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In an international industry, regulators cross the border too
Since nuclear physics works the same in Ontario as it does in Tennessee, the industry has been trying to create a reactor that can be deployed on both sides of the border. Now, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission have decided that some of their rulings can cross the border too.
ANS Officers
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page iii
Meeting Officials, National Program Committee
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page v
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages vii-xv
Cross-Reference of Divisions with Tracks
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages xvii-xviii
Author Index
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages xix-xxii
ANS Plenary Session: The Next 50 Years: Creating Opportunities
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 3
Track 1: The Next 50 Years: Creating Opportunities
General Chair's Special Session: Advanced Fuel Cycles Beyond Yucca Mountain
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 4
ANS President's Special Session: Manpower for the Nuclear Industry ... A Continuing Need
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 5
"4S" Liquid-Metal Reactor for Galena, Alaska-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 9
Track 2: Symposium: Building the Next Nuclear Plants
Nuclear Power 2010 Status-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 10
Building the Next Nuclear Plants
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 11
Minimizing Development Risk for the AREVA HTR Concept
Lewis Lommers, Michel Lecomte (Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 13-14
Development of a Nuclear Fuel Cycle Transparency Framework
Tracia West Love, Gary Rochau, David York (SNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 15-16
Modeling Nuclear Energy Market Penetration in the U.S. Energy Sector
A. M. Yacout, G. Conzelmann, V. Koritarov, L. Van Den Durpel (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 17-18
Alternatives for Power Generation and Potable Water Production in the Southern Regions of Morocco
O. K. Bouhelal (Natl School of Mineral Industry), D. Zejli (Natl Centre for Scientific and Tech Research)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 19-21
Nuclear Reactors Sited Deep Underground in Steel Containment Vessels
Robert F. Bourque (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 22-23
John Redding (Arcturus Energy Consulting), Charles Holland (TIACT), Robert Graber, Tom Retson (EnergyPath)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 24
Track 2: Symposium: Building the Next Nuclear Plants | A New Business Model for Nuclear Power Projects
Radiation Protection and Shielding: General
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 27
Track 3: Technology and Management of Current Plant Assets
Dose Rate Evaluation for Spent Fuel Aging Areas at Yucca Mountain
Georgeta Radulescu, Shiaw-Der Su (Yucca Mtn Proj)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 29-30
Repository Waste Package Transporter Shielding Weight Optimization
Charlotta E. Sanders, Shiaw-Der Su (Yucca Mtn Proj)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 31-32
ORIGEN-S Gamma Decay Spectra Characterization and Benchmarking
J. J. Klingensmith (Penn State), I. C. Gauld (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 33-34
Reduction of -Particle Transmission Using Emulsions
Charles A. Sparrow, Donna M. Rogers (Mississippi State Univ), Victor F. Medina (U.S. Army Corps of Eng)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 35-36
A New Perspective on Angular Buildup Factors for Photons
H. Omar Wooten, Donald J. Dudziak, Drew E. Kornreich (LANL), Nolan E. Hertel (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 37-39
Current Topics for Reactor Engineers-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 40
Robotics and Remote Systems Research and Development at U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories: Current and Future Directions-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 41
Management of Materials Degradation in Current Light Water Reactor Fleet-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 42
Robotics Research: The U.S. Department of Energy University Research Program in Robotics (URPR)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 43
Simulation-Based System Realization for Semiautonomous Tasks in Hazardous Environments
J. E. Wood, R. Lumia, G. P. Starr (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 45
Metrology Methodologies for High Precision DOE Applications
Mitch Pryor, Seong-Ho Kang, Delbert Tesar (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 46-47
The OmniTread Serpentine Robot for Radiation Surveillance
Johann Borenstein, Malik G. Hansen (Univ of Michigan), Grzegorz Granosik (Tech Univ of Lodz)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 48-49
Sensitivity of a Force Measurement Scheme Implemented Via a Parallel Kinematic Machine
Shannon C. Ridgeway, Carl D. Crane III (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 50-51
Hybrid Self Localization for a Mobile Robotic Platform for Indoor and Outdoor Environments
Brad Grinstead, Andreas Koschan, Mongi A. Abidi (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 52-53
Intelligent 3D Sensing for Robotic Inspection of Hazardous Facilities
Sreenivas Sukumar, David Page, Andrei Gribok, Andreas Koschan, Mongi Abidi (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 54-55
Hot Topics in Reactor Licensing: New Engineering Inspection Process-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 56
Proactive Management of Materials Degradation in Generation IV Reactors-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 57
Instrumentation and Control: Lessons Learned - I
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 59
The Ringhals I&C System Modernisation: Some Lessons Learned
Martin Forsberg (Ringhals AB)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 61-62
Implementation of a SPINLINE 3 Diverse Safety System at IGNALINA NPP
Claude Esmenjaud, Dominique Moulin, Andrew Rounding (Data Sys & Sol)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 63-64
Development of PMAS and Its Application Experiences
S. M. Baek, S. C. Jeong, J. K. Lee, Y. C. Shin, H. B. Kim (KOPEC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 65-66
Planning for and Integrating Lessons Learned into Digital Upgrades to Nuclear Power Plants
William Kurth (Exelon Nucl Gen)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 67
Instrumentation and Control: Lessons Learned - II
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 69
Development of Integrated Monitoring System for Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Na Young Lee, Seung Gi Lee, Kyung Ha Ryu, Il Soon Hwang (Seoul Natl Univ), Jung Taek Kim (KAERI), Vincent K. Luk (SNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 71-72
Equipment Early Fault Detection, Diagnostics, and Prognostics: Building on On-Line Monitoring Experience
Joseph Naser, Ramesh Shankar (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 73-74
Optimizing Plant Operation with First-Principles Prognostics
Leonard J. Bond (INL, PNNL), Don B. Jarrell, Fred L. Leverenz (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 75
Visual Collaborative Environment for Advanced Integration in Nuclear Power Plant Management
Radu Tutos (KLARO Sys)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 76-77
Impact of Workforce Reduction on Utility Operations Effectiveness-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 78
Hydrogen Production Using Nuclear Energy - I
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 81
Track 4: New Plant Development, Applications, and Environmental Issues
Stability and Applicability of Inorganic Membranes for Use in the Production of Hydrogen Using Nuclear Energy
Brian L. Bischoff, Dane F. Wilson, Lee D. Trowbridge (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 83
