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El Salvador: Looking to nuclear
In 2022, El Salvador’s leadership decided to expand its modest, mostly hydro- and geothermal-based electricity system, which is supported by expensive imported natural gas and diesel generation. They chose to use advanced nuclear reactors, preferably fueled by thorium-based fuels, to power their civilian efforts. The choice of thorium was made to inform the world that the reactor program was for civilian purposes only, and so they chose a fuel that was plentiful, easy to source and work with, and not a proliferation risk.
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Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Page 0
Meteorological Data Analysis: Atmospheric Stability and Correlation Calculations
Ben Sonpon (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Shoaib Usman (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Joseph Smith (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Sarah Kovaleski (Ameren Callaway Energy Center), Jason A. Wibbenmeyer (Ameren Callaway Energy Center)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 26-29
Numerical Modelling of Gas Generation and Migration in Deep Geological Repository
Lan Sun (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories), Liyan Qiu (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 30-33
University of Michigan Nuclear Matters Undergraduate Pipeline Initiative
Todd R. Allen (Univ. Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 40-41
Development of the Virtual Reality Ford Nuclear Reactor Learning Environment
Brendan Kochunas (Univ. Michigan), Yuxuan Liu (Univ. Michigan), Eric Schreffler (Univ. Michigan), Moeezo Saleem (Univ. Michigan), Raymond Majewski (Univ. Michigan), Shalaunda Reeves (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Vasil Iakimovitch (Univ. Michigan), Meredith Thibeault (Univ. Michigan), Isaac Reichow (Univ. Michigan), Jeremy Nelson (Univ. Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 42-45
Partnership for Radiation Studies (PaRS): A Consortium for Advancing Radiation Science Among Underrepresented STEM Students
Manish Sharma (PNNL), Cheslan K. Simpson (PNNL), Jonathan Burnett (PNNL), Ryan O'Mara (PNNL), Thomas Gray (PNNL), Jonathan Lassiter (Alabama A&M Univ.), Stephen Babalola (Alabama A&M Univ.), Padmaja Guggilla (Alabama A&M Univ.), Rastgo Hawrami (Fisk Univ.), Arnold Burger (Fisk Univ.), Elsa Ariesanti (Fisk Univ.), Martine C. Duff (SRNL), Samuel Uba (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 48-50
Nuclear Criticality Safety Training: Needs and Efforts
Walid A. Metwally (ORNL), Douglas G. Bowen (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 51-52
International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN): Overview and USA Engagement
Walid A. Metwally (ORNL), Cary Crawford (ORNL), Cristen Ford (National Nuclear Security Administration)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 53-54
Assessing UN Neutronic and Fuel Performance for Extended Cycle Lengths
Mehdi Asgari (ORNL), Jake Hirschhorn (ORNL), Eva Davidson (ORNL), Dave Kropaczek (ORNL), Andrew Godfrey (ORNL), Ryan Sweet (ORNL), James Tusar (Constellation), Moussa Mahgerefteh (Constellation), Baris Sarikaya (Constellation), William Gassmann (Constellation), Dale Bradish (Constellation)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 60-62
Excess Criticality Mitigation for Pebble Bed Reactor Fuels by Employing Burnup Credit
Jonathan Wing (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), G. Ivan Maldonado (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Gordon M. Petersen (INL), Robert A. Joseph (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 64-66
Sodium Extraction from Full-Length Fermi-1 Blanket Assembly
B.D. Preussner (INL), S. D. Herrmann (INL), R. C. Campbell (INL), T. DiSanto (INL), J. A. Charboneau (INL), I. M. Hobbs (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 68-69
Minor Actinide Fueled Chloride Salt Reactor: Economics, Neutronics, and Safety
Matthew Nyberg (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Joseph Eickman (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Una Baker (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Ben Lindley (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 71-74
Reviving Strontium Titanate Chemistry for 90Sr Heat Source Production
Christofer E. Whiting (Univ. Dayton), Stephen L. Gunderson (Univ. Dayton), Chadwick D. Barklay (Univ. Dayton), Jacob Matthews (Zeno Power)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 76-78
Unleashing the Potential of Radioisotope Technologies for Space Exploration
J.R. Matthews (Zeno Power Systems), H.S. Desai (Zeno Power Systems), P.J. Snouffer (Zeno Power Systems)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 79-82
Consolidated Interim Storage Advantages and Disadvantages from Prior Reports and Studies
Robby Joseph (INL), Josh Jarrell (INL), Gordon Petersen (INL), Riley Cumberland (ORNL), Rob Howard (PNNL), Mark Nutt (PNNL), Tom Cotton (Consultant)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 84-87
Conceptual Design of Large-Capacity Decontamination System for Radioactive Soil Using Magnetic Nanoparticles
Dohyung Kim (Beautiful Environmental Construction Co.), Jaein Lee (Beautiful Environmental Construction Co.), Jongyeol Lee (Beautiful Environmental Construction Co.), Ilgook Kim (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 88-90
Modeling Non-UO2 Fuel with UNF-ST&DARDS
Pavlo Ivanusa (PNNL), Justin Clarity (PNNL), Stuart Arm (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 91-94
Nuclear Waste Educator's Workshop: What and How Do We Teach About Nuclear Waste?
