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Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Fires extinguished at Chernobyl following drone strike
Ukraine’s State Emergency Service has finally gained full control over a blaze that started February 14 after a drone struck the protective dome over the destroyed reactor from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant accident.
ANS Officer
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page iii
Meeting Officials, National Program Committee
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page v
Full Issue
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 0
Opening Plenary: “The U.S. Influence in the Global Nuclear Enterprise—I”
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 3
ANS President’s Special Session
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 4
“Special Session” Global Seismic Safety Issues After the Fukushima Daiichi Accident: On Identification and Treatment of Uncertainty About Seismic Issues—Practical Approach to Uncertainties of Seismic Issues and Availability of PRA
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 5
ANS General Chairman Chair Special Session: “The U.S. Influence in the Global Nuclear Enterprise—II”
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 6
ANS Technical Program Chair’s Special Session
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 7
Focus on Communications: Communicating with Communities–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 11
Focus on Communications: Building Policy Maker Support for Nuclear Facilities–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 12
Cyber Security in the Nuclear Age–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 13
University Infrastructure Needs–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 14
Education, Training, and Workforce Development: General
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 15
Development of the Graduate Certificate Program in Nuclear Security and Safeguards at UNLV
Alexander Barzilov, Denis Beller, William Culbreth (Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 17-20
Online Multidisciplinary Nuclear Power Generation Graduate Certificate Program
Keith E. Holbert (Arizona State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 21-22
Use of a Sub-Scale, See-Through PWR Operating Model for Nuclear Energy Engineering Education
T. P. Filburn, J. K. Smith (Univ of Hartford), R. A. Matzie (RAMatzie Nuc Tech Consulting), C. C. Yavuzturk (Univ of Hartford)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 23-24
Nuclear Safety and Security Human Resource Development
Oum Keltoum Bouhelal (National School of Mineral Industry)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 25-26
Future Needs for Generation IV Reactors Education and Training
Petre Ghitescu, Gabriel Lazaro Pavel (Univ “Politehnica” of Bucharest)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 27-28
Virtual Verification Method for China Lead-Alloy Cooled Research Reactor Refueling System
Jinbo Zhao, Tao He, Zhihui Yang, Meihua Zeng, Yunqing Bai, Pengcheng Long (Chinese Academy of Sciences/Univ of Science and Technology of China)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 29-30
SRS Plutonium Disposition Project Update–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 33
Advanced Fuel Cycle Technology: Special Session in Honor of Dr. Michael Lineberry
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 35
Modified Fabrication Method of Metal Fuel Slug for Preventing Evaporation of Volatile Elements
Ki-Hwan Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim, Hoon Song, Hyung-Tae Kim, Chan-Bock Lee (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 37-38
An Efficient Electrorefining Mass Transport Model for Pyroprocessing Simulation
Riley M. Cumberland, Man-Sung Yim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 39-41
Transient Testing Plan for Accident Tolerant Fuels Program
D. M. Wachs, N. Woolstenhulme (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 42-46
An Earthquake Modeling Result of a Pyroprocessed Waste Repository
Youn-Myoung Lee, Jongtae Jeong (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 47-50
Three-Level Fuel-Cycle Strategy to Improve Fast Reactor Economics and Non-Proliferation Characteristics
Charles Forsberg (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 51-54
Effects of BeO Thermal Conductivity Degradation on LWR UO2-BeO Fuel Performance
Yanin Sukjai, Alexander Mieloszyk, Mujid S. Kazimi (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 55-57
Commercial-Scale Pyroprocessing Failure Modes and Implications for Operations and Safeguards
Robert O. Hoover, Philip L. Lafreniere, Edward D. Blandford (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 58-61
Experiments in Used Fuel Disposition, Storage, Transport, and Disposal
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 63
Potential Effect of Interfacial Bonding on Used Nuclear Fuel Vibration Reliability
Jy-An Wang, Hao Jiang, Hong Wang (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 65-68
Passive Optical Impurity Monitoring of Dry Storage Containers for Spent Fuel
Ryan M. Meyer, Andrew M. Casella, Jonathan D. Suter, Hong Qiao, Norm C. Anheier (PNNL), Mark A. Prelas (Univ of Missouri-Columbia)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 69-72
Surrogate Spent Nuclear Fuel Vibration Integrity Investigation
Jy-An Wang, Hong Wang, Bruce Bevard, Robert Howard (ORNL), Michelle Flanagan, Gordon Bjorkman (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 73-76
Recycle and Reuse of Components from Used Nuclear Fuel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 77
Future Recycle of Used Nuclear Fuel in the United States—Resolution of Issues
Emory D. Collins, G. D. Del Cul (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 79-80
Management of Recycled/Reprocessed Uranium
Paul Murray, Sven Bader (AREVA)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 81
Zeolite Membranes for the Separation of Radioactive Krypton and Xenon
Philip Crawford (Georgia Tech), Ramesh Bhave (ORNL), Sankar Nair (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 82-85
Options for a Sustainable MOX Fuel Cycle in PWRs for Rapid Utilization of Recycled Plutonium
Michael A. Perlin, Alexey I. Soldatov, Andrew C. Klein (Oregon State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 86-88
Maximizing the Value of the U.S. Depleted Uranium Inventory
Urairisa Phathanapirom, Erich Schneider (Univ of Texas at Austin)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 89-91
Fuel Cycle Simulators and Systems Analysis
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 93
Expert Elicitation of Across-Technology Correlations for Reactor Capital Costs