Thermal-Fluid and Electrochemical Modeling and Performance Study of a Planar Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell
Bilge Yildiz, Tanju Sofu (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 84-85
Nuclear Generated Electricity for Hybrid-Electric Vehicles
Robert E. Uhrig (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 86-87
Use of Hydrogen Plasma for Storing Hydrogen in Nanophase Diamond Powder
Zach Houston, Tushar K. Ghosh, Mark A. Prelas (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 88-89
Hydrogen Storage in Nanosize Diamond Powder-Surface Modified by NaF
David Leal Escalante, Angel Velez, Mark A. Prelas, Tushar K. Ghosh (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 90-91
Multiple Application Potential of Generation IV Modular Helium Reactors Provide Compelling Reasons for Deployment
M. LaBar, A. Shenoy (General Atomics), E. Quinn (Technol Res)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 92-93
Hydrogen Production Using Nuclear Energy - II
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 95
Hydrogen Production by the Iodine-Sulphur Thermochemical Cycles: Partial Pressure Measurements
Denis Doizi, Vincent Dauvois, Vincent Delanne, Jean Luc Roujou, Bruno Larousse, Olivier Hercher, Pierre Fauvet, Christophe Moulin (CEA, Saclay)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 97
Viability and Efficiency Calculations for the Hybrid Cu-Cl Thermochemical Cycle
Michele A. Lewis, Joseph G. Masin (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 98-99
Zero Carbon Dioxide Release Hydrogen System Using Nuclear Powers
Yukitaka Kato, Ken-ichiro Otsuka, Chun Yi Liu (Tokyo Inst of Technol)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 100
Conceptual Design for a Hybrid Sulfur Thermochemical Hydrogen Production Process
Maximilian B. Gorensek, William A. Summers, Melvin R. Buckner, Zafar H. Qureshi (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 101
Interfacing the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor and the Westinghouse Sulfur Process
Lauren Paoletti, John Goossen, Edward J. Lahoda, Regis Matzie, Keith D. Task (Westinghouse)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 102-103
Conceptual Design of an MHR Plant Used to Produce Hydrogen
Matt Richards, Arkal Shenoy (General Atomics), Ed Harvego (INL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 104-105
Hydrogen Production Using Nuclear Energy - III-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 107
Plant Definition and Economic Analysis for Centralized Nuclear Hydrogen Production
William A. Summers, Melvin R. Buckner, Maximilian B. Gorensek, Edward T. Danko (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 109-110
Blending Real Wind with Nuclear to Market Hydrogen and Electricity
A. I. Miller, Romney B. Duffey (AECL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 111
Progress in High-Temperature Electrolysis for the Production of Hydrogen
Carl M. Stoots, James E. O'Brien, J. Stephen Herring (INL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 112-113
Panel Discussion
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 114
Materials for Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 115
Corrosion and SCC of Ferritic-Martensitic Steels in Supercritical Water
Pantip Ampornrat, Gaurav Gupta, Gary S. Was (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 117-118
Corrosion of Ferritic-Martensitic Steel HT9 in Supercritical Water
Xiaowei Ren, Ling Zheng, Kumar Sridharan, Todd Allen (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 119-120
Long Term Corrosion Performance of Alloys in Supercritical Water
A. J. Zillmer, J. R. Licht, K. Sridharan, T. R. Allen, M. L. Corradini (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 121-122
Corrosion of Surface Modified Alloys in Supercritical Water
K. Sridharan, J. A. King, S. P. Harrington, A. K. Johnson, M. H. Anderson, T. R. Allen (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 123-124
Radiation Chemical Yields of Water in Neutron and Gamma Radiation
Eric Edwards (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison), David Bartels (Notre Dame Radiation Lab), Luke Olson, Paul P. H. Wilson, Mark Anderson, Paul W. Humrickhouse (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 125-126
Effect of Temperature Excursions on Void Swelling Behavior of Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys Irradiated with HVEM
H. Matsui, H. Satoh, S. Abe (Tohoku Univ), I. Yamagata (JNC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 127
Coolant Compatibility in Lead-Alloy-Cooled Systems
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 129
Corrosion of Candidate Materials for Lead-Cooled Reactors
McLean Machut, Kumar Sridharan, Todd Allen (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 131-132
Corrosion Resistant Alloy Development for Pb-Bi Eutectic Service
J. Lim, R. G. Ballinger, P. W. Stahle (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 133-136
Improved Applications of a Kinetic Corrosion Model in Non-Isothermal Loop/Pipe Systems
Huajun Chen, Yitung Chen (UNLV), Jinsuo Zhang (LANL), Hsuan-Tsung Hsieh (UNLV)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 137-138
Oxide-Layer Growth Model of Steels in Liquid Lead-Alloy Systems
Jinsuo Zhang, Ning Li (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 139-141
Polonium Release Experiment in Direct Contact of Lead-Bismuth Eutectic with Water
Toru Obara, Terumitsu Miura, Hiroshi Sekimoto (Tokyo Inst of Technol)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 142-143
Design and Construction of Pb-Bi Loop: HELIOS
Seungho Jeong, Chi Bum Bahn, Seung Hee Chang, Il Soon Hwang (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 144-145
Impact of Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education (INIE) on Research Reactors - I
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 147
Optimization of Beam Port Facility at PSBR
Fatih Alim, Baris Sarikaya, Kostadin Ivanov, Kenan Ünlü, Jack Brenizer, Yousry Azmy (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 149-150
TORT Modelling of the Beam Port Facility of PSBR and Comparison with MCNP
Kürsat B. Bekar, Yousry Y. Azmy, Kenan Ünlü (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 151-153
Reactor Design Efforts at UIUC
Jianwei Hu, F. E. Teruel, Rizwan-uddin (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 154-156
Enhancing Radiography Facilities at the UMLRR
Mark Tries, John J. Antal, Thomas Regan (Univ of Massachusetts Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 157-158
Development of a Neutron Radiography Facility at the Oregon State TRIGA® Reactor
Steven R. Reese, Stephen E. Binney, Todd S. Palmer, S. Todd Keller, Steven P. Smith, Gary M. Wachs (Oregon State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 159-160
Gamma Shield Design for the Supercritical Water Neutron Radiolysis Experiment
Paul W. Humrickhouse, Paul P. H. Wilson, Eric Edwards, Mark Anderson (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison), David Bartels (Notre Dame Radiation Lab)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 161-162
Impact of Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education (INIE) on Research Reactors - II
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 163
A Preview of Research Projects at the NC State University PULSTAR Reactor
A. I. Hawari (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 165-166
Impact of INIE on the MIT, RINSC, and UMass-Lowell Reactors
John A. Bernard, Lin-Wen Hu (MIT), Terry Tehan (RINSC), Mark Tries (Univ of Massachusetts Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 167-169
Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Neutron Cooling Systems
M. Habte, S. Yavuzkurt, K. Ünlü (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 170-172
The Upgrade of the TRIAX Spectrometer at the Missouri Research Reactor
Wouter Montfrooij, Douglas D. Charlton (Univ of Missouri, Columbia), Jerel Zarestky (Iowa State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 173
Instrumentation for Neutron Scattering at the Missouri University Research Reactor
