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U.S. and Japan collaborate on high-burnup fast reactor fuel safety tests at INL
Idaho National Laboratory recently conducted a safety test on high-burnup fast reactor fuel from historic irradiation testing at the lab’s Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II). According to the Department of Energy, which announced the work March 12, it’s the first such safety test to be performed in over 20 years.
Table of Contents
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Page 0
Full Issue
Conceptual Design of a Nuclear Micro-Reactor for Space Applications
Kevin Ruiz (Gerencia Ciclo del Combustible Nuclear, CNEA), Eduardo Villarino (INVAP), Armando Marino (Gerencia Ciclo del Combustible Nuclear, CNEA)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 9-12
Neutronics Studies on LEU-Fueled Fast Spectrum Core for Nuclear Propulsion
Ching-Sheng Lin (INL), Gilles Youinou (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 13-16
Advanced Micro-Reactor Concept Enabled by Innovative Technologies
Nicolas E. Stauff (ANL), Yinbin Miao (ANL), S. Bhattacharya (ANL), Abdellatif Yacout (ANL), Taek K. Kim (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 17-20
Preliminary Applications of NEAMS Codes for Multiphysics Modeling of a Heat Pipe Microreactor
Nicolas E. Stauff (ANL), Kun Mo (ANL), Yan Cao (ANL), Justin W. Thomas (ANL), Yinbin Miao (ANL), Changho Lee (ANL), Christopher Matthews (LANL), Bo Feng (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 21-24
Evaluation of Thermal Neutron Scattering Cross Sections for CaH2
B. K. Laramee (NC State Univ.), A. I. Hawari (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 25-28
Nuclear 101: Education for the Non-Technical Nuclear Community
Jason Donev (Univ. of Calgary), Matthew Dalzell (Univ. of Saskatchewan), Larkin Mosscrop (Univ. of Regina)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 40-42
Incorporating the Uncertainty Surrounding Nuclear Technology into Outreach
Jennifer Baglio (NC State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 43-45
Upgrading Control Console of University Training Reactor
Jay F. Kunze (Idaho State Univ.), Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar (Idaho State Univ.), Ashoak Nagarajan (Idaho State Univ.), Craig Shull (Consultant), Theodore Pollock (Idaho State Univ.), James Larson (Consultant), William Phoenix (Consultant)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 46-48
Modeling Local-Structure of Salt Melts Using a Structure Predictor Algorithm
Matthew S. Christian (Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia), Amir M. Mofrad (Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia), Timothy J. Lynch (Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs), Nancy R. Birkner (Clemson Univ.), Juliano Schrone-Pinto (Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia), Kyle Brinkman (Clemson Univ.), Wilson K.S. Chiu (Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs), Theodore M. Besmann (Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 62-64
Artificial Neural Network Potentials for Atomistic Simulation in Multi-Component Molten Salts
Stephen Lam (Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell), Charles Forsberg (MIT), Ju Li (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 65-68
Corrosion System-Focused Expansion and Application of the Thermochemical Database for Molten Salt Reactors: MSTDB-TC
Theodore M. Besmann (Univ. of South Carolina), Jacob A. Yingling (Univ. of South Carolina), Johnathon C. Ard (Univ. of South Carolina), Juliano Schorne-Pinto (Univ. of South Carolina), Mina Aziziha (Univ. of South Carolina), Matthew S. Christian (Univ. of South Carolina), Amir Mofrad (Univ. of South Carolina), Kaitlin E. Johnson (ORNL), Can Agca (ORNL), Jake W. McMurray (ORNL), Ruchi Gakhar (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 69-70
Chlorine-37 Fuel Cycles for Molten-Chloride Fast Reactors
Charles Forsberg (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 71-74
Growth of Molten Salt Reactor Sourdough
Alexander M. Wheeler (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Ondrej Chvála (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 75-76
Multi-Axial Stresses Analysis of Hydride Reorientation in Zr-Nb Alloy Cladding Tubes
Dongyeon Kim (Seoul National Univ.), Youho Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 78-81
Calculations of CISCC for UNF Canisters through Physics-Guided Machine Learning Framework
Yi Xie (Purdue Univ.), Miaomiao Jin (Pennsylvania State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 82-85
Experimental Study on the Mechanical Stability of a 47 GWd/tHM Nuclear Fuel Rod
E. Vlassopoulos (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste), D. Papaioannou (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate for Nuclear Safety and Security), R. Nasyrow (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate for Nuclear Safety and Security), V. Rondinella (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate for Nuclear Safety and Security), S. Caruso (Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken AG), E. Schweitzer (Framatome GmbH)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 86-89
Finite Element Evaluation of Spent Nuclear Fuel for Dynamic Impact Load Cases
Oscar A. Martinez (ORNL), Rose Montgomery (ORNL), Bruce Bevard (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 90-93
Toward a Global Monitoring Program for Neutron Absorber Material Monitoring in Spent Fuel Pools
Hatice Akkurt (Electric Power Research Institute), Amanda Jenks (Dominion Engineering)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 94-95
Recycling Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods using Sulfur Chloride Reagents
Craig Barnes (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Breanna Vestal (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Guillermo Daniel DelCul (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 98-99
Hydrochlorination at 200°C Relevant to the Removal of Cladding from Spent Nuclear Fuel
Joanna McFarlane (ORNL), Alex D. Braatz (ORNL), Joseph F. Birdwell Jr. (ORNL), Stephanie H. Bruffey (ORNL), Guillermo D. Del Cul (ORNL), Allison T. Greaney (ORNL), Rodney D. Hunt (ORNL), Randy O. Ngelale (ORNL), Paul A. Taylor (ORNL), Trenton B. Walker (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 100-102
Application of U.S. Regulatory Requirements to the Gaseous Emissions of an Electrochemical Reprocessing Facility
Stephanie H. Bruffey (ORNL), Leigh R. Martin (ORNL), Kathryn M. Peruski (ORNL), Nick R. Soelberg (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 103-106
