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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Industry Update—March 2025
Here is a recap of industry happenings from the recent past:
BWRX-300 SMR deployment partnership developed
Several U.S. utility companies and supply chain partners have formed a coalition to accelerate deployment of GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy’s BWRX-300 small modular reactor. The coalition, which has applied for $800 million in funding from the Department of Energy’s Generation III+ SMR program, is led by the Tennessee Valley Authority and includes GEH, Bechtel, BWX Technologies, Duke Energy, Electric Power Research Institute, Indiana Michigan Power, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Sargent & Lundy, Scot Forge, other utilities and advanced nuclear project developers, and the State of Tennessee. TVA previously selected the BWRX-300 SMR for possible deployment at the Clinch River site, near Oak Ridge, Tenn. If the new coalition is awarded the requested DOE funding, TVA intends to accelerate construction of the first SMR at this site by two years, planning for commercial operation by 2033.
Full Issue
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Page 0
Geant4 Modeling of Energy and Charge Deposition in Satellites Solar Cells
Youssef Abouhussien (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Gennady Miloshevsky (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 24-27
Chargeable Atomic Batteries: Commercial Radioisotope Power Systems for Challenging Terrestrial and Space Applications
C. G. Morrison (USNC - Tech), D. J. Turkoglu (USNC-Tech), S. Yue (USNC-Tech)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 28-29
Fusion Power Balance of VIPER Pulsed Fusion Rocket
Rohan Puri (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), George H. Miley (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Erik P. Ziehm (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Raul Patino (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Raad Najam (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 30-32
Modelling Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Reactor Startup Transients
Noah Higgins (INL), Sebastian Schunert (INL), Stefano Terlizzi (INL), Ching-Sheng Lin (INL), Vincent Laboure (INL), Mark DeHart (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 33-37
A Modular Molten Salt Reactor Design for Desalination
J. Sebastian Tchakerian (Texas A&M Univ.), Phillip Olivarez (Texas A&M Univ.), Robert Kollman (Texas A&M Univ.), David Swindall (Texas A&M Univ.), David Nguyen (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 42-45
Micro-HTGR for Military Installations
Cindy McCabe (Univ. of Florida), Jonathan Arnaud (Univ. of Florida), Cesar Pozas (Univ. of Florida), Steven Lester (Univ. of Florida), Micah Troyer (Univ. of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 46-48
Design of a Low Enrichment Uranium Nuclear Reactor to Power a Future Martian Colony
Joffrey Dorville (Colorado School of Mines), Jacob Tellez (Colorado School of Mines), Conner Glatt (Colorado School of Mines), Jeffrey King (Colorado School of Mines)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 49-52
Production of Carbon-14 Radioisotope Using an Aluminum Nitride Target in HFIR
Christopher Busch (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville), Kayla Sims (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville), Madison Tippet (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville), Austin Welsh (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville), Richard Howard (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 53-56
Update on the Ongoing Ultra-Small Modular Reactor Design Project
Naiki Kaffezakis (Georgia Institute of Technology), Dan Kotlyar (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 58-61
Facile Oxide to Chalcogenide Conversion for Actinides Using the Boron-Chalcogen Mixture Method
Logan S. Breton (Univ. of South Carolina), Vladislav V. Klepov (Univ. of South Carolina), Hans-Conrad zur Loye (Univ. of South Carolina)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 62-65
Disorder in Ho2Ti2-xZrxO7: Pyrochlore to Defect Fluorite Solid Solution Series
Devon Drey (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Eric O'Quinn (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Maik Lang (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 66-69
Phase Evolution in Annealed U-22.5 at.% Zr and U-52.8 at.% Zr Foils Characterized with Scanning Electron Microscopy and In-Situ Neutron Diffraction
W. J. Williams (INL), S. C. Vogel (LANL), M. A. Okuniewski (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 70-73
A Machine Learning Regression Approach for Pulse Shape Discrimination in Organic Scintillators
Matthew Durbin (Penn State Univ.), Marc Wonders (PNNL), Marek Flaska (Penn State Univ.), Azaree Lintereur (Univ. of Utah)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 74-76
Toward a Broader Understanding of the Transitional Speciation in the Actinide-Lanthanide Separation Process
Gabriela Picayo (Colorado School of Mines), Mark Jensen (Colorado School of Mines)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 77-79
Design of a Multipurpose Radiation Shielding Technology: Metal Oxide Infused Conformal Coating
Sam Hanson (NC State Univ.), Radek Pudelko (NC State Univ.), Michael Long (NC State Univ.), Robert B. Hayes (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 82-85
Priorities and Considerations in Advancing the Training of Nuclear Reactor Operators Through Mixed Reality
Eakta Jain (Univ. of Florida), Andreas Enqvist (Univ. of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 86-89
Artificial Intelligence, Cross-Reality and Cutting-Edge Technologies for the Modern Learner
Emma L. Wong (EPRI), Jeremy Renshaw (EPRI), Robert Eller (EPRI), Wynter McGruder (EPRI), Jean-Francois Roy (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 90-92
Virtual Classes, Real Results: Teaching from Home to Stay-at-Home Students During a Pandemic
Eleodor Nichita (Ontario Tech Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 93-95
Needle Probe Measurements of the Thermal Conductivity of Reference Liquids
Brian Merritt (Brigham Young Univ.), Michael Seneca (Brigham Young Univ.), Troy Munro (Brigham Young Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 98-101
Defect Classification in Simulated Pulsed Thermal Tomography Images Using Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network
Victoria Ankel (ANL), Dzmitry Shribak (ANL), Alexander Heifetz (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 102-105
Autonomous Fault Detection for Microreactor Operations - Looking Ahead
Mario Mendoza (Texas A&M Univ.), Pavel V. Tsvetkov (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 106-109
History and Future of Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Nuclear Engineering for Increased Fidelity and Computational Efficiency
Kristin Stolte (Texas A&M Univ.), Pavel Tsvetkov (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 110-113
Improved Point Kinetic Parameters Generation for Pebble Bed Reactor Transient Simulation Using NEAMS Tools
David Reger (Penn State Univ.), Paolo Balestra (INL), Ryan Stewart (INL), Elia Merzari (Penn State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 114-117
Fast Neutron Computed Tomography Station at The Ohio State University Research Reactor
Matthew Bisbee (Ohio State Univ.), Ibrahim Oksuz (Ohio State Univ.), Matthew VanZile (Ohio State Univ.), Lei Cao (Ohio State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 118-121
Molecular Analysis of Tritium Solvation in Flibe and Flinak: Effect of Fluoroacidity, Oxidation State, and Impurities
Stephen T. Lam (Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell), Rajni Chahal (Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 128-130
Corrosion Chemistry and Control in Molten NaCl-MgCl2 Salts
Drew M. Glenna (Univ. of Idaho), Matt Lawson (Univ. of Idaho), Haiyan Zhao (Univ. of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 131-134
Modeling Corrosion Product Transport and Reduction via Beryllium Addition in FLiBe Molten Salt
Samuel A. Walker (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Wei Ji (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 135-138
Mu*STAR Superconducting Accelerator Driven Subcritical Molten Salt Nuclear Power Plants
Rolland Johnson (Muons), Mary Anne C. Cummings (Muons), Thomas J. Roberts (Muons)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 139-141
Augmentation and Bounding of i-LAMP via Addition of Panels from an Operating Spent Fuel Pool
Hatice Akkurt (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 144-147
Demonstration of i-LAMP via Case Studies and Proposed Implementation Path
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 148-151
A Practical Case Study of a Submerged Encapsulation System for Defective/Damaged Fuel Bundles
Vito Bagdonavicius (ATS Industrial Automation)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 152-155
Study on Flammable Gas Generation and Radionuclide Release During Underwater Handling of AM Reactor Spent Fuel
A. Gayazov (Sosny R&D Co.), A. Leshchenko (Sosny R&D Co.), V. Smirnov (Sosny R&D Co.), P. Ilyin (JSC SSC RIAR), V. Teplov (JSC SSC RIAR)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 156-159
Path to Sufficient HALEU Availability in U.S. and Canada?