Paul F. Miceli, Wouter Montfrooij, Haskell Taub, Keary Schoen, David L. Worcester, R. Andy Winholtz (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 174
Delayed-Neutron Activation Analysis for Measurement of Trace Fissionables
Richard M. Lindstrom, George P. Lamaze, Jeffrey B. Ziegler, John K. Langland, R. Gregory Downing (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 175
Quantifying and Integrating Performance Measures for Advanced Fuel Cycles
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 177
Enhanced Thermal Conductivity Oxide or ECO Fuels
J. Fourcade, K. H. Sarma, S. G. Lee, A. A. Solomon (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 179-180
Repository Environmental Impact of HLW from Na-Cooled FBR
Joonhong Ahn (Univ of California, Berkeley), Tetsuo Ikegami (JNC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 181-182
An Integrative Repository Impact Assessment Model for Fuel Cycle Comparisons
Jun Li, Man-Sung Yim, David McNelis (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 183-184
Impact of Partitioning, Transmutation and Waste Reduction Technologies on the Final Nuclear Waste Disposal
Waclaw Gudowski (KTH), Reinhard Odoj (FZJ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 185-186
Sensitivity of Fuel Cycle Performance Metrics to Perturbations in Cross Sections
Erich A. Schneider, Charles G. Bathke (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 187-188
Depleted Uranium Disposition Option: Beneficial Disposal in a High-Level-Waste Geologic Repository
M. Jonathan Haire (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 189-190
Safety Improvements in Designs of Advanced Reactors
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 191
The Design Verification of the Advanced Design Features in APR1400
Han-Gon Kim, Seung-Jong Oh, Kee-Cheol Park (KHNP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 193-194
EPR: Designed to Meet International Safety Standards with Significant Margin
Stephen Mazurkiewicz, Joerg Brauns, Joerg Blombach (Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 195-196
EPR: Bringing a Proven International Technology to the United States Market
Stephen M. Mazurkiewicz, John R. Concklin (Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 197-198
EPR Design Features to Mitigate Severe Accident Challenges
Stephen M. Mazurkiewicz, Manfred Fischer, Dietmar Bittermann (Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 199-200
EPR: Advanced Structural Design Features for a Defense in Depth
Todd Oswald, Calvin Wong (Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 201-202
Passive Safety of the 600 MWe Korean Advanced Liquid Metal-Cooled Reactor
Hae-Yong Jeong, Young-Min Kwon, Won-Pyo Chang, Yong-Bum Lee (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 203-204
Uncertainty Assessment of Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors
G. Aliberti, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores (ANL), J. C. Bosq, J. Tommasi (CEA, Cadarache)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 205-208
Thermal Hydraulics of Next-Generation Nuclear Reactors
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 209
An Advanced Vented Fuel Assembly Design for GFR Applications
M. A. Pope, P. J. Yarsky, M. J. Driscoll, P. Hejzlar, P. Saha (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 211-214
Assessment of a Molecular Diffusion Model in MELCOR
Richard L. Moore, Chang H. Oh (INEEL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 215-216
Supercritical Water Heat Transfer
Mark H. Anderson, Jeremy Licht, Kyoung Woo Seo (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 217-218
Experimental Loop Design for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycle
Myoung Sung Sohn, Yong Hwan Yoo, Kune Y. Suh (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 219-220
Key Thermal Fluid Phenomena in Prismatic Gas-Cooled Reactors
Donald M. McEligot, Glenn E. McCreery, Paul D. Bayless, Theron D. Marshall (INEEL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 221-222
Temperature Effect on Heated Region Flow Starvation for Gas-Cooled Reactors
Piyush Sabharwall (Idaho State Univ), Theron Marshall, Kevan Weaver (INL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 223-224
Pseudo Material Construct for Coupled Neutronic-Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of VHTGR
Jeremy L. Conlin, Wei Ji, John C. Lee, William R. Martin (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 225-227
Proliferation-Resistant Fuel Cycles-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 228
Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems Research and Development - I
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 229
Brayton Power Cycles and High-Temperature Salt-Cooled Reactors
Charles W. Forsberg (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 231-233
Shut-Down and Restart Simulation of CANDLE Fast Reactors
Hiroshi Sekimoto, Yutaka Udagawa (Tokyo Inst of Technol)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 234-235
Explicit Modeling of Particle Fuel for the Very-High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor
Wei Ji, Jeremy L. Conlin, William R. Martin, John C. Lee (Univ of Michigan), Forrest B. Brown (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 236-238
Reactivity Potential of Annular VHTGR Cores
Yonghee Kim, Jae Man Noh, Won Seok Park (KAERI), Beomseok Han (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 239-240
Conceptual Design of Advanced Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor KALIMER-600
Dohee Hahn, Yeong-Il Kim, Seong-O Kim, Jae-Han Lee, Yong-Bum Lee (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 241-242
Utilization of New Coolants in a Multi-Functional Reactor
Sümer Sahin (Gazi Univ), Mustafa Übeyli (TOBB Univ of Economics and Technol)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 243-244
A Survey of Uranium Supply Curve Estimates
Erich A. Schneider (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 245-246
Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems Research and Development - II
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 247
Fuels and Materials Testing Capability for Next Generation Reactors: A Review
William F. Skerjanc, Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar (Idaho State Univ), Wayne D. Ridgway, Ali S. Siahpush (INL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 249-251
Comparison of Neutron Yield Characteristics between Proton Accelerator and Electron Accelerator for Waste Transmutation
Yaxi Liu, Man-Sung Yim, David McNelis (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 252-254
PEACER Fuel Rod Creep Modeling on Solver-Interfaced 3D CAD System
Won Chang Nam, Hyong Won Lee, Il Soon Hwang (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 255-256
Surface Alloying of Boron into Zirconium-Alloy Fuel Cladding Material
K. Sridharan (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison), T. J. Renk (SNL), A. K. Johnson, S. P. Harrington (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison), E. J. Lahoda (Westinghouse), P. P. Provencio (SNL), M. L. Corradini (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 257-258
Yalina Subcritical Assembly - Neutron Kinetic Analysis and Reactivity Determination
Carl-Magnus Persson (KTH), Sergey Chigrinov, Hanna Kiyavitskaya (Natl Acad of Sciences of Belarus), Alexandra Åhlander (KTH), Thomas Stummer (Vienna Univ of Technol), Per Seltborg, Waclaw Gudowski (KTH)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 259-260
Computational Tool for Nuclear Data Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Propagation in NESTLE
William A. Wieselquist (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 261-263
Fissile Fuel Breeding in ARIES-RS Fusion Reactor
Sümer Sahin (Gazi Univ), Mustafa Übeyli (TOBB Univ of Economics and Technol), Adem Acir (Gazi Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 264-265
Proliferation, Transmutation, and Radiation Aspects of Recycle Options
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 267
