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In an international industry, regulators cross the border too
Since nuclear physics works the same in Ontario as it does in Tennessee, the industry has been trying to create a reactor that can be deployed on both sides of the border. Now, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission have decided that some of their rulings can cross the border too.
Title Page
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page i
ANS Officers
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page iii
Meeting Officials, National Program Committee
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page v
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages vii-xviii
Cross-Reference of Divisions with Tracks
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages xix-xxi
Author Index
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages xxiii-xxvii
ANS Plenary: Nuclear in the 21st Century - Going Forward Together
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 3
Track 1: Leadership Toward a Progressive, Integrated Nuclear Community - Going Forward Together
General Chair's Special Session: Atoms for Prosperity - The Next Ten Years
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 4
ANS President's Special Session: Energy and the Environment: Golden Opportunities for the Next 50 Years
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 5
Technical Program Chair's Special Session: Taking the Lead on Critical Issues - The 100-Year Integrated Plan
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 6
Cost Benefits of Risk Information-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 9
Track 2: Nuclear Plant Systems, Operations, and New Construction
Alternative Source Term Applications to Improve Power Reactor Safety Analysis
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 11
Alternative Source Term Implementation Experience
Stephen F. LaVie (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 13-14
Progress Energy Experience with Alternative Source Term Implementation
William R. Ziegler (Progress Energy)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 15-16
Alternative Source Term Application for Oconee Nuclear Station
Christie B. Taylor, Stephen P. Schultz (Duke Power)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 17-18
Alternative Source Term Issues: Aerosol Removal
Michelle Hart, Andrzej Drozd (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 19-20
PSEG Nuclear's Experience with Alternative Source Term Implementation
John Duffy (PSEG Nuclear)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 21-22
Examination of Parameter Uncertainty in Nuclear Plant Accident Dose Assessment
Chad Huffman, Man-Sung Yim (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 23-24
Reactor Accident Source Term Research Program at USNRC
Jay Y. Lee (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 25-26
RADTRAD 3.10 - Model Enhancements and Their Benefit
Terence J. Heames (ALION Science & Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 27-28
Knowledge Conservation and Transfer-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 29
Enterprise Knowledge Management System Utility Requirements Document for Nuclear Power Plants
Jack Haugh, Joseph Naser, William Parkinson (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 31-33
Use of Visualization Techniques to Improve Human Decision-Making in Nuclear Power Plants
Lewis F. Hanes (Consultant), Joseph A. Naser (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 34-35
Development of an International Distributed Web-Based Nuclear Safety Information System
Hubert Ley (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 36
Knowledge Transfer of Gas-Cooled Reactor Design Methodology at General Atomics
Chris Ellis (General Atomics)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 37-38
Panel Discussion
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 39
Challenges Facing the Young Generation in Nuclear-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 41
Hot Topics and Emergent Issues - Status on the Security as a Whole in the United States-Paper/Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 43
A Cyber Security Self-Assessment Method for Nuclear Power Plants
Clifford S. Glantz, Garill A. Coles, Robert B. Bass (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 45-46
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 47
Status of Risk-Informing 10 CFR 50
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 49
Risk-Informing 10CFR50
Timothy A. Reed (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 51
Industry Perspectives on NRC "Option 2" Rulemaking
Biff Bradley (NEI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 52-54
Risk-Informed Option 2 Pilot at Surry Power Station
Thomas G. Hook (Dominion Res)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 55
Risk-Informing 10 CFR 50.46
Richard F. Dudley (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 56-57
Risk-Informing 10 CFR Part 50 - Enabling a Safety Focus on Areas of Risk Importance
John C. Butler (NEI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 58
Redefining the Design Basis Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident - A Licensee's Perspective
Albon Wayne Harrison (South Texas Project)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 59
BWROG Approach to Risk-Informing 10CFR50 Option 3
Tony Browning (Nuclear Mgt)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 60
Lessons Learned for the Design and Construction of New Nuclear Facilities-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 61
Environmental Sciences: General
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 65
Track 3: Environment, Safety, and Health
Airborne Beryllium Monitoring at the Nuclear Nonproliferation Program Sites
Kathryn O. Scott (Univ of South Carolina, Aiken), Peter D. Fledderman (Westinghouse SRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 67-68
A GIS-Based Tool to Visualize Environmental Contamination and Biota Prevalence
Karen H. Watanabe (Oregon Health & Science Univ), Richard Campanella, Douglas Meffert (Tulane Univ), Jeffrey Short (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 69-70
Web-Enabled Mapping and Management of a Large Deactivation and Decommissioning Program
James S. Bollinger, William E. Austin (Westinghouse SRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 71-72
Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters Considered in Dose Modeling of Decommissioning Site
H. S. Kim, Y. K. Lim, J. K. Son, K. D. Kang, K. D. Kim (KHNP), C. W. Jeong (KINS)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 73-74
CFD Investigation of a Proposed Virtual Impactor Configuration Using CFX-4.4 - Part I
Sridhar Hari, Y. A. Hassan, A. R. McFarland (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 75-78
CFD Investigation of a Proposed Virtual Impactor Configuration Using CFX-4.4 - Part II
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 79-82
Environmental Aspects of Legacy Material Management
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 83
Design and Stewardship of Engineered Covers: A Legacy Management Paradigm
W. J. Waugh, G. M. Smith (S. M. Stoller Corp), A. W. Kleinrath (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 85-86
Performance Evaluation for a U.S. Department of Energy Legacy Management Ground Water Remediation System
David Peterson, Tim Bartlett, Stan Morrison (S. M. Stoller Corp), Alan Laase (A. D. Laase Hydrologic Consulting), Art Kleinrath (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 87-88
Three-Dimensional Thermal-Mechanical Modelling of a Spent Nuclear Fuel Waste Repository Located in Granite Rock
G. Horhoianu, D. Ionescu, G. Olteanu (Inst for Nuclear Research)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 89-90
Suggestions on Near-Field Nuclide Transport in a Proposed LLW Repository
Sol-Il Su (INER), Ruei-Fu Weng (Nuclear Science & Technol Association), Wen-Shou Chuang (INER)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 91-93
High Level Waste Tank Closure Modeling with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
James S. Bollinger, Jeff Newman, Leonard Collard (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 94-95
An Environmental Justice Approach to Federal Facilities Cleanup
Judith M. Espinosa, Nancy Bennett, Mary E. White (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 96-97
Hydrogen Production and Storage
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 101
Track 4: Nuclear Engineering Science
Nuclear Hydrogen for Peak Electricity Production and Commercial Sale
Charles W. Forsberg (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 103-104
Aspen Simulation of Hydrogen Production via the Reverse Deacon Cycle
Michael F. Simpson (ANL-West), Brendan Boyle, Christopher McGrady, Mackenzie Tepel (Univ of Pennsylvania)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 105-106
Model-Based Evaluation of Thermochemical Nuclear Hydrogen Processes
Maximilian B. Gorensek, William A. Summers, Melvin R. Buckner (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 107-108
Hydrogen Storage in Pressed Nanophase Diamond Powder
Angel L. Velez, Mark A. Prelas, Tushar K. Ghosh (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 109-110
Release of Hydrogen from Nanophase Diamond Powders by Heat
Alexis Sotomayor-Rivera, Tushar K. Ghosh, Mark A. Prelas (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 111-112
A Progress Report on the Chemistry of the Low Temperature Cu-Cl Thermochemical Cycle
Michele A. Lewis, Manuela Serban, John K. Basco (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 113-114
Computational Methods: General
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 115
Benchmark Results for Monte Carlo Computations of Decay Time Measurements
Hatice Akkurt (Princeton Technol Ctr, Schlumberger)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 117-118
Entropy and Undersampling in Monte Carlo Criticality Calculations
Taro Ueki (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 119-121
Algebraic Multigrid Methods for the Solution of the Finite Element-Spherical Harmonics Equations
HyeongKae Park, Cassiano R. E. de Oliveira (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 122-124
Identification of an Unknown Material in a Radiation Shield Using the Schwinger Inverse Method
Jeffrey A. Favorite (LANL), Keith C. Bledsoe (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 125-126
Adaptive Kalman Filtering for Diagnosis of Multiple Component Degradations
Steven E. Aumeier (ANL), Bulent Alpay, John C. Lee (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 127-128
