Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page iii
Meeting Officials, National Program Committee
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page v
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages vii-xviii
Cross-Reference of Divisions with Tracks
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages xiii-xiv
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page xv
ANS Plenary Session: "A Golden Anniversary - A Golden Opportunity"
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 3
Track 1: "A Golden Anniversary - A Golden Opportunity"
ANS President's Special Session: "Realism in Evaluating Nuclear Hazards"
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 4
Track 1: "A Golden Anniversary - A Golden Opportunity"
Licensing and Safety Aspects of Advanced Nuclear Systems - I
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 7
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Licensing of New Light Water Reactors
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 9
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
NRC's Advanced Reactor Research Program
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 10
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Principles and Benefits of Passive Safety Design Strategies
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 11
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Safety Aspects of the Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (GFR)
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 12-13
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Safety and Licensing Aspects of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 14-15
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Standard Design Certification with Prototype Testing
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 16-17
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Licensing and Safety Aspects of Advanced Nuclear Systems - II-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 19
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Safety and Licensing Aspects of the SuperCritical Water Reactor (SCWR)
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 21-23
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Safety and Licensing Aspects of the LFR/SSTAR
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 24-26
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Safety and Licensing Aspects of the Molten Salt Reactor
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 27-29
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Compressed Gas Emergency Power Supply for GFR Service
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 30-31
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 32
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
TMI-2: Twenty-Five Years After the Accident - What Are the Lessons We Need to Remember-Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 33
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Reactor Physics Advances for Design of Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 35
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
VHTR Double-Heterogeneous and Homogenous Lattice Model Burnup Characteristics Comparison
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 37-39
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Preliminary Assessment of Possibilities for Improving the Performance of SCWR Using Hydride Fuel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 40-42
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Spectrum-Dependent Transmutation Efficiency in Molten Salt Reactors
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 43-45
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
A Generation IV Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Concept and Its R&D Program
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 46-47
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Neutronic Designs for a Lead Cooled, Small Modular Reactor Fueled with TRU
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 48-49
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Use of Minimally Processed Fast Reactor Fuel in Light Water Reactors
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 50-51
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 52-53
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Research by U.S. Department of Energy-Sponsored Students
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 55
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
A Combined Tissue Kinetics and Dosimetric Model of an Airway
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 57-58
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
A Model Based Probabilistic Scheme for Flux/Power Shape Construction from Monitored Data
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 59-61
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Boron Concentration Fields Around a Vapor Bubble During Sub-Cooled Boiling in Boric Acid Solution
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 62-63
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Feature Extraction from Lamb Wave Signals for Structural Flaw Classification
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 64-65
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
An Experimental Investigation of Hypervapotron Effect in Subcooled Boiling
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 66-67
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 68-70
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems: Policy Issues-Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 71
Track 2: Concepts and Visions
Spent Fuel Processing, Partitioning, and Transmutation
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 75
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Actinide Partitioning and Transmutation in Light-Water Reactors (LWRs)
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 77-78
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Processing of Spent TRISO-Coated GEN IV Reactor Fuels
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 79-80
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 81
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Advanced Head-End Processing of Spent Fuel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 82-83
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Initial Testing of the DEOX Process at ANL-W
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 84-85
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Denatured Thorium in Fast Reactors Employing a Closed Fuel Cycle
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 86-87
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Estimation of Worldwide Minor Actinide Inventory Using Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulation System (VISTA)
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 88-89
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Fuels and Materials Performance
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 91
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Mechanistic Understanding of Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600 in PWR Water
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 93-94
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Development of Intraspecimen Method for the Application to Life Prediction
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 95-96
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Assessment of the DUPIC Fuel Performance for the In-Core Fuel Management Strategy
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 97-98
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Investigation of Trace Hydrogen Uptake in Lithium-Ion Battery Using Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 99-101
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Reactor Pressure Boundary Penetration Degradation-Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 102
Track 3: Knowing and Improving Resource Quality
Hot Topics and Emergent Issues - Containment Sump Clogging-Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 105
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Data, Analysis, and Operations for Nuclear Criticality Safety - I
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 107
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
A Declaration of Independence - What Is It Worth?