Erich Schneider (Univ of Texas at Austin), Brent Dixon (INL), Francesco Ganda (ANL), T. Jay Harrison (ORNL), Ed Hoffman (ANL), Kent Williams (Consultant), Thomas Wood (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 95-97
Fully Coupled Temperature Distribution, Plutonium and Oxygen Diffusion Simulation in (U, Pu)O2 Fuels
Wenzhong Zhou, Rong Liu (City Univ of Hong Kong)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 98-99
Hybrid Energy: Combining Nuclear and Other Energy Sources
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 101
Challenges for Zero-Carbon Nuclear-Renewable Energy Futures
C. W. Forsberg, M. Golay (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 103-106
Increasing Baseload Light-Water Reactor Revenue with Heat Storage and Variable Electricity Output
C. W. Forsberg (MIT), E. Schneider (Univ of Texas at Austin)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 107-110
Plutonium Disposition Alternatives–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 111
Fuel Cycle and Waste Management: General—I
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 113
High-Level Nuclear Waste Redefined
James Conca (UFA Ventures)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 115-116
Surrogate Alloy Waste Components Impact on Composition and Corrosion
Luke Olson (Savannah River National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 117-120
Influence of Boron Nitride Addition on Rod Internal Pressure of a High BU Fuel Rod
Gwan-yoon Jeong, Dong-seong Sohn (UNIST), Yong-sik Yang, Je-keun Bang (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 121-123
Protective Coatings of Melting Crucible for Metal Fuel Slugs
J. H. Kim, H. Song, Y. M. Ko, K. H. Kim, C. B. Lee (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 124-125
Fuel Cycle and Waste Management: General—II
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 127
A Comparison of Fuel Cycle Environmental Impact Estimates
Urairisa Phathanapirom, Erich Schneider, Margaret Flicker (Univ of Texas at Austin)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 129-132
Unconventional Uranium Resources and Production Costs
Erich Schneider, Harry Lindner (Univ of Texas at Austin)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 133-135
Simulation-based Investigation of Electric Power Generation by Using Gamma Radiation from Spent Nuclear Fuel
Hanoel Lee, Man-Sung Yim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 136-138
Preliminary Evaluation of Several Multi-Stage, Thermal-Spectrum Thorium Fuel Cycles
Steven Krahn (Vanderbilt Univ), Andrew Worrall (ORNL), Allen Croff, Timothy Ault (Vanderbilt Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 139-140
Improving Inert Matrix Burnup Using a Linear Reactivity Model
David W. Harding (Univ of Texas at Austin), Geoffrey Recktenwald (Michigan State Univ), Mark Deinert (Univ of Texas at Austin)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 141-143
ACRSP Contributions to Actinide Chemistry in Brine under Subsurface Conditions
J. F. Lucchini, D. Cleveland, J. Swanson, M. K. Richmann, D. T. Reed (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 144-145
Human Factors, Instrumentation, and Controls: General
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 149
Estimation Method of Loss of Situation Awareness due to Automation in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs)
Seung Min Lee, Ho Bin Yim, Poong Hyun Seong (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 151-152
Digital Systems Testability in the Context of Diversity
Steven A. Arndt (U.S. NRC)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 153-155
Human Factors Engineering Training Materials for the Nuclear Industry
Joseph Naser (EPRI), Lewis Hanes (Independent Research Consultant), Robert Fink (CDF Services)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 156-157
An Investigation into Causality of Operators’ Noncompliance during EOP Simulation
Sun Yeong Choi, Wondea Jung (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 158-159
Evaluation of the Time-Dependent Issues of Natural Circulation SMR Primary Circuit Parameters Definition for Design of Operational Procedures and Reactor Control Algorithms
Alexey Rezvoi (NuCon. US), Alexey I. Soldatov (Oregon State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 160-162
Isotopes and Radiation: General
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 165
TCAD Simulation of Charge Collection in GaN Schottky Diode Radiation Detector
Jinghui Wang, Padhraic L. Mulligan, Lei R. Cao (Ohio State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 167-169
Neutron-Gamma Separation in a Gadolinium Based Semiconductor Neutron Detector
Praneeth Kandlakunta (Ohio State Univ/MP Machinery & Testing), Lei R. Cao (Ohio State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 170-173
Development of a Semi-Automated Testing and Calibration System for Custom-Built TPC DAQ Hardware
Brycen L. Wendt, Eric A. Burgett (Idaho State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 174-176
Simulation of Ni-63 Nuclear Micro Battery Using Monte Carlo Modeling
Tae Ho Kim, Ji Hyun Kim (UNIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 177-178
An Investigation of a Logging Tool Based on Various Neutron Sources and Detectors for Measurements of Porosity and Density
Kyoung O. Lee (NCSU), Avneet Sood (LANL), Adan F. Calderón, Robin P. Gardner (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 179-180
Measurements of Fast Neutron Flux using an Array of EJ-299-33A Scintillator Detectors
Alexander Barzilov, Jessica Hartman, Norman Richardson (Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 181-182
Current Issues in Computational Methods—Roundtable: Computational Human Phantoms
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 185
Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis Method
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 187
Uncertainty Quantification for Coupled Monte Carlo and Thermal-Hydraulics Codes
Xu Wu, Tomasz Kozlowski (Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 189-191
Employing Non-Converged Iterates for Reduced Order Modeling Basis Construction
Bassam A. Khuwaileh, Youngsuk Bang, Congjian Wang, Hany S. Abdel-Khalik (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 192-195
Propagation of Error Bounds due to Active Subspace Reduction
Mohammad G. Abdo, Hany S. Abdel-Khalik (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 196-199
Transport Methods and Mathematical Modeling
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 201
Comparison of Iterative Time-Eigenvalue Methods with Discrete Ordinates and Monte Carlo
Brian C. Kiedrowski (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 203-206
Comparison of Prompt Kinetics Models Derived from Alternate Eigenvalues
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 207-210
Mesh Generation for Transport Sweeps Using a Piece-Wise Linear Discontinuous Discretization