Atomistic Simulation of Actinide Solution and Segregation in UO2
C. R. Stanek, K. J. McClellan (LANL), R. W. Grimes (Imperial Coll)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 129-130
Prediction of Nuclear Fuel Materials Properties
M. Stan (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 131-133
Effects of Neutronics and Thermal Hydraulics Methods on Results of Main Steam Line Break Accident Analysis
Ku Young Chung (KINS), Chang Hyo Kim (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 134-136
Transport Methods: General
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 137
An Improved Method for Treating Monte Carlo-Diffusion Interfaces
Jeffery D. Densmore (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 139-142
Green's Function Analysis of Heterogeneous Slab Time Eigenvalues
Drew E. Kornreich, D. Kent Parsons (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 143-144
Spatially Continuous Mixed P2-P1 Solutions for Planar Geometry
Patrick S. Brantley (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 145-147
Consistent Stretched Transport Synthetic Acceleration of One-Dimensional Sn Problems
Wm. Daryl Hawkins, Marvin L. Adams (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 148-150
Coarse-Mesh Rebalance and Diffusion Acceleration for SN Problems
Heath L. Hanshaw, Edward W. Larsen (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 151-153
Yet Another Variation of the 1D Discrete Ordinates Algorithm of Neutron Transport
B. D. Ganapol (Univ of Arizona)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 154-157
2-D Transformation of 3-D Transport Problems with "Helical" Symmetry
Edward W. Larsen (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 158-159
Point Source in a Pure Absorber (Revisited)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 160-162
Variance Reduction of Electron Transport Calculations Using 1-D Importance Functions
Benoit Dionne, Alireza Haghighat (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 163-165
Current Issues in Computational Methods-Roundtable
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 167
Geometry Representation for Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Codes
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 169
Stochastic Geometry for MCNP5
Forrest B. Brown (LANL), William R. Martin (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 171-173
White Rock Science Tools for Geometry Modeling
Kenneth A. Van Riper (White Rock Science)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 174-175
mcnpviz: A Program for the Interactive Display of an MCNP Geometry
Randolph Schwarz, Robert R. Lewis (Washington State Univ), Victor E. Roetman (SIL Int)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 176-178
CAD Based Geometry Generation for Monte Carlo Particle Transport Codes
H. Tsige-Tamirat, U. Fischer (FzK)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 179-180
TopAct: Automated Translation from CAD to Combinatorial Geometry
Steven J. Manson (Raytheon)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 181-182
Multiple Geometry Representations in Monte Carlo Radiation Transport
Matthew Martin (SNL), Steve Warren (Kansas State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 183-184
CAD-Based Monte Carlo Transport Using MCNPX and CGM
Timothy J. Tautges (SNL), Meng-Kuo Wang, Dougless L. Henderson (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 185-186
Using CAD Files in the NOVICE Code
Thomas M. Jordan (Experimental & Mathematical Physics Consultants)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 187-189
Thermal-Hydraulic Code Development and Applications
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 191
Assessment of a Molecular Diffusion Model in RELAP5-3D
Cliff B. Davis, Larry J. Siefken, Chang H. Oh (INEEL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 193-194
Passive Decay Heat Removal in the Reactor Cavity Cooling System
Constantine P. Tzanos (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 195-197
Natural Convection Heat Transfer with Low Prandtl Number Fluid
Kang Hee Lee, Seung Dong Lee, Kune Y. Suh (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 198-199
3-D CFD Simulation of a Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage System
Ajey Y. Walavalkar, David G. Schowalter (Fluent)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 200-201
Hot Channel Flow Starvation of Helium Cooled GFRs in Laminar Natural Convection
Pavel Hejzlar, Wesley C. Williams, Michael J. Driscoll (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 202-204
Thermal Design for Irradiation Experiments in the HFIR
C. Y. Wang, D. K. Felde, S. H. Kim (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 205-207
CFD Analysis of Pulsed and Steady Gas Core Reactors
Anne Charmeau, Samim Anghaie (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 208-209
Transient Analysis of Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor Using Athena-3D
François G. Cocheme, Jordi Freixa, Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 210-211
Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of a Real Impactor
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 212-216
General Two-Phase Flow
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 217
Dispersion Behavior of Nanometer-Sized Metallic Particles in Liquid Sodium
Hiroaki Ohira, Kuniaki Ara (JNC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 219-220
Thermal Design of Steam Generator for Pb-Bi Cooled Reactor PEACER-300
Il S. Lee, Kune Y. Suh (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 221-223
Critical Heat Flux Propagation in Asymmetric Narrow Circular Channel
Jeong Ju Kim, Yong Hoon Kim, Kune Y. Suh (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 224-225
A Study of Supercritical Fluid Blowdown
Guillaume Mignot, Mark Anderson, Michael Corradini (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 226-227
Ex-Vessel Cooling: Heat Transfer and Flow Stability of Multiphase Injection
Helge B. Klockow, Mark H. Anderson, Michael L. Corradini (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 228-229
PIV Images and Pressure Signals Analysis on Drag Reduction
Ling Zhen, Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 230-231
Two-Phase Wall Shear Stress Measurements in a Channel Flow Using PIV, Wall-Pressure and an Optical Sensor
Elvis E. Dominguez Ontiveros, Carlos E. Estrada Perez, Jose A. Jimenez Bernal, Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 232-234
Modification of the Rate of Strain for Two-Phase Channel Flow
Claudia del C. Gutiérrez-Torres (Instituto Politécnico Nacional), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M), Jose A. Jiménez-Bernal (Instituto Politécnico Nacional)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 235-236
New Approach for PIV Spectra Evaluation in Drag-Reduction by Micro-Bubbles
Jose A. Jimenez-Bernal (Instituto Politécnico Nacional), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M), Claudia del C. Gutierrez-Torres (Instituto Politécnico Nacional)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 237-238
Reactor Analysis Methods
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 239
Advanced Methods of Analysis for the Supercritical Water Fast Reactor
Magnus Mori, Werner Maschek, Xue-Nong Chen (FzK), Günther Lohnert (Univ of Stuttgart)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 241-243
Effect of Neutron Spectra and Fuel Burnup on CANDLE Calculation
Hiroshi Sekimoto, Yutaka Udagawa (Tokyo Inst Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 244-245
Comparison of 2-Group/9-Group Nodal-Transport Calculations in 3-D Pin-by-Pin Geometry
Masahiro Tatsumi (NFI), Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 246-247
The TDMCC Monte Carlo Capability for Spatial Kinetics Calculations of Reactor Cores
A. K. Zhitnik, N. V. Ivanov, V. E. Marshalkin, S. P. Ognev, A. V. Pevnitsky, V. M. Povyshev, I. E. Ponomarev, V. I. Roslov, T. I. Semenova, V. A. Tarasov, V. P. Fomin (VNIIEF), T. A. Taiwo, W. S. Yang (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 248-249
TDMCC Monte-Carlo Package Coupled with STAR-CD Thermal-Hydraulics Code
V. V. Bakanov, A. K. Zhitnik, V. N. Motlokhov, S. P. Ognev, V. I. Romanov, A. A. Ryabov, V. A. Tarasov, S. A. Tareev, V. P. Fomin (VNIIEF), D. P. Weber, T. A. Taiwo, W. S. Yang (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 250-251
Application of SP3 Approximation to MOX Transient Analysis in PARCS
D. Lee, T. Kozlowski, T. Downar (Purdue Univ), C. Lee (Westinghouse), H. C. Lee (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 252-256
New Features of the Analytic Function Expansion Nodal (AFEN) Method and Implementation in the Hexagonal-Z KORDAX Code
Nam Zin Cho, Jaejun Lee (KAIST), Do Sam Kim, Chae Yong Yang, Jong Chull Jo (KINS)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 257-260
BWR Cycle Management to Minimize Potential for Failed Fuel Degradation
Paul G. Edelmann, Jeffrey L. Winklebleck, Paul E. Netusil (Constellation Energy Grp)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 261
High-Performance Computing for Nuclear Energy Applications
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 263
Computational Science: A Research Methodology for the 21st Century High End Computing
Michael Strayer (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 265
Integrated High-Fidelity Whole-Core Simulations for a Small PWR on Massively-Parallel Platforms
Tanju Sofu, David P. Weber (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 266-268
Computational Material Science Tools for Predicting the Performance of Fuels and Materials
R. F. Kulak, D. Wolf (ANL), R. DiMelfi (Materials Research & Development)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 269-271
CFD, Clusters and Nuclear Engineering
Rizwan-uddin, Yizhou Yan (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 272-274
Challenges in High Performance Computing: Case of the Method of Discrete Ordinates for Particle Transport Problems
Yousry Y. Azmy (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 275-278
High Performance Computing and Monte Carlo
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 279-280
Turbulent Flow Simulations with Large Eddy Technique in Industrial Nuclear Applications
Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 281-283
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 287
Track 5: Nonproliferation and Homeland Security
Comprehensive Emergency Management at DOE/NNSA
James Fairobent, James Powers (DOE), David Freshwater (SAIC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 289-290
A Risk-Informed Reevaluation of Offsite Emergency Planning Technical Basis and Protective Action Strategies