Cyril W. Draffin, Jr. (U.S. Nuclear Industry Council), Jeffery S. Merrifield (Pillsbury Law)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 162-164
The Effects of Impurities in Down-Blending Highly Enriched Uranium on the Reactor Neutronics and Cycle Length
Osman Sahin Celikten (NIST Center for Neutron Research), Dagistan Sahin (NIST Center for Neutron Research)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 165-167
The Molten Uranium Thermal Breeder Reactor (MUTBR): A Consumer of UNF
Neal L. Mann (Neal Mann & Assoc.), Mihai (Mike) G. Pop (AREVA NP)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 168-171
Safeguarding Thorium-Fueled Reactors: Understanding the Impact of Protactinium
Victoria Davis (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Braden Goddard (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), George W. Hitt (Coastal Carolina Univ.), Claudio Gariazzo (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 172-175
Radiation Resistant Functional Materials for Noble Gas Management
Praveen K. Thallapally (PNNL), Alexander Robinson (PNNL), Jian Liu (PNNL), Minbum Kim (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 178-180
Reprocessing Capabilities of FeCrAl-Clad Used Fuel
Raul B. Rebak (GE Research), Rajnikant V. Umretiya (GE Research), Andrew K. Hoffman (GE Research), Liang Yin (GE Research), Aida Amroussia (GE Research), Dan R. Lutz (GE Power)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 181-182
Co-Siting Fission Battery Refurbishment, Nuclear Hydrogen and Fuel-Cycle Facilities with Waste Disposal Sites
Charles Forsberg (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 183-186
Deposition in SNF Storage Systems: Best Practices for Particle Injection
Ben J. Jensen (PNNL), Philip J. Jensen (PNNL), Sarah R. Suffield (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 187-190
Scale-Up of the Zeolite-4A Occlusion Process for Radioactive Electrorefiner Salts
Claire Decker (Univ. of Utah), Allison Harward (Univ. of Utah), Guy Fredrickson (INL), Tae-Sic Yoo (INL), Jerry Howard (Univ. of Nevada, Reno), Michael Simpson (Univ. of Utah), Krista Carlson (Univ. of Nevada, Reno)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 192-194
A Method of Testing Methyl Iodide Adsorption onto Exchanged Silver Mordenite
Heinrik Goettsche (Univ. of Idaho), Vivek Utgikar (Univ. of Idaho), Krishnan Raja (Univ. of Idaho), Piyush Sabharwall (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 195-197
Adsorption of Radioactive Iodine Using Nanocarbon-Coated Ceramic Substrate
Chaithanya Balumuru (Univ. of Idaho), Krishnan Raja (Univ. of Idaho), Piyush Sabharwall (INL), Vivek Utgikar (Univ. of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 198-200
On Hydriding Uranium-Surrogate Aluminides
Collin T. Andersen (Univ. of Utah), Prabhat K. Tripathy (INL), Michael F. Simpson (Univ. of Utah)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 201-203
Validation of UNF-ST&DARDS Decay Heat Calculations for BWR Fuel
Justin B. Clarity (ORNL), Henrik Liljenfeldt (Noemi Analytics), Kaushik Banerjee (PNNL), L. Paul Miller (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 206-209
Validation of UNF-ST&DARDS Criticality Calculations for BWR Fuel
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 210-213
Conceptional Design of Additive Manufacturing Based Dissimilar Metal Embedded Sensors for TAD Canister Monitoring
Michael Smith (Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte), Sven Bader (Orano Federal Services), Brad Crotts (Orano Federal Services), Yesim Sireli (Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 214-217
Limiting Dose Rate with Decay Heat
Jun Li (Orano TN), Philippe Pham (Orano TN)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 218-220
Estimated Maximally Exposed Individual Scenarios in Incident-Free Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation
Kevin J. Connolly (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 221-224
Optimization of a Simplified ARC Reactor Design Through Coupled Neutronics, Thermal Hydraulics Modeling
Jack Fletcher (ORNL), Jin Whan Bae (ORNL), Arpan Sircar (ORNL), Vittorio Badalassi (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 234-237
Multi-Physics Simulations for Fusion Reactor Blankets
Arpan Sircar (ORNL), Jin Whan Bae (ORNL), Vittorio Badalassi (ORNL), Ethan Peterson (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 238-242
Simplified Neutronics Analysis of Solid Breeder Concepts for the FESS-FNSF
Felipe Santos-Novais (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville), G. Ivan Maldonado (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 243-246
Cyberweapon Nonproliferation Controls for the Virtual Battlefield: Applying the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime to an Unseen Enemy
Michael Haney (Univ. of Idaho), Jacob Benjamin (Dragos), R. A. Borrelli (Univ. of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 252-255
Development of an NPP Safety State Estimation Method Secured from Process Data Manipulation Attacks
Chanyoung Lee (KAIST), Poong Hyun Seong (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 256-257
Attack Scenario Development for NPPs Using FANCY Hardware-in-the-Loop Testbed
Fan Zhang (Georgia Institute of Technology), Christopher Spirito (INL), Ronald Boring (INL), Stacy Baskin (Southern Nuclear Operating Co.), Scott Ruoti (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Jamie Coble (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 258-260
Deceptive Infusion of Data (DIOD) for Nuclear Reactors
Arvind Sundaram (Purdue Univ.), Hany S. Abdel-Khalik (Purdue Univ.), Ahmad Al Rashdan (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 264-266
Convolutional Neural Network with Feature Selection for Multi Abnormal State Diagnosis
Ji Hyeon Shin (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Seung Jun Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 267-269
Explaining AI Models in Operation Support Systems with Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation
Seung Geun Kim (KAERI), Jaehyun Cho (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 270-273
LSTM Validation of Fiber Optics Distributed Temperature Sensing
Stella Pantopoulou (ANL), Darius Lisowski (ANL), Anthonie Cilliers (Kairos Power), Alexander Heifetz (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 274-276
Automated System to Characterize Electromagnetic Environments in Nuclear Power Plants
M.F. Berg (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), C. J. Kiger (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), T.S. Gavin (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 278-281
Methodology for Wi-Fi Deployment in Nuclear Power Plants
P.E. Zarb (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), R.A. Kettle (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), M.F. Berg (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), T.J. Cole (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), C. J. Kiger (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), O.A. Fraley (AEP Nuclear Generation Group)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 282-285
A Comparison of Human Error Probabilities Collected from the HuREX and SHEEP Frameworks
Jooyoung Park (INL), Ronald L. Boring (INL), Jonghyun Kim (Chosun Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 286-288
A Novel Analytic Tool Providing a Graded Approach to Safety Culture Attribute
Jeeyea Ahn (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Wooseok Jo (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Byung Joo Min (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Seung Jun Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 289-291
High Speed Computation Using an FPGA with Neutron-Gamma Scintillation Detectors
Rishya Sankar Kumaran (Texas A&M Univ.), Benjamin Wellons (Texas A&M Univ.), Shikha Prasad (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 292-295
Asset Management Using Digital Engineering for the Versatile Test Reactor
Steven A. Arndt (ORNL), Stephen N. Hammonds (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 298-300
Topical Report for Condition-Based Calibration Assessment of Pressure Transmitters in Nuclear Power Plants
H. Hashemian (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), B. Shumaker (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), G. Morton (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 301-304
A Novel Method for Improvement of Pipeline Welding Defect Sizing Accuracy in Attenuation Materials
Jung-Cheol Shin (ENESG), Un-Hak Seong (ENESG), Young-Woo Park (Chungnam National Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 305-307
Testbed to Evaluate Motor Fault Detection Capability of Electrical Signature Analysis Technologies
Greg Draeger (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), Jacob Houser (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), Mike Taylor (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 308-311
Criticality Control Overpack Automation
Catherine Mancuso (Savannah River National Laboratory), Michael Brown (Savannah River National Laboratory), Will Stafford (Savannah River National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 314-316
Collection of a Preliminary Dataset for Human-Robot Interaction in Commercial and Nuclear Domains
Cynthia Cho (Univ. of Texas, Austin), Sidharth Nair (Univ. of Texas, Austin), Bethany Isabella Garcia Cornejo (Univ. of Texas, Austin), Ian Krause (Univ. of Texas, Austin), Arrash Setayesh (Univ. of Texas, Austin), Minsoo Kang (Univ. of Texas, Austin), Selma Wanna (Univ. of Texas, Austin), Mitch Pryor (Univ. of Texas, Austin)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 317-320
Demonstration of Automation Technology for Nuclear Materials Handling
William Stafford (Savannah River National Laboratory), Michael Brown (Savannah River National Laboratory), Catherine Mancuso (Savannah River National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 321-323
Methods to Evaluate Embedded Sensor Performance for the Transformational Challenge Reactor
William H. Ferrell IV (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), Jacob R. Houser (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), Holden C. Hyer (ORNL), Christian M. Petrie (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 326-328