Transmutation of Transuranic Waste Recycled in Light Water Reactors
K. S. Allen, E. P. Naessens (U.S. Military Acad)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 269-270
Use of Transuranics as Burnable Absorbers in Light Water Reactors
E. P. Naessens, K. S. Allen, B. E. Moretti (U.S. Military Acad)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 271-273
Limited Self-Protection Benefits from Recycling Unseparated Transuranics and Lanthanides
Jungmin Kang (Seoul Natl Univ), Frank von Hippel (Princeton Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 274-275
Assessment of Proliferation Resistance of Nuclear Reactors Using Fuzzy Logic Based Barrier Method
J. Li, M. S. Yim, D. McNelis (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 276-277
The Advantage of Fusion Sources for Nuclear Waste Transmutation
B. B. Cipiti (SNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 278-279
Radiation Source Term Calculation of CANDU Fuels
Hangbok Choi, Ho Jin Ryu, Chang Je Park (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 280-281
Proliferation Resistance Metrics for Separated Streams of Reactor-Grade Transuranics
John A. Stillman (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 282-283
Scientific Basis for Transportation and Storage of Actinide Materials
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 287
Track 5: Technology, Environmental Aspects, and Management of the Back End
Establishing the Safety Basis for the Long-Term Storage of 233U and 237Np Oxides
Alan S. Icenhour, L. Mac Toth, Ron R. Brunson, Robert M. Wham (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 289-290
Hydrogen Gas Evolution from Water Adsorbed onto Pure Plutonium Dioxide Powder
D. Kirk Veirs (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 291-292
Gas Generation from Impure Plutonium Dioxide Materials
Laura Worl (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 293-294
Post-Stabilization TGA-FTIR Analysis of Impure Plutonium Oxides at Rocky Flats
John M. Berg, Mark S. Brugh (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 295-296
Thermal Profile within a 3013 Storage Container Filled with Fine Plutonium Dioxide Powder
Patricia A. Bielenberg (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 297-298
Pilot-Scale Hydrogen Getter Testing for TRU Waste Transportation
Jonathan M. Duffey, Ronald R. Livingston (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 299-300
Alternative Stabilization Methods for Packaging Plutonium-Bearing Materials
Ronald R. Livingston, Jonathan M. Duffey, Benjamin C. Hill, Arthur Jurgensen, Ann E. Visser (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 301
Decommissioning, Decontamination, and Reutilization Current Topics-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 303
Improving the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Decommissioning Program
Robert L. Johnson, Dominick Orlando, Daniel Gillen, James Shepherd (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 305-306
Review of Fire Response Procedures for Defense Nuclear Facilities in Transition to Decommissioning or in Decommissioning
Herbert W. Massie, Jr., Charles J. March (DNFSB)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 307-308
Decommissioning the Next Generation of Nuclear Plants
Steve Redeker, John Newey, Dennis Gardiner (SMUD)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 309-310
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 311
Spent Nuclear Fuel: Storage, Direct Disposal, and Recycle
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 313
HTR Spent Fuel and Waste Management Options
W. J. Szymczak, J. K. McCoy (Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 315-316
Effects of the TRISO Particles Kernel Radius on the Burnup of a Thorium Fuel in the Gas Turbine - Modular Helium Reactor
Alberto Talamo, Waclaw Gudowski (KTH)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 317-318
Processing of Spent TRISO-Coated Gen IV Reactor Fuels: Mechanical Head-End Processing
Barry B. Spencer, Guillermo D. Del Cul, Emory D. Collins (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 319-320
Advanced Head-End Processing of Spent Fuel: A Progress Report
Guillermo D. Del Cul, Rodney D. Hunt, Barry B. Spencer, Emory D. Collins (ORNL), Kenneth Bateman, Karen Howden, Brian Westphal (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 321-322
Linear Programming Approach for Modeling Solidification of HLW from PWR
Myeongguk Cheon, Joonhong Ahn (Univ of California, Berkeley), Tetsuo Ikegami (JNC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 323-324
Environmental and Biological Monitoring
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 325
Climatic Site Characteristics for Early Site Permits
R. Brad Harvey (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 327-329
Juyoul Kim (Univ of California, Los Angeles)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 330
Track 5: Technology, Environmental Aspects, and Management of the Back End | Visualization of Environmental Radiation Data Using Geostatistics
A GEM-Based TEPC for Neutron Protection Dosimetry
Marat Seidaliev, C-K Chris Wang (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 331-332
Contribution of Hair Dosimetry Following Criticality Accident
L. Lebaron-Jacobs, A. Miele, R. Fottorino (CEA, Cadarache)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 333-334
Alternative Method for Whole Body Biomarker I-131 Quick Screenings
Yung-Chang Lai, Yu-Wen Chen, Shiang-Bin Jong (Kaohsiung Medical Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 335
Development of a Chitosan Based Adsorbent for Arsenic Removal
Rajesh Gutti, Lou Ross, William H. Miller, Tushar K. Ghosh (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 336-337
Environmental Aspects of Radioactive Waste
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 339
Measurement Systems for Environmental Restoration at a Reactor Accident Site
J. R. Giles (INEEL), C. P. Oertel, R. P. Wells (ICP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 341-343
3D Geospatial Modeling for Visualization and Analysis of Groundwater Contamination at Nuclear Facilities
James C. Shepherd (NRC), Gerry L. Stirewalt (MANDEX)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 344-345
Performance Assessment for Conceptual LLW Repository in Korea
D. Kawasaki, J. Ahn (Univ of California, Berkeley), J. B. Park, C. L. Kim (KHNP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 346-347
Disposition of Government Thorium Nitrate Stockpile: A Case Study
William Hermes, James Terry, Tom Hylton, Catherine Mattus (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 348
Of Cat Scans and Glowing Pigs: Nuclear Facility Animal Control
E. D. Picazo (URS Grp), J. P. Bleech (West Valley Nucl Svc), A. M. Bird (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 349
Chromium Diffusion on Natural Diamond
Adrián E. Méndez, Mark A. Prelas, Tushar Ghosh, Louis Ross, Jr. (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 350-351
Production of Nanoparticles of Aluminum Oxide by Decomposition of Aerosols of Aluminum Nitrate Solution in a Flame
Damaris Vale, Angel Velez, Tushar K. Ghosh, Sudarshan K. Loyalka (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 352-353
Risk Information Transmission and Security-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 357
Track 6: Regulatory and Safety Issues
Regulation of Safety Culture-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 359
Significance Culture in Nuclear Installations
Constance Perin (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 361-364
Regulating Safety Culture: Either a Bad Idea or Already Being Done
William R. Corcoran (NSRC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 365-366
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 367
Qualification of Safety Analysis and Design Software Quality Assurance
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 369
Insights from Assessments of Safety Software Quality Assurance
S. Seth, C. Ashley, D. Brown (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 371-372