Tarek Ghaddar (Univ of Michigan), Jean C. Ragusa (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 211-212
Acceleration of SN Power Iteration with Coarse Mesh Formulation Employing Angular Flux Discontinuity Factors
Chae Ho Lim, Han Gyu Joo (Seoul National Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 213-216
Improved Monte Carlo Tallying of Multi-Group Scattering Moment Matrices
Adam G. Nelson, William R. Martin (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 217-220
Geometry Navigation Acceleration Algorithm for Monte Carlo Radiation Simulation
Bin Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Zhenping Chen, Jing Song (Chinese Academy of Sciences/Univ of Science and Technology of China), FDS Team
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 221-224
Computational Methods: General
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 225
ICE-Based Preconditioning Method for Euler Equations
Ling Zou, Haihua Zhao, Hongbin Zhang (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 227-230
Development of Quasi-Static Dynamic Simulation Capability in Monte Carlo Code RMC
Xu Qi, Wang Kan (Tsinghua Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 231-234
A Temperature Dependence Study of Alpha/Beta Cumulative Distribution Functions Based on S(α,β) Data
Andrew T. Pavlou, Wei Ji (RPI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 235-238
Energy Expansion in Response Matrix Methods Using the Karhunen-Loève Transform
Richard L. Reed, Jeremy A. Roberts (Kansas State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 239-242
A New Importance Measure for Reduced Order Modeling
Bassam A. Khuwaileh, Hany S. Abdel-Khalik (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 243-245
Subspace Methods for Multi-physics Reduced Order Modeling in Nuclear Engineering Applications
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 246-248
Data, Analysis, and Operations for Nuclear Criticality Safety
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 251
A Systems Engineering Approach for Implementing ANSI/ANS-8 Standards for CAAS and EP&R
Peter L. Angelo (Y-12 Natl Security Complex)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 253-256
COG Validation for Lead and Polyethylene Reflected SILENE Criticality Excursion Benchmark Experiments
Soon Sam Kim, David Heinrichs, Rich Buck, Ed Lent, Chuck Lee (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 257-259
Comparison of Bounding and Realistic Models to Subcritical Measurements
J. Hutchinson, M. Mitchell, T. Cutler (LANL), J. Alwin (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 260-262
Neutron Transmission Correction using Multiplicity Analysis
J. Hutchinson, M. Smith-Nelson (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 263-266
Unusual Behaviors Resulting from Unusual Control Schemes in Criticality Safety
Theresa E. Cutler, Mark V. Mitchell, Jesson D. Hutchinson (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 267-270
ANS Nuclear Criticality Safety Division (NCSD) Session in Memory of Richard (Dick) McKnight
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 271
ICSBEP Criticality Calculations with ENDF/B-VII.1 Cross Sections
A. C. Kahler, R. E. MacFarlane (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 273-274
Three Analytic Benchmarks in COG
Edward M. Lent (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 275-277
Results for the Intermediate-Spectrum ZEUS Benchmark Obtained with New 63,65Cu Cross-Section Evaluations
Vladimir Sobes, Luiz Leal (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 278-281
Revival of Criticality Safety Research in Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Kotaro Tonoike, Kazuhiko Izawa, Hiroki Sono, Miki Umeda, Yuichi Yamane (JAEA)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 282-285
A Tribute to Richard D. McKnight
J. Blair Briggs (INL), Robert W. Schaefer (ANL/INL, retired)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 286-289
Notes on Validation of Criticality Safety and Reactor Physics Calculations
Tatiana Ivanova (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 290-291
Correlations of Error Sources and Associated Reactivity Influences
Dennis Mennerdahl (E M Systems)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 292-294
Critical and Subcritical Experiments
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 295
Historical Critical Experiments
Richard E. Malenfant (LANL, retired)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 297-298
Benchmark Specifications and Results for βeff in a HEU Metal System Using ORSphere
Margaret A. Marshall, John D. Bess (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 299-302
Prompt Neutron Decay Constants in a Highly Enriched Uranium Copper Reflected System
George McKenzie, Travis Grove, Rene Sanchez, John Bounds (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 303-305
Characterization of the NPOD3 Detectors in MCNP5 and MCNP6
Kimberly Clark, Jesson Hutchinson, Avneet Sood (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 306-309
Joint LANL/CEA Measurements on Godiva IV
J. Hutchinson, M. Smith-Nelson, A. Sood, J. Goda, J. Bounds, T. Cutler (LANL), A. Chapelle, P. Casoli (CEA)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 310-313
Investigation of keff Versus Fraction of Critical Mass
J. Hutchinson, T. Cutler, R. Sanchez, M. Mitchell, D. Hayes (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 314-316
Application of Performance Metrics in Assessing the LLNL Nuclear Criticality Safety Program
David Heinrichs, Song Huang (LLNL), Mark Lee (DOE/NNSA)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 317-319
Criticality Safety Program Metrics–Paper/Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 321
ANS 8 Standards Forum
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 323
Fuel Cladding Behavior Under Accident Conditions
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 327
The Turbine Trip without Bypass Analysis of Kuosheng BWR/6 Using TRACE/FRAPCON/FRPATRAN
H. C. Chang, W. K. Lin, W. Y. Li, C. Shih (Tsinghua Univ), J. R. Wang, H. T. Lin (Atomic Energy Council)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 329-331
The Spent Fuel Pool Analysis of Chinshan BWR/4 using TRACE/CFD/FRAPTRAN
C. Shih, W. Y. Li, H. C. Chang (Tsinghua Univ), J. R. Wang (Atomic Energy Council), W. K. Lin, Y. S. Tseng, (Tsinghua Univ), H. T. Lin (Atomic Energy Council)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 332-334
Historical Review of Fuel Fragmentation and Dispersal Observations in Design Basis Loss-of-Coolant Accident Testing
P. Raynaud, M. Flanagan (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 335-337
Influence of Burnup on Fuel Rod Characteristics, and Implications for Loss-of-Coolant-Accident Behavior
M. Flanagan (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 338-339
