4b
Aydin Karahan, Mehmet Tombakoglu (Hacettepe Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 630-631
Thermal Hydraulics of Generation IV Reactors
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 633
Normal and Deteriorated Heat Transfer Correlations for Supercritical Fluids
S. K. Yang, H. F. Khartabil (AECL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 635-637
AREVA's Activities Related to VHTR Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis Using RELAP5-3D
Robert P. Martin, Jamal Abdelghany, Dominique Petit (AREVA)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 638-640
Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of a Gas Test Loop System
Donna Post Guillen, James E. Fisher (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 641-642
Optimized Battery-Type Reactor Integral System Design for Sustainable Energy Development
Il S. Lee, Myoung S. Sohn, Kune Y. Suh (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 643-644
Advanced Intermediate Heat Transport Loop Design Configurations for Hydrogen Production Using High Temperature Nuclear Reactors
Chang H. Oh, Cliff Davis (INL), Robert Barner (Texas A&M), Paul Pickard (SNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 645-646
Supercritical Water Heat Transfer
Jeremy R. Licht, Mark H. Anderson (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 647-648
Performance Analysis of Gas-Injection Enhanced Natural Circulation in STAR-LM
Y.-J. Yoo, Q. Wu, J. N. Reyes, Jr. (Oregon State Univ), J. J. Sienicki (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 649-650
Linear Stability Analysis of Gas-Injection Enhanced Natural Circulation in STAR-LM
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 651-653
Reactor Physics Design, Validation, and Operating Experience
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 655
Investigation of Increased HEU Loading on the Fuel Cycle of the High Flux Isotope Reactor
Ned Xoubi, G. Ivan Maldonado (Univ of Cincinnati), R. T. Primm III (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 657-659
Validation of Improved 3D ATR Model
Soon S. Kim, Bruce G. Schnitzler (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 660-661
Designing a Gas Test Loop for the Advanced Test Reactor
James R. Parry (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 662-663
Accuracy Evaluation of Pin Exposure Calculations in Current LWR Core Design Codes (Phase 2)
Vuyani Xulubana, Chanatip Tippayakul, Kostadin Ivanov, Samuel Levine (Penn State), Moussa Mahgerefteh (Exelon)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 664-666
Within-Pin 238U-Capture Distributions: CASMO-4 and MCNP vs. Activation Foil Measurements
K. Macku (Paul Scherrer Inst/EPFL), F. Jatuff, M. Murphy, P. Grimm (Paul Scherrer Inst), O. P. Joneja, R. Chawla (Paul Scherrer Inst/EPFL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 667-668
Neutronics Design of a Erbia Bearing Super High-Burnup Fuel Assembly for Pressurized Water Reactors
Atsushi Shimoura, Masaaki Mori (NEL), Hayato Takabatake (Kansai Electric Power)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 669-670
Optimization of Aluminum-Metal Fueled Fast Reactor Cores for Inherent Safety
Tsugio Yokoyama (AITEL), Moriyasu Tokiwai (CRIEPI), Hisashi Ninokata, Hiroshi Endo (Tokyo Inst of Technol)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 671-672
Optimum Core Size vs. Fuel Volume Fraction of a Long-Life Pb-Cooled Fast Reactor
S. J. Kim (KAERI), W. S. Yang, J. J. Sienicki (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 673-674
Thermal Hydraulics: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 675
CFD Validation of Flow Regimes in an Idealized Lower-Plenum Model
Joshua D. Hodson, Eric V. Thorson, Robert E. Spall, Barton L. Smith (Utah State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 677-678
Thermocouples for High Temperature In-Pile Testing
J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, K. G. Condie (INL), S. C. Wilkins (Consultant)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 679-680
Benchmarking the MELCOR Radiative Heat Transfer Model with FLUENT
E. J. Artnak, S. R. Biegalski, J. R. Howell (Univ of Texas, Austin), R. Gauntt, K. C. Wagner (SNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 681-682
Using Coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics and Systems Analysis Tools to Evaluate Fluid Behavior in Advanced Reactor Systems