Database Approach to Discovering New Hierarchical Waste Form Materials
Matthew S. Christian (Univ. of South Carolina), Amir M. Moffrad (Univ. of South Carolina), Kristen A. Pace (Univ. of South Carolina), Vladislav V. Klepov (Univ. of South Carolina), Gregory Morrison (Univ. of South Carolina), Hans-Conrad zur Loye (Univ. of South Carolina), Theodore Besmann (Univ. of South Carolina)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 107-109
Elastic Waveform Tomography of Spent Nuclear Fuel Casks
Othman Oudghiri-Idrissi (Univ. of Minnesota), Mohammad HanifehZadeh (Univ. of Southern California), Bora E. Gencturk (Univ. of Southern California), Roger G. Ghanem (Univ. of Southern California), Bojan B. Guzina (Univ. of Minnesota)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 112-115
Oxalic Acid Dissolution System for Mercury Recovery Process Optimization
Michael Smith (Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte), Sven Bader (Orano Federal Services), Thomas Koch (Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte), Arthur Niemoller (Orano Federal Services), Andrew Straight (Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 116-119
SMR Gadolinia Burnable Absorber Loading Design in a No-Onsite Refueling Core Neutronics Performance Assessment
Gray Chang (JFoster and Associates), Julie Foster (JFoster and Associates), Jim Harrell (Zachry Nuclear), Mie Hiruta (JFoster & Assoc.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 120-124
Comparison of Desiccation Cracks between Bentonite and Inorganic Microfiber Reinforced Bentonite for Engineered Barrier System
Yuan Feng (Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln), Jongwan Eun (Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln), Seunghee Kim (Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln), Yong-Rak Kim (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 125-127
Development of a Heat Signature Computational Simulation for Safeguarded Spent Nuclear Fuel
Alvaro Pizarro-Vallejos (Univ. of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Michael D. Kaminski (ANL), Jeffrey Fortner (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 128-131
Comparing HALEU Demand Among Advanced Reactor Fuel Cycle Transitions
Amanda M. Bachmann (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Kathryn D. Huff (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 134-137
Electrochemical Behavior of Co, Ni in Molten LiCl-KCl for Decontamination of Radioactive Wastes
Seokjoo Yoon (KAIST), Sungyeol Choi (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 138-141
Structural Prediction of Actinide-Bearing Hollandites for Nuclear Waste Forms
Amir M. Mofrad (Univ. of South Carolina), Juliano Schorne-Pinto (Univ. of South Carolina), Matthew S. Christian (Univ. of South Carolina), Theodore M. Besmann (Univ. of South Carolina)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 142-145
Decomposition of Organoiodides using Electric Discharge as a Pretreatment Process for Adsorption
Chaithanya Balumuru (Univ. of Idaho), John Stanford (Univ. of Idaho), Vivek Utgikar (Univ. of Idaho), Krishnan Raja (Univ. of Idaho), Piyush Sabharwall (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 146-147
Tritium Absorption on Graphene
Jungkyu Park (Kennesaw State Univ.), Bryce Atchley (Kennesaw State Univ.), Erica Wu (Wheeler High School), Eduardo B. Farfán (Kennesaw State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 148-149
Exploring Production of Uranium-232 for Use as an Additive to Nuclear Fuel
Joshua Rhodes (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Brandon Grogan (ORNL), Alan Krichinsky (ORNL), Brad Patton (ORNL), G. Ivan Maldonado (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 156-159
Uranium Isotopic Characterization System Utilizing Laser Techniques
Yichen Zhao (Oregon State Univ.), Haori Yang (Oregon State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 160-163
iDoubleRad: Cyber-physical System for Enhancing Security of Radiation Measurements in IoT Connected Detectors based on Spectra Comparison using Fuzzy Theil-II Measure
Miltiadis Alamaniotis (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 164-167
Irradiation Testing Methods for Fast Spectrum Reactor Fuels and Materials in DOE's Thermal Spectrum Test Reactors
N. Woolstenhulme (INL), G.L. Beausoleil (INL), C. Jensen (INL), C. Petrie (ORNL), D. Wachs (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 168-171
Development of the MIT Research Reactor Simulator for Education, Training, and Research
Lin-wen Hu (MIT), Sara Hauptman (MIT), Oussama Ashy (WSC), Sergei Korolev (WSC)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 172-174
Direct Computation and Moment-Based Reconstruction of Neutron Multiplicity Distributions
Jawad R. Moussa (Univ. of New Mexico), Anil K. Prinja (Univ. of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 180-183
Perturbation-Theory-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Prompt Neutron Decay Constant for Water-Only System
Tomohiro Endo (Nagoya Univ.), Akihiro Noguchi (Nagoya Univ.), Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.), Kenichi Tada (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 184-187
Manufactured Solutions for Nonlinear, Coupled Neutronics-Thermalhydraulics Problems for Code Verification
Aya Hamdy Hegazy (Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Rizwan-uddin (Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 188-191
Convergent Transport Source Iteration Calculations with Quasi-Monte Carlo
Samuel Pasmann (Univ. of Notre Dame), Ilham Variansyah (Univ. of Notre Dame), Ryan G. McClarren (Univ. of Notre Dame)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 192-195
Diffusion Theory for Inhomogeneous Neutron Transport Problems in Slab Geometry
Dean Wang (Ohio State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 196-199
Efficient Offline/Online ROM for Steady State and Time-Dependent Neutroinc Models Based on DEIM
Rabab Elzohery (Kansas State Univ.), Jeremy Roberts (Kansas State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 202-205
Method of Characteristics Sweep Acceleration in MPACT using a GPU
Tarek H. Ghaddar (ORNL), Aaron Graham (ORNL), Benjamin Collins (ORNL), Mitchell T.H. Young (TerraPower)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 206-208
Hierarchical Data Format for Nuclear Data Sensitivities
J.D. McDonnell (ORNL), W.A. Wieselquist (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 209-210
Network Dynamics Simulation of a BWR Plant
Austin Rotker (Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell), Valmor F. de Almeida (Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 211-214