Round Table on Organizing Special Sessions for ANS Meetings–Workshop
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 341
Current Topics in Probabilistic Risk Analysis
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 343
Branch-and-Bound Algorithm Applied to Discrete Dynamic Event Trees
Joseph Nielsen (INL), Akira Tokuhiro, Robert E. Hiromoto (Univ of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 345-348
Event Tree Success Branch Modeling Approaches in SAPHIRE/SPAR
Zhegang Ma, John Schroeder (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 349-351
Comparison of MELCOR and SAS4a for Dynamic Event Simulations
M. R. Denman, J. N. Cardoni, T. A. Wheeler (SNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 352-354
Introduction of Supervised Learning Capabilities of the RAVEN Code for Limit Surface Analysis
Cristian Rabiti, Diego Mandelli, Andrea Alfonsi, Joshua Cogliati, Robert Kinoshita (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 355-358
Nuclear Installations Safety: General
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 359
Effect of Seasonal Meteorological Variations on Radioactive Plume Dispersion—A Segmented Gaussian Approach
Mazzammal Hussain (Intl Islamic Univ), Salah Ud-Din Khan (King Saud Univ), Waqar Adel Syed (Intl Islamic Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 361-364
The Analysis of Hydrogen Diffusion Behavior in Containment by Using GOTHIC Code and MAAP Code
Zhen-Yu Hung, Pin-Yu Yuan, Yuh-Ming Ferng, Wen-Sheng Hsu, Bau-Shei Pei (National Tsinghua Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 365-366
Safety Assessment of HANARO Research Reactor in Light of FDA
Hyungkyoo Kim, Jinwon Shin, Hoansung Jung (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 367-369
Feasibility of Reactor Emergency Power by Thermoelectric Waste Heat Recovery
Byeonghee Lee, Sung Won Lim, Young Jong Chung (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 370-372
Nevada National Security Site (NNSS): Role and Contributions to the Nonproliferation and Global Security Community–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 375
NNSA Graduate Program Past Experiences and Current Highlights–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 376
Human Reliability in Nuclear and Radiological Systems–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 377
Plutonium Disposition—The Clear and Present Danger, 20 Years Later–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 378
Proliferation Risk and Sustainability of Nuclear of Nuclear Energy Systems–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 379
Small Modular Reactor Developments–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 383
New Nuclear Construction Around the World–Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 384
Advanced/Gen-IV Reactors
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 385
Efficiency of Nuclear and Conventional Air-Brayton Power Cycles
H. Andreades (Univ of California, Berkeley), C. W. Forsberg (MIT), P. F. Peterson (Univ of California, Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 387-390
A Comparison of a Recuperated Open Cycle (Air) Brayton Power Conversion System with the Traditional Steam Rankine Cycle for the Next Generation Nuclear Power Plant
Bahman Zohuri, Patrick McDaniel, Cassiano de Oliviera (Univ of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 391-393
Market for Hot Air from Salt-Cooled Reactors with Air-Brayton Power Cycles
C. W. Forsberg (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 394-396
Market Performance of the Mark 1 Pebble-Bed Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor
Daniel Curtis, Charles Forsberg (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 397-400
Hybrid Molten Salt Reactor (HMSR) System Study
Robert D. Woolley (Princeton Univ), Laurence F. Miller (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 401-404
Chemical Compatibility of Containment and Other Materials with FHR Coolant Salts
John D. Stempien, Ronald G. Ballinger, Charles W. Forsberg (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 405-408
MSR On-line Reprocessing Technology and Nonproliferation Aspects
Jan Uhlíř (Research CentreŘež)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 409-411
Study of Neutronic-Thermohydraulic Coupled Calculation of SCWR
Shichang Liu, Zeguang Li, Kan Wang (Tsinghua Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 412-415
Validation of AGREE with HTTR Control Rod Withdrawal Tests
Volkan Seker, Thomas J. Downar (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 416-418
Operations and Power: General
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 419
Correlation Between the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Irradiated Fe-9Cr ODS
M. Swenson, C. Dolph, J. Wharry (Boise State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 421-424
Thermal Annealing of Reactor Pressure Vessels: International Experience and U.S. Perspective
Mikhail A. Sokolov, Randy K. Nanstad (ORNL), William Server (ATI Consulting)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 425-429
Fukushima Lessons Learned Severe Accident Goals
James M. Gleason (GLSEQ), Oliver Fritz (SCHOTT AG Standort/Site), Claude Thibault (GLSEQ), Edward L. Quinn (ANS Past President)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 431-434
Post-Fukushima Technology Enhancements to Improve Safety Margins–Paper/Panel
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 435
History and Current State of Radiation Detection—A Review Session in Honor of Professor Nick Tsoulfanidis
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 439
Confidence in LWR Instrumentation Data during a Severe Accident
Joy Rempe, Darrell Knudson (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 441-444
Climate Change, Scaling Up Nuclear Power, and Closing the Fuel Cycle: An Assessment of Kr-85 Atmospheric Dose
Glenn Sjoden, Michael Chin, Bojan Petrovic (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 445-446
Large Area Zero Bias Solid-state Neutron Detectors
Yaron Danon, Rajendra Dahal, Kuan-Chih Huang, James J.-Q. Lu, Adam Weltz, Ishwara B. Bhat (RPI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 447-449
Gamma-Ray Detection: A Historical Overview
Sheldon Landsberger (Univ of Texas at Austin)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 450-452
Polaris 3-D Position-Sensitive CdZnTe Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometers
Zhong He (Univ of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 453
A Brief History of Radiation Detectors for Homeland Security Applications
Raymond Klann (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 454-458
Computational Tools for Radiation Protection and Shielding
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 459
MCNP6 Cosmic and Terrestrial Background Particle Fluxes—Release 4