Haruko Wainwright (MIT), Brian Powell (Clemson Univ.), Megan Hoover (SRNL), Robert A. Borrelli (Univ. Idaho), Carol Eddy-Dilek (SRNL), Sheldon Landsberger (Univ. Texas, Austin), Rod Ewing (Stanford Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 95-98
Re-Use of Spent MOX LWR Fuel
Sven Bader (Orano Federal Services), Cecile Evans (Orano), Philippe Valbuena (Orano)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 100-102
Studying Cerium Oxide and Uranium Oxide Using Particle Attached Microelectrodes
Xiao-Ying Yu (ORNL), Jiyoung Son (PNNL), Shawn Riechers (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 103-108
Non-Proliferation Merits of Combined Recycling-Transmutation of Nuclear Wastes
Olivier Gregoire (Moltex Energy)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 109-112
SHINE's Development of UNF Recycling and Transmutation Facilities
Ross Radel (SHINE Technologies), Eric Van Abel (SHINE Technologies)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 113-116
A Feasibility Study of Photonuclear Transmutation of Long-Lived Fission Products Without Isotopic Separation
Ryan Willat (Univ. Michigan), Puran Deng (Univ. Michigan), Won Sik Yang (Univ. Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 117-120
A New Momentum-Integrated Muon Tomography Imaging Algorithm
JungHyun Bae (ORNL), Rose Montgomery (ORNL), Stylianos Chatzidakis (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 122-125
The Performance of Ceramic Coating on Dry Storage Canisters Through Spray Coating
Da Cao (NCSU), Mohamed Bourham (NCSU), Cheng Sun (INL), Ge Yang (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 126-129
Evaluation of the Reliability of Wireless Internal Sensors for Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Robert Demuth (Univ. South Carolina), Shawn Stafford (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Jorge Carvajal (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Robert Hall (EPRI), Travis Knight (Univ. South Carolina)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 130-133
In-Package Criticality Evaluation for Packages Containing Graphite Spent Nuclear Fuel in DOE Standard Canisters
Lam Nguyen (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), G. Ivan Maldonado (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), G. Petersen (INL), R. Joseph III (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 134-137
Integrated Fusion Neutronics Workflow for MCNP, OpenMC, and Shift
J.W. Bae (ORNL), K. Borowiec (ORNL), A. Sircar (ORNL), V. Badalassi (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 144-147
Searching the Plasma Geometry and Configuration Spaces for Feasible Tokamak Design Point
Ehab Hassan (ORNL), C.E. Kessel (ORNL), J.M. Park (ORNL), P.B. Snyder (ORNL), C.S. Collins (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 148-150
Validation and Verification of a RELAP5-3D Model of the Lobo Lead Loop
Jonathan L. Barthle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), G. Ivan Maldonado (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 151-154
Shielding Design of SPARC Diagnostic Ports: Practical Lessons
Ian R. Miner (Commonwealth Fusion Systems), Megan Wart (Commonwealth Fusion Systems), Ryanne Kennedy (MPR Assoc.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 155-158
Comparison of ARIMA and LSTM Performance in Monitoring of Piping Heater Zones of a Liquid Sodium Loop
Maria Pantopoulou (Purdue), Derek Kultgen (ANL), Lefteri Tsoukalas (Purdue), Alexander Heifetz (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 162-164
Comparison of SVM and LSTM Performance in Monitoring of Thermal Hydraulic Sensors
Stella Pantopoulou (Purdue), Anthonie Cilliers (Kairos Power), Lefteri Tsoukalas (Purdue), Alexander Heifetz (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 165-168
Conceptual Machine Learning-Based Strategy for Molten Salt Heat Exchanger Channel Plugging Detection and Localization
Konstantinos Prantikos (Purdue), Taeseung Lee (ANL), Lefteri H. Tsoukalas (Purdue), Alexander Heifetz (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 169-172
Data Analytics for System State Identification and Decision Support by Using AI and Physics Information
Junyung Kim (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Hyun Gook Kang (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 173-174
A Physical Testbed for Nuclear Cybersecurity Research
Vasileios Theos (Purdue), Konstantinos Gkouliaras (Purdue), Zachery Dahm (Purdue), True Miller (Purdue), Brian Jowers (Purdue), Stylianos Chatzidakis (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 175-178
Structure and Process of Managing the UO2 Dry In-Pile Fracture Test Irradiation Experiment
Leigh A. Astle (INL), Trevor J. Smuin (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 182-183
Neutronics Programmatic and Safety Evaluation of the DRIFT Experiment in TREAT
Connie M. Hill (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 184-187
Research Objectives and Findings from the DRIFT Experiments
Benjamin Spencer (INL), Nicolas E. Woolstenhulme (INL), Jason L. Schulthess (INL), Austin D. Fleming (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 188-189
Experiment Safety Analysis Process for the DRIFT Irradiation Experiment at TREAT
Sterling S. Morrill (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 190-191
X-ray-Induced Luminescence in Rare-Earth Doped LaPO4 Nanoparticles
Santiago Bermudez (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Jessika V. Rojas (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 194-197
In Target Pressure Evaluation for Production of Zirconium-89
J. Noel (Univ. Massachusetts, Lowell), D. Lee (Massachusetts General Hospital), J. Correia (Massachusetts General Hospital), S.K. Aghara (Univ. Massachusetts, Lowell), G. El Fakhri (Massachusetts General Hospital)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 198-200
Demonstration of Hydrogen Loading in Lithium Thin Films for Betavoltaics
Darrell Cheu (Purdue), Thomas Adams (Purdue), Shripad Revankar (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 201-204
Image Stitching in Neutron Radiography for Surface Extraction of Additively Manufactured Parts
Matthew Bisbee (Ohio State), Ibrahim Oksuz (Ohio State), Kathryn Harke (LLNL), Nerine Cherepy (LLNL), Andrew Townsend (LLNL), Lei R. Cao (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 206-209
Purdue RADIaNS Thermoelectric Cloud Chamber
Jake Marr (Purdue), Nathan Tollett (Purdue), Stylianos Chatzidakis (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 210-212
The Cs-137 Radiological Accident in Goiânia, Brazil: Conditions and Results of the Airborne Radiometric Survey
P.M.C. Barretto (CNEN), E.S. da Fonseca (CNEN), Sunil S. Chirayath (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 213-215
Epilayer on NEAT Grown GaN Schottky Diodes for Radiation Detection
Jarod Remy (Ohio State), Yuxuan Zhang (Ohio State), Vishank Talesara (Ohio State), Hongping Zhao (Ohio State), Wu Lu (Ohio State), Tadao Hashimoto (SixPoint Materials), Lei R. Cao (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 218-221
Microstructure and Defect Study of Wide Bandgap β-Gallium Oxide
L.R. Gomez-Hurtado (NCSU), R. McRobie (NCSU), C-H. Shiau (Boise State), Y.Q. Wu (Boise State), M. Liu (NCSU), C. Fleming (NCSU), A.I. Hawari (NCSU), C. Sun (INL), G. Yang (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 222-224
Interplay of Electrical and Thermomechanical Properties of Transmutation Doped SiC
J. Keith Jewell (INL), J. Rory Kennedy (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 225-226
Investigation of Ga2O3 Radiation Sensitivity and Resistance to High Temperatures
Jarod Remy (Ohio State), Thomas Blue (Ohio State), Parans Paranthaman (ORNL), Lei R. Cao (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 227-230
FMI-Based Multi-Fidelity Transient Analysis of a Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor Using GeN-Foam and OpenModelica
Thomas Guilbaud (EPFL), Carlo Fiorina (TAMU), Andreas Pautz (EPFL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 234-237