Richard R. Schultz, Walter L. Weaver (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 683-684
Analysis of the Applicability of the ANL NSTF Facility for the Simulation of the NGNP RCCS
Constantine P. Tzanos (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 685-687
Simulation of Linear Slot Virtual Impactor Performance
Sridhar Hari, Y. A. Hassan, A. R. McFarland (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 688-692
Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation of a Cyclone
Shishan Hu, A. R. McFarland, Y. A. Hassan (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 693-695
Preserving the Repository: Closing the Fuel Cycle in the United States-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 699
Track 6: Fuel Cycles, Materials, and Decommissioning
Data Needs for Transportation of Spent Fuel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 701
Assessment of Data Availability and Data Needs for Spent Fuel Transportation
Joseph Y. R. Rashid (ANATECH), Albert J. Machiels (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 703-704
Radial Hydride-Induced Embrittlement in High-Burnup Spent-Fuel Zircaloy-4 Cladding
Robert S. Daum, Saurin Majumdar, Yung Y. Liu, Michael C. Billone (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 705-706
Mechanical Properties for Irradiated Zircaloy
Kenneth J. Geelhood, Carl E. Beyer (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 707-708
Properties of Titanium-Nitride for High Level Waste Packaging Enhancement
Candice C. Scheffing, Man-Sung Yim, Mohammed Bourham, Jagannadham Kasichainula (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 709-710
Assessment of Spent Nuclear Fuel at the Potential Yucca Mountain Repository
T. Ahn (NRC), V. Jain (Ctr for Nucl Waste Regulatory Analyses)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 711-712
Yucca Mountain Project Total System Model
Stephen L. Turner (TerranearPMC), Scott Gillespie (Bechtel SAIC)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 713-714
Regulatory Update-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 715
Evaluation of Recent Transmutation Scenarios for Partitioning/Transmutation of Actinides and Heat-Generating Fission Products
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 717
Advanced Fuel Cycle Scenarios for Nuclear Waste Management
M. T. Peters, R. N. Hill, A. M. Yacout (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 719-720
Methodology for Uncertainty Analysis of Advanced Fuel Cycles and Preliminary Results
L. F. Miller (Univ of Tennessee), Luc Van Den Durpel, A. M. Yacout (ANL), F. R. Mynatt, G. Sweder, T. Anderson (Univ of Tennessee), Robert Hill (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 721-722
A Deep-Burn, Sub-Critical, Gas-Cooled Fast Transmutation Reactor
W. Stacey, J. Maddox, Z. Abbasi, C. Boyd, A. Bridges, E. Burgett, M. Cymber, S. Fowler, A. Jones, R. Kelm, R. Kern, J. Lackey, D. Lassiter, W. Murphy, H. Park, J. Pounders, J. Preston, D. Tedder (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 723-724
A Once Recycle Commercial Waste Disposition Fuel Cycle Utilizing Thorium
Samuel E. Bays (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 725-726
Thorium MOX as a Plutonium and Transuranic Disposition Matrix - A Fresh Look
Samuel E. Bays, J. Stephen Herring, Benjamin Schmitt, Andrew Goldmann (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 727-728
Thermodynamic Simulation of Brine Chemistry on Repository High-Level Waste
T. Ahn (NRC), R. Pabalan, V. Jain, L. Yang (Ctr for Nucl Waste Regulatory Analyses)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 729-730
Environmental Impact of Yucca Mountain Repository
Joonhong Ahn, Leah M. Ackerman (Univ of California, Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 731-732
U.S. Department of Energy Cleanup Program Update-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 733
Separations and Fuel Fabrication Technologies for Advanced Fuel Cycles
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 735
Economics, Repository Impact, and Proliferation Resistance Comparisons of Fuel Cycle Concepts
Jun Li, Man-Sung Yim, David McNelis (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 737-738
Development of the UREX+2 Flowsheet - An Advanced Separations Process for Spent Fuel Processing
E. D. Collins, D. E. Benker, L. K. Felker, R. D. Taylor, G. D. Del Cul, B. B. Spencer, W. D. Bond, D. O. Campbell (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 739-740