David E. Leaver (Polestar), Alan Nelson (NEI), John Gaertner, Gary Vine (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 291-292
NRC Incident Response Activities
Richard Wessman, Susan Frant (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 293
Using GIS in Emergency Preparation and Response for Nuclear Facilities
Yong Li (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 294
Characterization Process for Representation of Human Factors and Human Reliability in Facility Security
David I. Gertman, Ronald L. Boring, George Beitel, Martin Plum (INEEL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 295
Emergency Preparedness in the News
Patricia A. Milligan (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 296
Effects of Using Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System for In-Plant Force-on-Force Exercises
Ky D. Nguyen, Paul Diaz (SONGS)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 297-298
Nuclear Power and Nuclear Security Strategies for Managing the Dissemination of Sensitive Nuclear Technology-Paper/Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 299
Rethinking Nonproliferation Needs for World Nuclear Power Systems
Frank C. Crawford, Man-Sung Yim (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 301-302
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 303
Methodologies for Assessment of Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 305
A Methodology for Assessment of Physical Protection of Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems
Gary Rochau, Tracia West, David York (SNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 307-308
Development of Nonproliferation Assessment Tool Software
Victoria S. Pratt, Kendra M. Foltz Biegalski, Tomer Pintel, Efrat Strassberg, Sheldon Landsberger (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 309-310
A Fuzzy Logic Based Barrier Method for Proliferation Resistance Screening
J. Li, M. S. Yim, D. McNelis (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 311-312
Effects of Plutonium Quality on Critical Mass
Jor-Shan Choi, Chuck K. Lee, Bartley B. Ebbinghaus (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 314-316
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 317
Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems Research and Development, Including Nuclear Power 2010 - I
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 321
Track 6: Life Extension, Future Reactors, Reutilization, and Decommissioning
Development of Innovative Nuclear Technology to Produce Protected Plutonium with High Proliferation Resistance (P3-Project) - I
Masaki Saito, Hiroshi Sagara, Yoga Peryoga (Tokyo Inst Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 323-324
Feed Control in Helical Steam Generators for Next Generation Nuclear Power Plants
J. Michael Doster, Matt H. Stokely, Charles W. Mayo (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 325-327
Denaturation of Plutonium by Transmutation of Minor Actinides
Hiroshi Sagara, Masaki Saito (Tokyo Inst Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 328-329
Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Coolant for Advanced Nuclear Systems: Operational Experience
Keith Woloshun, Valentina Watts, Ning Li (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 330-331
Alternative ENHS Core Design Using Stepped Geometry Core
Tsuyoshi Okawa, Ehud Greenspan (Univ of California, Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 332-333
Development of Innovative Nuclear Reactor Technology to Produce Protected Plutonium with High Proliferation Resistance (P3-Project) - II
Masahiko Itoh, Masahiko Osaka (JNC), Masaki Saito (Tokyo Inst Technol), John Ryskamp (INEEL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 334-335
A Methodology for Making an Upgrade Plan of Existing I&C Systems
Chanho Sung, Hakyeung Chung, Sungje Cho, Byungjoo Park (KHNP)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 336-337
Tritium Breeding Potential of Innovative Coolants in a Hybrid Reactor
Sümer Sahin, Mustafa Übeyli (Gazi Univ), Taner Altinok (Turkish Land Forces Command)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 338-339
Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems Research and Development, Including Nuclear Power 2010 - II
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 341
Power Conversion System Design for an Indirect Cycle, Helium Cooled Pebble Bed Reactor System
C. Y. Wang (ORNL), R. G. Ballinger, P. W. Stahle (MIT), E. Demetri, M. Koronowski (Concepts Northern Research & Engineering)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 343-344
Pressurized Water Reactor Automated Plant Startup
Ryan M. Lipsky, J. M. Doster, C. W. Mayo (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 345
Optimization of the Reactor Vessel Air Cooling for a Lead Fast Reactor
Anton Moisseytsev, James J. Sienicki (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 346-348
Linear Stability Analysis of STAR-LM Natural Circulation and Neutronics Coupled System
Y. Yao, Y. J. Yoo, Q. Wu (Oregon State Univ), J. J. Sienicki (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 349-350
STAR-H2: Materials, Safety, Non-Proliferation and Ultra Long Operation
Galina V. Tsvetkova, Kenneth L. Peddicord (Texas A&M), W. S. Yang, David C. Wade (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 351-352
Feasibility of Utilizing the Toshiba 4S Reactor for Remote Mines
Christopher W. Lapp (Lapp Consulting Svc)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 353-355
MMI Display Design Approach for ALWR Nuclear Power Plant
Jae-Hyuk Park, Jong-Jae Choi, Moon-Jae Choi (KOPEC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 356-357
Transmutation of Minor Actinides in a High Power Density Fusion Reactor
Sümer Sahin (Gazi Univ), Mustafa Übeyli (TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Univ), Taner Altinok (Kara Harp Okulu)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 358-359
Reactor Analysis for the ACR-700 and Gas-Cooled Reactors
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 361
Evaluation Model for ACR-700 Large Break LOCA
N. K. Popov (AECL), H. E. Sills, R. Kouyoumdjian (Consultant), E. Lemoine, A. Abdul-Razzak (AECL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 363-364
Qualifying the Reactor Physics Toolset for the Advanced CANDU Reactor
R. T. Jones (AECL, Chalk River), H. C. Chow, B. Rouben (AECL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 365-366
Validation of WIMS-AECL 2-6a for ACR-Type Lattice
Blair P. Bromley, J. David Irish (AECL, Chalk River)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 367-368
Coolant Void Reactivity of ACR-700 Fuel
Vladimir Khotylev (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission), Rudi J. J. Stamm'ler (Studsvik Scandpower AS)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 369-370
Simulation Study on CANDLE Burnup of High Temperature Gas Reactor
Yasunori Ohoka, Hiroshi Sekimoto (Tokyo Inst Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 371-372
Preliminary LOCA Analysis for a Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Design
Nolan A. Anderson, Theron D. Marshall (INEEL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 373-374
ATWS Events and Control System Design for the Gas Fast Reactor
R. B. Vilim (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 375-376
Coolant Chemistry Characteristics During Safety Demonstration Test Using HTTR
Nariaki Sakaba, Shigeaki Nakagawa, Takayuki Furusawa, Yukio Tachibana (JAERI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 377
Regulatory Framework in Commercial and Government Decommissioning: Initiating Decontamination and Decommissioning Activities-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 379
Innovation in Facility Closure Planning at the Savannah River Site
Jerel Nelson (Polestar), Bill Austin, Chris Noah (Westinghouse SRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 381-382
Innovative Approaches of Safety Documentation to Support Hazard Reduction and Deactivation of a Major Nuclear Facility
Robert Peters, Bert Branham, Mike Lowe, Ron Berube, Steve Howell (Washington Grp Int)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 383-384
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 385
Regulatory Framework in Commercial and Government Decommissioning: Closure Activities-Paper/Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 387
Integrating Deactivation and Decommissioning Projects to Achieve the Desired Endstate
Kenny Dukes, Bill Tadlock, Peyton Northington, Peggy Brooks (Washington Grp Int)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 389
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 390
Decommissioning: Hot Topics and Emerging Issues-Paper/Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 391
Empowering the Workforce to Succeed - A Teaming Approach
Phil Breidenbach, Mike Logan, Robert Moody, George Zachmann, Marion Key, Nina Adams (Washington Grp Int)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 393-395
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 396
Decommissioning: General Topics-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 397
Sorbent Testing for Solidification of Organic Plutonium/Uranium Extraction Waste
Jody L. Bickford, Helen O. Joyce, Daniel M. Battleson (MSE Technol Applications), Heather Holmes-Burns (Westinghouse SRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 399-401
First Vitrification Cell Dismantlement in Nation Underway at West Valley
James Gramling (West Valley Nuclear Svc), Ahmad Al-Daouk (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 402
Projectizing an Operating Nuclear Facility to Achieve a Successful Deactivation
Steve Williams, Phil Breidenbach (Washington Grp Int), Sam Rashidi, Lou Koven (Bechtel SRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 403
Knocking Down the Barriers to Achieve a Successful Deactivation in a Major Nuclear Facility
Steve Williams, Phil Breidenbach, William Sokolo, Nina Adams (Washington Grp Int), Dave Legard (Polestar), George Klipa (DOE)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 404-405
Re-Engineering the Work Process for Deactivation of a Nuclear Facility
Steve Howell, George Klipa, Donny Barfield, Nina Adams (Washington Grp Int)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 406-407
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 408
Life After Decommissioning, Site/Facility Reutilization-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 409
Sustainable Energy Supply for the 21st Century-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 411
Sustainability of Nuclear and Alternative Energy Sources