Qualification of Safety Software in a Nuclear Weapons Complex Environment
David E. Peercy (SNL), Phil Huffman (BWXT Pantex), Ray Cullen (Hudson Bergen Light Rail)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 373-375
Software Validation of SCALE Pre- and Post-Processors
Timothy M. Lloyd, Brandon D. Thomas (BNFL Fuel Sol)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 376-377
Framework and Strategies for the Introduction of Best Estimate Models into the Licensing Process
C. Sollima, F. D'Auria (Univ of Pisa), J. Misák (UJV), G. Petrangeli (Univ of Pisa)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 378-379
General Thermal Hydraulics
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 381
Preliminary Study of Water-Based Nanofluid Coolants for PWRs
J. Buongiorno, B. Truong (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 383-384
Cyclic Venting Phenomena in the PCCS of the SBWR
Seungmin Oh, S. T. Revankar (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 385-386
Mixed Convection Heat Transfer Experiments in Smooth and Rough Vertical Tubes
Paul Symolon, Will Neuhaus, Randy Odell (Lockheed Martin)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 387-390
Diagnostic Methodology for Pump Health in Nuclear Power Plant Using Fuzzy Logic
In-ho Won, Rong Gao, Lefteri H. Tsoukalas (Purdue Univ), Evren Eryurek, Kadir Kavaklioglu (Emerson Process Mgt)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 391-392
Using CFD to Study Scalar Mixing in Turbulent Flow Fields
V. Vishnu Karthik, Y. A. Hassan, A. R. McFarland (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 393-394
Reduced Pressure Scaling Criteria for Boiling Water Reactor Dynamic Simulation Including Void-Reactivity Coupling
Selim Kuran, Mamoru Ishii (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 395-396
Nonlinear Dynamics for Nuclear-Coupled Flow Power Oscillations in Boiling Water Reactors Including Subcooled Boiling and Gravity-Induced Flashing
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 397-398
Performance Enhancement of a Proposed Virtual Impactor Configuration Using CFD
Sridhar Hari, Y. A. Hassan, A. R. McFarland (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 399-402
Software Safety for Digital Electronics in Safety Systems
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 403
Safety-Critical Software in Nuclear Facilities
R. G. Quirk (DNFSB)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 405-406
NuSEE: An Integrated Environment of Software Specification and V&V for NPP Safety-Critical Systems
Seo Ryong Koo, Poong Hyun Seong (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 407-408
Software Design Analysis for the NPP I&C Systems Based on a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 409-410
Fault Tolerance Evaluation of Digital Plant Protection System in Nuclear Power Plants
Jun Seok Lee, Man Cheol Kim, Poong Hyun Seong (KAIST), Hyun Gook Kang, Seung Cheol Jang (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 411-412
Nuclear Qualification Lifecycle for the Invensys Tricon
Clayton Scott (Triconex), Edward (Ted) L. Quinn (Technol Res)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 413-416
Digital Control System Reliability - Issues Related to the Modeling of Process Dynamics
Tunc Aldemir (Ohio State), Steven A. Arndt (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 417-421
A Survey of Reliability Modeling Methodologies for Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems
Jason Kirschenbaum (Ohio State), Michael Stovsky (Consultant), Paolo Bucci, Tunc Aldemir (Ohio State), Steven A. Arndt (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 422-424
Thermal-Hydraulic Code Development and Applications
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 425
Whole Core Sub-Channel Analysis in LMR Systems Codes, Current Status
Floyd E. Dunn, James E. Cahalan (ANL), Dohee Hahn, Hae-yong Jeong (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 427-429
CHF Experiments in Single Tubes - TRACEv4.050 Code Validation
Audrius Jasiulevicius, Rafael Macian-Juan (Paul Scherrer Inst)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 430-431
Constitutive Relations for the Whole Core Sub-Channel Analysis Code
Hae-Yong Jeong, Dohee Hahn (KAERI), Floyd E. Dunn, James E. Cahalan (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 432-434
Filtered Simulations of Turbulence in a Reactor Rod Bundle Flow
Paul F. Fischer, Constantine P. Tzanos (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 435-439
Comparative Analysis for Evaluating Passive Safety Design Features of the KALIMER-150
Young Min Kwon, Won Pyo Chang, Yong Bum Lee, Dohee Hahn (KAERI), J. E. Cahalan (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 440-441
Loss of Residual Heat Removal System: TRACEv4.00 Simulation of a PKL Experiment
Audrius Jasiulevicius, Omar Zerkak, Rafael Macian-Juan (Paul Scherrer Inst)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 442-443
The Implementation of 3-Field Modeling into TRAC-M/F90
Sang Ik Lee, Hee Cheon No (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 444-445
Establishment of an Applicable Version of the CIAU Methodology
A. Petruzzi, F. D'Auria (Univ of Pisa)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 446-448
Probabilistic Safety Applications
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 449
A Quantitative Impact Analysis of Sensor Failures on Nuclear Power Plant Operators in Accident Situations
Man Cheol Kim, Poong Hyun Seong (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 451
Updating Plant Probabilistic Risk Assessment Studies for Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems
Tunc Aldemir, Don W. Miller, Audeen W. Fentiman (Ohio State), Steven A. Arndt (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 452-453
Diagnostic Strategies from Minimal Cut Sets
Juan Arellano (IIE)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 454-455
Application of a Situation Assessment Model of Nuclear Power Plant Operators to an Example Situation
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 456-457
Waterford-3 Alternative Source Term Implementation
Paul A. Sicard (Entergy)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 458-459
Risk-Informed Approach to Selecting Licensing Basis Events for the AREVA-HTR in the United States
Karl N. Fleming (Technol Insights), Farshid Shahrokhi (Framatome ANP), Fred A. Silady (Technol Insights)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 460-461
History of Nuclear Criticality Safety
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 463
History of the LLNL Criticality Safety Experiments in the Period of 1954-1963
F. Kloverstrom (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 465
An Experimenter's Perspective on the History of the Hanford (Battelle) Critical Mass Laboratory
Mike Durst (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 466-467
History of Critical Experiments at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Thomas P. McLaughlin (Consultant)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 468-469
History of the Oak Ridge Critical Experiments Program
J. T. Thomas (Retired), R. M. Westfall, C. M. Hopper (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 470-471
History of the Rocky Flats Critical Mass Laboratory
Robert E. Rothe (Retired)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 472
Progress on the Movement Toward Risk-Informed Performance-Based Standards-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 473
Thermal-Hydraulic Experimentation
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 475
Microscale Heat Transfer at Ultra-High Heat Fluxes Over a Wide Range of Pressures
Robert H. Leyse (Inz)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 477-478
A Comparative Experimental Study on the PRHRS of an Advanced Integral Type Reactor
H. S. Park, K. Y. Choi, S. J. Lee, M. K. Chung (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 479-480
Direct Vessel Inclined Injection System for Advanced Power Reactor 1400 MWe