Transit Time Flow Measurement via High-Temperature Irradiation-Resistant Thermocouples
Alexander H. Hashemian (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), Richard Skifton (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 329-332
Trace Xenon Measurements Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Fuel Failure Monitoring in Generation IV Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors
M. Burger (Univ. of Michigan), L. Garrett (Univ. of Michigan), A. Burak (Univ. of Michigan), V. Petrov (Univ. of Michigan), A. Manera (Univ. of Michigan), X. Sun (Univ. of Michigan), P. Sabharwall (INL), I. Jovanovic (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 333-335
Design of a High Temperature Eddy Current Flow Meter via Thermal-Mechanical Simulation
G. Kinzler (Univ. of Pittsburgh), U. Zangrilli (Univ. of Pittsburgh), H. Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 336-339
Improvements in Antineutrino Detector Response by Including Fission Product Transitions
Wei Eng Ang (Texas A&M Univ.), Sanghun Lee (Texas A&M Univ.), Shikha Prasad (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 340-343
Comparison of Operational Amplifiers in Analog Signal Processing Circuit for the Self-Powered Neutron Detector
Heejune Park (Chungnam National Univ.), Wonjin Jeong (Chungnam National Univ.), Young-Woo Park (Chungnam National Univ.), Myounggyu Noh (Chungnam National Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 346-347
Detecting CRUD Accumulation in Nuclear Power Plant Rod Control Systems
A. Deatherage (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), S. Caylor (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), B. Shumaker (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 348-351
NBSR Power Regulating Control System Upgrade
Dagistan Sahin (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Daniel Mattes (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Danyal J. Turkoglu (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 352-353
Derating and Survivability of Mineral Insulated Cables for Small Modular Reactor Applications
J.R. Houser (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), S. N. Tyler (Analysis and Measurement Services Corp.), D. Corbett (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 354-357
Adaptive Signal Processing of Optical Fiber Sensors for Monitoring Temperature During Chemical Vapor Infiltration
Daniel C. Sweeney (ORNL), Adrian M. Schrell (ORNL), Christian M. Petrie (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 358-361
Automated Fast Neutron Computed Tomography at Ohio State University Research Reactor
Ibrahim Oksuz (Ohio State Univ.), Matt Bisbee (Ohio State Univ.), Nerine Cherepy (LLNL), James Hall (LLNL), Lei Cao (Ohio State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 368-370
Precursor Isotopes as Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Fuel
Marshall Millett (U.S. Naval Academy)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 371-373
Characterization of Penn State's Reactor Core Face Irradiation Fixture
Susanna Angermeier (Penn State Univ.), Maksat Kuatbek (Penn State Univ.), Amanda Johnsen (Penn State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 374-377
Characterization of the Fast Neutron Irradiator Fixture at the Pennsylvania State Breazeale Reactor
Maksat Kuatbek (Penn State Univ.), Bruce D. Pierson (PNNL), Stephanie Lyons (PNNL), Amanda M. Johnsen (Penn State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 378-381
Upgrading the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor Control Console
Jeffrey A. Geuther (Penn State Univ.), Adams N. Tong (Penn State Univ.), Daniel B. Beck (Penn State Univ.), Sean M. Herrmann (Penn State Univ.), Gokhan Corak (Penn State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 382-385
Sensitivity of Nuclear Radiogauges in Detecting Water Levels in Ballast Tanks
Walid A. Metwally (Univ. of Sharjah), Jwaher Alnaqbi (Univ. of Sharjah), Eslam Ahmed (Univ. of Sharjah), Priyonta Rahman (Univ. of Sharjah)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 388-389
Proton Beam Dosimetry Using Cerenkov Radiation: A Feasibility Study
Steven A. Thompson (Univ. of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 390-393
Measurement of Transition Probabilities of Europium Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Sawyer Irvine (ORNL), Hunter Andrews (ORNL), Kristian Myhre (ORNL), Kari Lawson (Tenn. Technological Univ.), Jamie Coble (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 394-397
Fieldable Muon Momentum Measurement Using Coupled Pressurized Gaseous Cherenkov Detectors
J. Bae (Purdue Univ.), S. Chatzidakis (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 400-403
Solar Photovoltaic Device Response to Gamma-Ray Irradiation
Praneeth Kandlakunta (Ohio State Univ.), Matthew Van Zile (Ohio State Univ.), Lei Raymond Cao (Ohio State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 404-407
Verification of Radiation Doses Estimated with Watches Using Commercial Dosimeters
Natalie Coon (NC State Univ.), Modeste Tchouaso (NC State Univ.), Robert Hayes (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 408-410
Damage Effects from Alpha Neutron Source Irradiation of Ga2O3 Rectifiers
Minghan Xian (Univ. of Florida), F. Ren (Univ. of Florida), S.J. Pearton (Univ. of Florida), Elena Flitsiyan (Univ. of Central Florida)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 411-414
Temperature-Dependent Hybrid/Organic Scintillators
J. Arrue (Georgia Institute of Technology), C. Chandler (Colorado School of Mines), A. Sellinger (Colorado School of Mines), A. Erickson (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 415-418
C5G7-TD3 Transient Benchmark Results with Shift
Evan S. Gonzalez (Univ. of Michigan), Brian C. Kiedrowski (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 424-427
Angular Deflection Distribution for Condensed History Electron Transport in Binary Markovian Media
Emily H. Vu (Univ. of Michigan), Brian C. Kiedrowski (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 427-429
Energy Loss Straggling Distribution for Condensed History Electron Transport in Binary Markovian Media
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 431-434
Direct Calculation of Doubles Counting Rate for Neutron Multiplicity Methods
Wilfried Monange (IRSN)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 435-438
Discrete Ordinate Prediction of Analog Monte Carlo Computational Time with Embedded Timer Estimators
Eric J. Pearson (Univ. of Michigan), Joel A. Kulesza (LANL), Brian C. Kiedrowski (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 439-442
A Multiphysics Reduced-Order Model for Neutronic Transient Using POD-Galerkin Projection and DEIM
Rabab Elzohery (Kansas State Univ.), Jeremy Roberts (Kansas State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 444-447
Derivation and Implementation in OpenFOAM of a Point-Kinetics Model for Molten Salt Reactors
Arnaldo Samuele Mattioli (Politecnico di Milano), Carlo Fiorina (EPFL), Stefano Lorenzi (Politecnico di Milano), Antonio Cammi (Politecnico di Milano)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 448-451
BSOLVE: Energy Dependent Depletion with Algorithm-Adapted Error Control for 3-D Transport
Glenn E. Sjoden (Univ. of Utah), Meng-Jen Wang (Univ. of Utah), Nicholas Kurtyka (Univ. of Utah)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 452-455
Design and Optimization of GPU Capabilities in OpenMC
Gavin Ridley (MIT), Benoit Forget (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 456-459
Recent Development Status of Cross Section Generation Tool MCS for LWRs
Tung Dong Cao Nguyen (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Deokjung Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 459-461
Depletion Perturbation Theory Sensitivity Coefficients in Monte Carlo Simulations
Benjamin Murphy (Univ. of New Mexico), Christopher Perfetti (Univ. of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 464-467
Conversion from R-Matrix to Pole Representation Parameters for Use in Sensitivity Analysis
Matthew Lazaric (Univ. of New Mexico), Christopher Perfetti (Univ. of New Mexico), Mark Paris (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 468-471
Solving a System of Ordinary Differential Equations for Reactivity Insertion Accident with Artificial Neural Networks
Alie Akins (NC State Univ.), Ziyu Xie (NC State Univ.), Xu Wu (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 472-475
Quantitative Validation with Bayes Factor
Farah Alsafadi (NC State Univ.), Ziyu Xie (NC State Univ.), Xu Wu (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 477-480
Design and Prototyping of a Fissile-Bearing Chloride Salt Irradiation Experiment
Abdalla Abou-Jaoude (INL), Calvin Downey (INL), Gregory Core (INL), Kim Davies (INL), William Phillips (INL), Chuting Tan (INL), SuJong Yoon (INL), Stacey Wilson (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 486-489
Irradiation Testing of Silicon Carbide Joint Specimens in the High Flux Isotope Reactor
Annabelle G. Le Coq (ORNL), Christian M. Petrie (ORNL), Takaaki Koyanagi (ORNL), Kory D. Linton (ORNL), Christian P. Deck (General Atomics)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 490-493
Thermal Model for Horizontal In-Water and In-Air Mini-Plate Experiments in the Advanced Test Reactor
Grant Hawkes (INL), Dong Ok Choe (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 494-497
Safety Analysis of the Irradiation System for a High-Throughput Acquisition Capsule
Austen D. Fradeneck (INL), Richard Howard (INL), Geoffrey L. Beausoleil (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 498-501
Initial Design of High-Temperature MiniFuel Irradiation Experiments in the High Flux Isotope Reactor Removable Beryllium Region
Jacob P. Gorton (ORNL), Zane Wallen (ORNL), Christian M. Petrie (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 503-506
Post-Irradiation Examination of Irradiated Optical Components of In-Situ Spectroscopic Sensors for Advanced Fission Reactors