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 109-110
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 111-114
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Studies Contributing to Fission Number Estimates for Criticality Accidents in Solutions
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 115-117
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Development of Criticality Safety Evaluations for Deactivation and Decommissioning Activities
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 118-119
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Evolution of Criticality Safety Training at Westinghouse, UKFB Springfields
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 120-121
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Criticality Safety Training for Deactivation and Decommissioning Personnel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 122-123
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Processing of Nuclear Ship Savannah Fuel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 124-125
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Data, Analysis, and Operations for Nuclear Criticality Safety - II
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 127
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 129-130
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Criticality Safety of Uranium Metal of Various Shapes and Sizes
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 131-135
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Parametric Study of LEU Particles in Water or a UO2/Water Moderator
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 136-137
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
An Automated Approach for Dry Fuel Transportation Criticality Qualification
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 138-139
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 140-141
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Reactive Moderator and Reflector Materials in a Finite Plutonium System
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 142-143
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Use of Burnup Credit as a Safety Factor in Handling of Spent Fuel at SRS
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 144-145
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Thermal Hydraulics of the Next Generation of Nuclear Reactors
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 147
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Addition of Diffusion Model to MELCOR and Comparison with Data
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 149-150
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Experimental Investigation of Mixed Convection in Large Passive Containment Volumes
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 151
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Advanced Computational Thermal Studies and Their Assessment for Supercritical Reactors
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 152-153
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Key Thermal-Hydraulic Issues Associated with Gen IV Supercritical Water Reactor Development
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 154-155
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Scaling of HELIOS Loop for Natural Circulation of Pb-Bi
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 156-157
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Convective Heat Transfer to Gas Mixtures for GFR Applications
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 158-159
Track 4: Establishing Design Criteria and Bases
Other (Nonnuclear) Proliferation Regimes-Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 163
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 165
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
What, If Anything, Do Nuclear Professionals "Profess" To?
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 167-168
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Lessons to be Learned from Recent Events/Incidents
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 169-170
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Upholding Professional Ethics in the Operation of Nuclear Facilities
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 171-173
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 174-175
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
A Government Regulator's Perspective on Upholding Professional Ethics
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 176
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 177
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
The NRC's External Risk Communication Guidelines
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 179-181
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 182-183
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Internal Risk Communication Solutions at the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 184-185
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Safety Hazard Experience in Design and Construction of Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 187
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Safety Hazard Experience in Design and Construction of Non-Reactor Facilities
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 189-190
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 191-192
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Design of Structures, Systems, and Components for External Hazards DOE Nuclear Weapons Complex
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 193
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Integrated Safety Management Principles in Construction of the Tritium Extraction Facility
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 194-195
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Testing the PCSA Tool for a Pre-Closure Safety Analysis of a Potential Yucca Mountain Repository
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 196-197
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 198
Track 5: Regulation: Culture and Methods
Demonstration of Sensitivity and Uncertainty
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 201
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Demonstration of Sensitivity and Uncertainty
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 202
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Monitoring and Control of Next Generation Reactor Systems
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 203
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection for IRIS Helical Coil Steam Generators
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 205-206
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Characteristics of Acoustic Emission from Check Valve Leaks at Nuclear Power Plants
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 207-209
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
A Validation Methodology for Computerized Procedure System Based on Multi-Level Flow Modeling
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 210
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Displacement Monitoring of the Thinned U-Section Using Fiber-Optic Techniques
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 211-212
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
HW/SW Interaction Testing for Digitalized Nuclear I&C System
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 213-214
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Current Issues in LWR Nuclear Fuel Performance and Reliability-Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 215
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Nuclear Installations Safety: General
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 217
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Implementation of Methodology for Final Hazard Categorization of a DOE Nuclear Facility (U)
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 219-221
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Trial Application of a Peer Review Process for ASME PRA Standard
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 222-223
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Compact Components for Cost-Effective Retrofitting
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 224-226
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Hanford RPP-WTP Evaporator System Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 227-228