Dynamically Coupled Extended Balance of Plant for an SMR
Nikolaus Kemper (Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell), Jack Kennedy (Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell), Valmor F. de Almeida (Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 215-218
Propagation of Thermodynamic Errors in the Modified Quasi-chemical Model
J. A. Yingling (Univ. of South Carolina), T. M. Besmann (Univ. of South Carolina)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 222-223
Thermal Conductivity of LiF-ThF4 with Different Mole Fraction
Jungkyu Park (Kennesaw State Univ.), Christian Schneider (Kennesaw State Univ.), Robert Walz (Kennesaw State Univ.), Eduardo B. Farfán (Kennesaw State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 224-225
Synthesis of UCl3 by Hydrochlorination of U metal
D. Ethan Hamilton (Univ. of Utah), Micheal Simpson (Univ. of Utah)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 226-229
Radiographic Rolling Ball Viscometer
Paul B. Rose Jr (ORNL), N. Dianne B. Ezell (ORNL), Ryan C. Gallagher (ORNL), Alex J. Martin (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 230-232
Electrochemical Corrosion Study of Structural Materials in Molten FLiNaK Salts
Juan Paolo Octavio (Univ. of Idaho), Haiyan Zhao (Univ. of Idaho), Meng Shi (Univ. of Idaho), Matthew Lawson (Univ. of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 233-235
Utility of EBR-II Benchmark Model to Enable MOX Fuel Pin Characterization
John D. Bess (INL), Chad L. Pope (Idaho State Univ.), Andrew S. Chipman (INL), Colby B. Jensen (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 238-241
Current Status of HFIR Irradiation Testing Supporting the Transformational Challenge Reactor
A.G. Le Coq (ORNL), K.D. Linton (ORNL), T. S. Byun (ORNL), X. Hu (ORNL), A.M. Schrell (ORNL), K. A. Terrani (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 242-245
Steam Oxidation Performance of Uranium Mononitride during Thermal Ramp and Isothermal Conditions
Elizabeth S. Sooby (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio), Brian A. Brigham (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio), Geronimo Robles (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio), Zachary Acosta (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio), Joshua T. White (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 246-249
Development of an Innovative Sample Preparation Technique for Select Layers and Layer Interfaces of TRISO Particles
Tanner Mauseth (Idaho State Univ.), Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar (Idaho State Univ.), Daniel LaBrier (Idaho State Univ.), Scott McBeath (Idaho State Univ.), Isabella van Rooyen (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 250-253
Performance of FeCrAl Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding under Reactivity Insertion Accident Condition Testing
B. Garrison (ORNL), M. Gussev (ORNL), K. Linton (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 254-257
Emulation of Fast Reactor Irradiated 21Cr32Ni Model Alloy using Dual-Ion Beam
Muhammet Ayanoglu (Pennsylvania State Univ.), Arthur T. Motta (Pennsylvania State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 260-262
Comparison of Calculated and Measured Performance of an Optical Fiber Based Gamma Thermometer
Anthony Birri (Ohio State Univ.), Christian Petrie (ORNL), Kelly McCary (INL), Thomas E. Blue (The Ohio State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 263-266
Experimental Validation of an Eddy Current Flow Meter Simulation
Greg Kinzler (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Heng Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 267-269
Effect of Core Material Properties on Wireless Power Transmission in Nuclear Reactors
Raza Sheikh (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Jerry Potts (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Paul Cox (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Heng Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 270-273
Temperature Effect Uncertainty Analysis of a Mutual Inductance Level Sensor for use in Metallic Environments
Duane DiCenzo (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Brady Cameron (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Teddy Kent (ANL), Heng Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 274-276
Monte Carlo Simulations of Uranium Carbide Migration in Molten Uranium
William E. Frazier (PNNL), Shenyang Hu (PNNL), Nikhil Deshmukh (PNNL), Jordan F. Corbey (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 278-280
Sensitivity Analysis for New Hydrogen Migration and Redistribution Model in BISON
Seokbin Seo (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Edward M. Duchnowski (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Miles O'Neal (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 281-283
Oxidation of the SiC Layer of Tristructural-Isotropic Particles in High-Temperature Mixed Gas Atmospheres
Katherine I. Montoya (Univ. of Texas San Antonio), Brian A. Brigham (Univ. of Texas San Antonio), Tyler J. Gerczak (ORNL), Elizabeth S. Sooby (Univ. of Texas San Antonio)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 284-286
Fabrication of Magnesia-Zirconium Hydride (MgO-ZrHx) Composite Moderators
Caen Ang (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Lance Snead (Stony Brook Univ.), Matthew Scott (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Edward M. Duchnowski (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Nicholas Brown (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Jason Trelewicz (Stony Brook Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 287-290
Microstructure and Thermophysical Properties of Sintered BeO-MgO Composite Moderators
Bin Cheng (Stony Brook Univ.), David J. Sprouster (Stony Brook Univ.), Lance L. Snead (Stony Brook Univ.), Jason R. Trelewicz (Stony Brook Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 291-293
Pulsed Neutron Characterization of Irradiated U-10Zr-1Pd
Sven C. Vogel (LANL), Thilo Balke (LANL), Charles A. Bouman (Purdue Univ.), Luca Capriotti (INL), Jason M. Harp (ORNL), Alex M. Long (LANL), Danielle C. Schaper (LANL), Anton S. Tremsin (Univ. of California at Berkeley), Brendt E. Wohlberg (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 296-297
On the Importance of Spectral Content in Thermal Neutron Radiography
U Steinitz (Soreq NRC), T. Y. Hirsh (Soreq NRC), O. Sharon (Soreq NRC)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 298-301
Next Generation PIE at MaCS: New/Improved Capabilities and Management for NSUF Projects