Bryan Morgan (Univ. of Michigan), Matthew Van Zile (Ohio State Univ.), Patrick Skrodzki (Univ. of Michigan), Xuan Xiao (Univ. of Michigan), Piyush Sabharwall (INL), Paul Marotta (Micro Nuclear), Miloš Burger (Univ. of Michigan), Igor Jovanovic (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 508-511
TEM Characterization of High Dose Ion Irradiated MA956 ODS Alloy
Yu Lu (Boise State Univ.), Yaqiao Wu (Boise State Univ.), Ramprashad Prabhakaran (PNNL), Megha Dubey (Boise State Univ.), Lin Shao (Texas A&M Univ.), Jing Wang (PNNL), Dalong Zhang (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 511-513
Zinc Additions Reduces Dissolution Rate of FeCrAl Fuel Cladding
Raul B. Rebak (GE Research), Timothy B. Jurewicz (GE Research), Andrew K. Hoffman (GE Research), Liang Yin (GE Research), Aida Amroussia (GE Research), Rajnikant V. Umretiya (GE Research), Russ M. Fawcett (GE Power)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 513-514
FeCrAl Fuel Clad Chemical Interaction in Light Water Reactor Environments
Andrew K. Hoffman (GE Research), Fabiola Cappia (INL), Jatuporn Burns (INL), Lingfeng He (INL), Rajnikant Umretiya (GE Research), Vipul Gupta (GE Research), Caleb Massey (ORNL), Jason Harp (ORNL), Raul B. Rebak (GE Research)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 515-516
Progress in Developing Thermochimica Modelling Capabilities to Aid in Simulating Severe Accidents in MELCOR
Benjamin A.T. Breeden (Ontario Tech Univ.), Max Poschmann (Ontario Tech Univ.), David Luxat (Sandia), Markus H.A. Piro (Ontario Tech Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 519-522
Coupling Methodology Between TRANSURANUS and the Multi-Dimensional Fuel Performance Code OFFBEAT
Alessandro Scolaro (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Carlo Fiorina (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Paul Van Uffelen (European Commission), Arndt Schubert (European Commission), Ivor Clifford (Paul Scherrer Institut), Andreas Pautz (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 524-527
First Steps Towards Large Strain Analysis in OFFBEAT
Edoardo Luciano Brunetto (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Alessandro Scolaro (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Carlo Fiorina (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Andreas Pautz (Paul Scherrer Institut)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 528-531
Assessment of Fuel Relocation and Fuel Rod Contact on Fuel Behaviors During a Design Basis Accident of LOCA
Joosuk Lee (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety), Young-Seok Bang (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 532-535
Sensitivity Analysis on Silicon Carbide Failure Probability in TRISO
Carlotta G. Ghezzi (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Giovanni Pastore (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Brian D. Wirth (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 535-537
Evaluation of Anisotropic Interfacial Properties of Alpha U via Molecular Dynamics
Khadija Mahbuba (NC State Univ.), Benjamin W. Beeler (NC State Univ.), Andrea Jokisaari (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 539-542
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study of Transport Properties Eutectic LiCl-KCl at 1200 K
Kai Duemmler (NC State Univ.), Benjamin Beeler (NC State Univ.), Ruchi Gakhar (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 544-547
Ab-initio Molecular Dynamics Study of LiF-NaF-ZrF4 Molten Salt System
Rajni Chahal (Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell), Stephen T. Lam (Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 549-553
The Melting Point of Molten Salts with Corrosion Product Impurities
Robin V. Roper (Univ. of Idaho), Kristen Geddes (Univ. of Idaho), Richard Christensen (Univ. of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 552-554
Molten Salt Thermal Conductivity Hot Wire Sensor
Peter Kasper (Brigham Young Univ.), Jonathan Dromey (Brigham Young Univ.), Ara Bolander (Brigham Young Univ.), Crewse Petersen (Brigham Young Univ.), Tom Carson (Brigham Young Univ.), Troy Munro (Brigham Young Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 556-559
Modeling and Experimental Validation of Shockwave Propagation in Aluminum Plates
James Smith (INL), Colin Merriman (INL), Jeff Lacy (INL), Brad Benefiel (INL), Clark Scott (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 559-561
Effect of Laser Shock Peening on Residual Stress in Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds
Merbin John (Univ. of Nevada, Reno), Alessandro Ralls (Univ. of Nevada, Reno), Manoranjan Misra (Univ. of Nevada, Reno), Pradeep L. Menezes (Univ. of Nevada, Reno)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 563-565
Lessons Learned with Additive Manufacturing - Transformational Challenge Reactor Flow Test Articles
Nathan D. See (ORNL), Dylan Richardson (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 567-570
Effects of Accelerated Aging Phenomena on Cable Condition Monitoring Data
Caleb Crosby (AMS), Codi Ferree (AMS), Patrick Ellis (AMS)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 571-574
Examination of Lead-Bismuth Corrosion of SS309 at High Velocities at 500C
Jake Noltensmeyer (Univ. of New Mexico), Brandon Bohanon (Univ. of New Mexico), Khaled Talaat (Univ. of New Mexico), Md Mehadi Hassan (Univ. of New Mexico), Keith Woloshun (LANL), Stuart Maloy (LANL), Cetin Unal (LANL), Osman Anderoglu (Univ. of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 575-577
RPI LINAC Refurbishment and Upgrade Project
Yaron Danon (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Peter Brand (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Michael Bretti (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Brian Epping (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Timothy Trumbull (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 578-580
Low-Energy Reactions of the n+233U Nuclear Compound System and its Initial Validation
Marco T. Pigni (ORNL), Roberto Capote (IAEA), Andrej Trkov (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 581-584
Preliminary RAM-RODD Results for the MUSiC Subcritical Configurations
Robert A. Weldon Jr. (LANL), Theresa E. Cutler (LANL), Joetta M. Goda (LANL), Jesson D. Hutchinson (LANL), William L. Myers (LANL), George E. McKenzie IV (LANL), Alexander T. McSpaden (LANL), Lauren A. Misurek (LANL), Rene G. Sanchez (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 585-588
Design of Temperature-Dependent Critical Experiments with SPRF/CX
Justin B. Clarity (ORNL), Ryan C. Gallagher (ORNL), Mathieu N. Dupont (ORNL), Christopher W. Chapman (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 589-592
Photo Doppler Velocimetry and Gamma/Neutron Yield Measurements of Godiva-IV Critical Assembly
Lucas Snyder (LLNL), Dan Bower (LLNL), Robert Buckles (Nevada National Security Site), David Fittinghoff (LLNL), Joetta Goda (LANL), Mark May (LLNL), Michael Pena (Nevada National Security Site), John Scorby (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 593-596
Preliminary NoMAD Results of the MUSiC Experiment
Alexander McSpaden (LANL), Caiser Bravo (Univ. of Michigan), Theresa Cutler (LANL), Joetta Goda (LANL), Wim Haeck (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), Hadyn Kistle (LANL), George McKenzie (LANL), William Myers (LANL), Rene Sanchez (LANL), Robert Weldon (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 598-601
Comparison of Neutron Multiplicity Counting Estimates with trans-Stilbene, EJ-309, and He-3 Detection Systems
F.B. Darby (Univ. of Michigan), J. D. Hutchinson (LANL), M. Y. Hua (Univ. of Michigan), R. A. Weldon (LANL), G.E. McKenzie (LANL), J. R. Lamproe (Univ. of Michigan), S. A. Pozzi (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 602-605
Sensitivity Analysis of H2O Pulsed-Neutron Die-Away Experiments to the H-H2O Thermal Scattering Law
Daniel Siefman (LLNL), Catherine Percher (LLNL), David Heinrichs (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 606-609
Sensitivity-Based Experiment Design Optimization for a Molybdenum Critical Experiment
Cole Kostelac (LANL), Nicholas Thompson (LANL), Rene Sanchez (LANL), Noah Kleedtke (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 610-613
Impact of Spontaneous Fission Neutron Emission Energy on Neutron Detector Response
Jawad R. Moussa (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), George McKenzie (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 614-617
Similarity of the PMM-2 Critical Experiments and Criticality Safety Cases Based on the keff Sensitivity Analysis
Mariya Brovchenko (IRSN), Nicolas Arphant (IRSN)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 620-622
Investigation of Delayed Neutron Sensitivities for Several ICSBEP Benchmarks Using MCNP
J. Hutchinson (LANL), N. Kleedtke (LANL), J. Alwin (LANL), A. Clark (LANL), T. Cutler (LANL), W. Haeck (LANL), R. Little (LANL), D. Neudecker (LANL), M. Rising (LANL), T. Smith (LANL), N. Thompson (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 623-626
Validation of Jezebel Reactivity Coefficients and Sensitivity Analysis
Theresa Cutler (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), Noah Kleedtke (LANL), Michael Rising (LANL), Denise Neudecker (LANL), Bob Little (LANL), Nick Thompson (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 627-630
Effective Delayed Neutron Fraction and Reactivity Coefficient Sensitivity-Based Similarity Metrics for New Experiment Design Optimization
N. Kleedtke (LANL), J. Hutchinson (LANL), I. Michaud (LANL), T. Grove (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 631-634
A Verification of Flux Sensitivity Estimates Using the MCNP Tally Perturbation Tool
Juliann R. Lamproe (Univ. of Michigan), Theresa E. Cutler (LANL), Michael Y. Hua (Univ. of Michigan), Alexander R. Clark (LANL), Jesson D. Hutchinson (LANL), Shaun D. Clarke (Univ. of Michigan), Sara A. Pozzi (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 635-638
Surface Ablation of Core Materials in Burst Reactors
Victoria E. Hagopian (Penn State Univ.), Geordie McKenzie (LANL), Leigh Winfrey (Penn State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 640-643
Godiva Experiments for the Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (NCSP)