Multi-Physics Modeling of the KIWI-B-4E Nuclear Thermal Propulsion System Using OpenMC and GeN-Foam: Preliminary Assessment Against Experimental Data
Thomas Guilbaud (EPFL), Carlo Fiorina (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 238-241
Incorporating Redox Kinetics in Species Transport Models for Tracking Corrosion and Reduction Phenomena in Molten Salt Reactors Using MOOSE
Huihua Yang (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Qiyun Cheng (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Ling Zou (ANL), Rui Hu (ANL), Wei Ji (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 242-244
Stability Analysis of Picard Iteration for Coupled Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulics Simulations
Dean Wang (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 246-249
A Multilevel Quasi-Static Kinetics Module for Monte Carlo Simulations
Firas Abdullatif (Ohio State), Dean Wang (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 252-255
Asymptotic Solution for Transport in Purely Absorbing Random Porous Media
Brian C. Kiedrowski (Univ. Michigan), Emily H. Vu (Amazon Web Services), Aaron J. Olson (Sandia)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 256-259
Discrepancy Between Directly Using Unresolved Resonance Realizations and Probability Tables for Neutron Slowing Down
Changyuan Liu (New Compute Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 260-263
Estimation of Irradiation History in BWR Spectrum Utilizing Discharged Fuel Isotopics
Tarikul Islam (Purdue), Shiming Yin (Purdue), Jeongwon Seo (Purdue), Hany S. Abdel-Khalik (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 266-269
Synthetic Data Generation via Non-Parametric Regularity-Based Dimensionality Reduction
Tyler Lewis (Purdue), Arvind Sundaram (Purdue), Hany S. Abdel-Khalik (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 270-273
Application of Multi-Fidelity Modeling Using Neural Network to Nuclear Materials
Kazuma Kobayashi (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), James Daniell (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Shoaib Usman (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Md. Shafiqul Islam (MIT), Syed Alam (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 274-277
Fast Emulation of Neutron Diffusion Using the Method of Snapshots
Patrick A. Myers (Univ. Michigan), Connor C. Craig (Univ. Michigan), Kyle Beyer (Univ. Michigan), Brian C. Kiedrowski (Univ. Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 278-281
Transport Corrected Diffusion Reduced Order Model for Thermal Radiative Transfer
Joseph M. Coale (LANL), Dmitriy Y. Anistratov (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 282-285
Preliminary Analysis of Reactivity Initiated Accident Separate Effects Mechanical Tests on Chromium-Coated Zirconium Cladding
Jennifer I. Espersen (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Ben E. Garrison (ORNL), Kory Linton (ORNL), Koroush Shirvan (MIT), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 290-292
Microstructural Evolution of Zr-702 Under Rapid Heating Profiles
Victoria Davis (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Caleb King (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Christian England (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Braden Goddard (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Carlos E. Castano (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Reza Mohammadi (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Jessika Rojas (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 294-297
Rapid Temperature Excursions and Dry Air Cooling of Zircaloy-4
Caleb King (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Victoria Davis (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Christian England (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Braden Goddard (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Carlos E. Castano (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Reza Mohammadi (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Jessika Rojas (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 298-301
Analysis of Accident Tolerant Fuel Design in Light Water Reactors
Una Baker (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Ben Lindley (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Khang Nguyen (NCSU), Jason Hou (NCSU), Yong-Joon Choi (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 302-305
Non-Destructive Characterization of Nuclear Materials Through X-ray Absorption and Diffraction Contrast Tomography: Case Study on Surrogate TRISO Particle
Mehmet Topsakal (Brookhaven), Simerjeet K. Gill (Brookhaven)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 308-310
Investigation of SiC Crack Propagation for Future Reactors: A Literature Review
Spencer Doran (Oregon State), Tianyi Chen (Oregon State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 311-314
Comparison of Ni/NiF2 and Ag/AgF for a Stable Redox Couple for Molten Fluoride Salt Reference Electrodes
S.A. Dowben (Univ. Utah), J. Steppan (HiFunda), S. Choi (Univ. Utah), S.E. Bae (Univ. Utah), O. Dale (Univ. Utah), T. Meaders (Univ. Utah), M.F. Simpson (Univ. Utah)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 315-318
High-Performance Multimodal Sensor for Simultaneous Temperature and Strain Sensing at High Temperature
Md. Omarsany Bappy (Univ. Notre Dame), Qiang Jiang (Univ. Notre Dame), Stephanie Atampugre (Univ. Notre Dame), Alexander Heifetz (ANL), Yanliang Zhang (Univ. Notre Dame)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 319-320
Response Function for Optical Fiber Based Gamma Thermometer in Data Analytic Methodology
Thomas E. Blue (Ohio State), Joshua T. Jones (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 321-324
Understanding the Roles of Dislocation Networks in Additively Manufactured Stainless Steels on Void Swelling
Tianyi Chen (Oregon State), Spencer Doran (Oregon State), Milad Ghayoor (Oregon State), Somayeh Pasbani (Oregon State), Yu Lu (Boise State), Ching-Heng Shiau (Boise State), Yaqiao Wu (Boise State), Lin Shao (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 326-328
Mechanism for the Superior IASCC Resistance in HIP AM 316L
Jingfan Yang (Purdue), Laura Hawkins (INL), Lingfeng He (NCSU), Zhongxia Shang (Purdue), Miao Song (Univ. Michigan), Yu Lu (Boise State), Xiaoyuan Lou (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 329-331
High-Throughput Creep Testing for AM 316H SS by Using Microstructurally-Graded Specimen
John Snitzer (Purdue), Xiaoyuan Lou (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 332-334
Repair Technique for Chloride Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking Using Friction Stir Processing of 304L
David Zirker (Univ. Idaho), Stefan Abbott (Univ. Idaho), Krishnan S. Raja (Univ. Idaho), Saumyadeep Jana (PNNL), Indrajit Charit (Univ. Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 335-337
Machine Learning Prediction of Fracture Toughness in Hydrogen-Charged Stainless Steels
Eric Hoar (SRNL), Dale Hitchcock (SRNL), Timothy Krentz (SRNL), Lindsay Roy (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 338-341
Spatial Features from Coaxial In-Situ Melt Pool Signals for Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Charlie Owen (Purdue), Anant Raj (Purdue), Benjamin Stegman (Purdue), Hany Abdel-Khalik (Purdue), Xinghang Zhang (Purdue), John W. Sutherland (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 344-346
Exploring Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing to Produce Nuclear Relevant Components
Caleb Massey (ORNL), Mackenzie Ridley (ORNL), Ben Garrison (ORNL), Yong Yan (ORNL), Christian Petrie (ORNL), Andrew Nelson (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 347-350
In-Situ Synchrotron Diffraction Dislocation and Texture Characterization of UAM Zr
Peter A. Mouche (ANL), Yinbin Miao (ANL), Caleb P. Massey (ORNL), Laura M. Jamison (ANL), Andrew T. Nelson (ORNL), Heather M. Connaway (ANL), Abdellatif M. Yacout (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 351-354
High-Temperature Furnace Testing of Structural Materials for Space Reactor Systems