Electrochemical Co-Collection of Uranium and Zirconium in Mk-IV Electrorefiner for Treating Spent EBR-II Driver Fuel
S. X. Li, T. A. Johnson, Brian R. Westphal, K. M. Goff, R. W. Benedict (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 741-742
Zirconium Matrix Cermet Storage Form and Transmutation Fuel for Transuranics
Sean M. McDeavitt, D. T. Kraemer, A. Parkinson, A. R. Totemeier, J. J. Wegener (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 743-744
Reliability Analysis of a Robotic Workcell for Transmuter Fuel Fabrication
Georg F. Mauer, Jamil Renno (UNLV)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 745-746
Light Water Reactor Transmutation Fuel Irradiation Experiment (LWR-2)
William J. Carmack, Debra J. Utterbeck (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 747-749
Nuclear Fuel Performance Modeling and Benchmarking
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 751
Performance Modeling of Enhanced Thermal Conductivity Oxide Fuel Rods
Kevin McCoy, Claude Mays (Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 753-754
RECON-T: REdistribution of CONstituents in a Ternary U-Pu-Zr Fuel
Yeon Soo Kim (ANL), S. L. Hayes (INL), G. L. Hofman, A. M. Yacout (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 755-756
FRAPTRAN Predictions of Cladding Failure in Accident Conditions
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 757-758
FRAPCON-3 Corrosion Models for M5TM and ZIRLOTM PWR Cladding
Donald D. Lanning (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 759-760
First Principle Plane-Wave Pseudopotential Calculation of Point Defects in PuO2-X
Kenji Konashi (Tohoku Univ), Masato Kato (JNC), Satoshi Minamoto (CRC Sol)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 761
Hot Topics and Emerging Issues-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 762
Advanced Head-End Improvements for Processing Spent Nuclear Fuels and Recycling
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 763
Advanced Head-End Processing of Spent Fuel: A Hybrid Front-End
Guillermo D. Del Cul, Rodney D. Hunt, Barry B. Spencer, Emory D. Collins (ORNL), Brian Westphal, Karen Howden (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 765-766
Processing of Spent TRISO-Coated Reactor Fuels: Mechanical Head-End for Grind-Leach Process
Barry B. Spencer, Guillermo D. Del Cul, Catherine H. Mattus, Emory D. Collins (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 767-768
Acid Treatment of Zeolite for Krypton Gas Adsorption
Jin-Myeong Shin, Jang-Jin Park, Myung-Seung Yang (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 769
DRYSM Disposition of Surplus Nuclear Material
Loretta H. Arbogast, J. Doug Davis, Norman P. Jacob (Nucl Fuel Svc)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 770-771
Recycling Facility for HE UF6 & Other Legacy HEU Materials
Michael A. Rush (Nucl Fuel Svc)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 772
Gas Reactor Fuels and Materials
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 773
Gas Fast Reactor Fuel Development
Randall Fielding, Mitchell Meyer, Ramprashad Prabhakaran (INL), Tim Miller (ORNL), Sean McDeavitt (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 775-776
Property Versus Process Trends for Inner-Pyrocarbon Layers in TRISO-Coated Particle Fuel
J. D. Hunn, R. A. Lowden (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 777-778
Investigation of the Molecular Dynamics of Silicon Carbide at High Temperatures
V. H. Gillette, A. I. Hawari (NCSU), A. M. Ougouag (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 779-780
Fission Product Corrosion of Carbide and Nitride Materials
Paul A. Demkowicz, David A. Petti, Jason A. Kopp (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 781-782
Estimating Fracture Toughness in Heat Treated Ceramics Being Evaluated for Advanced Fuel Materials
Hannah Yount, Todd Allen (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 783-784
Investigation of the Effect of Carbon Interstitials on Thermal Neutron Scattering in Graphite
A. I. Hawari, I. I. Al-Qasir (NCSU), A. M. Ougouag (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 785-787
Development Capability for Commercial Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor (AGR) Fuels
C. Jason Pierce, C. Eugene Athon, Jr. (Nucl Fuel Svc)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 788