G. E. McMath, G. W. McKinney, T. A. Wilcox (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 461-464
Production of Energetic Light Fragments with Expanded Cascade Exciton Model (CEM)
Leslie M. Kerby (LANL/Univ of Idaho), Stepan G. Mashnik (LANL), Akira T. Tokuhiro (Univ of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 465-467
Analysis of the Scattering a Beam of Neutrons or Photons from Broad Rectangular Targets—Modeling and Compact Benchmark Tools for Quick Estimates and MC Verifications
E.V. Steinfelds, K. Andrew (Western Kentucky Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 468-471
Development of a Neutron Spectroscopy Unfolding Suite Integrating Former- and Next-Generation Codes
Brycen L. Wendt, Emerald D. Ryan, Eric A. Burgett (Idaho State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 472-474
Establishment and Analysis of Mono-energy Photon Specific Absorbed Fractions of Rad-HUMAN Phantom Using Monte Carlo Method
Wen Wang (Chinese Academy of Science/Univ of Science and Technology of China), Mengyun Cheng, Pengcheng Long (Chinese Academy of Science), Yican Wu(Chinese Academy of Science/Univ of Science and Technology of China), FDS Team
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 475-477
Preliminary Analysis of Source Term for Primary Coolant System of China Lead-based Research Reactor (CLEAR-I)
Tongqiang Dang, Lanfang Mao, Haixia Wang, Qian Guo, Yican Wu, FDS Team (Chinese Academy of Science)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 478-480
Testing of ARCHER-CT, A Fast Monte Carlo Code for CT Dose Calculation: Experiment versus Simulation
Tianyu Liu, Xining Du, Lin Su, Yiming Gao, Wei Ji (RPI), Da Zhang, Jim Q. Shi, Bob Liu, Mannudeep K. Kalra (Mass General Hospital), X. George Xu (RPI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 481
Radiation Protection and Shielding–Roundtable
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 483
Advanced Tallies in MCNP–Tutorial
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 484
Radiation Protection and Shielding: General
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 485
Computational Benchmarks for Minimizing the Legacy Problem in Oil Well Logging Source Replacement
Robin P. Gardner (NCSU), Avneet Sood (LANL), Kyoung O. Lee (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 487-489
Uranium and Plutonium Fission Product Gamma Intensity Measurements and MCNP6 Simulations
M. T. Andrews (Royal Military College of Canada), J. T. Goorley (LANL), E. C. Corcoran, D. G. Kelly (Royal Military College of Canada)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 490-493
Three Dimensional Phase Space Investigation of Aqueously Grown Zinc Oxide
Austin Tam, Daniel Isaacs, Eric Burgett (Idaho State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 494-496
Simulation of Electron Probe Microanalysis for the Purposes of Automated Material Identification—Initial Evaluation of Available Monte Carlo Tools
Thomas M. Miller, Bruce W. Patton, Charles F. Weber (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 497-500
Reactor Physics: General—I
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 503
Bias and Uncertainty Under-Prediction in MCNP6.1 Lattice Physics Calculations with Depletion
Alexander S. Bennett (Penn State Univ), Brian C. Kiedrowski, Forrest B. Brown (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 505-507
CRANE: A Prototypic SCALE Module for Reduced Order Modeling
Ugur Mertyurek (ORNL), Congjian Wang, Youngsuk Bang, Hany Abdel-Khalik (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 508-510
Leakage-Corrected Discontinuity Factors for a Second-Generation Th-Pu Pressure-Tube SCWR
Katarzyna Carisse, Eleodor Nichita (Univ of Ontario Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 511-514
Prediction on Underestimation of Variance for Fission Rate Distribution in Monte-Carlo Calculation
Akio Yamamoto, Kotaro Sakata, Tomohiro Endo (Nagoya Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 515-518
Method of Characteristics Code Development at UNIST
Chidong Kong, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee (UNIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 519-521
Reactor Physics: General—II
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 523
A Subgroup-Wavelet Coupling Method for Resonance Self-shielding Calculation
Liangzhi Cao, Lei He, Hongchun Wu (Xi’an Jiaotong Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 525-528
Feasibility of Nodal Equivalence Theory Using Functionalized Homogenized Parameters
Woosong Kim, Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 529-530
Stabilization of Monte Carlo Fission Source Distribution in p-CMFD Acceleration Method Compared to Fission Matrix Method
YuGwon Jo, Nam Zin Cho (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 531-534
An Improved CMFD Acceleration for SP3 Advanced Nodal Method
Tatsuya Sakamoto, Akio Yamamoto, Tomohiro Endo (Nagoya Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 535-537
Legendre Moments of the Neutron Free-Gas Scattering Kernel Using Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature
Matthew Gonzales, Anil K. Prinja (Univ of New Mexico), Brian Kiedrowski (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 538-540
Reactor Physics: General—III
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 541
Verification of the DEFENS Code through the CANDU Initial Core Problem
Eun Hyun Ryu, Yong Mann Song (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 543-546
Validation of the WIMS9A/PARCS Code System for Power Density Calculations for the AP1000™ Reactor Core
Mohamed A. Elsawi, Amal S. Bin Hraiz (Khalifa Univ of Science, Technology and Research)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 547-551
Application of Microscopic Depletion Correction in COSINE Core Analysis Code
Su Wang, Xiaoyu Hu, Yuhang Yan, Changhui Wang, Feng Shen, Yixue Chen (State Nuc Power Software Development Center)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 552-554
Alternate Fast Neutron Burst Option with High-Flux, LEU-Based Neutron Source
Ross Radel, Eli Moll, David Ozburn (Phoenix Nuclear Labs), J. David Schneider (TechSource)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 555-557
Reactor Physics: General—IV
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 559
WPEC SG38: Designing a New Format for Storing Nuclear Data
C. M. Mattoon, B. R. Beck (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 561-563
FUDGE: A Toolkit for Nuclear Data Management and Processing
B. R. Beck, C. M. Mattoon (LLNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 564-567
Parameterized Representation of Macroscopic Cross Section for PWR Reactor Considering With 12 Burnable Absorber Fuel Rods in the Fuel Element
João Claudio B. Fiel (Military Institute of Engineering), Luiz Carlos Leal (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 568-571