William Searight (Penn State), Leigh Winfrey (SUNY Maritime College)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 355-358
Failure Analysis of the Thermal Convection Loop by the Leak of Molten Salt
Hwa Jeong Han (Soonchunhyang Univ.), Byung Gi Park (Soonchunhyang Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 360-361
Continuous High-Speed Molten Salt Density Measurement Through Thermomechanical Analysis
Jaron Wallace (San Rafael Energy Research Center), Kayden Alderson (San Rafael Energy Research Center)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 362-364
Measurement of the Self-Diffusivity of Eutectic F7LiNaK Using Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering
G.S. Rakib (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), S.C. Lee (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), M.A. Rose (ANL), D.M. Pajerowski (ORNL), Y Z (Univ. Michigan), B.J. Heuser (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 365-367
Measurement of the Pair Distribution Function of Molten Eutectic F7LiNaK Using Neutron Diffraction
G. S. Rakib (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), S.C. Lee (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), M.A. Rose (ANL), J.C. Neuefeind (ORNL), Y Z (Univ. Michigan), B.J. Heuser (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 368-370
Lessons Learned in how to Conduct Irradiated Salt Experiments
Charles Forsberg (MIT), David M. Carpenter (MIT), Raluca O. Scarlat (Univ. California, Berkeley), Kevin Robb (ORNL), Ayman I. Hawari (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 371-374
Microstructural Analysis of a Zr Rich Specimen from the Central Radial Region of a Neutron Irradiated U-10Zr Fuel
N. Rodriguez Perez (Purdue), J. Thomas (Purdue), M.A. Okuniewski (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 376-379
Experiments Supporting Effective Thermal Conductivity Calculation of Irradiated U-Zr Fuel
Cynthia Adkins (INL), Daniele Salvato (INL), Tiankai Yao (INL), Yong Yang (Univ. Florida)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 380-382
Impact of Fabrication Techniques on U-10wt%Mo Fuel Microstructure Irradiated to Low Burnup
Sukanya Majumder (Purdue), Gyuchul Park (ANL), Daniel Murray (INL), Benjamin Beeler (NCSU), Maria A. Okuniewski (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 383-385
Design of a MiniFuel Irradiation Experiment to Study Fuel Performance Phenomena in Ceramic Fuels
Jacob P. Gorton (ORNL), Joseph R. Burns (ORNL), J. Matthew Kurley (ORNL), Jonathan Chappell (ORNL), William F. Cureton (ORNL), N. Dianne Bull Ezell (ORNL), Andrew T. Nelson (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 388-391
Irradiation Testing of Fully Ceramic Microencapsulated (FCM) Fuel Compacts in the High Flux Isotope Reactor
A.G. Le Coq (ORNL), Kory D. Linton (ORNL), Jason M. Harp (ORNL), Christian M. Petrie (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 392-394
LAMDA: Irradiated-Materials Testing Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
James Travis Dixon (ORNL), Amy J. Godfrey (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 395-396
Transient Testing Needs for TRISO Fuel in Reactivity Accidents
Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 397-398
Thermal Safety/Programmatic Results for the MP-2 B-11 Experiment in ATR
Grant Hawkes (INL), Dong Choe (INL), Margaret Marshall (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 399-402
A Simple Modeling for Gas Release During Annealing of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel
J. Losfeld (CEA), L. Desgranges (CEA), Y. Pontillon (CEA), G. Baldinozzi (CNRS)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 404-407
Critical Analysis of Force Balance Approach for Departure Diameter Prediction with High-Speed Photography
Juan Pérez (Univ. Puerto Rico, Mayagüez), Silvina Cancelos (Univ. Puerto Rico, Mayagüez)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 408-411
Pressurized Water Reactor Control Rod Ejection Analysis Using PARCS, RELAP5-3D, and BISON for High Burnup Fuel
Isabelle Lindsay (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Mason Fox (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Seokbin Seo (INL), Ryan T. Sweet (INL), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 412-415
Modeling and Measurement of Axial Gas Transport in Nuclear Fuels
Chiara Genoni (INL), Kyle A. Gamble (INL), Fabiola Cappia (INL), Chase E. Christen (INL), Seongtae Kwon (INL), Kaustubh K. Bawane (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 416-419
BISON-Informed Whole Core TRISO Fuel Performance Modeling
James B. Tompkins (Radiant Industries), Sebastian Schunert (INL), Roger Chin (Radiant Industries), Wen Jiang (INL), Ben Betzler (Radiant Industries)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 420-421
Coupled Neutronics, Thermal Hydraulics, and Fuel Performance Simulations of a Natural Circulation Based SMR
Ryan T. Sweet (ORNL), Ian T. Greenquist (ORNL), Aaron M. Graham (ORNL), Rick Trotta (Holtec Int'l), Clay Lietwiler (Holtec Int'l), Faisal Odeh (Holtec Int'l)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 424-427
Burnup Effects on TRISO Thermomechanical Performance During Transients
Carlotta G. Ghezzi (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 428-430
Crystal Plasticity Nanoindentation Modeling of Depleted α-Uranium Using Marmot
Gavin VandenBroeder (Oregon State), David Frazer (INL), Dewen Yushu (INL), Stephanie Pitts (INL), Tianyi Chen (Oregon State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 431-433
Study of Stress Relaxation Behavior Using Nanoindentation Method with Various Deformation Rate
Tzu-Yi Chang (Oregon State), David Frazer (INL), Tianyi Chen (Oregon State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 434-436
Conversion of EBR-II Fuel to HALEU Oxide Pellets
Leah Squires (INL), Cynthia Adkins (INL), Colt Heathman (INL), Beau Ballard (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 437-438
Adjustment-Controlled GLLSM Applications for Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis
Jeongwon Seo (Purdue), Hany Abdel-Khalik (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 442-445
Conduct of Operations and Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards
Douglas G. Bowen (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 446-448
Average Scattering Angle Cosine Sensitivities
Jeffrey A. Favorite (LANL), D. Kent Parsons (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 450-453
Design of Sub-Critical Lead Reflected Experiments for Nuclear Data Validation
Peter Brain (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Wei Ji (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Yaron Danon (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Alex McSpaden (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 454-457
Incorporating Nuclear Criticality Safety into Process or Facility Design
Lon E. Paulson (GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 458-460
Sub-Critical Measurements of Large Uranium Process Vessel
Robert Wilson (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 461-462
Similarity of Fast and Thermal Spectrum Graphite Moderated Systems Through the Unique Physics of n + 12C
Gabriel Lentchner (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Kathryn Worrell (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Nader Satvat (Kairos Power), BJ Marshall (ORNL), Vladimir Sobes (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 463-465
An Assessment of the SRNS Criticality Safety Summer Intern Program
Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 468-470
Internal Collaboration on Recent Nuclear Criticality Safety Assessments
Theresa Cutler (LANL), James J. Kuropatwinski (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 471-472
Preliminary Design of Critical Experiments Involving Commercially Available B4C Neutron Absorber Plates with Low-Enriched UO2 fuel
Mathieu N. Dupont (ORNL), William J. Marshall (ORNL), Justin B. Clarity (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 473-476
Status of HEU-Pb in the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) Handbook