Jong K. Lee, Kune Y. Suh (Seoul Natl Univ), Chul H. Song (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 481-482
Effects of Combined Axial and Cross Flows on the Fuel Rod Vibration
A. Mandour, M. E. Conner, R. Lu (Westinghouse Nucl Fuel)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 483-484
Droplet De-Entrainment on Vertical Rods in Air-Droplet Mixture Flow
Kyung-Won Lee, Hee Cheon No (KAIST), Chul-Hwa Song (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 485-486
Reactor Safety: General
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 487
Development of Power Uprate Technology for Korean Nuclear Power Plants
Sung Sik Yu, Il Kon Kim, Hae Ryong Hwang (KOPEC), Ji In Kim, Eung Soo Chang, Tae Ju Chun (KHNP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 489-490
Tests of Ejectors Designed for Dynamic Natural Convection
K. I. Soplenkov (VNIIAES), A. W. Reinsch (DYNAC Sys), V. G. Selivanov (Kharkov Aeronautical Inst)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 491-492
Development of the Program for Identifying High ORD Jobs in Nuclear Power Plants
Yong Min Kim, Dong Hoon Shin, Chang Sun Kang (Seoul Natl Univ), Young Ho Cho (POSDATA), Jungkwon Son, Kidoo Kang, Kyoungdoek Kim (KHNP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 493-494
Creating the Foundation for AP-913
Darryl Barney (SCE), Jeff Kasschau (First Approach), Bill Bromley (CQS Consult), Roland Daigle (Mission Reaction), Ted Quinn (Technol Res)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 495-497
Investigation of Zircaloy-4 Doped with Metallic Burnable Poisons
C. K. Kahambwe, R. L. McDaniels (Univ of Tennessee), Barry Hindin (Battelle), M. L. Grossbeck (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 498-499
Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards-Forum
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 500
Reactor Analysis Methods
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 503
Track 7: Basic Science and Technology
Validation of the GE Lattice Physics Code LANCER02
Dave Knott, Vernon W. Mills, Erin Wehlage (GNF)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 505-507
CASMO-4 and Multigroup MCNP Comparisons for MOX Fuel Assemblies
Scott Palmtag, Joel Rhodes III (Studsvik Scandpower)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 508-509
Fine-Lattice Stochastic Modeling of Particle Fuels in an HTGR Unit Fuel Element
Nam Zin Cho, Hui Yu (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 510-513
Improved Features and Verification of an AFEN Method Code in Hexagonal-Z 3-D Geometry for Neutron Diffusion Calculation
Nam Zin Cho, Jaejun Lee (KAIST), Do Sam Kim, Chae Yong Yang, Jong Chull Jo (KINS)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 514-516
Unified Nodal Formulation of Refined Analytic Function Expansion Nodal Method for Kinetics Application
Tae Young Han, Han Gyu Joo, Chang Hyo Kim (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 517-519
Accounting for Moderator Heating in Supercritical Water Reactor Analysis
Paul P. H. Wilson, Po Hu (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 520-521
Combining a Beowulf Cluster and MCNP5 to Solve Particle Transport Problems
Z. Zhao, G. Ivan Maldonado (Univ of Cincinnati)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 522-524
CANDU Core Calculations with Monte Carlo Based Homogenized Cross Sections
Justin Pounders, Farzad Rahnema (Georgia Tech), Germina Ilas (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 525-527
Current Issues in Computational Methods-Roundtable
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 528
Reactor Physics Design, Validation, and Operating Experience
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 529
Verify Super Double-Heterogeneous Spherical Lattice Model for Equilibrium Fuel Cycle Analysis
Gray S. Chang (INEEL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 531-533
Fuel Cycle Extension of the High Flux Isotope Reactor Using a Beryllium Internal Reflector
Ned Xoubi (Univ of Cincinnati), R. T. Primm III (ORNL), G. Ivan Maldonado (Univ of Cincinnati)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 534-536
ENHS (Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source) Reactor Core Design for Reduced Power
Ser Gi Hong (KAERI), Ehud Greenspan (Univ of California, Berkeley), Yeong Il Kim (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 537-539
A Feasibility Study of Small-Size Molten-Salt Cooled Long Life Cores
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 540-543
Using SIMULATE-3 for Load Maneuver Projections
Shawn K. Gibby, Andrew T. Godfrey (Duke Energy)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 544-545
Evaluation of Core Attributes Uncertainties due to Input Data Uncertainties
Hany S. Abdel-Khalik (Framatome ANP), Paul J. Turinsky (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 546-547
Development of MAPSSEL Long Life Detector Design - Performance Evaluation
Yu Sun Choi (KEPRI), Toshio Morita, Michael D. Heibel (Westinghouse)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 548-549
Error Reduction in CPC Axial Power Distribution Synthesis
Hyeong Heon Kim, Sung Goo Chi (KOPEC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 550-551
Mathematical Modeling: General
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 553
Representation of Measurement Uncertainty in Flux/Power Shape Construction from Monitored Data
Aram Hakobyan, Mihaela Biro, Tunc Aldemir (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 555-557
Double Differential Neutron Scattering Cross Sections for Ultra High Temperature Materials
Felix C. Difilippo, John P. Renier (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 558-560
Application of Modal-Local Method for Modeling Pulsed Source Experiments
Viktoriya V. Kulik (CEA, Saclay), John C. Lee (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 561-563
One-Group Reactor Kinetics in Cylindrical Geometry?
B. D. Ganapol (Univ of Arizona)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 564-567
Multi Scale Approximation of the Time-Dependent Boltzmann Equation
B. Merk (FZK), D. G. Cacuci (Univ Karlsruhe)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 568-569
Development of 129I Scaling Factor Evaluation Method in Korean CANDU Reactor
Ki-ha Hwang, Sang-chul Lee, Kun-jai Lee (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 570-571
Data, Analysis, and Operations for Nuclear Criticality Safety - I
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 573
LoPo, the First Enriched Uranium Reactor
A. Nichole Ellis (Washington SMS)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 575-577
Critical Mass Experiment with Uranium, Rhenium, and Polyethylene
Rene Sanchez, David Loaiza, David Daily, Robert Kimpland (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 578-579
Critical Mass Experiment with Niobium - 1 wt.% Zirconium Fueled with Highly Enriched Uranium in Support of Project Prometheus
David Loaiza, Rene Sanchez, Kristin Chesson (LANL), Michael Westfall, Calvin Hopper (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 580-581
Experimental Criticality Benchmarks for the SNAP 10A/2 Reactor Cores
A. W. Krass, K. L. Goluoglu (ORNL), R. G. Taylor (C. S. Eng)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 582-583
A SCALE/MCNP Method for Spent Fuel Transportation Criticality Qualification
Timothy M. Lloyd, James E. Hopf (BNFL Fuel Sol)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 584-586
Data, Analysis, and Operations for Nuclear Criticality Safety - II
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 587
Implementation of a Computer Data Acquisition System for Criticality Safety Assessment
R. Claybourn, S. Huang, J. Lewis, J. Pearson (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 589-590
Use of Gadolinium as a Primary Criticality Control in Disposing Waste Containing Plutonium at SRS
Davoud A. Eghbali, Kristan J. McCoid (Washington SMS)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 591-592
Criticality Concern with Fissionable Material Washout from Fuel Pin Breaches in the FFTF Sodium Removal System