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
A Modified Technique for Crack Formation on Steam Generator Tubing
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 229-230
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Development of Integrated Monitoring System for FAC Monitoring
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 231-232
Track 6: Continuous Production and Safety Improvements
Clearance of Solid Materials: Federal and Industry Update-Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 235
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Waste
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 237
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Risk-Based Performance Index for Nuclear Waste Transmutation System Optimization
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 239-240
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Removal of Strontium from Aqueous Solutions Using Fuller's Earth Beads
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 241-243
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Automatic Real-Time Model Calibration Tool for Groundwater Contaminant Transport
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 244-245
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Environmental Sciences: General
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 247
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Monte Carlo Uncertainty Analysis of a Transmuting Fuel Cycle
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 249-250
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Adsorption on Aerosol Particles with Heterogeneous Surfaces
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 251-253
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 254-256
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Evacuation Time Estimate Analysis for the Fermi 2 Emergency Planning Zone
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 257-258
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
The Use of Nuclear Energy for Desalination-Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 259
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Integrated Risk-Informed Decision Making-Paper/Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 261
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Day-to-Day PRA Use at a Nuclear Power Plant
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 263
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 264
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 265
Track 7: Environment, External Impacts, and Risk
Nontraditional Applications of Transport Methods - I
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 269
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Whence the Transport Equation?
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 271-272
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Computer Algebra and Transport Theory
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 273-275
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Neutron Transport Theory Applied to Optical Oceanography
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 276-277
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Analytical Solution to Discrete Ordinate Time Dependent Transport Problems
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 278-280
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
A Regularized Boltzmann Collision Operator for Highly Forward Peaked Scattering
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 281-283
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Performance of PENTRAN Using a Heterogeneous Cluster for Selected Medical Physics Problems
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 284-286
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Nontraditional Applications of Transport Methods - II
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 287
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Electron/Photon Transport - A Key to Radiation Physics? A Review
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 289-291
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Transport (Kinetic) Equations in Vehicular Traffic Flow
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 292-294
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 295-298
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Monte Carlo Simulation of Nuclear Well Logging Devices on a 150-Node PC Cluster
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 299-300
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 301-302
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Deterministic Modeling of Radiation Exchange Within and Between 3-D Cloud Structures
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 303-304
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
University Reactor Research and Applications
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 305
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Neutronics Design of a Supercritical Water Neutron Radiolysis Loop
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 307-308
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Neutron Imaging of Two-Phase Transport in a Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 309-310
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Development of Time-of-Flight Neutron Depth Profiling at The Pennsylvania State University
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 311-312
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 313-315
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Development of a Protocol for Analyzing PM2.5 Filters by INAA Method
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 316-319
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Uses of NAA: Gold Concentrations in Dated Tree Rings
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 320-321
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
A Web-Based System for Access to Real-Time and Archival Research Reactor Data
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 322-324
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Accelerator Applications: General
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 325
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Overview of Accelerators for Clinical Fast Neutron Therapy
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 327
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Field Assessment in BNCT Using a Structure-Segmented Head Phantom
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 328-329
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
MCNPX on Heterogeneous Clusters Using PVM and MPI
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 330-332
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Overview of the AFCI Reactor-Accelerator Coupling Experiments (RACE) Project
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 333-334
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Photo-Neutron Production for Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Systems
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 335-337
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Electron Accelerator Target Design Optimization for Waste Transmutation
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 338-339
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Radiation Measurements and Predictions for the First-Phase SNS-Linac Commissioning and Conditioning
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 340-341
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Benchmarking Photo-Neutron Predictions from MCNPX
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 342-343
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Radiation Detector Physics and Applications
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 345
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
High Energy Resolution Fast-Neutron Spectrometers
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 347
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Study of the Radiation Resistance of Silicon Carbide Radiation Detectors
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 348-349
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Analysis of Efficiency of Large Area Neutron Detector Arrays
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 350-351
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Simulation of a High Speed Counting System for SiC Neutron Sensors