Yaqiao Wu (Boise State Univ.), Jeremy Burgener (Boise State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 302-303
High Throughput Study of Ion Irradiated High Entropy Alloys
Benoit Queylat (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison), Michael Moorehead (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison), Phalgun Nelaturu (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison), Mohamed Elbakhshwan (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison), Dan Thoma (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison), Dane Morgan (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison), Adrien Couet (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 304-307
Recent Advances on Microstructural Characterization and Modeling of Nuclear Graphite
J. David Arregui-Mena (ORNL), Lee Margetts (Univ. of Manchester), D. V. Griffiths (Colorado School of Mines), Robert N. Worth (Univ. of Manchester), Cristian Contescu (ORNL), Anne Campbell (ORNL), Paul M. Mummery (Univ. of Manchester), Nidia Gallego (ORNL), Philip D. Edmondson (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 308-310
Microstructural Characterization of Neutron Irradiated Mineral Concrete Aggregates
J. David Arregui-Mena (ORNL), Juliane Weber (ORNL), Matheus A. Tunes (Montauniversität Leoben), Christa E. Torrence (Texas A&M), Thomas M. Rosseel (ORNL), Ippei Maruyama (Nagoya Univ.), Philip D. Edmondson (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 312-313
Thermal and Neutronic Analyses of High Particle Power TRISO Irradiations using MiniFuel
Ryan C. Gallagher (ORNL), Tyler Gerczak (ORNL), Grant Helmreich (ORNL), Christian Petrie (ORNL), Zane Wallen (ORNL), Ryan Latta (Kairos Power)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 314-316
In Situ Nano-Indentation Techniques for Post-Irradiation Examinations
Takaaki Koyanagi (ORNL), Keyou Mao (ORNL), Yutai Katoh (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 317-319
Reactivity Impact of Reprocessing Impurities on HALEU Feed Stock
Scott Martin (North Carolina State Univ.), Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 326-329
Heterogeneous Reactivity Effects of Low-Enriched Uranium Systems
Lon E. Paulson (GE Hitachi/Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas), Qi Ao (Boston Government Services)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 330-333
Assessment of Hafnium Nuclear Data for Criticality Safety Applications
Véronique Dumont (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire), Nicolas Leclaire (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire), Isabelle Duhamel (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire), Luiz Leal (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 334-338
Incipient Reflux Mitigation: A Lesson Learned from Operations
Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions), Brandon Eubanks (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 339-342
Time Dependent Neutron Multiplication Simulation in Aqueous Separations Upsets
Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 343-346
Comparison of ISO and ANSI/ANS Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards
Douglas G. Bowen (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 350-352
Neutron Poisoning of Sodium Reactor Experiment Material for Disposition
Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions), Jaclyn Fitzpatrick (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions), Sara Shirley (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 353-356
Sandia 7uPCX Critical Experiments Exploring the Effects of Fuel-to-Water Ratio Variations
David E. Ames (Sandia National Laboratories), Gary A. Harms (Sandia National Laboratories), Rafe D. Campbell (Sandia National Laboratories), Christina B. Hanson (Sandia National Laboratories)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 357-360
Development of a Pulsed Slowing-Down-Time Benchmark of Neutron Thermalization in Graphite
E. Lee (North Carolina State Univ.), N. C. Fleming (North Carolina State Univ.), A. I. Hawari (North Carolina State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 361-365
Discovery of AMPX Thermal Scattering Law Processing Issue for Solid Moderators
Alex Lang (ORNL), Alex Shaw (ORNL), Chris Chapman (ORNL), William Marshall (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 368-371
Reducing Direct Perturbation Uncertainty for High-Sensitivity Coefficients
T. M. Greene (ORNL), W. J. Marshall (ORNL), J. B. Clarity (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 372-375
Sensitivity Calculations for Systems with Polyethylene Reflector Materials Using CLUTCH
William Marshall (ORNL), Alex Lang (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 376-378
Uniformly Ordered Binary Decision Algorithm for Benchmark Experiment Correlations in Whisper Validation
Brian C. Kiedrowski (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 379-382
Establishment of Control Room Habitability Analysis Methodology Postulated the Event of Pressurized Tank/System of Hazardous Gas Release (2) - Transient Concentration Analysis in Control Room
Anjun Jiao (Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station), David Ricks (Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station), Thomas Remick (Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station), Brian J. Hansen (Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station), Robert Hovland (Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 386-388
Multiphysics Analysis Towards Development of Fusion Science and Engineering Demonstration Facilities
Nicholas Meehan (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Miles O'Neal (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Seokbin Seo (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 389-391
Advanced Test Reactor Critical Control Console Upgrade
Travis Stoor (INL), Dan Steik (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 392-395
Full Core Large Break LOCA Fuel System Uncertainty Analysis for a PWR Containing High Burnup Fuel
Soon K. Lee (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Nathan A. Capps (ORNL), Andrew T. Nelson (ORNL), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 396-397
Impact of the Proposed Revision to DOE-STD-1195 2011 on Non-Reactor DOE Nuclear Facilities
Victor Smith (Y-12 National Security Complex), Richard Wood (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 398-399
A Risk-Informed Approach for Prioritizing Radionuclide Transport Data Needs
Alexander J. Huning (ORNL), Thomas J. Harrison (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 402-405
A Comparative Study of BPNN, CNN, and LSTM Neural Network Models for Nuclear Power Plant Accident Diagnosis