J. S. Lan, R. F. Richard, H. Toffer (Fluor Govt Grp), J. E. Baker (Fluor Hanford)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 593-595
Additional Applications of Fixed Neutron Absorbers
H. Toffer, D. G. Erickson (Fluor Govt Grp), S. F. Kessler (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 596-597
Unified Criticality Safety Design Framework for Future Fuel Reprocessing Systems
Hiroki Nakabayashi, Kenichi Kurisaka, Koji Sato (JNC), Kazuo Aoki (Advanced Reactor Technol)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 598-599
Classification of Administrative Controls that Support IROFS Under 10 CFR § 70 Subpart H
Robert L. Frost, Samuel K. Skiles (Nucl Safety Assoc)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 600-601
Advanced Optimization Methods for Fuel Management
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 603
A New Optimization Algorithm for In-Core Fuel Shuffling Sequence of BWR
Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ), Masayuki Toujou, Kentarou Komori (Chuden CTI), Yasunori Kitamura, Yoshihiro Yamane (Nagoya Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 605-606
The BPEC Methodology in the PearlsTM Loading Pattern Search Tool
F. D. Popa (Westinghouse), S. Si (SNERDI), H. Q. Lam (Westinghouse)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 607-609
Adaptively Constrained Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Incore Fuel Management Optimization
Paul M. Keller (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 610-611
N-StreamingSM Concept for Boiling Water Reactor Fuel Cycle Design
Mehdi Asgari, Dave J. Kropaczek (GNF), James J. Tusar (Exelon)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 612-614
BWR Fuel Lattice Optimization Using Scatter Search
J. L. François, C. Martín-del-Campo, L. B. Morales, M. A. Palomera (UNAM)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 615-617
Innovative Use of Fuzzy Logic to Build Objective Functions in Nuclear Fuel Optimization Problems
C. Martín-del-Campo, J. L. François, M. A. Palomera, A. Barragán (UNAM)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 618-620
BALO-BWR Assembly Lattice Optimization
Albert G. Gu, Robert J. Veklotz, Thongchai Patchana, Ralph G. Grummer, Craig Brown (Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 621-623
Heuristic Rules Embedded Genetic Algorithm for Loading Pattern Optimization
Fatih Alim, Kostadin Ivanov (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 624-625
Next Generation of "Advanced" Methods for Light Water Reactor Analysis
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 627
Verification of SCOPE2 through Analysis of Critical Assembly Experiments and Core Tracking Calculations
Masahiro Tatsumi, Hideaki Hyoudou, Hiroaki Nagano (NFI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 629-630
Calculation Models of AEGIS, an Advanced Neutronics Solver of Next Generation
Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ), Naoki Sugimura, Tadashi Ushio (NEL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 631-632
Verification Calculations of AEGIS, an Advanced Neutronics Solver of Next Generation
Naoki Sugimura, Tadashi Ushio (NEL), Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 633-634
Microscopic Depletion Model in SIMULATE-4
Tamer Bahadir (Studsvik Scandpower), Sten-Örjan Lindahl (Studsvik Scandpower AB), Scott P. Palmtag (Studsvik Scandpower)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 635-636
Real Core Tracking Analyses Using SIMULATE-4
Shinji Yoshida, Shinya Kosaka (TEPCO)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 637-638
Analysis of Results for the OECD/NEA and U.S. NRC PWR MOX/UO2 Core Transient Benchmark
T. Kozlowski, T. J. Downar (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 639-641
Computational Methods: General
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 643
A New Formulation of Criticality for Multigroup Diffusion Theory in Heterogeneous Plane Geometry
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 645-647
The Effects of Electron Scattering on the Absolute Parametric X-Ray (PXR) Yield Calculations
B. Sones (U.S. Military Acad), Y. Danon, R. Block (RPI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 648-650
Comparison of Monte Carlo and Deterministic Depletion Codes for LWR Fuel Cycle Analysis
Jeffrey C. Davis, John C. Lee (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 651-653
Effect of Fuel Particles Distribution Model on PBR Cell Parameters
Germina Ilas (ORNL), Farzad Rahnema (Georgia Tech), Abderrafi M. Ougouag (INL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 654-656
A New Stochastic Optimization Algorithm Based on Particle Collisions
Wagner F. Sacco, Cassiano R. E. de Oliveira (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 657-659
Burnup Capability Added to MCNPX
Holly R. Trellue, Gregg W. McKinney, Joe Durkee (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 660-661
Reactor Physics: General - I
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 663
An Unresolved Resonance Evaluation for 233U from 600 eV to 40 keV
L. C. Leal, H. Derrien, N. M. Larson, A. Courcelle (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 665-666
On the Importance of Resonance-Dependent S(,) Tables for Criticality Values
R. Dagan (FZK)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 667-668
Reactivity Impact of ENDF/B-VI Cross Sections for Deuterium in Heavy-Water Solution Benchmarks
Russell D. Mosteller, Joann M. Campbell, Robert C. Little (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 669-671
Impact of Missing Resonances in Determining Group Cross Sections and Uncertainties
G. Arbanas, L. C. Leal, N. M. Larson (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 672-673
Isotopic Compositions of Material Used in a Radiological Dispersal Device Determined by Forward Model Calculations
David E. Burk, William S. Charlton, Mark Scott, Don Giannangeli, Kristen Epresi (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 674-675
New Parameters for Evaluation of TRU Transmutation Effectiveness
Chi Young Han, Jong Kyung Kim (Hanyang Univ), Un Chul Lee (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 676-677
Neutron Calculations of Mixed HEU-LEU Cores for IAN-R1 Research Reactor
Jose Antonio Sarta Fuentes (Distrital Univ Francisco Jose de Caldas), Luis Alvaro Castiblanco Bohorquez (Ingeominas)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 678-679
Thermal Neutron Moderation Calculations for a 14 MeV Portable Neutron Generator Source
Ralph J. Cerbone, Sergey Egorov (Del Mar Ventures)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 680-681
Reactor Physics: General - II
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 683
Physics Analysis of Coolant Voiding in the ACR-700 Lattice
C. A. Cotton, D. Lee, T. Kozlowski, T. J. Downar (Purdue Univ), W. S. Yang (ANL), D. E. Carlson (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 685-687
A Pressure Tube Fast Test Reactor Concept
Youssef Shatilla (King Abdul Aziz Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 688-693
Reactor Physics Analysis of a Tube-in-Duct Fuel Design for GFR Service
P. Yarsky, M. A. Pope, M. J. Driscoll, P. Hejzlar (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 694-696
Analysis of the OECD/NEA PBMR-268 Transient Benchmark Problem with the PARCS Neutronics Code
Volkan Seker, Thomas J. Downar (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 697-699
Analysis of the Dry Process Fuel Cycle for a Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor
Chang Joon Jeong, Gyu Hong Roh, Hangbok Choi (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 700-701
Impacts of Geometrical Approximations on Tritium Breeding Ratio in Fusion Blanket Analysis
Beomseok Han (Seoul Natl Univ), Yonghee Kim (KAERI), Chang Hyo Kim (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 702-703
Analysis of Neutronics of Subcritical Blanket - Cascade Neutron Amplifier for Fusion-Fission Hybrid
Alexander Barzilov, Phillip Womble (Western Kentucky Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 704
Confirmatory Experiments for Nuclear Emissions during Acoustic Cavitation