Kelsey Amundson (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 477-480
Impact of Thermal Scattering Law on Similarity Assessment in Light-Water or Polyethylene-Moderated Systems
Travis M. Greene (ORNL), William J. Marshall (ORNL), Alexander Lang (ORNL), Travis Zipperer (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 482-485
Flattop Benchmark Reevaluation Update
Kristin Stolte (LANL), Theresa Cutler (LANL), Dave Hayes (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 486-489
Ab Initio Evaluation of Plutonium Dioxide S(α,β) and Thermal Neutron Cross Sections
J.P.W. Crozier (NCSU), A.I. Hawari (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 490-493
Impact of Cross Section Libraries on Loading Curves for Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analysis Models
Rabab Elzohery (ORNL), Germina Ilas (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 494-496
The Deimos Experiment: Advanced Reactor Testbed
Theresa Cutler (LANL), Justin Lee (LANL), Erik Luther (LANL), Alexis Maldonado (LANL), Rene Sanchez (LANL), Kristin Stolte (LANL), Holly Trellue (LANL), Nicholas Wynne (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 498-501
Optimization of Deimos Design and Advanced Modeling Techniques
Kristin Stolte (LANL), Theresa Cutler (LANL), Rene Sanchez (LANL), Holly Trellue (LANL), Colin Josey (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 502-505
Transient CHF Analysis Within TREAT Using RELAP5-3D
Nicholas A. Meehan (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Charles P. Folsom (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 512-515
An Introduction to Microreactor Licensing Basis Events
Alexander J. Huning (ORNL), Steven A. Arndt (ORNL), Jason A. Christensen (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 516-519
Practical Lessons from Revisiting the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident
Ali Ayoub (MIT), Haruko Wainwright (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 520-521
Fuel Salt Sampling and Enriching Technology Design Development Update -- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis and Safeguardability Checklist Analysis
Megan Harkema (Vanderbilt Univ.), Steve Krahn (Vanderbilt Univ.), Paul Marotta (Vanderbilt Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 522-525
Evaluating Scaling Effects of Steam Condensation Physics-Based Model for Small Modular Reactor
Palash K. Bhowmik (INL), Joshua P. Schlegel (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Piyush Sabharwall (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 530-533
Accelerating Nuclear Fuels and Materials Qualification by Multi-Level Irradiation Experiment Campaign
Palash K. Bhowmik (INL), Piyush Sabharwall (INL), Brenden Heidrich (INL), Richard H. Howard (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 534-537
Effect of Fuel-Moderator Porosity in Advanced HTGR Designs on the Depressurized Loss of Forced Convection and Compressor Power Requirements
John Matulis (Purdue), Hitesh Bindra (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 538-541
Damage Assessment of Advanced High Temperature Fluid Reactor Piping System with Guided Wave Ultrasonics
Chenxi Xu (Univ. Illinois, Chicago), Matthew Daly (Univ. Illinois, Chicago), Alexander Heifetz (ANL), Derek Kultgen (ANL), Didem Ozevin (Univ. Illinois, Chicago)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 542-543
Transient Modelling of HTGR Thermal Load Follow in Modelica
Aidan Rigby (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Ben Lindley (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Daniel Mikkelson (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 544-547
Data-Based Model for Optimized Power Distribution of a Nuclear-Hydrogen Hybrid Energy System for Grid Power Load Following and Energy Storage Production
Michael Smith (Univ. North Carolina, Charlotte), Alex French (Univ. North Carolina, Charlotte), Wesley Williams (Univ. North Carolina, Charlotte), Sven Bader (Orano Federal Services)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 550-553
Validation of Integrated Energy System Dispatch Strategies with a Transient Physical System Model
Jacob A. Bryan (Utah State), Seth Dana (Utah State), Aiden S. Meek (Utah State), Manjur R. Basnet (Utah State), Hailei Wang (Utah State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 554-556
Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Natrium Energy Island with Molten Salt Energy Storage
Seth Dana (Utah State), Aiden S. Meek (Utah State), Jacob A. Bryan (Utah State), Manjur R. Basnet (Utah State), Hailei Wang (Utah State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 557-559
Sensitivity Analysis of a Nuclear Hybrid Energy System with Thermal Energy Storage in CAISO and MISO
Jacob A. Bryan (Utah State), Hailei Wang (Utah State), Paul W. Talbot (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 560-562
Synthetic Time Series Generation and Model Selection for Three ISOs Using RAVEN
Manjur Raj Basnet (Utah State), Jacob Bryan (Utah State), Seth Dana (Utah State), Aiden Meek (Utah State), Hailei Wang (Utah State), Paul W. Talbot (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 563-565
Nuclear-Assisted Integrated Pulp, Paper and Biofuels Plants
Charles Forsberg (MIT), Jeremy Shook (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 568-571
Review of District Energy Technology for Nuclear Power Applications
Ryan Dailey (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Ben Lindley (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 572-574
Used Nuclear Fuel District Energy System Feasibility Study
Ryan Dailey (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Cate Beckman (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Daniel Moneghan (EPRI), Ben Lindley (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 576-579
A Concept for Integration of Direct Air Capture System in the Thermal Balance of a Nuclear Power Station
Emilian Popov (ORNL), Vineet Kumar (ORNL), Arpan Sircar (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 580-582
Techno-Economic Analysis of an Integrated Direct Air Capture System with an Existing Nuclear Power Plant
Arpan Sircar (ORNL), Vineet Kumar (ORNL), Emilian Popov (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 583-586
Modeled Time-Consuming Activities and Cost Drivers of the MARVEL Microreactor Project
Botros Hanna (INL), Abdalla Abou Jaoude (INL), Chandrakanth Bolisetti (INL), Yasir Arafat (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 588-591
Market-Driven Competitiveness of U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Through 2035
W. Neal Mann (ANL), Zhi Zhou (ANL), Nicolas E. Stauff (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 592-595
The Role of Nuclear Energy in Reducing System Costs of U.S. Electricity Grid Decarbonization
W. Neal Mann (ANL), Nicolas E. Stauff (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 596-599
Automating Algorithm Management and Techno-Economic Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants: Introduction to the ACCERT Software
Jia Zhou (ANL), Ed Hoffman (ANL), Nicolas E. Stauff (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 600-603
Demonstration of ACCERT Software for Nuclear Power Plant Techno-Economics
Chandrakanth Bolisetti (INL), Botros Hanna (INL), Jia Zhou (ANL), Abdalla Abou Jaoude (INL), Nicolas E. Stauff (ANL), Edward Hoffman (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 604-607
Replacement of Legacy Analytical Codes at the Advanced Test Reactor
Nathan Manwaring (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 610-612
Exploring the Viability of Trojan Attacks on Nuclear Machine Learning Models
Kallie McLaren (Idaho State), Pedro Mena (Idaho State), Eric Hill (Idaho State), Emily Elzinga (Idaho State), Chris Spirito (INL), Leslie Kerby (Idaho State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 613-616
Verified Knowledge of Nuclear Power Plants Using the NCV Method
Fred D. Lang (Exergetic Systems)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 617-620
Reactor Power Monitoring Using Antineutrino Detectors