Prompt-Nubar Calculations for 27 Actinides
Richard Q. Wright (ORNL, retired), Michaele C. Brady-Raap (PNNL), Robert M. Westfall (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 572-574
Alternative Approach for Importance Ranking of Nuclear Data
Congjian Wang, Bassam Khuwaileh (NCSU), Goran Arbanas (ORNL), Hany Abdel-Khalik (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 575-578
Reactor Physics: General—V
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 579
Explanation of Changes in CANDU Coolant Void Reactivity with Creep and Burnup
J. V. Donnelly (AMEC NSS)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 581-584
A Physics Study on Concave Long-life Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor
Donny Hartanto, Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 585-587
Annular Type Sodium Cooled TRU Transmutation Reactor Cores Having Thorium Blankets and Central Non-Fuel Region
Wu Seung You, Ser Gi Hong (Kyung Hee Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 588-590
Doppler Reactivity Coefficients for Gd Bearing UO2 Fueled Rods with Consideration of Thermal Agitation Effect
Takanori Kitada, Kazuhiro Wada, Koudai Takeichi, (Osaka Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 591-592
A Burnable Absorber-Integrated Control Rod Guide Thimble for PWR
Mohd-Syukri Yahya, HwanYeal Yu, Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 593-594
Finding a Near-Critical VHTR Configuration with a Coupled Neutronics/Thermal Hydraulics Method
Alexander J. Huning, Kevin John Connolly, Srinivas Garimella, Farzad Rahnema (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 595-598
ANS Reactor Physics Division (RPD) Session in Memory of Richard (Dick) McKnight
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 599
Dr. Richard McKnight’s Technical Contributions to the Reactor Physics Community, Invited
Temitope A. Taiwo, Robert N. Hill, Hussein S. Khalil (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 601-602
Review of the IFR Physics Analysis Database
T. Fei, B. Feng, T. K. Kim (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 603-604
Consistent Comparison of Sensitivity Coefficients Obtained with PERSENT and ERANOS Codes
Gerardo Aliberti, Micheal A. Smith (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 605-608
Improved ZPR Analysis with the Argonne Reactor Physics Codes
Micheal A. Smith, Richard M. Lell (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 609-613
Initial Verification and Validation Tests of the MC2-3 ENDF/B-VII.1 Library for Fast Reactor Systems
C. H. Lee (ANL), W. S. Yang (Purdue Univ), T. A. Taiwo (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 614-617
Role of Experiment Covariance in Cross Section Adjustments (Based on Seminal Work Performed by R. D. McKnight), Invited
G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 618-621
Nuclear Criticality Safety and Space Technology Applications
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 623
Accelerator-Based Intense Fusion Neutron Source
Ross Radel, Greg Piefer, Chris Seyfert, Arne Kobernik, Logan Campbell, Casey Lamers, Tye Gribb, Evan Sengbusch (Phoenix Nuclear Labs)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 625-627
High Reliability, Long Lifetime, Continuous Wave H- Ion Source Design
Preston J. Barrows, Joseph D. Sherman, Arne V. Kobernik, Tye T. Gribb, Christopher M. Seyfert, Logan D. Campbell, Daniel J. Swanson, Eric D. Risley, Jin W. Lee, Kevin D. Meaney, Evan R. Sengbusch, Ross F. Radel (Phoenix National Labs, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, TechSource)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 628-631
A Sensitivity and Feasibility Study on a Small Reactor with LEU Fuel for Space Applications
Hyun Chul Lee (KAERI), Stefan Cerba (KAERI, Slovak Univ of Technology), Hong Sik Lim, Jae Man Noh (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 632-633
Benchmark Evaluation of HTR-PROTEUS Absorber Rod Worths (Core 4)
John D. Bess, Leland M. Montierth (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 634-637
The Impact of Water Saturation in Graphite Reflector Blocks on NRAD Benchmark Simulation
John D. Bess, Andrew T. Smolinski (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 638-640
Experimental Thermal Hydraulics
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 643
Effects of pH and Electrical Conductivity on the Quantity of Fibrous Debris Bypass through a Containment Sump Strainer
Saya Lee, Rodolfo Vaghetto, Suhaeb Abdulsattar, Matthew Kappes, Yassin A. Hassan (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 645-648
Experimental Study of Pressure Drop through a Fibrous Debris Bed Generated on a Perforated Plate with Embedded Mesh Screen
Suhaeb S. Abdulsattar, Saya Lee, Yassin A. Hassan (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 649-652
Investigation of Abnormal Heat Transfer and Flow in a VHTR Reactor Core
Francisco I. Valentin, Jorge Pulido (City College of New York), Ryan Anderson (Montana State Univ), Masahiro Kawaji (City College of New York, CUNY Energy Institute)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 653-656
Enhancement of Boiling Performance on a Surface Modified by Micro/Millimeter-Posts and Nanoparticles
Hang Jin Jo, Jin Man Kim, Moo Hwan Kim, Hyun Sun Park (POSTECH), Hwasung Yeom, K. Sridharan, M. L. Corradini (Univ of Wisconsin-Madison)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 657-658
Development of Refractive-Index-Matching Technique for Transparent 3D Printing Models for Flow Visualization
Min Seop Song, Hae Yoon Choi, Jee Hyun Seong, Eung Soo Kim (Seoul National Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 659-661
Experimental Observation of Forced Flow Mixing in Tight-Lattice Rod Bundle
Wang Kee In, Chang Hwan Shin, Chi Young Lee (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 662-664
Turbulence Intensity and Pressure Drop Fluctuations Experienced Downstream of a Mixing Grid
N. C. Galegar, E. E. Dominguez-Ontiveros, Y. A. Hassan (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 665-668
Computational Thermal Hydraulics
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 669
3D Model of Evaporation/Condensation at Bubble/Liquid Interface using Level-Set Method
Hong Jiao, M. Z. Podowski (RPI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 671-674
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of NGNP Reactor Cavity Cooling System with Air
Huhu Wang, Shamsul Sulaiman, Yassin A. Hassan (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 675-677
Implementing Fully Coupled Subchannel Model into the RELAP-7 Code
Hongbin Zhang, Ling Zou, Haihua Zhao, Richard Martineau (INL), Landon Brockmeyer (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 678-680
Numerical Investigation on the Sensitivity of Permanent Magnet Probe Flowmeter to Velocity Profile