Joetta Goda (LANL), Travis Grove (LANL), David Hayes (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 644-647
Space Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Critical Assembly Boron Worth Experiments
Elijah C. Lutz (Sandia), David E. Ames (Sandia)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 648-651
The CURIE Experiment and Nuclear Data
Nicholas Thompson (LANL), Theresa Cutler (LANL), Travis Grove (LANL), Kelsey Amundson (LANL), Dave Hayes (LANL), Jeff Favorite (LANL), Joetta Goda (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), Robert Little (LANL), Geordie McKenzie (LANL), Rene Sanchez (LANL), Jessie Walker (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 652-655
Rossi-alpha Analysis of CURIE Experiment
Caiser A. Bravo (LANL), Jesson D. Hutchinson (LANL), George E. McKenzie (LANL), Theresa E. Cutler (LANL), David K. Hayes (LANL), Travis J. Grove (LANL), Jeffrey A. Favorite (LANL), Rene G. Sanchez (LANL), Kelsey M. Amundson (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 656-658
Making the Most of a Facility Visit
Rebecca Rice (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions), Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 664-667
The 2021 Edition of the ICSBEP Handbook
John D. Bess (INL), Tatiana Ivanova (OECD NEA), Julie-Fiona Martin (OECD NEA), Ian Hill (OECD NEA), Lori Scott (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 668-671
Sensitivity of a Response to Stoichiometry
Jeffrey A. Favorite (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 673-676
Fissile Discharge to Unfavorable Geometries: NCS Controls for a Calciner Off-Gas System
Frank J. Sweeney (Y-12 National Security Complex), Spencer P. Jordan (Y-12 National Security Complex), Christopher A. Belk (Y-12 National Security Complex)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 678-681
Critical Parameters of Actinide Nuclides Computed Using ENDF/B-VI, VII.0, VII.1, and VIII.0 Cross Sections
Richard G. Taylor (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 683-687
Validation of KENO Delayed Neutron Fraction Capabilities
Alex Shaw (ORNL), William Marshall (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 686-688
Bayesian Monte Carlo Evaluation Framework for Imperfect Nuclear Data
Jesse M. Brown (ORNL), Goran Arbanas (ORNL), Andrew Holcomb (ORNL), Dorothea Wiarda (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 691-694
Cumulative χ2 Metric for VALID for ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 in SCALE 6.3b9
William Marshall (ORNL), Travis Greene (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 696-699
Testing of a New 103Rh Resolved Resonance Evaluation
Luiz Leal (IRSN), Nicolas Leclaire (IRSN), Devin Barry (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Amanda Lewis (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Peter Schillebeeckx (EC, JRC-Geel), Stefan Kopecky (EC, JRC-Geel), Cristian Mihailescu (SCK CEN)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 700-703
FLASSH 1.0: Full Law Analysis Scattering System Hub
Nina C. Fleming (NC State Univ.), Cole A. Manring (NC State Univ.), Benjamin K. Laramee (NC State Univ.), Jonathan P.W. Crozier (NC State Univ.), Eunji Lee (NC State Univ.), Ayman I. Hawari (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 704-707
Generation of the Thermal Scattering Law of Uranium Carbide Using Ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
J. P. W. Crozier (NC State Univ.), A. I. Hawari (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 709-712
Reliability of Cascade Failure of Heat Pipes in Micro Modular Reactors
Eunseo So (INL), Man Cheol Kim (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 716-719
Pathway to Resolving Gaps in Advanced Reactor Mechanistic Source Term
Shayan Shahbazi (ANL), David Grabaskas (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 720-722
Enabling Nuclear Deployment in Locations Without Robust Regulatory Institutions Through Technology-Enhanced Regulatory Frameworks
Rohan Biwalkar (Pittsburgh Technical), Sola Talabi (Pittsburgh Technical)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 723-724
Task Analysis for Human Reliability Analysis of Startup and Shutdown Operation
Woo Seok Jo (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Seung Jun Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science & Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 725-728
Uncertainty-Aware Limit Surface Search Algorithm Using Deep Neural Network
Junyong Bae (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Jong Woo Park (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Seung Jun Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 730-733
A Case Study of Scenario Optimization Framework for Dynamic PSA in Small Loss of Coolant Accident
Jong Woo Park (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Seung Jun Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 734-737
Severe Accident Management Guidelines - Their Qualities and Shortcomings
George Vayssier (NSC Netherlands)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 738-740
Impact of Potential Source Term Updates in DTRA's HPAC
Joshua Molgaard (Defense Threat Reduction Agency), Tyler Dant (Applied Research Assoc.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 750-753
Geometry Effects in the Transport Calculations of the Multiplicity Moments
Victor Dykin (Chalmers Univ. of Technology), Imre Pázsit (Chalmers Univ. of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 754-757
A Novel Nuclear Material Control Technique for Pebble Fueled Reactors
Sunil S. Chirayath (Texas A&M Univ.), Claudio A. Gariazzo (ANL), Raffaella Righetti (Texas A&M Univ.), Mohammad Naraghi (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 758-761
An Explainable Artificial Intelligence Approach using a Hopfield Network in Nuclear Security Applications
Miltiadis Alamaniotis (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio), Alexander Heifetz (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 762-764
Optimal Sensor Placement with Using Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Mutual Information
Siyao Gu (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio), Miltiadis Alamaniotis (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 765-767
Transient Characterization in High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors Using Deep Neural Networks
Andy Rivas (NC State Univ.), G. K. Delipei (NC State Univ.), Ian Davis (X-Energy), Yvotte Brits (X-Energy), Jason Hou (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 778-781
Removing Safeguards and Security Roadblocks for Advanced Reactors
Ben Cipiti (Sandia), Alison Hahn (U.S. DOE)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 782-784
Improving Microreactor Competitiveness Using an Economics-by-Design Approach
Abdalla Abou-Jaoude (INL), Andrew Foss (INL), Yasir Arafat (INL), Brent Dixon (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 785-788
NERTHUS MSR Dynamic Model
Nicholas Dunkle (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville), Ondrej Chvala (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville), Visura Pathirana (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 789-792
The Fast Modular Reactor (FMR) Pre-Application Regulatory Engagement Plan
Chun Fu (General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems), Hangbok Choi (General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems), John Bolin (General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 794-796
Monte Carlo Analysis of Coolant Stream Impurity Gamma Emissions for Fuel Failure Monitoring in Generation IV Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors
Londrea Garrett (Univ. of Michigan), Milos Burger (Univ. of Michigan), Adam Burak (Univ. of Michigan), Victor Petrov (Univ. of Michigan), Annalisa Manera (Univ. of Michigan), Xiaodong Sun (Univ. of Michigan), Piyush Sabharwall (INL), Igor Jovanovic (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 797-800
NERTHUS MSR Neutronics Model
Jarod Richardson (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Ondrej Chvala (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 801-804
Joining of FeCrAl Based Alloys for Lead Cooled Fast Reactor Applications
Brandon Bohanon (Univ. of New Mexico), Shuprio Ghosh (Univ. of New Mexico), Cemal Cakez (Univ. of New Mexico), Khaled Talaat (Univ. of New Mexico), Md Mehadi Hassan (Univ. of New Mexico), Osman Anderoglu (Univ. of New Mexico), Keith Woloshun (LANL), Stuart Maloy (LANL), Cetin Unal (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 805-808
ECHO - A Modern Approach to Equipment Health Reporting and Monitoring
Somayaji Ayalasomayajula (Nuclear Promise X)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 810-812
Reactor Power Size Impacts on Nuclear Competitiveness in a Carbon-Constrained Future
W. Neal Mann (ANL), Nicolas E. Stauff (ANL), Kathryn Biegel (ANL), Todd Levin (ANL), Jordan D. Rader (ORNL), Arantxa Cuadra (Brookhaven), Son H. Kim (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 813-816
Modeling Micro-Reactor Benefits to an Existing Campus Microgrid
A. J. H. Lee (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), L. Wodrich (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), C. Brooks (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), T. Kozlowski (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 817-820
Evaluation of Plant Control Performance in APR1400 Nuclear Power Plant
Jong Joo Sohn (KEPCO E&C), Ung Soo Kim (KEPCO E&C), In Ho Song (KEPCO E&C), Jae Young Huh (KEPCO E&C)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 821-824
Design Uncertainty Elimination for a Mutual Inductance Level Sensor
Duane DiCenzo (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Teddy Kent (ANL), Heng Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Chris Grandy (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 826-828
Advanced Nuclear Industry Prepared for Future Licensing and Deployment
Cyril W. Draffin, Jr. (US Nuclear Industry Council), Jeffery S. Merrifield (Pillsbury), Peter S. Hastings (Kairos Power)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 829-831
Techno-Economic Analysis of Various Small Modular Nuclear Reactors