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 352-353
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Polonium Distribution Analysis by Alpha-Ray Spectrum Unfolding Method
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 354-355
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Neutron Measurements for Improved Soft Error Discrimination in Computer Systems
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 356-357
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
X-Ray Autoradiography Measurements to Detect Tampered Fresh Light Water Reactor Fuel Assemblies
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 358-359
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Hot Topics and Emerging Issues-Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 360
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Isotopes and Radiation: General
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 361
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Generation and Characterization of Krypton and Argon Excimers from a Microwave Fluorescence Lamp
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 363-364
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Conceptual Design of Nuclear Battery Using Semiconductor
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 365-366
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Sensitivity of the Fixed Point Formulation to Density for Large Sample PGNAA
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 367-369
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Sensitivity of the Fixed Point Iteration to Neutron Source Spectrum for Large Sample PGNAA
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 370-372
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
An Improved High Pressure Xenon Ambient Temperature Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 373-374
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
New Opportunities for Cost Savings at Nuclear Power Plants-Papers/Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 375
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Mockup Testing for Spent Fuel Storage Canister Accelerating Vacuum Drying
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 377-378
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Economic Viability of Nuclear Power Co-Generation with Hydrogen
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 379-380
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Near-Surface Alloying of Neutron Absorbing Elements into Zirconium-Alloy Fuel Clad Material
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 381-382
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 383-384
Track 8: Applications: Research, Basic Science Concepts, and Development
Good Practices in Outcomes Assessment Under EC2000 and TC2K
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 387
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Performance Based Assessment of Nuclear Programs in Academia and Industry
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 389-390
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
College Credit for Utility Accredited Programs - Coming Full Circle
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 391-392
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 393-395
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Evaluation Methodology for Assessing Program Outcomes
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 396-397
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Nuclear Power Plant Training Program Accreditation - Reflections on the Past Twenty Years
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 398
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Outcome Assessment - Knowing When You Hit the Mark
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 399-400
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 401
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Updated NRC Research Plan for Digital System Safety in Nuclear Power Plants and Other Facilities
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 403-404
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Behavior-Based Corrective Actions for Results
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 405-406
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Modernization Guidance
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 407-408
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
An Application of the Dynamic Neural Network to Accident Diagnosis Systems for Nuclear Power Plants
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 409-410
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Application of an Adaptive Neurofuzzy System in Transient Detection
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 411-412
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
A Practical Tool for Modeling Dependency Among Pre-Accident Human Errors
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 413-416
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Education and Training: General
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 417
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
University-Industry Training - An Industry Perspective
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 419
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Subcritical Reactor Experiments at the University of Cincinnati
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 420-421
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
MANTIS: Teaching Reactor Physics Concepts with a Simple Monte Carlo Tool
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 422-423
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
A Regional Reactor Education and Research Concept
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 424-425
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Training, Human Performance, and Workforce Development
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 427
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Monte Carlo Approach in Director MX for Distance Education Systems
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 429
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 430-431
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 432
Track 9: People: Commitment to Progress
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 435
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Variational Estimates of Interface-Location Perturbations in a Spherical Source Problem
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 437-438
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
A Wavelet Expansion for Angular Approximations in Particle Transport
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 439-441
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Quadratic Finite Element Method for 1D Deterministic Transport
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 442-444
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Green's Function Analysis of Homogeneous Slab Time Eigenvalues
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 445-446
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Monte Carlo Simulation of Particle Microbeams Probing Cellular Radiation Response
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 447-448
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Time Series Modeling and MacMillan's Formula for Monte Carlo Iterated-Source Methods
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 449-451
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Forced Reaction Variance Reduction for Monte Carlo Isotopic Inventory Methods
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 452-453
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Development of Nodal Integral Expansion Method (NIEM) to Burgers' Equation
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 454-456
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Computational Methods: General
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 457
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Monte Carlo Simulations of Patient X-Ray Images
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 459-460
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Principal Component Analysis for Monte Carlo Criticality/Eigenvalue Calculations
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 461-463
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Application of the Generalized Multigroup Method for a Continuous Gamma Spectrum Source