Emma Houston (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Sandra Bogetic (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 621-624
Idaho National Laboratory Demonstrates Collaboration-First Approach to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions
Jhansi Kandasamy (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 625-628
Integration of OpenMC into the PyARC Code Package for Fast Reactor Physics Analyses
Kalin R. Kiesling (ANL), Patrick C. Shriwise (ANL), Nicolas E. Stauff (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 638-641
Enabling Multiphysics Simulation of Fusion Blankets on Exascale Architecture Using OpenFOAM
Arpan Sircar (ORNL), Katarzyna Borowiec (ORNL), Jin Whan Bae (ORNL), Vittorio Badalassi (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 642-645
Verification of Depletion Capability of Monte Carlo iMC Code
Inyup Kim (KAIST), Taesuk Oh (KAIST), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 646-649
Calculation of Mesh-Based Adjoint Flux Distribution in the iMC Monte Carlo Code Using the Iterated Fission Probability (IFP) Method
Tae-suk Oh (KAIST), Inyup Kim (KAIST), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 650-653
Implementation of a Red-Black Ordering RSOR Preconditioner in PANDAS-MOC
Shunjiang Tao (Purdue), Yunlin Xu (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 654-657
OpenFSAM: An Open Source Simulated Annealing Module
Nicholas F. Herring (NCSU), Yousry Y. Azmy (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 660-663
Optimization of Light Water Reactor Core Design Using a Genetic Algorithm in the RAVEN Framework
Khang Nguyen (NCSU), Jason Hou (NCSU), Mohammad G. Abdo (INL), Junyung Kim (INL), Congjian Wang (INL), Yong-Joon Choi (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 664-667
SFR versus LFR Fuel Cycle Cost Comparison
Khaldoon A. Al-Dawood (NCSU), Scott P. Palmtag (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 668-671
Coupling of Python Optimization Library mlrose and SIMULATE-3 for SMR Core Design
Noah M. Marks (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), G. Ivan Maldonado (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 672-675
Pin Power Calculation on BWR Colorset with Machine-Learning-Aided Reactor Physics Simulation
M.R. Oktavian (Purdue), J. Nistor (Blue Wave AI Labs), J.T. Gruenwald (Blue Wave AI Labs), Y. Xu (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 676-679
On-the-Fly Energy Group Condensation for Whole-Core Multiphysics Simulations
Aaron M. Graham (ORNL), Kang-Seog Kim (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 682-685
Fixed-Source Diffusion Solver in PARCS
Oscar Lastres (Purdue), Yunlin Xu (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 686-689
Application of Equivalent Dancoff Factor Method for Resonance Calculation of Double Heterogeneous Fuel
Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.), Tomohiro Endo (Nagoya Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 690-693
Direct Multi-Group Cross-Sections via NJOY+OJOYU for PWR and FLiBe-MSR Reactor Systems
Meng-Jen (Vince) Wang (Univ. Utah), Michael Simpson (Univ. Utah), Glenn E. Sjoden (Univ. Utah)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 694-697
Reactor Physics Validation Roadmap for the High Flux Isotope Reactor Conversion to Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel
D. Chandler (ORNL), J.W. Bae (ORNL), D. Hartanto (ORNL), C.W. Sizemore (ORNL), K.M. Burg (ORNL), J.R. Burns (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 700-703
252Cf Production at the High Flux Isotope Reactor: Nuclear Data Selection and LEU Conversion Impacts
D. Hartanto (ORNL), D. Chandler (ORNL), J.W. Bae (ORNL), J.R. Burns (ORNL), C. Sizemore (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 704-706
Isotope Production and Materials Irradiation Research Studies to Support HFIR LEU Conversion Assessment
D. Chandler (ORNL), D. Hartanto (ORNL), J.W. Bae (ORNL), J.R. Burns (ORNL), J.R. Griswold (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 707-710
Peaking Factor Uncertainty of VERA-MPACT with the ENDF/B-VII.1 51-Group Library Through Benchmark Calculations for Critical Experiments
Kang Seog Kim (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 711-714
Simulation of the Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Benchmark Cores Using MC2-3/Griffin
Changho Lee (ANL), Somyung Park (ANL), Shikhar Kumar (ANL), Nicolas Stauff (ANL), Zhiwen Xu (TerraPower), Jacob Hader (TerraPower)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 715-718
Load-Follow Operation in LEU+ Loaded APR1400 Using CSBA and ATF Clad
Husam Khalefih (KAIST), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 720-723
Isotopic Lead Neutron Evaluations for Future Fast Spectrum Systems
Peter Brain (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Yaron Danon (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Dave Brown (Brookhaven), Devin Barry (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 724-727
Investigation of Dimensional Effects in the Modeling of Fast-Spectrum MSRs
Nahom Habtemariam (TAMU), Carlo Fiorina (TAMU), Stefano Lorenzi (Politecnico di Milano)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 728-731
Radial and Axial Thermal Neutron Flux Distribution Analysis with Various Parameters for Thorium-Based Molten Salt Reactor Using MCNP6.2
Seda Yilmaz Kaygisiz (Purdue), Shripad Revankar (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 732-735
Power Distribution Analysis of the Fast Modular Reactor
Darrin Leer (General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems), Hangbok Choi (General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 736-738
Mobile-SMR-13 LEU+ Once-Through Fuel Cycle Performance Evaluation
Gray Chang (JFoster & Assoc.), John Bess (JFoster & Assoc.), Mie Hiruta (JFoster & Assoc.), Julie Foster (JFoster & Assoc.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 740-743
Detailed Reflector and Drum Modeling of the SNAP8 Criticality Configuration Experiments Using Serpent with ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 Libraries
Samuel Garcia (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Isaac E. Naupa Aguirre (Georgia Tech), Anthony Boyd (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Oliver Paleen (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Dan Kotlyar (Georgia Tech), Ben Lindley (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 744-747
Conceptual Design of a Portable Nuclear Microreactor
B.R. Betzler (Radiant Nuclear), J. M. May (Radiant Nuclear), A. Garrison (Radiant Nuclear), R. Urberger (Radiant Nuclear), D. Bernauer (Radiant Nuclear)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 748-749
A Comparative Physics Study of Ultra-Long-Life Lead Cooled Very Small Modular Reactor Cores
Yu Yeon Cho (Hanyang Univ.), Ser Gi Hong (Hanyang Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 750-752
Modeling the Impact of Cermet Microstructure on Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Fuel Loss
Vishal Yadav (Univ. Florida), Michael R. Tonks (Univ. Florida), Jhonathan Rosales (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 753-755
Multiphysics Decay Heat Coupling for Light-Water Reactor Safety Analysis
Aaron M. Graham (ORNL), Andrew T. Godfrey (ORNL), Benjamin S. Collins (Veracity Nuclear)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 758-761
Analysis of Accident Tolerant Fuel Loaded OPR-1000 with RAST-K/FRAPCON
Yunki Jo (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology), Deokjung Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 762-765
Extended Fuel Cycles in APR-1400 Reactors: A Neutronics Study
Mohammad Alrwashdeh (Khalifa Univ. Science and Technology), Saeed A. Alameri (Khalifa Univ. Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 766-769
Computational Bias in HTR-PROTEUS Calculations from Thermal Scattering Law Treatment of Graphite
John D. Bess (JFoster & Assoc.), Oliver Köberl (Axpo Power AG/Kernenergie)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 772-775
Multiphysics Modeling and Simulation of Deimos, an Advanced Reactor Experiment