Anthony Asuega (Colorado State Univ.), Jason Quinn (Colorado State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 832-835
Insights from Capital Cost Estimation of GENIII+ Plants
W. Robb Stewart (MIT), Koroush Shirvan (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 836-838
Comparative Reliability Study on Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Integrated Energy Systems
Samantha Sabatino (ORNL), Askin Guler Yigitoglu (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 840-843
Modeling of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage
Amey Shigrekar (INL), Trevor Casper (Univ. of Idaho), Richard Christensen (Univ. of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 844-847
Modeling a Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor with Thermal Energy Storage Using Optimal Dispatch and SAM
Gabriel J. Soto (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), Una Baker (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), Brian White (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), Ben Lindley (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), Mike Wagner (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 848-851
Experimental Investigation of Chemical Heat Pumps Using Composite Pellets for Temperature Augmentation
Aman Gupta (Univ. of Idaho), Paul D. Armatis (Oregon State Univ.), Piyush Sabharwall (INL), Brian M. Fronk (Oregon State Univ.), Vivek Utgikar (Univ. of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 852-854
Dynamic Model of Absorption Cycle for Chemical-Absorption Heat Pump for Process Heating Applications
Paul D. Armatis (Oregon State Univ.), Aman Gupta (Univ. of Idaho), Piyush Sabharwall (INL), Vivek Utgikar (Univ. of Idaho), Brian M. Fronk (Oregon State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 855-857
An Investigation of Three-Batch Fuel Management in a Natural Circulation Soluble Boron Free SMR
Steven Wijaya (KAIST), Xuan Ha Nguyen (KAIST), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 862-865
Three-Batch Soluble-Boron-Free ATOM Core Design with Pan-Shape CSBA
Xuan Ha Nguyen (KAIST), Steven Wijaya (KAIST), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 866-869
Molten Salt Reactor Kinetics in Zero Power Approximation
Visura Pathirana (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Chelsea Fontaine-Holl (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Ondrej Chvala (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 870-872
Independent Assessment of Transformational Challenge Reactor Fuel Lattice
Yeongshin Jeong (MIT), Wei Li (MIT), Koroush Shirvan (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 873-876
Alternate Design of the Bottom Reflector of the Transformational Challenge Reactor
A. Talamo (ANL), S.N.P. Vegendla (ANL), A. Bergeron (ANL), F. Heidet (ANL), B. Ade (ORNL), B.R. Betzler (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 877-880
Delayed-Photoneutron Production from Beta-Ray Bremsstrahlung
Hemantika Sengar (Amity Univ.), Yanuar Ady Setiawan (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Douglas A. Fynan (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 882-883
Results of the Project "R&D of Fluoride-Cooled Nuclear Reactor Systems"
Jan Uhlir (Research Centre Řež), Martin Marecek (Research Centre Řež), Martin Straka (UJV Řež), Peter Slama (COMTES FHT), Petr Toman (MICo), Milan Routner (SKODA JS)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 884-885
The 2020 and 2021 Editions of the IRPhEP Handbook
John D. Bess (INL), Tatiana Ivanova (OECD NEA), Ian Hill (OECD NEA), Julie-Fiona Martin (OECD NEA), Lori Scott (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 886-889
Consideration of Computational Options of MC2-3/DIF3D for SFR Analyses
Changho Lee (ANL), Won Sik Yang (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 890-893
Development of a New Serpent Capability: Superimposed Triangular Mesh Tally
Kyle M. Ramey (Georgia Institute of Technology), Bojan Petrovic (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 896-899
Dimension-Reduced Nuclear Data Adjustment Method Based on the Bayesian Monte-Carlo Method
Yuhei Fukui (Nagoya Univ.), Tomohiro Endo (Nagoya Univ.), Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 900-903
Application of Regionwise Even-Parity Discontinuity Factor to the Multigroup Analog Monte-Carlo Method
Yoshiki Oshima (Nagoya Univ.), Tomohiro Endo (Nagoya Univ.), Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.), Naoto Aizawa (Tohoku Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 904-907
Development of Pseudo Fission Product Generation Algorithm for Nuclear Fuel Burnup Calculations
Kento Yanagihara (Hokkaido Univ.), Go Chiba (Hokkaido Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 908-911
Overview of the Virtual Test Bed (VTB)
Abdalla Abou-Jaoude (INL), Derek Gaston (INL), Guillaume Giudicelli (INL), Bo Feng (ANL), Cody Permann (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 914-917
Coupled Griffin and Pronghorn Simulation of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) for the Virtual Test Bed
Ramiro Freile (INL), Sterling Harper (INL), Guillaume Giudicelli (INL), Abdalla Abou-Jaoude (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 918-921
Conjugate Heat Transfer Coupling of NekRS and MOOSE for Bypass Flow Modeling
April J. Novak (ANL), Dillon Shaver (ANL), Bo Feng (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 922-925
Coupled Multiphysics Simulations of the Mk1-FHR in the Virtual Test Bed
Guillaume Giudicelli (INL), Abdalla Abou-Jaoude (INL), April J. Novak (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 926-929
CFD Modeling of Molten Salt Fast Reactor Using Nek5000
Jun Fang (ANL), Dillon Shaver (ANL), Bo Feng (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 930-932
Verification of Medium-Wise Multi-Group Cross Section Calculation Capability of FRENDY/MG
Go Chiba (Hokkaido Univ.), Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 934-937
Reactivity Insertion Transient Analysis for C5G7-TD Benchmark with PANDAS-MOC
Shunjiang Tao (Purdue Univ.), Yunlin Xu (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 938-941
Bayesian Transposition: A Practical Approach Using Nuclear Reactor Start Up Data
Pamela A. Lopez (CNRS), Adrien Bidaud (CNRS)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 942-945
Monte Carlo Simulation of Liquid Fuel Flow in Molten Salt Reactor in the iMC Code
HyeonTae Kim (KAIST), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 946-949
Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Monte Carlo Neutron Simulations
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 950-953
Considerations for NMA of Molten Salt Reactors
Nathan Shoman (Sandia), Michael Higgins (Sandia)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 956-959
Molten Salt Reactor Source Term Methodology
Sarah E. Creasman (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), T. Jay Harrison (ORNL), Lawrence H. Heilbronn (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 960-962
Preliminary Neutronics Modeling of a Molten Salt iso-Breeder Reactor
C. Erika Moss (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Ondřej Chvála (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Harrison Reisinger (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Alexander M. Wheeler (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 963-966
Coupled Multiphysics Simulations of Molten Salt Reactors Subjected to Earthquakes
Chandrakanth Bolisetti (INL), Kyung Tae Kim (INL), Guillaume Giudicelli (INL), Abdalla Abou-Jaoude (INL), Som Dhulipala (INL), Paolo Balestra (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 967-969
Parametric Analysis of Salt-Driven MSR Design Domains
Dahvien V. Dean (Texas A&M Univ.), Jonathan Scherr (Texas A&M Univ.), Pavel V. Tsvetkov (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 970-975
Neutron Spectra and Correlation Coefficient Convergence When Designing a Microreactor Experiment with MCNP®/Whisper
Alexis Maldonado (LANL), Christopher M. Perfetti (Univ. of New Mexico), Holly R. Trellue (LANL), Mikaela e. Blood (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 978-981
Testing of an Optical Fiber Based Gamma Thermometer in the Ohio State University Research Reactor
Anthony Birri (Ohio State Univ.), Joshua Jones (Ohio State Univ.), Thomas E. Blue (Ohio State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 982-985
The Current Status of the In-Core Testing Program for an Optical Fiber Based Gamma Thermometer at the Texas A&M University Research Reactor
J. Tyler Gates (Texas A&M Univ.), Noah Morton (Texas A&M Univ.), Pavel V. Tsvetkov (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 986-989
ACCRUE - An Integral Similarity Index in Support of Neutronic Model Validation
Jeongwon Seo (Purdue Univ.), Hany Abdel-Khalik (Purdue Univ.), Aaron S. Epiney (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 990-992
Antineutrino-Based Machine Learning Analysis for Small Reactor Composition Verification
Matthew Dunbrack (Georgia Institute of Technology), Christopher Stewart (Univ. of California, Berkeley), Anna Erickson (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 993-995
Fidelity Sufficiency in Reactor Physics Modeling of Research Reactors with MCNP and Serpent
Ronald Daryll E. Gatchalian (Texas A&M Univ.), Pavel V. Tsvetkov (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 998-1001
SFR Support using the TRACE/PARCS Coupled Code System
Oscar Lastres (Purdue Univ.), Yunlin Xu (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1002-1005
Investigating the AGN-201M Reactor's Unique Dominance Ratio
Mekiel Olguin (Univ. of New Mexico), Christopher Perfetti (Univ. of New Mexico), Forrest Brown (Univ. of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1006-1009
Single- and Multi-Physics Models of Advanced Reactors in the Virtual Test Bed
Bo Feng (ANL), Jun Fang (ANL), Thanh Hua (ANL), Nicolas Stauff (ANL), April Novak (ANL), Ling Zou (ANL), Rui Hu (ANL), Paolo Balestra (INL), David Reger (INL), Nicolas Martin (INL), Guillaume Giudicelli (INL), Abdalla Abou-Jaoude (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1010-1013
Revisit of the Dancoff-Based Wigner-Seitz Approximation for Pointwise and Multigroup Resonance Self-Shielding Calculations in SCALE