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 464-466
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 467-468
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Conditioning of the NIS Signals for Use in the SPDS and ERG Programs
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 469-472
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
A Monte Carlo CT Model of the RANDO® Phantom
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 473-474
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 475-476
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 477
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 479-480
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 481-483
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Comparison of MCNP5TM and Experimental Results on Neutron Shielding Effects for Materials
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 484-486
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Thermal-Hydraulics Experimentation
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 487
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Flow Structure in a Two-Phase Planar Jet
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 489-491
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 492-493
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Correlation Modification in a Channel Flow by Microbubbles Injection
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 494-495
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Bubbly Flow Behavior Near Wall-Region of a Channel Flow
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 496-497
Track 10: Nuclear Science: Phenomena and Theories
Radiation Protection and Shielding: General
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 501
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
SAFs for Internal Electrons Using a Tomographic Pregnant Woman Model
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 503-504
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Skin Dose Depth Profiles for Monoenergetic Point Gamma Sources
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 505-506
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Effective Dose Equivalent for Co-60 Hot-Particles on Skin
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 507-508
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Generation of Spatial Weighting Functions for Ex-Core Neutron Detectors Using MCNP
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 509-510
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
The Effect of Tooth Enamel Granule on EPR Dosimetry
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 511-513
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
An Alternate Error Propagation Approach
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 514-516
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Shielding Requirements for Mission to Mars Nuclear Engines
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 517-519
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Repeatable Predictions for Shielding Using Analytical Transport Methods and MCNP
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 520-523
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Coupled Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulics Code Development and Application to Advanced Reactor Design
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 525
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
V1000CT-1 Benchmark: Exercise 3 Results Using Coupled Three-Dimensional Kinetics/Thermal Hydraulics
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 527-529
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Coupled NEM/THERMIX-DIREKT Calculation Scheme for HTR Analysis
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 530-532
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Analysis of Cofrentes NPP SCRAM-61 Transient with Coupled Codes: TRAC-BF1/VALKIN and RETRAN-3D
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 533-534
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
The Time-Dependent Neutronic and Thermal-Hydraulic Code TINTE for PBMR Analysis
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 535-536
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
PBMR Steady State and Coupled Kinetics Core Thermal-Hydraulics Test Problems
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 537-539
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 540-541
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
The Coupled Code System ATHLET-QUABOX/CUBBOX - Experience and Developments
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 542-544
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 545
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Determination of Reactivity for MUSE-4 SC0 Configuration
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 547-549
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Speedup of Monte Carlo k-Eigenvalue Calculations via p-CMFD Rebalance
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 550-554
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 555-557
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
The Study of Rhodium Detector Life Extension by Analysis of the Detector Sensitivity
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 558-559
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Analysis of Ringhals 1 Stability Benchmark with TRACE/PARCS: Steady-State Initialization
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 560-562
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Model for Transient and Stability Analysis of a BWR Core with Thorium-Uranium Fuel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 563-565
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
A Movement Toward Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Standards - A Shift in Philosophy-Panel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 566
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 567
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Thermal Evaluations of Advanced Fuel Cycle Irradiation of Metallic and Nitride Fuel
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 569-570
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Air Test Facility for Simulation of Heat Transfer in Rod Bundles
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 571-572
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
On the Chen Saturated Convective Boiling Correlation
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 573-574
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 575-576
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Turbulent Diffusivity Force for the Two-Fluid Model in the Cap Bubble Regime
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 577-578
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
An Improved High-Re Number k-
Model for Heat Transfer Predictions in Liquid Metal Flows
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 579-581
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 582
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards-Forum
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 583
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Page 585
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Coolant Void Reactivity Analysis of CANDU and ACR-700 Lattices
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 587-589
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
LWR Lattice Physics Model for Equilibrium Fuel Cycle Analysis
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 590-591
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Equilibrium Core Loading Pattern Generation System Using FINELOAD-3
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 592-593
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
A Sensitivity Analysis for the Environmental Effect of the DUPIC Fuel Cycle
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 594-596
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Genetic Algorithm Development for In-Core Fuel Management
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 597-598
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
IRIS Pressurizer Design Studies
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 599-600
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards
Transactions | Volume 90 | Number 1 | June 2004 | Pages 601-602
Track 11: Solutions, Tools, and Standards