Y. Xu, A. Butt (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 705-706
Atomistic and Continuum Modeling
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 707
Atomistic Modelling of Chromium Precipitation in Fe-Cr Alloys
J. Wallenius (KTH)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 709
The Entropy of Delta Pu-Ga Alloys
M. Stan, M. I. Baskes (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 710
Dynamics of Brittle Fracture in Amorphous Silica: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Krishna Muralidharan (Univ of New Mexico, Univ of Florida), Pierre Deymier, Joseph H. Simmons (Univ of Arizona)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 711-712
An Empirical Charge Redistribution Model for Oxide Fuel Materials
S. M. Valone (LANL, Univ of New Mexico), S. R. Atlas (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 713-714
Design of Irradiation Experiments for the High Flux Isotope Reactor
Chunyun Wang, Seokho H. Kim, David K. Felde (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 715-716
Stress Indices and Stress Intensification Factors at Head Plate Penetration Anchors
Eun Woo Ahn, Dong Bum Oh, Jik Lae Jo (KOPEC)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 717-718
Transport Methods: General
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 719
Transient Capability for a MOC-Based Whole Core Transport Code DeCART
Jin-Young Cho, Kang-Seog Kim, Chung-Chan Lee (KAERI), Han-Gyu Joo (Seoul Natl Univ), Won-Sik Yang, T. A. Taiwo (ANL), J. Thomas (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 721-722
Global Error Analysis of the Spatial Approximation in Discrete Ordinates Methods
Jose I. Duo, Yousry Y. Azmy (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 723-724
High Order Spatial Expansion of the Incident Current in the Heterogeneous Coarse Mesh Transport Method
Benoit Forget, Farzad Rahnema (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 725-727
A Block Diagonal Parallel Preconditioning Strategy for the Finite Element-Spherical Harmonics Method
Hyeong Kae Park, Cassiano R. E. de Oliveira (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 728-730
A Decoupled Finite Element Heterogeneous Coarse Mesh Transport Method
Scott W. Mosher (LANL), Farzad Rahnema (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 731-733
Atomic Mix Synthetic Acceleration for Transport in Binary Statistical Mixtures
Anil K. Prinja, Erin D. Fichtl (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 734-736
Properties of the Sn-Equivalent Integral Transport Operator in Slab Geometry
Massimiliano Rosa, Yousry Y. Azmy (Penn State), Jim E. Morel (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 737-740
Simple But Powerful Analytic Transport Benchmarks: The Rod Problem
Jeffrey A. Favorite (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 741-743
SCALE State-of-the-Art Analysis Tools
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 745
Overview of Advances in SCALE Development
S. M. Bowman (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 747-748
Continuous-Energy Version of the SCALE Control Modules for Use with Continuous-Energy KENO V.a and KENO-VI
D. F. Hollenbach, M. E. Dunn (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 749-750
Recent Enhancements to the SCALE 5 Resonance Self-Shielding Methodology
M. L. Williams, S. Goluoglu, L. M. Petrie (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 751-753
Continuous-Energy Multidimensional SN Transport for Problem-Dependent Resonance Self-Shielding Calculations
Zhaopeng Zhong, Thomas J. Downar (Purdue Univ), Mark D. DeHart, Mark L. Williams (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 754-757
ENDF/B-VI Library Generation and Testing for the SCALE Code System
M. E. Dunn, P. B. Fox, N. M. Greene, L. M. Petrie (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 758-759
Advances in the TSUNAMI Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Codes Beyond SCALE 5
Bradley T. Rearden, Mark L. Williams, James E. Horwedel (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 760-762
Assessment of TRITON and PARCS for Full-Core MOX Fuel Calculations
Mark D. DeHart (ORNL), Jacopo Saccheri, David Diamond (BNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 763-766
GeeWiz: Integrated User Interface for SCALE
Stephen M. Bowman, James E. Horwedel (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 767-769
Research by U.S. Department of Energy-Sponsored Students
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 771
Assessment of Radiation Absorbed Doses During Micro-CT Imaging
Said Daibes Figueroa, Timothy Hoffman (Univ of Missouri, Columbia; HSTMVH), William Miller (Univ of Missouri, Columbia), Christopher Winkelmann (HSTMVH), Shameem Hasan (Univ of Missouri, Columbia), Richard Poelling, Tiffani Shelton (HSTMVH)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 773-774
Magnetic Deflection of Electrons and Ions Produced by Pyroelectric Crystals
Jeffrey A. Geuther, Yaron Danon (RPI)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 775-776
Statistical Analysis of a System for Radiation Treatment Positioning Accuracy
Yu-Wen Chang, William H. Miller (Univ of Missouri, Columbia), Jatinder R. Palta (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 777-779
Fundamental Condensation Heat Transfer Studies for Horizontal PCCS Heat Exchanger
T. Wu, K. Vierow (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 780-781
An Integrated Model of Natural Circulation Loop Under Low Pressure
Quan Zhou, Rizwan-uddin (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 782-784
Education and Training: General
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 787
Track 8: Policy Issues and Communication
Real Time, Distance Lab via LabVIEW and Webcam
Yuxiang Gu, Rizwan-uddin (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 789-790
The New Medical Physics Program at Georgia Institute of Technology in Cooperation with Emory University
C-K Chris Wang, Farzad Rahnema, Ward O. Winer (Georgia Tech), Timothy H. Fox (Emory Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 791-792
A Performance System Institute: Improving Organizational Performance through Improved Human Performance
Jo-Ann D. Rolle (Excelsior Coll), Roger Kaufman (Florida State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 793-794
Assessing Training for Academic Credit - Traditional College Credit from Non-Traditional Sources
Richard P. Coe (Excelsior Coll)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 795-797
Challenging Demographics and Potential Remedies Associated with Educating Ph.D.-Level Actinide Radiochemists
Thomas E. Kiess (DOE), Dale L. Perry (LBNL)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 798-800
SIMODIS: A Nuclear Reactor Component Dynamic Simulation
Lamartine N. F. Guimarães (Inst for Advanced Studies, Univ Braz Cubas)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 801-802
The Development of Nuclear Power in Iran: Questions, Perspectives, and Impacts-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 803
Challenges of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 804
Engaging the Anti's: Communications with Environmental Groups
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 805
Engaging the Anti-Nukes: Perspective of a Former Anti-Nuke
Ruth Weiner
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 807
How Engineers' Quest for Perfection Hurts Nuclear's Public Image
James E. Hopf (BNFL Fuel Sol)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 808-809
Public Outreach in a "Hot Pocket"
Howard C. Shaffer (Retired)
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Pages 810-811
Give the Public a Breath of Fresh Air: Taking Nuclear Outreach to the Frontlines
Todd R. Flowers (Dominion Gen), Virginia Section of NA-YGN
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 812
"Too Cheap to Meter" and Other Myths of the Nuclear Age-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 813
Focus on Communications: Speaking with the Media-Panel
Transactions | Volume 92 | Number 1 | June 2005 | Page 814