Kang Seog Kim (ORNL), Andrew M. Holcomb (ORNL), Matthew A. Jessee (ORNL), William A. Wieselquist (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1016-1019
Serpent/PARCS Calculation for VVER-1000 Core with TriPEN-9 Method
Muhammad Rizki Oktavian (Purdue Univ.), Oscar Lastres (Purdue Univ.), Yunlin Xu (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1020-1023
In-situ APEC Leakage Correction Based on 2x2 Nodal Analysis for 2-D Macroscopic Depletion Calculation
Seongdong Jang (KAIST), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1024-1027
An Introduction to REX: A Fuel-Clad Thermo-Mechanical Analysis Tool for Advanced Reactor Concepts
Nicholas J. Fassino (Georgia Institute of Technology), Anna Erickson (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1028-1031
A Feasibility Study of SPH Factors for a Heterogeneous Geometry Problem
Zhaopeng Zhong (ANL), Changho Lee (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1032-1035
Fundamental Study and Demonstration of Core Monitoring by Ex-Core Detectors Based on the Power Correlation Between Fuel Regions
Rei Kimura (Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions), Yuki Nakai (Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions), Satoshi Wada (Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions), Atsushi Sakon (Kindai Univ.), Tadafumi Sano (Kindai Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1038-1040
Conceptual Development Methods for Heat Pipe Microreactors
Mikaela e. Blood (LANL), Alexis Maldonado (LANL), D. V. Rao (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1041-1044
Reactivity Control of Uranium Nitride Fueled Micro-Reactors with Burnable Poisons and Control Sliders
Aaron She (Georgia Institute of Technology), Bojan Petrovic (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1045-1048
New Burnable Absorber Loading Design in SMR No-Onsite Refueling Strategy Performance Assessment
Gray Chang (JFoster and Assoc.), Mie Hiruta (J Foster and Assoc.), Julie Foster (JFoster and Assoc.), Jim Harrell (Zachry Nuclear)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1049-1052
Design Analysis of a Micro Heat Pipe Cooled Reactor
Luay Alawneh (Texas A&M Univ.), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.), Harold G. White (Limitless Space Institute)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1053-1055
Million Person Study of Low-Dose Radiation Health Effects
John D. Boice, Jr. (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements), Lawrence T. Dauer (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1068-1071
EPR Dosimetry of Tooth Enamel for Low Dose Epidemiological Studies
Fatma M. Abdelrahman (NC State Univ.), Robert B. Hayes (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1072-1075
Evaluation of Polyethylene and Blank Pulsed Sphere Experiments Using Deuteron Transport Feature in COG
Soon S. Kim (LLNL), David P. Heinrichs (LLNL), Edward M. Lent (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1076-1078
Gamma Shielding Assessment of Metal Oxide Infused Conformal Coatings
Sam Hanson (NC State Univ.), Radek Pudelko (NC State Univ.), Robert B. Hayes (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1079-1082
Breakdown of Assumptions for 1D Radiation Transport in Air: Considerations for Detector Response
M.L. Mika (Univ. of Florida), L. M. Rolison (LANL), M. L. Fensin (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1084-1087
Outlook on Adjoint Radiation Transport Tool for Active-Passive Shielding Analysis
Luke Stegeman (Kansas State Univ.), Stojan M. Madzunkov (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Dan Fry (NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center), Amir A. Bahadori (Kansas State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1088-1092
Computational Assessment of Single Event Upset Rates for 55 SRAMs Assumed on Board the Aircraft Flying from Taipei to Various Destinations
Zi-Yi Yang (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research), Yen-Ting Wen (National Tsing Hua Univ.), Rong-Jiun Sheu (National Tsing Hua Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1093-1096
Calculating the Differential Physics of Neutron Transport in Oxygen Based on Integral Experiments from the Livermore Pulsed Sphere Program
L. M. Rolison (LANL), M. L. Fensin (LANL), K. C. Kelley (LANL), S.S. McCready (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1098-1101
Investigation of a Portable Active Neutron Interrogation System Using MCNP
Sanchit Sharma (Kansas State Univ.), Diego Laramore (Kansas State Univ.), William L. Dunn (Kansas State Univ.), Walter J. McNeil (Kansas State Univ.), Amir A. Bahadori (Kansas State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1102-1105
Impact of Fission Spectrum Modeling on Aging Estimations of Pressurized Water Reactor Vessels
Romain Vuiart (IRSN), Patrizio Console Camprini (ENEA), Kenneth W. Burn (ENEA), Mariya Brovchenko (IRSN), Julien Taforeau (IRSN), Eric Dumonteil (CEA)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1106-1109
Sensitivity of Pressurized Water Reactors Vessels Aging to Fuel Composition
Benjamin Benedet (IRSN), Romain Vuiart (IRSN), Julien Taforeau (IRSN), Mariya Brovchenko (IRSN)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1110-1113
A (Meta-)Model Driven Approach to MCNP Modeling and Editor Services
Peter J. Kowal (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Jonathan A. Eugenio (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Kurt A. Dominesey (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Camden E. Blake (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Robert A. Lefebvre (ORNL), Forrest B. Brown (Univ. of New Mexico), Wei Ji (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1114-1117
Preliminary Material Property Characterization of Infused Conformal Coats for Shielding Application
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1120-1124
Evaluating Uncertainty in Shielding Worth of Metal Oxide Infused Conformal Coatings Using MCNP
Radek Pudelko (NC State Univ.), Sam Hanson (NC State Univ.), Robert B. Hayes (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1125-1128
Preliminary Work Towards In-Situ Sample Specific Dose Response Calibration for EPR Dosimetry
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1129-1132
Retrieval and Characterization of Plutonium-Beryllium Source For New Irradiation Facility
Codey Olson (Univ. of Utah), William Bates (Univ. of Utah), Edward Cazalas (Univ. of Utah)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1133-1136
Evaluation of Oak Ridge National Laboratory Health Physics Research Reactor Operation Data for Criticality Accident Alarm System Benchmark Creation
Mathieu N. Dupont (ORNL), Cihangir Celik (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1137-1140
Using MCNP Pstudy to Propagate Uncertainty in Metal Oxide Infused Conformal Coatings Experiment
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1142-1145
Vapor Film Collapse and Quench Front Propagation Analysis Using Optical Fiber Temperature Sensors
Paul Hurley (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.), Abdulla Alblooshi (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.), Kyung Mo Kim (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.), Juliana P. Duarte (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1150-1153
Inlet and Outlet Effects on the Pressure Drop in a High Aspect Ratio Pebble Bed
Robert Muyshondt (Texas A&M Univ.), Khoi Ngo (Texas A&M Univ.), Blake Maher (Texas A&M Univ.), Abdulaziz Almathami (Texas A&M Univ.), Thien Nguyen (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.), N.K. Anand (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1154-1157
Study of Cross-Flow Profiles in a 5x5 Rod Bundle with Channel-Type Spacer Grid: A Combination of Optical Techniques, 3D-Printing and Statistical Analysis
Camila F. Matozinhos (Texas A&M Univ.), Gabriel C. Q. Tomaz (Texas A&M Univ.), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1158-1161
Performance Qualification Measurements Using New PEPT Facility for Pebble Bed Reactor Research
Cody S. Wiggins (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Lane B. Carasik (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1162-1165
A Comparative Study of FeCrAl and Zircaloy Claddings for Steady-State Subcooled Flow Boiling Experiments
Mingfu He (Univ. of New Mexico), Minghui Chen (Univ. of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1166-1169
A New Two Fluid Model Verification Problem
Raghav Ram (Purdue Univ.), Krishna Chetty (Advanced Cooling Technologies), Alejandro Clausse (CNEA-CONICET), Martin Lopez-de-Bertodano (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1172-1174
Development of Computational Models for Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) Using MOOSE Code
Anthony G. Bowers Jr. (Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell), Subash L. Sharma (Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1175-1178
Recalibration in the Fully Turbulent Regime of the UCTD Correlation for the Friction Factor in Wire-Wrapped Rod Bundles Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms
Gabriel C.Q. Tomaz (Texas A&M Univ.), Y.M. Chen (Texas A&M Univ.), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1179-1182
Development of Modeling Techniques for a Reactor Core Cooling System Facility with TRACE
Alessandro Vanni (TAMU), Rodolfo Vaghetto (TAMU), Yassin A. Hassan (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1183-1186
Flow Rate and Pressure Drop Measurements in a Molten Salt Test Loop
Ojasvin Arora (Texas A&M Univ.), Blain Lancaster (Texas A&M Univ.), Se Ro Yang (Texas A&M Univ.), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1188-1191
Pressure Drop Measurements and Spacer Grid Loss Coefficient Estimation for a 5x5 Rod Bundle in the Automated Critical Heat Flux Test Facility
Craig Menezes (Texas A&M Univ.), William M. Headley (Texas A&M Univ.), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1192-1195
Load Following Analysis of the Holos-Quad Micro Reactor
Anton Moisseytsev (ANL), Claudio Filippone (HolosGen)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1196-1199
LOFWOS Simulations of the FFTF Using SAM