Alexis Maldonado (LANL), Holly Trellue (LANL), Theresa Cutler (LANL), Kristin Stolte (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 776-779
Exploring a LIBS Spectroscopy System for the Analysis of Molten Salt Gases at the PULSTAR Reactor
Nicholas Poole (NCSU), Matt Schweitzer (NCSU), Austin Wells (NCSU), Colby Fleming (NCSU), Ming Liu (NCSU), Ayman I. Hawari (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 780-783
Design and Development of a Molten Salt Irradiation Facility at the PULSTAR Reactor
Matthew Schweitzer (NCSU), Ming Liu (NCSU), Austin Wells (NCSU), Nick Poole (NCSU), Nina Colby Fleming (NCSU), Ayman I. Hawari (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 784-787
An Efficient Fractional Neutron Point Kinetics Approach to Simulating Reactor Transients
Joseph Boffie (South Carolina State), Sukesh K. Aghara (Univ. Massachusetts, Lowell), Kashief Bogannam (Univ. Massachusetts, Lowell), Valmor F. de Almeida (Univ. Massachusetts, Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 787-790
Nuclear Data Uncertainty Quantification of High Flux Isotope Reactor Low-Enriched Uranium Design
D. Hartanto (ORNL), J.W. Bae (ORNL), B.R. Betzler (ORNL), J.R. Burns (ORNL), D. Chandler (ORNL), C. Sizemore (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 792-795
Equilibrium Cycle Modeling of a Generic mHTGR Similar to the Xe-100
Annie Berens (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Friederike Bostelmann (ORNL), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 796-799
Benchmark Calculations for Peach Bottom Unit 2 and Hatch Unit 1 Using the SCALE-6.3.0/Polaris-PARCS v3.4.2 Code Package
Kang Seog Kim (ORNL), Ugur Mertyurek (ORNL), Andrew M. Ward (Univ. Michigan), Matthew A. Jessee (ORNL), William A. Wieselquist (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 800-803
Benchmark Calculations for BEAVRS and Watt Bar Unit 1 Using the SCALE-6.3.0/Polaris-PARCS v3.4.2 Code Package
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 804-807
Improvement of SCALE Infrastructure on Microsoft Windows
Shane W.D. Hart (ORNL), Seth R. Johnson (ORNL), Robert A. Lefebvre (ORNL), William A. Wieselquist (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 808-810
Update of Nuclear Responses in the ITER Superconducting Magnets Using the E-lite 360⁰ Analysis Model
M. Fabbri (Fusion for Energy), R.Pampin (Fusion for Energy), F. Gauthier (ITER Org.), N. Mitchell (ITER Org.), G.Pedroche (Univ. Nacional de Educación a Distancia), A.Cubi (Latesys)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 820-823
Dosimetry for Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants
Reuven Rachamin (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf), Joerg Konheiser (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf), Astrid Barkleit (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf), Marcus Seidl (PreussenElektra)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 824-827
Benchmarking of Stainless Steel Cube Neutron Leakage in Research Center Rez
Zdeněk Matěj (Masaryk Univ.), Michal Kostal (Research Centre Rez), Martin Schulc (Research Centre Rez), Evzen Losa (Research Centre Rez), Jan Simon (Research Centre Rez), Evzen Novak (Research Centre Rez), Frantisek Cvachovec (Masaryk Univ.), Vaclav Prenosil (Masaryk Univ.), Filip Mravec (Masaryk Univ.), Tomas Czakoj (Research Centre Rez), Vojtech Rypar (Research Centre Rez), Andrej Trkov (IAEA), Roberto Capote (IAEA)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 828-831
Weight Values for MCNP Calculations Based on Recursive Monte-Carlo Method
Pratibha Yadav (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf), Reuven Rachamin (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf), Jörg Konheiser (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 832-835
Design of Temporary Beam Stops and Bunker Wall Plugs at ESS
A. Chambon (Technical Univ. Denmark), L. Zanini (European Spallation Source)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 838-841
Novel Bremsstrahlung Converter Designs for Ultra High Dose Rate Radiotherapy Systems
Andrew Rosenstrom (Georgia Tech), Mario Santana Leitner (SLAC), Sayed Rokni (SLAC), Shaheen Dewji (Georgia Tech), Billy W. Loo Jr. (Stanford Univ. School of Medicine)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 842-845
Prompt Gamma Measurement from the Manganese Sulphate Bath
Martin Schulc (Research Centre Rez), Tomas Czakoj (Research Cenre Rez), Michal Kostal (Research Cenre Rez), Evzen Losa (Research Cenre Rez), Evzen Novak (Research Cenre Rez), Jan Simon (Research Cenre Rez), Jan Rataj (Research Centre Rez)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 848-851
Development of Advanced Radionuclide Gamma spectrOmeter-2 (ARGO-2) for Low-Level Radionuclide Measurements
Manish Sharma (PNNL), Jonathan Burnett (PNNL), Ryan O'Mara (PNNL), Allan Myers (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 852-853
Limitation of the Cosine Law for Large Isotropic Sources and Small Detectors in a Void
Jeffrey A. Favorite (LANL), William M. Schmitt (Charles Stark Draper Lab.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 854-857
MCNP6.3 Unstructured Mesh Verfication of Oktavian Geometries
Micky Dzur (LANL), Jerawan Armstrong (LANL), Chelsea D'Angelo (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 858-861
Determination of Electron Beam Parameters Using Nelder-Mead Simplex Search Algorithm
Andrew Rosenstrom (Georgia Tech), Mario Santana (SLAC), Sayed Rokni (SLAC), Shaheen Dewji (Georgia Tech), Ramish Ashraf (Stanford Univ. School of Medicine), Savros Melemenidis (Stanford Univ. School of Medicine), Rakesh Manjappa (Stanford Univ. School of Medicine), Billy W. Loo Jr. (Stanford Univ. School of Medicine)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 864-867
Overview on Analyses of Dose Rates During RID Parts Removal/Exchange
I.I. Popova (ORNL), F. X. Gallmeier (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 868-871
Shielding Performance of Epoxy Matrix Composites Reinforced with HfB2 Nanoparticles
Furkan Erdogan (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Jessika Rojas (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Braden Goddard (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 872-875
Microgravity Simulations Combined with Radiation Effects to Model Space Radiation Exposure
Matthew Culbertson (Kansas State), Eric Giunta (Kansas State), Amir A. Bahadori (Kansas State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 876-879
Robotic Digital Twin of Mobile Robotic Hot Cell for Nuclear Waste Handling
Young Soo Park (ANL), Venugopal Varma (ORNL), Edward Colgate (Northwestern Univ.), Sabri Cetin (Univ. Ilinois, Chicago), Anamary Daniel (Inspection Expert), Wendell Chun (Univ. Denver), Boaz Buechley (United Cleanup Oak Ridge), John Lee (Dept. of Energy)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 884-887
Recent Updates to KRAKEN: A MOOSE-Based Multiphysics Simulation Platform for Soft Materials and Robots
Kevin Wandke (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Y Z (Univ. Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 888-890
Progress of Westinghouse LFR Safety Case and Safety Analysis
Jun Liao (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Jim Scobel (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Luciano Maniaci (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Andrea Maioli (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Guido Gerra (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Richard Rolland III (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Oleg Boychenko (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Megan E. Durse (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Daniel L. Wise (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Cory Stansbury (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Richard F. Wright (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Paolo Ferroni (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Sung Jin Lee (Fauske & Assoc.), Michael Epstein (Fauske & Assoc.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 896-899
RELAP5-3D Solutions to Exercise 1 of the OECD-NEA HTTF Benchmark