Uiju Jeong (Hanyang Univ), Ji-Young Jeong (KAERI), Sung Joong Kim (Hanyang Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 681-684
Comparison of RELAP5-3D and TRACE Results for a Boiling/Condensing Experimental Facility
Juan J. Carbajo (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 685-688
Preliminary Investigation of Turbulent Flow Behavior of 3-D Twin Jets using CFD Analysis
L. B. Carasik (TAMU), A. E. Ruggles (Univ of Tennessee), Y. A. Hassan (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 689-692
Thermal Hydraulics: General
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 693
Feasibility Studies on the Integration Concept of VHTR and Forward Osmosis Desalination Process
Min Young Park, Eung Soo Kim (Seoul National Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 695-697
Orificing Strategy for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors
F. Heidet, T. K. Kim, T. A. Taiwo (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 698-700
Sensitivity Analysis of the Pressure Response of a Typical Large, Dry Containment during a Double-Ended Guillotine Break LOCA using RELAP5-3D and MELCOR
Rodolfo Vaghetto, Alessandro Vanni, Andrew Franklin, Yassin A. Hassan (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 701-705
Numerical Simulation of Countercurrent Flow Limitation at Lower End of a Vertical Pipe
Michio Murase, Takayoshi Kusunoki Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Inc.), Takashi Takata, Akira Yamaguchi (Osaka Univ), Akio Tomiyama (Kobe Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 706-707
Design of TAMU Air-Cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System Experimental Test Facility
Shamsul A. Sulaiman, Elvis E. Dominguez-Ontiveros, Huhu Wang, Yassin A. Hassan (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 708-711
Temperature in a Fuel Rod with a Coated Clad and Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivity
Min-Tsung Kao, Rizwan-Uddin (Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 712-715
Plenary Session
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 719
Modeling and Simulation Coordination at DOE Officce of Nuclear Energy
Marius Stan (ANL), invited
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 721
Creating an International Fuel R&D Capability
Fiona Rayment, Daniel Mathers (National Nuclear Laboratory
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 722-724
LWR Accident Tolerant Fuels—I
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 725
Status Update on U.S. DOE Accident Tolerant Fuel Development
Shannon M. Bragg-Sitton, Jon Carmack (INL), Frank J. Goldner (DOE), Steven L. Hayes (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 727-730
Development of Advanced Oxidation Resistant Steel for ATF Clad Application
Lance L. Snead, Kurt A. Terrani, Yuki Tamamoto, Bruce A. Pint, Kevin Field (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 731-732
What Should be the Objective of Accident Tolerant Fuel?
Edward J. Lahoda (Westinghouse), Lars Hallstadius (Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB), Frank Boylan, Sumit Ray (Westinghouse)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 733-736
Oxidation Mitigation of Zircaloy in High Temperature Steam via FeCrAl Coatings
Brent J. Heuser, Weicheng Zhong, Peter A. Mouche, Mohamed S. Elbakhshwan (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 737-738
Modeling—I: Fuel Behavior and Performance
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 739
Fuels Performance Modeling Based on Microstructure Rather Than Burnup
Michael Tonks, Yongfeng Zhang, Xianming Bai, Derek Gaston, Richard Williamson, Steven Hayes (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 741-742
Thermophysical Properties of Uranium Dioxide by First-Principles
Zhi-Gang Mei, Marius Stan, Abdellatif M. Yacout (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 743-746
Mechanistic Modeling of Metallic Fuel/Cladding Metallurgical Interactions
Aydın Karahan (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 747-750
Molecular Dynamics Calculations of Grain Boundary Mobility in UO2
Yongfeng Zhang, Xianming (David) Bai, Michael R Tonks (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 751-752
Validation of Application of Dislocation Punching Condition to Estimating the HBS Pore Pressure
Lijun Gao (Tsinghua Univ/Nuclear Power Inst of China), Bingde Chen (Nuclear Power Inst of China), Shengyao Jiang (Tsinghua Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 753-754
Advanced Pellet Cladding Interaction Modeling Using the US DOE CASL Fuel Performance Code: Peregrine
Robert Montgomery (PNNL), Nathan Capps (Univ of Tennessee), Dion Sunderland, Wenfeng Liu (ANATECH Corp), Jason Hales (INL), Chris Stanek (LANL), Brian D. Wirth (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 755-756
Salt and Gas Reactor Fuels and Materials
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 757
Results from the DOE Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification Program
David A. Petti (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 759-762
Performance Evaluation of the AGR-1 TRISO fuel: Preliminary Post-Irradiation Examination Results Summary
Paul A. Demkowicz (INL), John. D. Hunn (ORNL), David A. Petti (INL), invited
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 763-766
Status on Irradiation Testing of TRISO Fuel in Korea
Bong Goo Kim, Byung Chul Lee, Moon Sung Cho, Yong Wan Kim (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 767-769
Fission Product Distribution in AGR-1 TRISO Fuel Particles with Varying Silver Retention
Tyler J. Gerczak, John D. Hunn, Charles A. Baldwin (ORNL), Robert N. Morris (UT-Battelle, ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 770-773
Fast Reactor Fuels and Materials
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 775
Preliminary Post Irradiation Examination of AFC-3A and AFC-3B
Jason M. Harp, Heather J. M. Chichester (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 777-780
Phase Characterization in Unirradiated and Irradiated Metallic Fuel for Minor Actinides Transmutation in Fast Reactor
Luca Capriotti (EC-JRC-ITU), K. Inagaki (CRIEPI), D. Papaioannou (EC-JRC-ITU), S. Bremier, H. Ohta, T. Ogata (CRIEPI), R. Eloirdi, F. Bocci, D. Bouexiere, V. V. Rondinella (EC-JRC-ITU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 781-782
Characterization of High Energy Xe Ion Damage in U-10Mo Metallic Alloy Fuel with Depth Resolved Synchrotron Microbeam Diffraction
D. Yun, K. Mo, R. Xu, W. Mohamed, B. Ye, M. J. Pellin, A. M. Yacout (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 783-785
Distribution of Fuel Elements and Fission Product Elements in the Irradiated Metal Fuels
K. Inagaki (CRIEPI), L. Capriotti (EC-JRC-ITU), H. Ohta, T. Ogata (CRIEPI), S. Bremier, P. Pöml, D. Papaioannou, V. V. Rondinella (EC-JRC-ITU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 786-787