L. F. Miller, R. E. Uhrig, V. Kantubhukya, S. S. Outten, M. L. F. Miller, M. H. Fontana (Univ of Tennessee), R. D. Boroughs (TVA)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 413-414
Sustainability, Water, Dry Cooling, and the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
C. W. Forsberg (ORNL), P. F. Peterson, H. Zhao (Univ of California, Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 415-417
The Synergetic Effects of a Nuclear-Assisted Gas Turbine Power Cycle
Yong Hoon Jeong, Pradip Saha, Mujid S. Kazimi (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 418-419
Material Input for Advanced Brayton Cycle Power Conversion Systems
Per F. Peterson, Haihua Zhao (Univ of California, Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 420-421
An Overview of the Hydrogen Economy
James F. Miller (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 422-423
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 424
Fuel Cycle Safety and University-Supported Research
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 427
Track 7: Fuel Cycles and Materials
Safety Management in Industrial Reprocessing: Lessons Learned from COGEMA's Experience
R. Vinoche, C. Baganz, P. Mathieu (COGEMA)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 429-430
Measurement of Temperature Effect on Low Enrichment STACY Heterogeneous Core
S. Watanabe, T. Yamamoto, Y. Miyoshi (JAERI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 431-432
Waste Package Characteristics for High-Temperature Reactor Fuel
J. Kevin McCoy, William J. Szymczak (Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 433-444
Validation of CMS/SNF Calculations Against Preliminary CLAB Decay Heat Measurements
Sigurd Børresen, Tamer Bahadir, Magnus Kruners (Studsvik Scandpower)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 435-436
Linear Programming Model for High-Level Waste Conditioning
M. Cheon, J. Ahn, P. L. Chambré (Univ of California, Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 437-438
Conceptual Workcell Design and Throughput Analysis for Robotic Transmuter Fuel Fabrication
Georg F. Mauer, Jamil Renno (UNLV)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 439-440
From a Scientific Feasibility to the Industrial Application: The COGEMA Experience
J. L. Emin, M. F. Debreuille (COGEMA), F. Drain (SGN)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 441
Accelerator-Based Experiments for Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative Research
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 443
Reactor-Accelerator Coupled Experiment (RACE) at The University of Texas at Austin
Sean O'Kelly, Taylor Green (Univ of Texas, Austin), William Charlton (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 445
Initial Results from the AFCI Reactor-Accelerator Coupling Experiments (RACE) Project
Denis Beller, Alan Hunt, John Bennion, Mckay Garfield, Kevin Folkman, Mohamed Reda (Idaho Accelerator Ctr)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 446-447
Preliminary Analysis of the 237Np Neutron Capture Cross Section
E.-I. Esch, DANCE Collaboration (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 448-449
Neutron-Induced Hydrogen and Helium Production in Iron
Robert C. Haight (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 450
Fabrication of Transuranic Actinide Nitride Ceramic Fuel Pellets
Stephen P. Willson, Robert Margevicius (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 451-452
Progress in Development of Transmutation Fuels
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 453
Dual Phase Magnesia-Zirconia Ceramics for Light Water Reactor Inert Matrix Fuel
P. G. Medvedev, S. M. Frank, M. J. Lambregts, A. P. Maddison, T. P. O'Holleran, M. K. Meyer (ANL-West)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 455-456
Thermal Conductivity of Minor Actinide Doped Pu-Zr and U-Pu-Zr Transmutation Fuels
J. Rory Kennedy, Marsha J. Lambregts, Andrew P. Maddison (ANL-West)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 457-458
Improving the Burning Up of Plutonium Using Zirconium Hydride Based Fuel
Zeev Shayer (Univ of Denver)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 459-460
New Characterization Techniques for Coated Particle Fuel
J. D. Hunn, G. E. Jellison, J. R. Price (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 461-462
Measurement of Oxygen Potential of Mixed Oxide Fuel Containing Np and Am
Masato Kato (JNC), Kenji Konashi (Tohoku Univ), Yoshiyuki Kihara (JNC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 463-464
Remote Fabrication of MOX Pellets Containing AmO2 in Hot-Cell
Kenya Tanaka, Hiroshi Yoshimochi, Takeo Asaga (JNC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 465-466
Studies on the Possibility to Replace the Burnable Poison with the Transmutation Fuel in the Deep Burn Fuel Management Strategy for the Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor
Alberto Talamo, Waclaw Gudowski (KTH)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 467-472
Advances in Materials Testing and Analysis
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 473
Uranium-Based Catalysts
S. H. Overbury, Cyrus Riahi-Nezhad, Zongtao Zhang, Sheng Dai, Jonathan Haire (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 475-477
Field Test of Millimeter-Wave Waste Glass Melter Monitoring Technology for Viscosity and Salt-Layer Formation
P. P. Woskov (MIT), S. K. Sundaram (PNNL), William E. Daniel, Jr., Don Miller (SRNL), John Harden (Clemson Environmental Technol Lab)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 478-480
Development of Non-Destructive Post-Irradiation Examination Technique Using High-Energy X-Ray Computer Tomography
Kozo Katsuyama, Tsuyoshi Nagamine, Shin-ichiro Matsumoto, Takeo Asaga, Masahiko Ito, Hirotaka Furuya (JNC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 481-482
Polonium Contamination Removal from Stainless Steel by Baking Method
Toru Obara, Terumitsu Miura, Hiroshi Sekimoto (Tokyo Inst Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 483-484
Estimating Source Terms for Diverse Spent Nuclear Fuel Types
Brett W. Carlsen, Layne F. Pincock, James W. Sterbentz (INEEL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 485-486
Radiation Effects in ZrC
J. Gan, M. K. Meyer, R. C. Birtcher (ANL), T. R. Allen (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 487
Effects of Light and Heavy Element Irradiation in Zirconium Nitride
G. W. Egeland, S. A. Maloy, G. M. Bond (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 488
Development and Testing of Fuels for Advanced Reactors
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 489
Thermochemistry of Defects and Oxygen Diffusion in PuO2-x
M. Stan, P. Cristea (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 491
Depleted Uranium Dioxide (dUO2) Feedstock Modification and Characterization for Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Stewart Voit, Kenneth McClellan, Marius Stan (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 492-493
Removal of Iron and Aluminum Impurities from Uranyl Nitrate Solutions for AGR Feedstock
Luke Ragland, DeWayne Husser, Clay Richardson (BWX Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 494-495
Measurements of Gap Conductance in Nuclear Fuels
Chun H. Cho, Tushar K. Ghosh, Robert V. Tompson, Sudarshan K. Loyalka (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 496-498
Radionuclide Release from Mixed-Oxide Fuel Under Severe Accident Conditions
Akihide Hidaka, Tamotsu Kudo, Toyoshi Fuketa (JAERI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 499-500
Development of Mixed Carbide Fuels in Support of the AFCI Program
Thomas C. Carter, Travis W. Knight, Samim Anghaie (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 501-502
Spent-Fuel Disassembly and Head-End Treatment Developments - I
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 503
Spent Nuclear Fuel Cladding Management: The La Hague Reprocessing Plant Experience
A. Cocaud, D. Guilloteau (COGEMA), P. Houdin (SGN)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 505-506
Advanced Head-End Processing of Spent Fuel: A Progress Report
Guillermo D. Del Cul, Rodney Hunt, Barry B. Spencer, Emory D. Collins (ORNL), Kenneth Bateman, Karen Howden, Brian Westphal (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 507-508
Conceptual Design for a Fuel Element Disassembly-Decladding System
Harold Burton, Joe Signorelli (Scientech)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 509
Radioactivity Reduction Method for Hulls from DUPIC Fuel Fabrication Process
Jong-Ho Kim, In-Ha Jung, Jang-Jin Park, Myung-Seung Yang (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 510-511
Treatment of Fuel Assembly and Decladding Waste by Chlorination
Y. Yasuike, S. Iwasa, K. Suzuki (IR&I), H. Kobayashi, O. Amano (TEPCO), Nobuaki Sato (Tohoku Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 512-513
Study on Construction Cost Evaluation Method of Fuel Cycle Facilities
Keiji Fujii (JNC), Kazuo Yoshida (CRIEPI), Nobuhisa Okuyama, Sumio Kawakami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiaki Ishiro (Toyo Eng)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 514-515
Spent-Fuel Disassembly and Head-End Treatment Developments - II
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 517
Results of Phase I Testing for the DEOX Process
B. R. Westphal, K. J. Bateman, R. P. Lind, K. L. Howden, K. M. Goff (ANL-West), G. D. Del Cul, B. B. Spencer, E. D. Collins (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 519-520
Release Behavior of Kr-85 from Spent Fuel During OREOX Process
Geun Il Park, Jung Won Lee, Myung Seung Yang (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 521
Cesium Trapping of DUPIC Off-Gas Stream
Jin-Myeong Shin, Jang-Jin Park, Geun-Il Park, Myung-Seung Yang (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 522
Evaporative Removal of Bond Sodium from Low Burn-Up Blanket Fuel
Steven D. Herrmann, Karen L. Howden, David A. Sell (ANL-West)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 523-524
Scoping Experiments on Processing of Spent TRISO-Coated GEN IV Reactor Fuels
Barry B. Spencer, Catherine H. Mattus, Guillermo D. Del Cul, Rodney D. Hunt, Emory D. Collins (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 525-526
Partitioning/Transmutation Systems for Repository Benefits
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 527
Technical Approach of the Reasonable Nuclear Energy System for a New Era
Yoshihiro Nagaoki, Kazunori Nomura, Yasuo Nakajima, Takanari Ogata, Takashi Namba (JNC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 529-530
Burning of Minor Actinides in Fuel Cycle of the Fast Reactor - Dovita Program: Results of the 10-Year Activities