Robert F. Kile (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Aaron S. Epiney (INL), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 900-903
X-ray Imaging of Flow Phenomena Within Sodium Heat Pipes for Microreactor Applications
Erik M. Tillman (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Gregory F. Nellis (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Mark H. Anderson (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 904-907
Fast Modular Reactor Core Flow Channel Analysis
Jonathan Rohrbacher (General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems), Oscar Gutierrez (General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems), Hangbok Choi (General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 908-911
Digital Twin and Prediction of Temperature Distribution for Thermosyphon Heat Pipe Using LSTM
Ik Jae Jin (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology), In Cheol Bang (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 912-913
Numerical Investigations of the Single-Phase Flow Characteristics in U-Bends
Zhengting Quan (Purdue), Adam Dix (Purdue), David Kang (Purdue), Drew Ryan (Purdue), Seungjin Kim (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 916-918
Simulating Waste Glass Melters with the Spectral Element Method
Alexander W. Abboud (INL), Donna P. Guillen (INL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 919-922
Improving Multiphase CFD Closure Models for Horizontal Bubbly Two-Phase Flow
Drew Ryan (Fluor Marine Propulsion Corp.), Adam Dix (Purdue), John R. Buchanan Jr. (Fluor Marine Propulsion Corp.), Seungjin Kim (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 923-924
VOF Computation of Bubble Behavior in a Horizontal Pipe
Caleb Thompson (Penn State), Michael Riley (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 925-928
Simulating Wire-Wrapped Fuel Assembly Blockages in CFD
F. Roelofs (NRG), A. Mathur (NRG), H. Uitslag-Doolaard (NRG)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 929-932
Simulations of the Reactor Cavity Cooling System (RCCS) Experimental Facility Using Flownex
Marcos S. Sena (TAMU), Yassin A. Hassan (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 934-937
Coupled Simulation of Mixing in Loop Systems Using a Hybrid Multiscale Domain Coupling Between the Navier-Stokes Module and SAM
Victor Coppo Leite (Penn State), David Reger (Penn State), Aaron Huxford (Univ. Michigan), Annalisa Manera (Univ. Michigan), Elia Merzari (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 938-941
Machine Learning Based 2D Temperature Reconstructions in Two-Phase Fluid Using 1D System Code Results
Qiyun Cheng (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Huihua Yang (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Wei Ji (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 942-945
Improvements to the TACOCAT Single Channel Analysis Solver: Integrated Testing and Modular Flux Profiles and Geometries
Trevor C. Franklin (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Sierra A. Tutwiler (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Lane B. Carasik (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 946-949
Thermal Hydraulics Investigations in Vertical and Horizontal Layouts of Micro-HTGR During Pressurized Conduction Cooldown
Vivek Rao (ORNL), Ahmed Jasim (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Zeyad Zeitoun (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Uribe Sebastian (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 950-953
High Temperature Gas Reactor Coolant Break Size and Temperature Impact on Reactor Cavity Oxygen Concentration
Derek W. Kultgen (Purdue), Shripad T. Revankar (Purdue), Benjamin C. Billett (Purdue), Andrew J. Bergeon (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 956-959
Integration of an Electrically Heated DC Rod for the Transient Reactor Test Loop
Allison Wilson (Oregon State), Trevor Kent Howard (Oregon State), Jaden Miller (Oregon State), Musa Moussaoui (Oregon State), Guillaume Mignot (Oregon State), Aaron Weiss (Oregon State), Wade Marcum (Oregon State)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 960-963
Pressure Drop Measurements of Twisted Tape Inserts with Smaller Widths for Advanced Reactor Applications
Arturo Cabral (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Cody S. Wiggins (ORNL), Lane B. Carasik (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 964-967
Experimental Investigations of Natural Circulation by Convection Heat Transfer in a Plenum-to-Plenum Dual Channel Facility
Zeyad Zeitoun (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Ahmed Jasim (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Mahmoud M. Taha (Alexandria Univ.), Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 968-971
A Direct Comparison of Flow Visualization and Machine Learning for Inclined Two-Phase Flow Regime Identification
David Kang (Purdue), Drew Ryan (Purdue), Seungjin Kim (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 974-975
Measuring the Boiling Curves of Chloride Eutectics Relevant to MSR Designs
Andres Gonzalez (Univ. Puerto Rico), Silvina Cancelos (Univ. Puerto Rico), Juan R. Perez (Univ. Puerto Rico)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 976-979
Two-Phase Flow Structures in Narrow Rectangular Channels: Flow Visualization
Akshay Kumar Khandelwal (Purdue), Yang Zhao (Purdue), Mamoru Ishii (Purdue)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 980-983
Performance Analysis of DISNY Facility: A CRUD Deposition Simulator Under PWR Operating Conditions
Ji Yong Kim (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology), Yunju Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology), Ju Hun Jung (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology), Ji Hyun Kim (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology), In Cheol Bang (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 984-985
Impacts of Primary Heat Exchanger Design on Heat Pipe Microreactor Power Conversion
Curtis Foster (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Ian Jentz (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Gregory F. Nellis (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Mark Anderson (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 988-991
Preliminary Evaluation of Thermal Performance for Spent Fuel Pool Passive Cooling System with Thermosyphon and Water Jacket
Min Suk Lee (KAIST), Sanghoon Lee (KAIST), Wooseong Park (KAIST), Yong Hoon Jeong (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 992-995
Numerical Study of Fission Particle Transport in Ventilation Ducts in Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities: Case Study of Circular and Square Ducts with T-Junctions
Thien Nguyen (ORNL), William McCarter (ORNL), Scott Nelson (ORNL), Joanna McFarlane (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 996-999
Graphite Dust Facilitated FP Transport Investigation for Improvement of Deposition Models
R. Chavez (TAMU), M. Stephenson (TAMU), N.K. Anand (TAMU), Y.A. Hassan (TAMU), Mitchell Stephenson (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 1000-1003
A Stochastic Approach to Estimate Fission Product Retention in a Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR)
Rohan Biwalkar (Pittsburgh Technical), Sola Talabi (Pittsburgh Technical)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 1006-1009
PIV Measurements of Laminar Flow Through Porous Blocked Wire-Wrapped Subchannels
Trevor Melsheimer (TAMU), Craig Menezes (TAMU), Dalton Pyle (TAMU), Matt Kinsky (TAMU), Yassin Hassan (TAMU), Kim Hansol (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 1010-1013
Design of a Liquid Sodium Corrosion Testing Facility
Devin McCormick (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Ryder Belgarde (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Tiago A. Moreira (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Paul Brooks (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Mark Anderson (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 128 | Number 1 | June 2023 | Pages 1014-1017