Ben Qi (Tsinghua Univ.), Jingang Liang (Tsinghua Univ.), Liguo Zhang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 406-409
Microreactor MC&A Regulatory and Technical Considerations
R. K. Weinmann-Smith (LANL), A. Sagadevan (LANL), C.L. Morris (LANL), E. Guardincerri (LANL), M. Carpenter (LANL), M. Gehring (LANL), H. Trellue (LANL), V. Mehta (LANL), M.C. Browne (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 410-413
Proliferation Resistance Analysis of Spent Nuclear Fuels
Ryan Siggins (Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology), Friedrich May (Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology), Syed Alam (Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 418-421
Moving Nuclear Doctrine Away from Deterrence
Connor Grzovic (Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology), Karl Fahrenholtz (Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology), Syed Alam (Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 422-423
Uncertainty Quantification of Fission Product Concentration Estimation in MCNP Fuel Depletion Simulations
Grace R. Long (Texas A&M Univ.), Sunil S. Chirayath (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 424-427
Separated Plutonium Attribution using Machine Learning Techniques
Patrick J. O'Neal (Texas A&M Univ.), Sunil S. Chirayath (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 428-431
Prognostics of Operational Failures Based on Pattern Mining of Operators' Eye Movement during Nuclear Power Plant Operations
Jinding Xing (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Zhe Sun (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Pingbo Tang (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Ronald Laurids Boring (INL), Alper Yilmaz (Ohio State Univ.), George Edward Gibson Jr. (Arizona State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 436-439
Replacing Liquid Fossil Fuels and Hydrocarbon Chemical Feedstocks With Liquid Biofuels Using Nuclear Heat and Hydrogen
C. Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), B. Dale (Michigan State Univ.), D. Jones (North Carolina State University), L. M. Wendlt (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 440-443
The Transition from Full Electrical Power to Thermal Power Extraction to an Industrial Facility Using a Generic PWR Simulator
Stephen Hancock (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 444-447
Fuzzy Algorithm Modeling of Nuclear Energy Priority for Climate Change
Tae Ho Woo (Cyber Univ. of Korea), Kyung Bae Jang (Cyber Univ. of Korea), Chang Hyun Baek (Cyber Univ. of Korea)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 448-448
Performance Gain with Improved Method for Core Thermal Power Calculation
Silas Rogers (GSE TrueNorth), Frank Todd (GSE TrueNorth)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 449-451
The Fast Modular Reactor (FMR) - Development Plan of a New 50 MWe Gas-cooled Fast Reactor
Hangbok Choi (General Atomics), John Bolin (General Atomics), Oscar Gutierrez (General Atomics), James O'Hara (General Atomics), Ryan Hon (General Atomics), Robert Schleicher (General Atomics), Howard Chiger (General Atomics), Arthur Evans (General Atomics), Edward Bowles (General Atomics), Ron Faibish (General Atomics), Christina Back (General Atomics)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 454-456
Preliminary Tritium Accident Analyses for Licensing of Commercial Fusion Facilities
Liam Hines (MIT), R. Patrick White (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 457-460
Populating a Molten Salt Component Reliability Database: Opportunities, Challenges, and Lessons Learned
Megan Harkema (Vanderbilt Univ.), Steven Krahn (Vanderbilt Univ.), Carole Leach (Vanderbilt Univ.), Irfan Ibrahim (Vanderbilt Univ.), Andrew Sowder (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 461-464
Fuel Salt Sampling and Enriching Technology Design Development -- Project Update
Megan Harkema (Vanderbilt Univ.), Paul Marotta (Vanderbilt Univ.), Steven Krahn (Vanderbilt Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 465-467
Electromagnetic Level Sensor for Use in Liquid Metals - Design and Testing
Edward Kent (ANL), Chris Grandy (ANL), Duane DiCenzo (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Heng Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 468-470
Modeling and Optimization of Integrated Energy-Water Systems Using SMRs
Stephen Hills (Utah State Univ.), Hailei Wang (Utah State Univ.), Seth Dana (Utah State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 472-475
Hybrid-Nuclear Energy Systems
Michael F. Keller (Hybrid Power Technologies LLC)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 476-479
Replacing Gas Turbines with Nuclear Reactors Using Heat Storage
C. W. Forsberg (MIT), P. Sabharwall (INL), A. Sowder (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 480-483
Thermal Energy Storage: Understanding the Freezing Characteristics of Supercooled Water
Daniel Gardner (Utah State Univ.), Shiyu Wang (Univ. of Utah), Hailei Wang (Utah State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 484-487
Enhancement of Ca(OH)2/CaO Thermal Performance and Structural Integrity Using Inert Agent for Thermochemical Energy Storage
Aman Gupta (Univ. of Idaho), Paul D. Armatis (Oregon State Univ.), Piyush Sabharwall (INL), Brian M. Fronk (Oregon State Univ.), Vivek Utgikar (Univ. of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 488-490
Liquid-fueled Molten Salt Reactor Depletion Modeling
Benjamin R. Betzler (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 498-500
Area Method Physical Interpretation, Modelling, and Intrinsic Bias
A. Talamo (ANL), Y. Gohar (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 501-503
Development and Test of a Novel Neutronic Verification Scheme for Molten Salt Reactors
C. Demazière (Chalmers Univ. of Technology), A. Mylonakis (Chalmers Univ. of Technology), P. Vinai (Chalmers Univ. of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 504-507
Studies on Enhanced Spatial Control with Low Enriched Uranium in Plate-Type Fuels
Hailey M. Green (ORNL), Benjamin R. Betzler (ORNL), Andrew T. Nelson (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 508-510
Examination of the Reactivity Limitations and Burnable Poison Loading Requirements for the OPEN100 Core Concept
Andrew Hummel (Kennesaw State Univ.), Joshua Tolbert (Energy Impact Center), Michael Beckert (Energy Impact Center)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 511-513
Multi-Physics Sensitivity Analysis of BEAVRS 1st Cycle using MPCORE