A. V. Bychkov, O. V. Skiba, A. A. Mayorshin, M. V. Kormilitsyn, O. V. Shishalov, I. Yu. Zhemkov (FSUE SSC RIAR)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 531-532
Acceptable Decontamination Factor of Radioactive Wastes from PEACER in Korea
Sung Il Kim, Kun Jai Lee (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 533-534
Separation of Actinides from HLW by Chelating Ion Exchange Method
Kazunori Suzuki, Takahiro Kikuchi, Ichiro Goto (IR&I)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 535-536
Design-Experimental Validation of Minor-Actinides Transmutation in the BOR-60 Reactor
A. A. Mayorshin, V. A. Kisly, O. V. Shishalov, V. N. Efimov, I. Y. Zhemkov, A. A. Teykovtsev, V. G. Dvoretsky, F. N. Krukov, A. E. Novoselov (FSUE SSC RIAR)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 537
Implementation of Industrial Reprocessing: Lessons Learned from COGEMA's Experience
R. Vinoche, F. Bailly (COGEMA), F. Drain (SGN)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 538
Reactor Physics Advances for High-Temperature, Gas-Cooled Systems
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 541
Track 8: Radiation Protection and Shielding, Nuclear Criticality Safety, and Reactor Physics
Preliminary Assessment of Lattice Physics Capabilities for VHTR Analysis
T. K. Kim, W. S. Yang, T. A. Taiwo, M. A. Smith (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 543-544
Closing the Fuel Cycle in a Pebble Bed HTGR: Deep Burn of Actinides
D. F. da Cruz, J. B. M. de Haas, A. I. van Heek (NRG)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 545-546
Preliminary Optimization Study for NGNP Fuel Block Design
W. S. Yang, T. K. Kim, T. A. Taiwo (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 547-548
Neutronic Optimization of the H/D Ratio in Annular Core
Y. Kim, J. M. Noh, W. S. Park (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 549-550
Analysis of the Modular Helium Reactor for a Hydrogen Production Plant
Galina V. Tsvetkova, Kenneth L. Peddicord, Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M), Arkal S. Shenoy, Matt Richards, Chris Ellis (General Atomics)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 551-552
Analysis of the PBMR-268 Benchmark Transient Cases with the NEM-THERMIX Coupled Code
Bismark Tyobeka, Nicolas Casula, Ramatsemela Mphahlele, Kostadin Ivanov (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 553-555
Reactor Physics Analysis of the VHTGR Core
Wei Ji, Jeremy L. Conlin, William R. Martin, John C. Lee (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 556-558
Reactivity Effects in a HTGR due to Variations of Basic Pebble-Bed Characteristics
Pavel V. Tsvetkov (Texas A&M), J. Eduard Hoogenboom (Delft UT)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 559-560
Cross-Section Evaluation Working Group and Nuclear Data: The Legacy of Sol Pearlstein
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 561
Personal Reminiscences of Sol Pearlstein
Charles L. Dunford (BNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 563
When Even Pearlstein the "Purist" Engaged in Adjustment
J. J. Wagschal, Y. Yeivin (Hebrew Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 564-565
Statistical Properties of the s- and p-Wave Resonances of 238U
Luiz Leal, Herve Derrien (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 566-567
Tritium Production in 6,7Li from 14-MeV Neutrons
S. C. Frankle, J. M. Harp (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 568-569
Benchmark for Beryllium Thermal Neutron Scattering Cross Sections
T. Zhou, A. I. Hawari, B. W. Wehring, V. H. Gillette, I. I. Al-Qasir (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 570-571
Cross Section Testing with HEU and LEU Thermal Solution ICSBEP Benchmarks
A. C. Kahler (BAPL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 572-574
Sensitivity Analysis for the Np-237 and HEU Fast System Reflected by Low Carbon Steel
David Loaiza, Rene Sanchez, David Hayes (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 575-576
Analysis of the Fourth ZEUS Critical Experiment
Russell D. Mosteller, Peter J. Jaegers, Roger W. Brewer (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 577-579
Data, Analysis, and Operations for Nuclear Criticality Safety - I
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 581
Effect of Mixing Condition of MOX Powder and Additives on Criticality Safety
Toshihiro Yamamoto, Yoshinori Miyoshi (JAERI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 583-584
Impact of Benchmarks on Potential MOX Throughput
Sedat Goluoglu, C. M. Hopper (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 585-587
Undertaking of Criticality Inspections at Sellafield
Joanne Gracey (BNFL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 588-589
A Fresh Approach to Criticality Accident Alarm System Omission
Neil Harris (BNFL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 590-592
Expansion and Improvement of the NCSP Nuclear Criticality Safety Bibliographic Database
Brian L. Koponen, Song T. Huang (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 593
Basis of Defining "Not Normally Occupied Area" for Personal Criticality Detector Application per ANS 8.3 at SRS
D. Allan Coutts, Debdas Biswas (Washington SMS)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 594-596
Re-evaluation of the Criticality Detector Placement at BWXT-NPD
Larry L. Wetzel, Mark V. Mitchell, David W. Faidley (BWX Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 597-598
Data, Analysis, and Operations for Nuclear Criticality Safety - II
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 599
Critical Split-Table Subcritical Assemblies and Fissile Natural Uranium Dummy Drivers
Dennis Mennerdahl (EM Systems)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 601-602
Criticality of a Neptunium-237 Sphere Surrounded with Highly Enriched Uranium Shells and a High-Density Polyethylene Reflector
Rene Sanchez, David Loaiza, David Hayes, Robert Kimpland (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 603-604
Development of HTML Formatted Output for SCALE
Bradley T. Rearden (ORNL), Aaron M. Fleckenstein (Western Michigan Univ), Kofi C. Whitney (Benedict Coll)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 605-607
Historical Review of Critical Experiments Performed at the Atomic Weapons Establishment, UK
R. D. Humphreys, N. P. Tancock (AWE)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 608
GEMER Monte Carlo Code - Geometry Advancements
Lon E. Paulson, John T. Taylor (GNF)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 609-614
Validation of Monte Carlo Criticality Safety Code GEMER
Qi Ao, Lon E. Paulson (GNF), James F. Degolyer (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 615-619
Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards-Poster
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 621
ANSI/ANS-8.26: Nuclear Criticality Safety Engineer Training and Qualification Program
James A. Morman (ANL), Chad L. Pope (ANL-West)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 623-624
ANSI/ANS 8.12, Nuclear Criticality Control and Safety of Plutonium-Uranium Fuel Mixtures Outside Reactors
Song T. Huang (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 625
Overview of the Raschig Ring Standard
J. E. Hicks (Consultant)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 626-627
ANSI/ANS-8.14-2004: Use of Soluble Neutron Absorbers in Nuclear Facilities Outside Reactors
Thomas A. Reilly (Washington SMS), James A. Morman (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 628
ANSI/ANS-8.1: Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissile Material Outside Reactors
Adolf S. Garcia (DOE), James A. Morman (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 629
ANSI/ANS 8.24 - Validation of Neutron Transport Methods for Nuclear Criticality Safety Calculations (draft)
Robert D. Busch (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 630
American National Standard ANS-8.3-1997: Criticality Accident Alarm System
Davis A. Reed (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 631
Criticality Safety Criteria for the Handling, Storage, and Transportation of LWR Fuel Outside Reactors: ANSI/ANS-8.17-1984 (R97)
Brian O. Kidd (BWX Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 632-633
ANSI/ANS-8.15: Nuclear Criticality Control of Special Actinide Elements
Charles T. Rombough (CTR Technical Svc)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 634-635
ANS-8 Series Standards Poster Session: ANSI/ANS-8.10-1983 (R1999)
Harry D. Felsher (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 636
Development of the Burnup Credit Standard, ANS/ANSI-8.27
Dale Lancaster (
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 637-638
Nuclear Criticality Safety Based on Limiting and Controlling Moderators
Jack Bullington (Washington SMS)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 639-641
Guide for Nuclear Criticality Safety in the Storage of Fissile Materials
Calvin M. Hopper (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 642-643
ANSI/ANS-8.23-1997: Nuclear Criticality Accident Emergency Planning and Response
James S. Baker (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 644-645
ANSI/ANS 8.21-1995: Use of Fixed Neutron Absorbers in Nuclear Facilities Outside Reactors
Hans Toffer (Fluor Hanford)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 646-647
Nuclear Criticality Safety for Decontamination and Decommissioning Activities
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 649
Holdup Measurements in Support of Closure Mission at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
Frank W. Lamb (Kaiser-Hill), R. D. Harris (Safe Sites of Colorado), C. A. Cise (Frankie Friend & Assoc)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 651-652
NDA Data and Criticality Safety Evaluations at Hanford
D. G. Erickson, H. Toffer (Fluor Fed Svc), B. S. Mo (Fluor Hanford)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 653-654
Activities to Meet Regulatory Expectations
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 655
Criticality Safety Regulation at Former DOE Facilities
Dennis C. Morey, Kenneth G. O'Brien (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 657-659
Challenges Encountered in Meeting the Revised Rule at NFS
Ralph J. Winiarski, Jr. (Nuclear Safety Assoc), Christopher S. Miller (Nuclear Fuel Svc)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 660-661
Double Contingency Analysis Versus Risk Indexing
Robert S. Maurer (Nuclear Safety Assoc)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 662-663
Nondestructive Analysis (NDA) for Nuclear Criticality Safety - I and II-Tutorial
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 664
Advances in Depletion Methods Based on Multidimensional Transport