Brent Hollrah (Texas A&M Univ.), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1202-1204
Reactor Cavity Cooling System Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis
Michael Gorman (TAMU), Enver I. Koyluoglu (TAMU), Rodolfo Vaghetto (TAMU), Yassin A. Hassan (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1205-1208
Machine Learning Approach for Prediction of High-Resolution Quenching Heat Transfer
Kyung Mo Kim (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.), Paul Hurley (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.), Juliana Pacheco Duarte (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1209-1212
Analysis of a Sensitivity on the Initial RCS Conditions in the Major Non-LOCA Accidents
Ilsuk Lee (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety), Sarah Kang (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1213-1215
Scaled Subassembly Approach for Thermal Hydraulic Modeling of a Prismatic Gas Cooled Reactor using SAM
Brent Hollrah (ANL), Ling Zou (ANL), Claudio Filippone (HolosGen)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1218-1221
CFD Analysis of Cartridge Experiment Natural Circulation
Jaden Miller (Oregon State Univ.), Trevor Kent Howard (Oregon State Univ.), Musa Moussaoui (Oregon State Univ.), Wade Marcum (Oregon State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1222-1225
Predicting the Pressure Drop In Hexagonal Wire-Wrapped Rod Bundles Using a Data-Driven Artificial Neural Network
Hansol Kim (Texas A&M Univ.), Yu Min Chen (Texas A&M Univ.), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1226-1229
Transient Pool Boiling Under Subcooled Conditions
Yuan Gao (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Ezekiel Villarreal (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Ursula Zangrilli (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Heng Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1230-1233
Novel Distributed Flow Velocity Using a Temperature Fiber Optic in Gas Flow
Arturo Cabral (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Darius Lisowski (ANL), Lane B. Carasik (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1234-1237
Experimental Comparison of Core Power During PCC Accidents in a High Temperature Gas Reactor
T. M. Moore (Oregon State Univ.), B. G. Woods (Oregon State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1240-1243
Temperature Measurements of a Natural Convection Jet in the Hemispherical Upper Plenum of a Scaled High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor
Blake Maher (Texas A&M Univ.), Thien Nguyen (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1244-1247
An Experimental Investigation on the Hydraulic Characteristics of Concentric Annular Type Wick Structure of Heat Pipes for Micro-Reactor
Joseph Seo (Texas A&M Univ.), Daegeun Kim (Texas A&M Univ.), Hansol Kim (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1248-1251
Experimental and Investigation of Air Flow Through a Saturated Porous Medium Using X-ray
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1252-1254
High Speed PIV Measurements in Water Hammer
Roberto Capanna (George Washington Univ.), Philippe M. Bardet (George Washington Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1255-1258
A Numerical Method of Computing Wigner Energy Release Rate of Irradiated Graphite
Dezhi Dai (ANL), Landon Brockmeyer (ANL), Roberto Ponciroli (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1260-1262
Direct Numerical Simulation of Supercritical CO2 Flow: Development of a Plugin for the REFPROP/ PROPATH Properties Database in the Spectral Element Code NekRS
Tri Nguyen (Penn State Univ.), Elia Merzari (Penn State Univ.), Haomin Yuan (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1263-1266
Inertial Coupling Implementation in the DFM
Paul W. Stockett (Purdue Univ.), Alejandro Clausse (CNEA-CONICET), Martin Lopez-De-Bertodano (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1267-1269
Experimental Investigation of Debris Bed Cooling Using Seawater
Zayed Ahmed (Kansas State Univ.), Steven Eckels (Kansas State Univ.), Hitesh Bindra (Kansas State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1270-1273
Design of a Two-Phase Flow Facility for Investigation of Droplet Entrainment in Countercurrent Annular Flow
Haonong Du (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Ilyas Yilgor (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Shanbin Shi (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1276-1279
Nek5000 Turbulence Model for the Interaction of Parallel Jets
John Acierno (Penn State Univ.), Elia Merzari (Penn State Univ.), Emilio Baglietto (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1280-1283
High-Spatio-Temporal Measurement of Turbulent Wall Shear Stress in Water
Charles Fort (George Washington Univ.), Philippe M. Bardet (George Washington Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1284-1286
Experimental Investigation of Two-Phase Natural Circulation and Void Fraction Characteristics with Seawater
Broderick Sieh (Kansas State Univ.), Zayed Ahmed (Kansas State Univ.), Molly Ross (Kansas State Univ.), Steven Eckels (Kansas State Univ.), Hitesh Bindra (Kansas State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1287-1289
Ex-Vessel Heat Sinks for Fission Battery Decay-Heat Removal
Charles Forsberg (MIT), Ruaridh Macdonald (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1292-1295
Simulation and Analysis of a Prototypical Bubble Separator for Molten Salt Reactor
Jiaqi Chen (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), C. S. Brooks (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1296-1299
Flattening the Radial Temperature Profile Across the Transformational Challenge Reactor Core
Casey J. Jesse (INL), Justin Weinmeister (ORNL), Prashant Jain (ORNL), Brian J. Ade (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1300-1303
MARS-KS 3D Full Core Subchannel Analysis Module Development Using CTF Code: Implicit Pressure Coupling and Parallel Processing
N.H. Hoang (Environment and Energy Technology), Y.K. Kwack (Environment and Energy Technology), Y.S. Kim (Environment and Energy Technology), J.H. Kim (Environment and Energy Technology), S.K. Sim (Environment and Energy Technology)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1304-1307
Surface Roughness Modeling for Transformational Challenge Reactor Fuel Form
Justin Weinmeister (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1310-1313
System-Level Simulation of the PBMR-400 Core with SAM
Zhiee Jhia Ooi (ANL), Ling Zou (ANL), Thanh Hua (ANL), Rui Hu (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1314-1317
CFD Investigation of Thermal Behavior of NBSR Thermal Shield Model Under Various Cooling Conditions
Manikanta Grandhi (Texas A&M Univ.-Kingsville), Xue Yang (Texas A&M Univ.-Kingsville)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1318-1321
Friction Factor Evaluation for Flow over a Rectangular Cylinder Using DNS Approach
Vincent Dallura (NC State Univ.), Anna Iskhakova (NC State Univ.), Igor A. Bolotnov (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1324-1327
Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of MITR LEU Fuel Plate
Guanyi Wang (ANL), Cezary Bojanowski (ANL), Akshay Dave (ANL), David Jaluvka (ANL), Lin-wen Hu (MIT), Erik Wilson (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1328-1331
Preliminary Thermal-Hydraulics Analysis of SFR Assembly Windows Under Sodium Boiling Transients
Ran Zhang (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.), Carlo Fiorina (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Stefan Radman (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Suizheng Qiu (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1332-1335
Validation of RANS CFD Models Based on Pressure Drop and Velocity for a 61-Pin Wire-Wrapped Fuel Bundle
Octavio Bovati (Texas A&M Univ.), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1336-1339
Lagrangian CFD Analyses of Airborne Particles from Dropped Shipping Containers for Use in DOE M441.1-1 Calculations -- Extended Analyses of Can Impact
M. Alsharif (Consolidated Nuclear Security), S. M. McGuffie (Porter McGuffie)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1340-1343
SAM Code Validation of Natural Convection in Molten Salt
Jadyn Reis (Texas A&M Univ.), Michael Gorman (Texas A&M Univ.), Brent Hollrah (Texas A&M Univ.), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1346-1348
Validation Effort for the OSU HTTF PG-28 Test Using RELAP5-3D
Joshua K. Halsted (Oregon State Univ.), Izabela Gutowska (Oregon State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1349-1351
Preliminary Analysis of Journal Bearings for Molten Salt Pumps
Yuqi Liu (Univ. of New Mexico), Minghui Chen (Univ. of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1352-1355
Preliminary Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis for Heat Pipe Irradiation Test in the MIT Reactor
Aaron S. Epiney (INL), David M. Carpenter (MIT), Justin Johnson (INL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1356-1359
Assessment of Post-Accident Particle Agglomeration in an iPWR Containment Vessel
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1362-1365
An Evaluation of Turbulent Penetration Length in the APR1000 Surge Line
Younglong Lee (KEPCO Engineering and Construction), Kun Woo Yi (KEPCO Engineering and Construction), Kyong In Ju (KEPCO Engineering and Construction)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1366-1369
A Numerical Verification of Conjugate Heat Transfer and Thermal Radiation Solvers
Dezhi Dai (ANL), Haomin Yuan (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1370-1373
Sensitivity Study to Investigate the Influence of Turbulence Closure Models on Estimated Shear Stresses on Rough Specimens Exposed to Flowing Molten Lead
Khaled Talaat (Univ. of New Mexico), Osman Anderoglu (Univ. of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1374-1377
Simulations of the Scaled Reactor Cavity Cooling System Experimental Facility with RELAP5/SCDAPSIM System Code
Mustafa Pehlivan (Texas A&M Univ.), Alessandro Vanni (Texas A&M Univ.), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 125 | Number 1 | December 2021 | Pages 1378-1381