Alexey Cherezov (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Awais Zahur (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Chidong Kong (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Deokjung Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 516-519
Reactivity Underestimation of ENDF/B-VIII.0 Compared with ENDF/B-VII.1 for the Pressurized Water Reactor Depletion Analysis
Kang-Seog Kim (ORNL), William A. Wieselquist (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 520-523
Using MCNP and NJOY to Verify Charged Particle Data in CP2020
D. Kent Parsons (LANL), Cecile Toccoli (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 524-527
Pre-Conceptual Design of a Gas-Cooled Microreactor with Two-Phase Composite Moderators
Edward M. Duchnowski (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Robert F. Kile (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Jacob P. Gorton (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 528-529
A Benchmark Model for Kairos Power's Pebble-Bed Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High Temperature Reactor
Nader Satvat (Kairos Power), Fatih Sarikurt (Kairos Power), Kevin Johnson (Kairos Power), Ian Kolaja (Kairos Power), Massimiliano Fratoni (Univ. of California Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 530-533
Multiphysics Benchmark Results from Moltres
Sun Myung Park (Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Kathryn D. Huff (Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 536-539
Cerberus: A MOOSE-Based Application for Solving the SP3 Equations
Roberto E. Fairhurst Agosta (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Kathryn D. Huff (Univ. of Illinois Urbana Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 540-543
Verification of the Multi-Group Generation Capability of FRENDY Nuclear Data Processing Code for Recent Nuclear Data through Comparison of One-group Reaction Rates
Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.), Kenichi Tada (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Go Chiba (Hokkaido Univ.), Tomohiro Endo (Nagoya Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 544-547
Large-Scale Whole-Core Monte Carlo Cycle Depletion Employing GPUs
Kyung Min Kim (Seoul Nat'l Univ.), Namjae Choi (Seoul Nat'l Univ.), Han Gyu Lee (Seoul Nat'l Univ.), Han Gyu Joo (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 548-551
Validation of SCALE 6.2.4 and ENDF/B-VII.1 Data Libraries for Nuclide Inventory Analysis in PWR Used Fuel
Germina Ilas (ORNL), Briana Hiscox (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 552-554
Multi-Group Cross Section Library Generation by FRENDY for Fast Reactor Neutronics Calculations
Go Chiba (Hokkaido Univ.), Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.), Kenichi Tada (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Tomohiro Endo (Nagoya Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 556-558
High-Speed Direct Whole-Core Cycle Depletion on Heterogeneous Computing Architectures
Han Gyu Lee (Seoul Nat'l Univ.), Namjae Choi (Seoul Nat'l Univ.), Junsu Kang (Seoul Nat'l Univ.), Han Gyu Joo (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 559-562
A Direct Comparison of High-Order and Low-Order Neutronics Calculations of the 165 MWth Xe-100 Reactor
Cihang Lu (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Zeyun Wu (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Eben Mulder (X-Energy), Sonat Sen (X-Energy)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 563-566
O-SRS: A Refueling and Shuffling Toolkit for Serpent Core Neutronics Analysis
Firas Abdullatif (The Ohio State Univ.), Dean Wang (The Ohio State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 567-570
NucML: Python-Toolbox for ML-Augmented Nuclear Data Evaluations
Pedro Vicente-Valdez (Univ. of California at Berkeley), Lee Bernstein (Univ. of California at Berkeley), Massimiliano Fratoni (Univ. of California at Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 571-574
Reactor Physics Analyses of the Big-BUSTER Testing Environment in TREAT
John D. Bess (INL), Nicolas E. Woolstenhulme (INL), Matthew R. Ramirez (INL), Wesley T. Smith (INL), Aaron S. Epiney (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 576-579
Review: Monte Carlo Neutronics Validation Studies of Burned Nuclear Material
Sean P. Martinson (Texas A&M Univ.), Sunil S. Chirayath (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 580-583
nTRACER Solutions to C5G7-TD Neutron Noise Simulation Benchmark
Junsu Kang (Seoul Nat'l Univ.), Han Gyu Joo (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 584-587
Flexible Cross Section Generation in OpenMC with TOGA (Tool for Optimization and Group-Structure Analysis)
Miriam A. Kreher (MIT), Jack Galloway (LANL), Blake Wilkerson (ORNL), Joshua Richard (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 588-591
Design and Heat Generation Rate Analysis of LEU-UAlx Dispersion Target Plates for Irradiation in the High Flux Isotope Reactor
Nolan Goth (ORNL), Trevor Howard (ORNL), Jorge Navarro (ORNL), Eliott Fountain (ORNL), Nesrin Cetiner (ORNL), Chris Bryan (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 592-595
A Study on Natural Circulation Soluble-Boron-Free SMR with Long Cycle and High Burnup
Steven Wijaya (KAIST), Xuan Ha Nguyen (KAIST), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 598-601
A Truly-Optimized PWR (TOP) Core Design of a Soluble-Boron-Free SMR with Burnable Absorber-Integrated Guide Thimble
Xuan Ha Nguyen (KAIST), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 602-605
Scalable Modular Dynamic Molten Salt Reactor Model with Depletion Dependency
Visura Pathirana (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville), Ondrej Chvala (Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 606-609
High-Temperature Thermal Neutron Scattering Measurements and Evaluation of YHx for the Transformational Challenge Reactor
Chris W. Chapman (ORNL), Kemal Ramic (European Spallation Source), Xunxiang Hu (ORNL), Jesse Brown (ORNL), Goran Arbanas (ORNL), Douglas L. Abernathy (ORNL), Alexander I. Kolesnikov (ORNL), Matthew B. Stone (ORNL), Li (Emily) Liu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Yaron Danon (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 612-615
The Impact of Temperature Modeling Assumptions for the Transformational Challenge Reactor
Brian J. Ade (ORNL), Prashant K. Jain (ORNL), Justin Weinmeister (ORNL), Benjamin R. Betzler (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 616-619
Preliminary Dose Analyses for the Transformational Challenge Reactor Facility
A. Talamo (ANL), A. Bergeron (ANL), S. Mohanty (ANL), S. N. P. Vegendla (ANL), F. Heidet (ANL), B. Ade (ORNL), B. R. Betzler (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 620-623