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 665
Integrated KENO V.a Monte Carlo Transport for Multidimensional Depletion Within SCALE
Mark D. DeHart, Lester M. Petrie (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 667-669
Spent-Fuel Decay Heat Investigations for BWR Assemblies Using Both One- and Two-Dimensional Model Simulations
B. D. Murphy, I. C. Gauld (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 670-672
Automated Depletion Analysis of PBMR Fuel Using SCALE
Ian C. Gauld (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 673-674
Funding Opportunities at the National Institutes of Health-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 675
Medical Applications in Radiation Protection and Shielding
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 677
Measurements of Neutron Spectrum at Fermilab Neutron Therapy Facility
Zhonglu Wang, Nolan E. Hertel (Georgia Tech), Arlene Lennox (Fermilab)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 679-680
Monte Carlo Shielding Analysis of a Cyclotron Room for 18F Production
Chan-Hyeong Kim, Kyu Seok Seo, Jeong Wan Kwon, Jae Ki Lee (Hanyang Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 681-682
MINERVA: A Multimodality Plugin-Based Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning System
C. A. Wemple, D. E. Wessol, D. W. Nigg (INEEL), J. J. Cogliati, M. Milvich, C. M. Fredrickson, M. Perkins, G. J. Harkin (Montana State Univ), C. L. Hartmann-Siantar, J. Lehmann, T. Flickinger, D. Pletcher (LLNL), A. Yuan, G. L. DeNardo (Univ of California, Davis)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 683-685
Area X-Ray Source for Industrial, Clinical, and Screening Applications
Chang H. Kim, J. Michael Doster, Mohamed A. Bourham (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 686-687
Recent Developments in Radiation Protection and Shielding
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 689
Application of Low-Cost Radiation Shielding Material to the Transfer Cask
Zeev Shayer, Robert C. Amme (Univ of Denver)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 691-692
Release of MCNP5_RSICC_1.30
Tim Goorley, Jeffery S. Bull, Forrest B. Brown, Thomas E. Booth, H. Grady Hughes, Russell D. Mosteller, R. Arthur Forster, Susan E. Post, Richard E. Prael, Elizabeth C. Selcow, Avneet Sood, Jeremy E. Sweezy (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 693-694
OPTFRAG: An Optical Model Code for Predicting Nuclide Production from Heavy Ion Fragmentation
Christina E. Campbell, Lawrence W. Townsend (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 695-696
Measurement of Carbon-14 Released from Yonggwang-4 in Korea
Kidoo Kang, Kyungrok Park, Jihoon Kwak, Kyungduk Kim, Jonghyun Ha, Myungjae Song (KHNP)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 697-698
New Computational Approaches and Results in Shielding Applications
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 699
MONACO: A New 3-D Monte Carlo Shielding Code for SCALE
Margaret B. Emmett, John C. Wagner (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 701-703
Assessment of the Murphy-Campe Geometry Factor for Dose Calculations
Herschel P. Smith (Duke Power)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 704-706
HETC-HEDS Fragment Fluence Predictions Compared with High-Energy Heavy Ion Beam Laboratory Data
Thomas M. Miller, Lawrence W. Townsend (Univ of Tennessee), Tony A. Gabriel (Scientific Investigation & Development), Tom Handler (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 707
MCNP Calculation of BWR Leakage Compared to DORT and Measurements
Glen D. Seeburger, Andrew D. Hodgdon, James N. Neyman (Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 708
MCNP Calculation of BWR Containment Dose Compared to DORT and Measurements
Andrew D. Hodgdon, Glen D. Seeburger, John N. Hamawi (Framatome ANP)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 709
Neutronic Analysis for the KSTAR Tokamak
C.-S. Kim (Korea Basic Science Inst), H.-S. Lee (Pohang Accelerator Lab/POSTECH), M. Kwon (Korea Basic Science Inst)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 710
Reactor Physics Design, Validation, and Operating Experience
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 711
MOX and MOX with Neptunium Fuel Depletion Characteristics Comparison in ATR
Gray S. Chang, Richard G. Ambrosek (INEEL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 713-715
Accuracy Evaluation of Pin Exposure Calculations in Current LWR Core Design Codes (Phase 1)
Chanatip Tippayakul, Samuel Levine, Kostadin Ivanov (Penn State), Robert J. Wolfgang, Moussa Mahgerefteh (Exelon)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 716-718
Investigation of Changes in Europium Isotopic Ratios Following Irradiation
R. T. Primm, III (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 719-720
Conceptual Core Design of Transmutation Fast Reactor, PEACER-300
Jae-Yong Lim, Myung-Hyun Kim (Kyung Hee Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 721-722
TRU Transmutation Options in Heterogeneous Thorium-Based PWR Fuel Assemblies
Kang-Mok Bae, Myung-Hyun Kim (Kyung Hee Univ), Un-Chul Lee (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 723-724
Reactor Physics Analysis of the MINERVE Reactor for the OSMOSE Program
Yan Cao (Univ of Michigan), Gregory Perret, Raymond T. Klann (ANL), John C. Lee (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 725-727
The Spatially Corrected Inverse Count Rate (SCICR) Method for Subcritical Reactivity Measurement
Y. A. Chao, H. Q. Lam, J. D. Gibbons, M. D. Heibel (Westinghouse), Masayuki Kauchi (Mitsubishi, Kobe)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 728-730
Verification of Safety Function Assessment Trees Using Accident Sequences
Chansoo Kim (Seoul Natl Univ), Huichang Yang (FNC Technol), Chang-Hyun Chung (Seoul Natl Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 731-732
Reactor Physics: General - I
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 733
An Overview of Resonance Theory in Reactor Physics Applications
R. N. Hwang (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 735-739
Coolant Void Reactivity in Supercritical CO2-Cooled Fast Reactors
M. A. Pope, M. J. Driscoll, P. Hejzlar (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 740-742
State Representation of the Delayed Neutron Importance Factor for Two-Group Nodal Transient Calculations
Bedirhan Akdeniz (Penn State), Erwin Müller, Dobromir Panayotov (Westinghouse), Kostadin N. Ivanov (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 743-746
Optimized Innovative Burnable Poison Concepts for Advanced PWR Fuel Management
Serkan Yilmaz, Kostadin Ivanov, Samuel Levine (Penn State), Moussa Mahgerefteh (Exelon)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 747-749
Treatments of Kinetic Equation of Fast Subcritical Assembly
Kohei Iwanaga, Hiroshi Sekimoto (Tokyo Inst Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 750
Comparison of Subcriticality Monitoring Methods for Accelerator-Driven System
Koshi Taguchi, Yoshihiro Yamane, Yasunori Kitamura, Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 751-752
Design of a Once-Through Breed and Burn GFR
P. Yarsky, M. J. Driscoll, P. Hejzlar (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 753-755
Modeling Genetic Algorithm Operators for Loading Pattern Optimization
Fatih Alim, Kostadin Ivanov (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 756-757
Reactor Physics: General - II
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 759
Uniform Nuclear Heat Density in the CANDU Fuel Bundle
Sümer Sahin (Gazi Univ), Kadir Yildiz (Nigde Univ), Adem Acir (Gazi Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 761-762
Analysis of VHTR's with the SCALE System
Felix C. Difilippo (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 763-765
Simultaneous In-Core Optimization of PWR Tandem Cycles
Akio Yamamoto, Erina Sugimura, Yasunori Kitamura, Yoshihiro Yamane (Nagoya Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 766-767
Estimated Cost for Low Conversion Ratio Burners
E. A. Hoffman, R. N. Hill, T. A. Taiwo (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 768-769
Safety Hazard Experience in Design and Construction of Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 773
Track 9: Nonpower, Nonreactor, Medical, and Radiation Applications and Facilities
An Oversight Approach for the Review of the Design of the Pit Disassembly and Conversion Facility
Herbert W. Massie, Jr. (DNFSB)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 775-776
Nuclear Health and Safety Plan for the Silo 3 Project at Fernald
Lawrence M. Zull (DNFSB)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 777-778
Operational Design Services for Yucca Mountain's Surface Facility Material-Handling System
Ian Hunter, Philippe Kerrien, Didier Equilbec, Dorothy Davidson (COGEMA), Colin Cochrane, Robert C. Slovic (Bechtel SAIC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 779-780
PDCF Fire Risk Analysis - A Bridge Between the Fire Hazards Analysis and the PDSA
Richard A. Brouns, Steven C. Kline (Battelle), James Gassman (Washington Grp Int)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 781-782
Equipment and Methods for Gamma Spectrometry
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 783
On the Development of Approaches for the Real-Time Deconvolution of Pulse Pile-Up for Digital Radiation Spectroscopy
Weijun Guo, Robin P. Gardner, Charles W. Mayo (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 785-786
Direct Gamma Spectrometry of the 226Ra 186.2 keV Line for Detecting 238U/226Ra Disequilibrium in Determining the Environmental Dose Rate for the Luminescence Dating of Sediments
Frans De Corte (Ghent Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 787-788
Gaussian Broadening of MCNP Pulse Height Spectra
W. A. Metwally, R. P. Gardner (NCSU), Avneet Sood (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 789-790
Real Time Accurate Elimination of Pulse Pile-Up Distortion in Nuclear Radiation Spectroscopy
Robin P. Gardner, Charles W. Mayo, Weijun Guo (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 791-792
Improved Performance in Germanium Detector Gamma Spectrometers Based on Digital Signal Processing
Ronald M. Keyser, Timothy R. Twomey, Russell D. Bingham (ORTEC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 793
Simulated Spectra for QA/QC of Spectral Analysis Software
K. R. Jackman, S. R. Biegalski (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 794-795
Studies on Lanthanum Halides
Sanjoy Mukhopadhyay (Bechtel Nevada)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 796-797
How Good is Your Gamma Peak Integration, and How Do You Know?