Lessons Learned from Near-Complete Decommissionings-Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 789
Medical Physics: From Research to Innovation to Clinical Application - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 793
Track 7: Nonpower, Medical, and Radiation Applications
Monte Carlo Analysis of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for the Treatment of Breast Cancer
Daniel Mundy, Tatjana Jevremovic (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 795-796
Monte Carlo Simulation of Low-Energy X-Ray Microbeam Interactions with a Single Cell
S. Clarke, T. Jevremovic (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 797-798
Medical Physics Calculations with MCNPTM: A Primer
Alexis D. Lazarine (Texas A&M), Tim Goorley (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 799-800
Comparison of 3-D Deterministic and Monte Carlo Cross Sections for Medical Physics Problems
A. Al-Basheer, M. Ghita, G. Sjoden, B. Dionne (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 801-803
Medical Physics: From Research to Innovation to Clinical Application - II
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 805
Initial Performance Characterization for a Thermalized Neutron Beam for Neutron Capture Therapy Research at Washington State University
D. W. Nigg (INL), P. E. Sloan (Univ of Illinois), J. R. Venhuizen, C. A. Wemple (INL), G. E. Tripard, K. Fox, E. Corwin (Washington State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 807-809
Development of a Long-Filament Line X-Ray Source for Diffraction Enhanced Imaging (DEI) for Mammography and General Radiography
Xiaoqin Wang, Mohamed A. Bourham, J. Michael Doster (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 810-811
Calibration of Semiconductor Detector for In-Vivo Dosimetry
Sa'ami Alshaikh (King Abdul Aziz Univ), Belal Moftah (King Faisal Specialist Hospital Research Ctr), A. A. Kinsara (King Abdul Aziz Univ), Zeinab Eltaher, M. Naseem (King Faisal Specialist Hospital Research Ctr)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 812-813
Application of European Commission Reference Dose Levels in Some Common CT Examinations in King Abdul Aziz University Hospital
M. M. Qronfla, A. A. Kinsara, A. A. Maimani, W. H. Abulfaraj, S. I. Bhuiyan, E. Elmohor (King Abdul Aziz Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 814-815
Isotopes and Radiation: General
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 817
WIPP Certification of a New SuperHENC Box Counter at Hanford
Naeem M. Abdurrahman (Fluor Hanford), Alan P. Simpson, Steve Barber (BIL Sol)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 819-820
Development of a Dual 14 MeV Neutron Generator Facility
W. D. James (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 821-822
Monte Carlo Analysis of the Impact of Random Summing on Passive Assay of Pebble Bed Reactor Fuel
Jianwei Chen (Idaho State Univ), A. I. Hawari (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 823-825
Development of Efficient Oxygen Isotope Separation Process Using Membrane Distillation
Jaewoo Kim, Hwa-Rim Choi, Dae-Sik Chang, Do-Young Jeong (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 826
An Expedited, Robust Method for the Electrodeposition of Actinides
A. Plionis, D. Haas, S. Landsberger (Univ of Texas, Austin), G. Brooks (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 827-828
Nuclear Analytical Measurements on the Road to Food Safety - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 829
Uses of NAA in the Development of Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for Dietary Supplements
Rabia O. Spatz, Rolf Zeisler (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 831
Uranium in Environmental Water and Its Health Effects
Momoko Chiba (Juntendo Univ), Satoshi Fukuda (Natl Inst of Radiological Sciences)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 832-834
Development of a Transportable System for Measuring Radioactive Contamination in Food
William Cunningham (FDA)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 835
Potassium Transfer from Coffee and Tea to Infusions by K-40 Detection
Juan Manuel Navarrete (UNAM)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 836
Determination of Long-Lived Plutonium in Seaweed by TIMS
Hiromu Kurosaki, Iisa Outola, Kenneth G. W. Inn (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 837