Numerical Simulation of Non-Isothermal Multicomponent Flow in Fission Product Venting System
Byung-Hee Choi (Texas A&M Univ.), Daniel Orea (Texas A&M Univ.), Reynaldo Chavez (Texas A&M Univ.), Thien Nguyen (Texas A&M Univ.), N.K. Anand (Texas A&M Univ.), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.), Piyush Sabharwall (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 624-628
Molten Salt Reactor Fission Source Characterization and Initial Shielding Analysis
Kyle Carberry (Georgia Institute of Technology), Bojan Petrovic (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 636-638
Overview of the 2020 SCALE 6.2.4 Validation Report for Radiation Shielding Applications
Mathieu N. Dupont (ORNL), Douglas E. Peplow (ORNL), Cihangir Celik (ORNL), Georgeta Radulescu (ORNL), William A. Wieselquist (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 639-642
3D Model Visual Verification and Mesh-Based Data Analysis in Fulcrum
R. A. Lefebvre (ORNL), S. R. Johnson (ORNL), W. J. Marshall (ORNL), C. Celik (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 643-646
Modeling Additional Dose from Adding Uranium-232 to the Uranium Fuel Cycle
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 647-650
Radiation Detection System Prototypes for Department of Homeland Security
Sanjoy Mukhopadhyay (Remote Sensing Laboratory-Andrews), Richard J. Maurer (Remote Sensing Laboratory-Andrews), Paul P. Guss (Remote Sensing Laboratory-Nellis)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 652-655
Material Identification via Dual Particle Transmission Using a Radioisotope Source
Jason Nattress (ORNL), Paul Rose (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 656-658
Intelligent Consequence Control by Aerial Reconnoiter Using Unmanned Systems
Paul Guss (Nevada National Security Site), Rusty Trainham (Nevada National Security Site), Manual Manard (Nevada National Security Site), Sanjoy Mukhopadhyay (Nevada National Security Site)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 659-662
Muon Imaging for Dry-Cask Storage Verification
Jesus Valencia (Univ. of New Mexico), Adam A. Hecht (Univ. of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 663-665
Ca2+-Doped CeBr3 Scintillating Material
Paul Guss (Nevada National Security Site), Sanjoy Mukhopadhyay (Nevada National Security Site), Ding Yuan (Nevada National Security Site), F. Patrick Doty (Sandia National Laboratories)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 666-670
MCNP Unstructured Mesh Code Verification for OKTAVIAN Benchmark
Harrison Leiendecker (LANL), Alex Warhover (LANL), Jerawan Armstrong (LANL), Jim Ferguson (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 672-675
Recent Work on MCNP Unstructured Mesh Element Quality Assessment and Reporting
Joel A. Kulesza (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 676-679
Neutron Dose Rate Calculation with the MCNP6 Hybrid Geometry Model of the Second Target Station
Lukas Zavorka (ORNL), Igor Remec (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 680-683
KSU TRIGA Mark II Nuclear Reactor MCNP6 Model Improvements for Cell Irradiation Facility Design
Eric Giunta (Kansas State Univ.), Rabab Elzohery (Kansas State Univ.), Angela Gearhardt (Kansas State Univ.), John C. Boyington (Kansas State Univ.), Alan T. Cebula (Kansas State Univ.), Jeremy Roberts (Kansas State Univ.), Amir A. Bahadori (Kansas State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 686-689
Breakdown of Assumptions for 1D Radiation Transport in Air: Effects from Ground
L. M. Rolison (LANL), M. L. Fensin (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 690-693
Variance Reduction Complications when Computing an Energy Dependent Dose Response in a Single Calculation
M. L. Fensin (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 694-697
A Droplet Size Model for Annular and Stratified Flows in Horizontal Pipes
Khalid Khasawneh (Pusan National Univ.), Byongjo Yun (Pusan National Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 702-705
Molecular Dynamics Study of Pool Boiling on Patterned Biphilic Surface
Wei Deng (City Univ. of Hong Kong), Jiyun Zhao (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 706-709
Modeling and Investigation of Three Types of Wick Structures in Heat Pipe Microreactor Applications
Ilyas Yilgor (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Shanbin Shi (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 710-713
Progress towards Use of CFD Simulations for Conversion of FRM II
C. Reiter (Technische Universität München/FRM II), K. Shehu (Technische Universität München/FRM II), R. Schönecker (Technische Universität München/FRM II), W. Petry (Technische Universität München/FRM II), P. Müller-Buschbaum (Technische Universität München/FRM II), A. Bergeron (ANL), J. Licht (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 714-717
Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis and Experimental Flow Testing of LEU-UAlx Dispersion Target Plates for Irradiation in the High Flux Isotope Reactor
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 718-721
Sensitivity Analysis Characterization of Fuel System Thermal Property Impacts for Transient Critical Heat Flux Experiments in TREAT
Richard Hernandez (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Robert J. Armstrong (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Seokbin Seo (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Charles P. Folsom (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Colby B. Jensen (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 724-726
Effect of Non-Uniform Particle Distribution on Particle Deposition in iPWRs
Rohan Biwalkar (Pittsburgh Technical), Sola Talabi (Pittsburgh Technical)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 727-730
Hybrid NI-FEM for 2D Steady-State Stokes and Navier-Stokes Equations
Sundar Namala (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Rizwan-uddin (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 731-734
In-Plane Oval-Twisted Spiral Tube Heat Exchanger for Nuclear Applications
Amir Ali (Idaho State Univ.), Piyush Sabharwall (INL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 735-738
Exploring Thermal Hydraulic Features with CFD Analysis of MICAS Facility
Harshit Bhatia (DES-STMF, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay), Ulrich Bieder (DES-STMF, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay), David Guenadou (CEA Cadarache)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 739-742
Benchmark of RELAP5 Modeling for the Water-Based NSTF Single-Phase Operations
Qiuping Lv (ANL), Adam Kraus (ANL), Rui Hu (ANL), Darius Lisowski (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 744-747