Richard M. Lindstrom, Rolf Zeisler, Rick L. Paul (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 798
University Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry Programs
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 799
Graduate Education in Nuclear and Radiochemistry at the University of Texas at Austin
S. Landsberger, L. Katz, D. J. O'Kelly (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 801-803
Environmental Radiochemistry Education at Clemson University
R. A. Fjeld, J. D. Navratil, T. A. DeVol (Clemson Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 804-805
Bucking the Trend: Radiochemistry at the University of Missouri-Columbia
J. David Robertson, Silvia Jurisson, Susan Lever, Paul Duval (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 806-807
Nuclear and Radiochemistry at Oregon State University
W. Loveland, A. Paulenova, K. A. Higley (Oregon State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 808
Modern Nuclear Chemistry at Michigan State University
David J. Morrissey, Paul F. Mantica (Michigan State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 809
Overview of the Radiochemistry Graduate Program at Colorado State University
Shawki A. Ibrahim (Colorado State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 810
Investing in Academic Radiochemistry: Re-invigorating Radiochemistry in Chemistry Departments
Sue B. Clark (Washington State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 811
Nuclear Analytical Techniques
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 813
Time Dependent Neutron Fluence Measurements at UT-NETL PGAA Facility
Emilio Alvarez (Univ of Texas, Austin), S. K. Aghara (Prairie View A&M)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 815-816
Density Logging in Steel Using Water Activation and an Accelerator Neutron Generator
D. L. Chichester (Thermo Electron Corp)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 817-818
MCNPTV: Implementation of a Methodology for Converting CT Images to MCNP Input
M. S. Wyatt, L. F. Miller (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 819-820
Hypermet PC for Certification of Hydrogen in Titanium by PGAA
Rick L. Paul, Richard M. Lindstrom (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 821-822
Redesign of the Cold-Neutron Analytical Chemistry Instruments at the NIST Center for Neutron Research
Emilio Alvarez (Univ of Texas, Austin), Richard M. Lindstrom, Rick L. Paul, Jeremy C. Cook, Ivan G. Schröder (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 823-824
Testing Neutron-Induced Soft Errors in Semiconductor Memory
K. Ünlü, S. M. Çetiner, V. Degalahal, N. Vijaykrishnan, M. J. Irwin (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 825-826
Exploring the Quality of INAA for Determinations in Reference Materials
K. H. Cho, R. R. Greenberg, R. Zeisler (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 827-828
Experiences in Developing a Quality System for the Nuclear Analytical Methods Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Elizabeth A. Mackey, Robert R. Greenberg (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 829
Nuclear Methods in Human Health and Clinical Research
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 831
Development of a Biomarker for Monitoring the Elimination of Heavy Metals from Autistic Children
Lin-Wen Hu, John Machuzak, John A. Bernard (MIT), George Grady (Univ of Massachusetts), Jianmei Che (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 833-835
NAA Applied to the Evaluation of Dental Human Loss Caused by Bleaching Agent
E. M. Adachi, M. N. Youssef (Univ of São Paulo), M. Saiki (IPEN)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 836-837
Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Pygmy Sperm Whale (Kogia breviceps) Liver Tissue Used for Quality Assurance in the Analysis of Marine Mammal Tissues
Elizabeth A. Mackey, Rabia Oflaz, Barbara J. Porter (NIST)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 838-839
Neutron Activation Analysis of Toenails from a Portuguese Population Influenced by Large Industrial Emissions of Selenium and Mercury into the Atmosphere
M. Carmo Freitas (ITN-Reactor)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 840
Recirculating Targetry to Enhance F-18 Clinical PET
J. Michael Doster, Jon C. Clark (NCSU), Bruce W. Wieland (Bruce Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 841-842
Theoretical Assessment of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for the Treatment of Breast Cancer
Daniel Mundy, Yu Liu, Tatjana Jevremovic (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 843-844
Gadolinium Neutron Capture Depth-Dose Distribution for Deep-Seated Brain Tumors
Emad Ghandourah, Tatjana Jevremovic (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 845-846
INAA as a Tool to Identify Organically Grown Food
E. A. De Nadai Fernandes, F. S. Tagliaferro, M. A. Bacchi (Univ of São Paulo, CENA), P. Bode (Delft UT), C. Turra, L. G. Santos (Univ of São Paulo, CENA)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 847-848
Labeling and Quality Control of Radiopharmaceutical Compounds
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 849
The New IUPAC Project on "Terminology, Quantities and Units Concerning Production and Applications of Radionuclides in Radiopharmaceutical and Radioanalytical Chemistry"
Mauro L. Bonardi, Flavia Groppi (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 851-852
Radiolabeling and Characterization of Receptor-Avid Peptides as Molecular Imaging and Therapeutic Biomolecules for Specific In Vivo Targeting of Human Cancers
Wynn A. Volkert, Michael F. Giblin, Timothy J. Hoffman (Univ of Missouri, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 853-855
Astatine-211 Labeled Radiopharmaceuticals
Ganesan Vaidyanathan (Duke Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 856
In Vitro and In Vivo Quality Control: Differences in Metabolites of Radiotracers Produced by Rat, Monkey, and Human Hepatocytes
Ying Ma, Dale O. Kiesewetter, Lixin Lang, Elaine M. Jagoda, Michael Channing, William C. Eckelman (NIH)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 857-859
Radiochemical and Nuclear Analytical Methods and Applications
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 861
Photonuclear Activation at the Pantex Plant
Gilbert L. Rendon (BWXT Pantex)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 863-864
Development of Optical Parametric Amplifier for Laser-Based Radiation Sources
S. Clarke (Purdue Univ), C. Anderson (Univ of Arizona), T. Jevremovic (Purdue Univ), C. A. Ebbers, I. Jovanovic (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 865-866
Fission Products and Actinide Radioactivity Inventory Analysis of the MIT Research Reactor
William B. Kennedy, Lin-Wen Hu, Mujid Kazimi, John A. Bernard (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 867-868
Isotopic Ratios for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Analysis Applicable to AMS
Steven Biegalski, Scott M. Whitney (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 869-870
In Vitro Lung Dissolution Rate of PuO2
S. P. LaMont, T. R. LaBone, J. R. Cadieux, W. M. Findley (Westinghouse SRC)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 871
Validation of a New Kit for Easy Thermal and Epithermal Neutron Flux Monitoring
M. J. J. Koster-Ammerlaan (Delft UT), M. A. Bacchi (Univ of São Paulo, CENA), P. Bode (Delft UT), E. A. De Nadai Fernandes (Univ of São Paulo, CENA)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 872-873
Development of Ultratrace Methods for the Determination of Thorium in a Dry Tube Irradiation Facility
S. E. Glover, H. B. Spitz, J. Gels (Univ of Cincinnati)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 874
Micelle-Aided Extraction of Radionuclides from a Contaminated Organic Phase
Cameron J. Shepherd (Claremont High School), Stephen P. LaMont (Westinghouse SRC), Stephen H. Shepherd (SCE)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 875-876
U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Engineering Education Research: Highlights of Recent and Current Research - I
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 879
Track 10: Emerging Nuclear Technologies
Q-value Summing for Coincidence Prompt Gamma-Ray Neutron Activation Analysis
R. P. Gardner, W. A. Metwally, X. Han, C. W. Mayo (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 881-882
Complete Condensation in a Vertical Tube Passive Condenser
Shripad T. Revankar, Seungmin Oh (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 883-884
Pyroelectric Electron Acceleration: Improvements and Future Applications
Jeffrey A. Geuther, Yaron Danon (RPI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 885-886
The Effect of Uranium 5d Electrons on Theoretical Calculations of the Ground and Excited States of the Uranyl (UO22+ Ion
Eric V. Beck, Larry W. Burggraf (AFIT), Jean-Philippe Blaudeau (High Performance Technol)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 887-889
Uranium Oxide Weathering: Spectroscopy and Kinetics
A. I. Khaskelis, R. A. Schueneman, L. W. Burggraf (AFIT)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 890-891
A Radioactive Marker System to Reduce Positioning Errors in Radiation Treatment
William H. Miller (Univ of Missouri, Columbia), Jatinder R. Palta (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 892-894
Application of Hilbert-Huang Transform for Acoustic Signal Analysis for Steam Generator Structural Integrity Diagnosis
B. Lu, B. R. Upadhyaya, J. W. Hines (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 895-896
U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Engineering Education Research: Highlights of Recent and Current Research - II
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 897
Skeletal Dose Estimates via a Paired-Image Radiation Transport (PIRT) Model
Wesley Bolch, Amish Shah (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 899-901
Development of Methodology for Early Detection of BWR Instabilities
Alessandro Petruzzi, Shin Chin, Kostadin Ivanov, Asok Ray, Fan-Bill Cheung (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 902-905
Liquid-Metal-Bonded Gap for Light Water Reactor Fuel Rods
Doonyapong Wongsawaeng, Donald Olander (Univ of California, Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 906-907