How Safe are Medicinal Herbs? Elemental Characterization of Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations by INAA
A. N. Garg, R. Paul Choudhury (Indian Inst of Technol)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 838-839
Nuclear Analytical Measurements on the Road to Food Safety - II
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 841
Radionuclide Uptakes by Vegetables Cultivated Under Different Agriculture Managements
F. C. A. Ribeiro (Nucl Sciences Regional Ctr), D. C. Lauria, A. C. Ferreira (Inst of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 843
Translocation of Major and Trace Elements in Espresso Coffee Assessed by INAA
Fábio S. Tagliaferro, Elisabete A. De Nadai Fernandes, Márcio A. Bacchi (Univ of São Paulo, CENA)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 844-845
True Coincidence Correction for INAA of Plant Material Using Well-Type Detector
Adriano Di Piero Filho, Márcio A. Bacchi, Elisabete A. De Nadai Fernandes (Univ of São Paulo, CENA)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 846-847
Detection of Irradiated Food by Photostimulated Luminescence Screening System
Abdulraheem A. Kinsara (King Abdulaziz Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 848-850
Lanthanum Detected in Orange Juices: Safe or Dangerous?
Christian Turra, Elisabete A. De Nadai Fernandes, Fábio S. Tagliaferro, Márcio A. Bacchi (Univ of São Paulo, CENA)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 851-852
Concentration of Trace Elements in Human Milk in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
S. M. Farid, S. Alsaedi, M. Halawani, A. A. Kinsara (King Abdulaziz Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 853-854
Impact of Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education on University Research Reactors - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 855
Installation and Testing of the Neutron Powder Diffractometer at the NC State University PULSTAR Reactor
R. Berliner, A. I. Hawari (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 857-859
Water Quantification Using Neutron Imaging
K. Heller, P. A. Chuang, J. Brenizer, K. Ünlü (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 860-861
Enhancing Reactor Facility Utilization at the University of Missouri-Rolla Reactor
Akira T. Tokuhiro, William E. Bonzer, Daniel Estel, Brian J. Porter (Univ of Missouri, Rolla)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 862-863
Design and Applications of an Ultra Cold Neutron Source at the NC State University PULSTAR Reactor
E. Korobkina, B. W. Wehring, A. I. Hawari, A. R. Young, P. R. Huffman, R. Golub, Yanping Xu (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 864-865
A Comparison of Charged Particle Detectors Using Neutron Depth Profiling
Michael E. Peretich (James Madison Univ), R. Gregory Downing (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 866-867
Design of the New Analytical Cold-Neutron Beam Line at NCNR
Richard M. Lindstrom, Christoph Brocker, Elizabeth A. Mackey, Rick L. Paul, R. Gregory Downing (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 868
Impact of Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education on University Research Reactors - II
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 869
Operational Benchmarks for a Monte Carlo Model of the University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor
Paul W. Humrickhouse, Paul P. H. Wilson (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 871-872
Research and Virtual Reactor Design at UIUC
John Griffith, Jianwei Hu, Nick Karancevic, Federico E. Teruel, Yizhou Yan, James Stubbins, Rizwan-uddin (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 873-875
Design and Testing of a Neutron Imaging Facility at the NC State University PULSTAR Reactor
K. K. Mishra, A. I. Hawari, V. H. Gillette (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 876-877
Determination of Power Peaking Factors for Replacement Fuel for the PULSTAR Reactor at NCSU
L. F. Miller, R. E. Pevey, M. L. Miller (Univ of Tennessee), A. I. Hawari (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 878-879
Neutron Radiography Development at The University of Texas at Austin TRIGA Reactor
S. R. Biegalski, L. Cao, D. A. Haas, D. S. O'Kelly (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 880-881
The Use of k0 Factors in Cold Neutron Prompt Gamma-Ray Activation Analysis
Rick Paul (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 882-883
Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 885
Nuclear Reaction Pathways Resulting from Phonon Interactions
Peter L. Hagelstein (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 887-888
Evidence for Intense Soft X-Ray Emission from a Hydride Target Undergoing Intense Deuteron Bombardment
G. H. Miley (Univ of Illinois), A. G. Lipson (Univ of Illinois/Russian Acad of Sciences), R. Smith (Oakton Int), W. Helgeston (New Mexico Tech), H. Hora (Univ of New South Wales), N. Luo, Y. Yang, M. Sorice (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 889-890
Dual Ohmic Controls Improve Understanding of "Heat After Death"
Mitchell R. Swartz, Gayle Verner (JET Thermal Products)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 891-892
Bose-Einstein Fusion Mechanism for Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction and Transmutation Processes in Micro- and Nano-Scale High-Density Deuteron Quantum Plasmas
Yeong E. Kim, Alexander L. Zubarev (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 893
Coherent Zener Breakdown and Tunneling in Finite Lattices: Why Nano-Scale PdD Crystals Can Turn-on Faster
Scott R. Chubb (Naval Research Lab)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 894
Three Types of dd Fusion
Talbot A. Chubb (Research Physicist)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 895
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions: Experimental Evidence and Theoretical Limitations
David J. Nagel (George Washington Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 896
Experiments in Support of Accelerator Applications
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 899
Track 8: Emerging Nuclear Technologies
Phase IV of the RACE Project - European Collaborations
Denis E. Beller (Idaho State Univ), Joachim U. Knebel (FZK)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 901-902
Accelerator Driven Subcritical System Experiments at The University of Texas
Sean O'Kelly (Univ of Texas, Austin), Denis Beller (Idaho State Univ), William Charlton (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 903
ISU Accelerator-Driven Sub-Critical System Characterization
Jianwei Chen, Denis Beller, Frank Harmon, Konstantin Sabourov (Idaho State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 904-906
Reactor-Accelerator Coupling Experiments (RACE): Heat Generation Rates Using W-Cu and U Targets
W. S. Charlton, V. K. Taraknath Woddi (Texas A&M), S. O'Kelly, T. Green (Univ of Texas, Austin), D. Beller (Idaho State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 907-908
Finding Material Defects in Composites Through Accelerator-Based, Gamma-Induced, Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
K. Smith, D. P. Wells, A. W. Hunt (Idaho State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 909-910
Use of Nuclear Energy for Hydrogen Production - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 911
Coupled High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor and Sulfur Iodine Process for Hydrogen Generation
Jesse Foster, Kristen Wangerin, Andrew Ward, Adam Wichman (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 913-914
Uranium Requirement for a Hydrogen Economy
Thomas D. Curtis (Duke Energy), Travis W. Knight (Univ of South Carolina)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 915-916
Optimization of the Thermal Efficiency of a Hybrid Sulfur Thermochemical Hydrogen Process
Jason A. Eargle (Univ of South Carolina), Maximilian B. Gorensek (SRNL), Travis W. Knight (Univ of South Carolina)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 917-918
MELCOR Modification for Large-Scale Hydrogen Production Using Nuclear Thermochemical Cycles
Sal B. Rodríguez, Randall O. Gauntt (SNL), Shripad T. Revankar, Karen Vierow (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 919-920
Use of Nuclear Energy for Hydrogen Production - II-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 921
Development of a New Thermochemical and Electrolytic Hybrid Hydrogen Production Process for Sodium Cooled FBR: A Longtime Hydrogen Production Experiment
Toshio Nakagiri, Takeshi Kase, Shoichi Kato, Kazumi Aoto (JNC)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 923-924
Optimisation of ANTARES for Electricity and Process Heat Production: A Practical Example Illustration Applied to Oil Recovery from Bitumen and Upgrading