Numerical Study for the Effect of the Surface Roughness Magnitude on the Multi-Stage Orifice Internal Flow Pattern
Gong-Hee Lee (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety), June-Ho Bae (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 748-751
CFD Benchmark Model of Pebble Bed Separate Effects Test Facility
Jaymes Dionne (Oregon State Univ.), Izabela Gutowska (Oregon State Univ.), R. Brian Jackson (Kairos Power)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 752-755
Variation of Aerosol Deposition with iPWR Containment Vessel Submergence Depth
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 756-759
Effect of Lift Correction Factor for Two-Phase Flow in a Large Diameter Channel
Sungje Hong (Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology), Joshua P. Schlegel (Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology), Subash L. Sharma (Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 760-763
Experimental Investigation on Local Droplet Parameters in a 2x2 Rod Bundle Under Air-Water Flow
Khalid Khasawneh (Pusan National Univ.), Taeho Kim (Pusan National Univ.), Byong-Jo Yun (Pusan National Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 766-769
Introduction of the PELICAN Loop, a Full-Scale Pressure Drop Test Facility
A. M. Grannan (ANL), D. D. Lisowski (ANL), F. Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 770-773
Design of Experimental Facility for Noninvasive Measurement of Flow in HTGR Primary Components
Cody S. Wiggins (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Lane B. Carasik (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 774-776
A Perspective on Quality Assurance in Experimental Thermal Hydraulics
Darius Lisowski (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 777-780
Preliminary Study on Natural Circulation under RVACS Operation in a 3-D Facility, SINCRO-3D
Min Ho Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Dong Wook Jerng (Chung Ang Univ.), In Cheol Bang (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 781-783
CFD Evaluation of Local Pressure Losses in a Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Fuel Bundle
Su-Jong Yoon (INL), Dillon Shaver (ANL), Florent Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 786-789
A Conceptual Design for Experimental Test Vehicle for VTR and Design Optimization using Multi-Physics TH Analysis
Seung Jun Kim (LANL), Josh Richard (LANL), Keith Woloshun (LANL), Jack Galloway (LANL), Russell Johns (LANL), Cetin Unal (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 790-792
Steady-State Confirmatory Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of the Versatile Test Reactor
Joshua Richard (LANL), Jay Spore (LANL), Russell Johns (LANL), Seung Jun Kim (LANL), Jack Galloway (LANL), Cetin Unal (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 793-796
Ex-Core Thermo-Fluidics Optimization for Transformational Challenge Reactor
P. Vegendla (ANL), A. Bergeron (ANL), M. Subhasish (ANL), A. Talamo (ANL), F. Heidet (ANL), B. J. Ade (ORNL), B. R. Betzler (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 797-800
Preliminary Frequency Analysis of the Transformational Challenge Reactor Vessel
S. Mohanty (ANL), A. Bergeron (ANL), A. Talamo (ANL), S.N.P. Vegendla (ANL), F. Heidet (ANL), B. Ade (ORNL), B. R. Betzler (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 801-804
Preliminary Safety Analysis Results of Lead Cooled Fast Reactor: MicroURANUS under Unprotected Loss of Flow Condition
Ji Yong Kim (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), In Cheol Bang (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 808-810
Numerical Study of the Heat Transfer in Randomly Packed Spheres for Fluoride Salt Cooled High-Temperature Reactors (FHRs)
Scott Wahlquist (Idaho State Univ.), Amir Ali (Idaho State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 811-814
Unified Domain Knowledge Informed Machine Learning Model for CHF Prediction
Yue Jin (MIT), Xingang Zhao (ORNL), Koroush Shirvan (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 815-818
Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates as a Passive Cooling Mechanism for Molten Salt Reactors
Christopher Forsyth (Univ. of California, Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 820-823
Study of Sodium Pool Fire Model Improvement in MELCOR for SFR
David L.Y. Louie (Sandia National Laboratories), Mitsuhiro Aoyagi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 824-827
Thermal Hydraulic Modeling of the Kairos Power Generic Fluoride High Temperature Reactor in MELCOR
Robert F. Kile (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Friederike Bostelmann (ORNL), Steve E. Skutnik (ORNL), William A. Wieselquist (ORNL), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 828-830
Modeling of HTTF test PG-26 using RELAP5-3D and SAM
Aaron Epiney (INL), Thanh Hua (ANL), James Wolf (INL), Ling Zou (ANL), Gerhard Strydom (INL), Rui Hu (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 831-834
Safety Assessment of Composite Alternative Moderators for Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors
Veronica Karriem (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Edward M. Duchnowski (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 835-838
Thermal Fatigue Assessment of Printed Circuit Steam Generator Induced by Dryout Front Oscillation
Jin Su Kwon (KAIST), Jeong Ik Lee (KAIST), Sang Ji Kim (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 840-843
Development of Thermal-Hydraulic Test Requirements of an Integral Reactor PCSG
Joo Hyung Moon (KAERI), Hyunjun Cho (KAERI), Cheong Bong Chang (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 844-847
Study of Microchannel Two-Phase Flow CFD Modeling for PCSG TH Performance Analysis
Sung Gil Shin (KAIST), Jin Su Kwon (KAIST), Jeong Ik Lee (KAIST), Sang Ji Kim (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 848-851
Characteristics of the Sodium-Water Reaction Phenomena in the PCSG
Taewoo Kim (Univ. of Science and Technology), Sang Ji Kim (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 852-855
Thermal-Hydraulic Design and Scale Analysis for an Integral Reactor PCSG
Hun Sik Han (KAERI), Seok Kim (KAERI), Sang Ji Kim (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 856-859
Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Fouling Phenomena in Printed-Circuit Steam Generators and Heat Exchanger: A Preliminary Study
Takuji Oda (Seoul National Univ.), Junhyoung Gil (Seoul National Univ.), Sehyeok Park (Seoul National Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 124 | Number 1 | June 2021 | Pages 860-862