Development of a Robust Tri-Carbide Fueled Reactor for Multi-Megawatt Space Power and Propulsion Applications
Travis Knight, Samim Anghaie, Tom Carter (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 908-909
Characterizing Stratified Flow in Passive Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Advanced Light Water Reactors
Alan G. Stephens (Idaho State Univ), Jim C. P. Liou (Univ of Idaho), Richard R. Schultz, Hiral J. Kadakia (Idaho State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 910-911
Towards Virtual GEN-IV Reactors
Nick Karancevic, Rizwan-uddin (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 912-914
Flashing and Instability in a Boiling Natural Circulation Loop Under Low Pressure
Quan Zhou, Rizwan-uddin (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 915-917
Flow Localization Modeling for FCC Metals after Exposure to Radiation
Xianglin Wu, Xiao Pan (Univ of Illinois), Meimei Li (ORNL), James F. Stubbins (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 918-919
General Space Technology Interests
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 921
Post-Irradiation Examination of 237Np Targets for 238Pu Production
A. S. Icenhour, R. M. Wham, R. R. Brunson, R. R. McMahon (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 923
Sodium-Cooled Epithermal Long-Term Exploration Nuclear Engine (SELENE) Concept
P. Yarsky (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 924-926
Fission Fragment Magnetic Collimator Reactor: Current Status of the Experimental Program
Pavel V. Tsvetkov, Ron R. Hart (Texas A&M), Don B. King (SNL)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 927-928
Experimental Verification of Magnetic Insulation in Direct Energy Conversion Fission Electric Cells
Don B. King, Gary E. Rochau, Debby S. Oscar, Charles W. Morrow (SNL), Pavel V. Tsvetkov, Ron R. Hart (Texas A&M), Remy Gallix (General Atomics)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 929-930
Project Prometheus Overview: Nuclear Science and Technology in Space-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 931
Education and Training: General
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 935
Track 11: Education and Communication
Laying the Foundation for Learning Beyond the Baccalaureate Degree
S. R. Biegalski, S. Landsberger (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 937
Extension of the AGENT Neutron Transport Method to 3D Lattice Geometries
Mathieu Hursin, Tatjana Jevremovic (Purdue Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 938-939
Nuclear Activities in Morocco: Means of Promotion
O. K. Bouhelal (Natl School of Mineral Industry)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 940-941
Training, Human Performance, and Workforce Development
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 943
Demonic Demographics: Strategies for Retaining and Recruiting the Nuclear Workforce
Lawrence B. Durham (Sterling Learning Svc)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 945
New Educational Partnerships - College Credit for Energy Industry Training
Richard P. Coe, Jo-Ann D. Rolle (Excelsior Coll)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 946-947
Student Design Competition
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 949
Undergraduate Category
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 951
A Reactor Design to Power the Jupiter Icy Moon Orbiter (JIMO)
C. F. Acosta, B. Ahmed, J. Weir (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 953-954
A Sub-Critical, Gas-Cooled Fast Transmutation Reactor (GCFTR) with a Fusion Neutron Source
V. L. Beavers, W. A. Casino, J. R. Cheatham, Z. W. Friis, R. D. Green, W. R. Hamilton, K. W. Haufler, J. D. Hutchinson, R. A. Lorio, J. W. Maddox, A. A. Manzoor, C. A. Noelke, M. R. Terry (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 955-957
Advanced High Temperature Reactor - AHTR 667
Tyler Cornell, Ryan Giar, Youssef Sharara, Scott Outten, Igor Petrusky (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 958
Graduate Category
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 959
Hetcore6: A Nuclear Power Plant Design for Wolverine Point
Jeremy L. Conlin, Chris W. Kirby, Kevin P. Lynn (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 961-962
Training Excellence Awards-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 963
Innovations in Nuclear Engineering Education, Training, and Distance Learning
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 965
Internet University Reactor Experiments for Education in Nuclear Engineering
L. F. Miller (Univ of Tennessee), A. I. Hawari, A. Cook (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 967-968
The Recent R&D Activities of KEPRI in Nuclear Simulation Technology
Myeong-Soo Lee, Jin-Hyuk Hong, In-Yong Seo, Yong-Kwan Lee (KEPRI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 969-970
A Virtual Laboratory and Control Room
Nick Karancevic, James Stubbins, Rizwan-uddin (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 971-972
System Design of Virtual Nuclear Plant for ALARA Simulation
Kidoo Kang (KHNP), Yonsik Lee (Kunsan Natl Univ), Brian K. Hajek (Ohio State), YooJin Shin (Kwangwoon Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 973-974
Distance Learning Revival at Oregon State University
Stephen E. Binney, Kathryn A. Higley (Oregon State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 975-977
Distance Education: Teaching from a Distance
J. Wesley Hines (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 978-979
INIE: Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education Program Experience
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 981
Status of Neutron Beam Port Experiments at The University of Texas at Austin
Sean O'Kelly (Univ of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 983
WNSA "Nonproliferation Instrumentation and Measurements" Summer Course Experience
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 984-985
MITR's INIE Accomplishments in the Materials and Fuel Testing Program
John A. Bernard, Lin-Wen Hu, Mujid Kazimi, Ronald Ballinger, Gordon Kohse, Thomas Newton (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 986-987
MNSEC Experience and Significant Outcomes under the DOE/ONEST INIE Program (Year 1)
Wynn A. Volkert (Univ of Missouri, Columbia), Randy L. Etter (Linn State Technical Coll), Edbertho Leal-Quiros (Polytechnic Univ of Puerto Rico), Arvind S. Kumar (Univ of Missouri, Rolla), Bryan R. Becker (Univ of Missouri, Kansas City)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 988-989
Multi-University Southeast INIE Consortium: First Year Highlights and Successes
A. I. Hawari (NCSU), M. I. Al-Sheikhly (Univ of Maryland), M. A. Garland (Univ of South Carolina), N. E. Hertel (Georgia Tech), L. F. Miller (Univ of Tennessee), S. I. Miller (Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Inst)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 990-991
INIE Collaboration between UIUC and Purdue on Virtual Reactor Development
Dimitrios Andritsos (Purdue Univ), John Griffith, Nick Karancevic (Univ of Illinois), Tatjana Jevremovic (Purdue Univ), James Stubbins, Rizwan-uddin (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 992-993
University Partnerships
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 995
PUPR-MU University Partnership Program in Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics
William H. Miller (Univ of Missouri, Columbia), Edbertho Leal-Quiros (Polytechnic Univ of Puerto Rico)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 997
New Mexico Opportunities in Nuclear Engineering (NMONE)
Mohamed El-Genk, Robert Busch (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 998-999
"The Texas Partnership," A Multi-Dimensional NE University Partnership
Dan Suson, Paul Cox, Lionel Hewett, Henry Leckenby (Texas A&M, Kingsville), Milton Bryant, Irvin Osborne-Lee, Richard Wilkins (Prairie View A&M), John Ford, William Burchill, Paul Nelson, K. L. Peddicord (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 1000-1001
The South Carolina State University Nuclear Engineering Program
Vicentica Valdes, Eduardo Farfan (SCSU)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 1002-1003
Building an Effective Educational Bridge Between Tuskegee University and the University of Cincinnati Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Program
Syed F. Ali (Tuskegee Univ), John Christenson (Univ of Cincinnati), Pradosh K. Ray (Tuskegee Univ), Shoaib Usman (Univ of Missouri, Rolla)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 1004-1005
Pronuclear Communications
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 1007
The Need for Public Comments in Nuclear-Related Rulemaking
Peter Caracappa (RPI)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 1009
Public Communications: Focusing on Higher Visibility
Laura Hermann (ANS)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 1010
The NA-YGN Annual Nuclear Science and Technology Drawing Contest
Sama Bilbao y León (Dominion Gen), Lawanda M. Chisolm (Westinghouse)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 1011
RAM Transport as a Virtual, Visual Narrative: A Case Study
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 1012-1013
Bring the Mountain to Muhammad: Taking Nuclear Outreach to the Frontlines
Lisa A. Shell (Dominion Gen)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 1014
ANS Local Section Joins Forces with National Laboratory for Public Information Success Story
Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar (Idaho State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Pages 1015-1016
Minimizing Risks in Communication with the Media-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 1017
2004 Nuclear Innovations Program Review-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 1018
International Collaboration in Nuclear Engineering Education and Training-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 1019
Recent Perspectives on Global Climate Change Research-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 1023
Track 12: Special Symposium on Global Climate Change and the Energy Sector
Potential Impacts of Global Climate Change on the Energy Sector: Status of Implementing the Kyoto Protocol-Panel
Transactions | Volume 91 | Number 1 | November 2004 | Page 1024