Michel Lecomte, Ronald Affolter (Framatome ANP), Jérome Gosset (Ecole des Mines de Paris)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 925-926
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 927
Advances in Reactor Physics Analysis and Design of High-Temperature Reactors - I
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 929
Neutronic Analysis to Support Validation of Safety Analysis Codes for the VHTR
Wei Ji, Jeremy L. Conlin, Gokhan Yesilyurt, William R. Martin, John C. Lee (Univ of Michigan), Forrest B. Brown (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 931-933
GT-MHR Full Power Reactivity Insertion Transient Using a Novel Dynamic Simulink Model
Mehdi Reisi Fard, Thomas E. Blue, Don W. Miller (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 934-935
Analysis of a PBMR-400 Control Rod Ejection Accident Using PARCS-THERMIX and the Nordheim Fuchs Model
Volkan Seker, Thomas J. Downar (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 936-938
Preliminary Investigations on the Importance of Using Deterministic Transport Methods for the Analysis of the PBMR
Bismark Tyobeka (Penn State), Andreas Pautz (Framatome ANP), Kostadin Ivanov (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 939-941
Coupled Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulics Calculation of PBMR-400 Equilibrium Core
Cemal Niyazi Sökmen, Mehmet Tombakoglu, Aydin Karahan, Cihangir Çelik (Hacettepe Univ)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 942-944
Advances in Reactor Physics Analysis and Design of High-Temperature Reactors - II
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 945
A High Temperature, Non-TRISO Fuel and Clad Design with Commercial-Grade Enrichment for the Prismatic Block Very High Temperature Reactor
J. W. Sterbentz (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 947-949
Comparison of VHTR and ALWR Fuel Enrichments
W. S. Yang, T. K. Kim, T. A. Taiwo (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 950-952
Uncertainty Analysis of VHTR Fuel Compact with Randomly Distributed Particles
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 953-955
VHTR Double-Heterogeneous Lattice Model Radial Fission Power Profile Versus Burnup
Gray S. Chang (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 956-958
Reactivity-Equivalent Physical Transformation for Elimination of Double-Heterogeneity
Yonghee Kim, Won Seok Park (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 959-960
The Equivalent Cylinder Models for the Homogenization of Pebble Bed Reactor Cores
Hyun Chul Lee, Kang-Seog Kim, Jae Man Noh, Hyung Kook Joo (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 961-962
Modeling Doubly Heterogeneous Systems in SCALE
Sedat Goluoglu, M. L. Williams (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 963-965
Advances in Reactor Physics Analysis and Design of High-Temperature Reactors - III
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Page 967
Sensitivity Study of Design Parameters for Liquid-Salt-Cooled VHTR
T. K. Kim, T. A. Taiwo, W. S. Yang, G. Palmiotti (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 969-971
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Assessment of Coolant Void Reactivity Coefficient for Liquid-Salt-Cooled VHTR
G. Aliberti, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, T. K. Kim, T. A. Taiwo (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 972-974
Reactivity Void Coefficient Study for Molten Salts in an AHTR
William Casino, William Anderson, Rich Kochendarfer (AREVA, Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 975-976
Physics Analysis of Coolant Voiding in the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
Kevin T. Clarno, Charles W. Forsberg, Jess C. Gehin (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 977-980
Prismatic Very High Temperature Reactor Physics Studies in Support of TRISO-Coated Fuel Particle Specification and Core Design Simplification
J. W. Sterbentz, B. A. Phillips, R. L. Sant (INL)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 981-982
Spectral Effects in the Breeding Process of the 235U-Thorium Fuel for High Temperature Gas Reactors
Alberto Talamo, Waclaw Gudowski (KTH)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 983-984
Design and Modeling of HTGFR Using ORNL Low Density Graphite Foam
E. Burgett, D. Blaylock, R. A. Karam, N. E. Hertel (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 93 | Number 1 | November 2005 | Pages 985-988