Microstructural Evolution in a UZr Alloy Irradiated at Low Fluences
Maria A. Okuniewski (INL), Gary Bell, Joel McDuffee, Ron Ellis, Lance Snead, Bob Sitterson, Stewart Voit (ORNL), Lynne Ecker (Brookhaven National Lab), Brandon Miller, Steven Hayes (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 788-789
Core Structural Components—I
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 791
Development of Silicon Carbide Composite Technologies for Nuclear Applications
Y. Katoh, L. L. Snead, K. A. Terrani (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 793-795
Characterization of Alloy 617 Properties to Support VHTR Intermediate Heat Exchanger Design
L. J. Carroll (INL), T. L. Sham (ORNL), J. K. Wright, R. N. Wright (INL), invited
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 796-799
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Analysis of Reactor-Grade Graphite
A. I. Hawari (NCSU), A. I. Kolesnikov (ORNL), Q. Cai, J. C. Holmes (NCSU), P. D. Ferguson (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 800-802
Permeability Measurements for SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites Relevant to LWR
O. Gutierrez, H. E. Khalifa, C. P. Deck, C. A. Back, R. Schleicher (General Atomics)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 803-806
Special Session in Honor of Donald Olander—I
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 807
Effects of Reactor Exposure on Nuclear Fuel Cladding
Arthur T. Motta (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 809
Assessments of Pellet-Clad Gap Conductance and Irradiation Damage Recovery Due to In-Pile Annealing of UO2: Planned IFA-744 Tests in Halden Test Reactor
S. Yagnik (EPRI), W. Wiesenack (OECD Halden Reactor Project), K. Terrani (ORNL), M. Balooch (Univ of California, Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 810-811
EPRI Root Cause Evaluation of the Fukushima Daiichi Event
Rosa Yang (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 812
Combustion of Zirconium-Based Alloys
Albert J Machiels (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 813-816
Mass Relocation by Fission-Induced Creep in U-Mo/Al Dispersion Fuel Meat
Yeon Soo Kim (ANL), G. Y. Jeong, D-S Sohn (UNIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 817-818
Special Session in Honor of Donald Olander—II
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 819
Progress in Mechanistic Understanding of Nuclear Materials
Steven J. Zinkle (Univ of Tennessee, ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 821
Multiscale Modeling of Nanoscale Precipitate Stability in Irradiated Structural Materials
Brian D. Wirth, Donghua Xu (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 822
Performance of U-Mo Fuel at Low Temperatures
M.K. Meyer, J. Gan, D. D. Keiser, D. M. Wachs (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 823-826
Oxidation of SiC in High-Temperature Water Vapor
Kurt A. Terrani (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 827-828
Poster Session
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 829
UN Kernel Development for Fully Ceramic Microencapsulated Fuels for LWRs
Chinthaka M. Silva (ORNL/Univ of Tennessee), Rodney D. Hunt, Kurt A. Terrani, Stewart R. Voit (ORNL), Terrence B. Lindemer (Harbach Eng and Solutions), Theodore M. Besmann, Lance L. Snead (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 831-833
Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Metallic Network Reinforced Oxide-based Composite Fuel
Ho Jin Ryu, Joon Hui Kim, Soon Hyung Hong (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 834-836
Thermodynamic Stability of ZrN as Diffusion Barriers for UMo/Al Fuel
Zhi-Gang Mei, Abdellatif M. Yacout, Yeon Soo Kim, Gerard L. Hofman, Marius Stan (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 837-839
Oxidation Resistance of Uranium-Silicide Bearing Composites for Advanced Nuclear Reactor Applications
J. T. White, A. T. Nelson, J. T. Dunwoody, K. J. McClellan (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 840-841
Synchrotron Radiation Study on Steam Oxidation Behavior of Zircaloy-2 with Advanced Coatings
Kun Mo, Di Yun, Walid Mohamed, Michael Pellin, Jonathan Almer, Abdellatif M. Yacout (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 842-844
Oxide Electronic Conductivity and Hydrogen Pickup Fraction in Zr alloys
Adrien Couet, Arthur T. Motta (Penn State), Robert J. Comstock (Westinghouse), Antoine Ambard (EdF)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 845-848
Superior Thermal Performance of SiC Cladding under Extreme Pool Boiling Conditions
Gwang Hyeok Seo, Gyoodong Jeun, Sung Joong Kim (Hanyang Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 849-852
Response of Oxide Particles to Externally Applied Stress in Austenitic ODS Alloys
Yinbin Miao (Univ of Illinois), Kun Mo (ANL), Xiang Liu (Univ of Illinois), Zhangjian Zhou (Univ of Science and Technology Beijing), Jonathan Almer (ANL), James F. Stubbins (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 853-854
Comparison of Nitronic-50 and Stainless Steel 316 for use in Supercritical Water Reactor Environments
Zachary Karmiol, Dev Chidambaram (Univ of Nevada, Reno)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 855-856
Biaxial Thermal Creep-Fatigue of Inconel 617 at 950ºC
Kuan-Che Lan (Univ of Illinois), Kun Mo (ANL), James F. Stubbins (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 857-858
Reducing Agent Effects on Haynes-230 in Molten Halide Salts
Luke Olson, Roderick Fuentes, Michael Martinez-Rodriguez, Brenda Garcia-Diaz, Joshua Gray (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 859-862
Pressureless Joining of SiC by Transient Eutectic-Phase Method
T. Koyanagi, J. Kiggans, C. Shih, Y. Katoh (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 863-864
Qualification of Austenitic Steel 316L(N) and Welds for Use as Structural Material in Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors
Celine Cabet, Laurent Forest, Maxime Sauzay, Yiting Cui, Jean-Louis Courouau (CEA)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 865-868
Characterization of Non-irradiated Ti-Si-C and Ti-Al-C MAX Phase Materials
Chunghao Shih, Wallace Porter, Roberta Meisner, Yutai Katoh (ORNL), Steven Zinkle (Univ of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 869-871
Impedance Response of Pre-Oxidized Ferrtic-Martensitic Steels in High Temperature Liquid Sodium Environment: UCFR Application
Sang Hun Shin, Jeong Hyun Lee, Ji Hyun Kim (UNIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 872-873
Molecular Dynamics Study of Thermal Conductivity in Defective Uranium Dioxide
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 874-876
Modeling Irradiation Growth of Zirconium and Its Alloy in Nuclear Reactors
Sang Il Choi, Tae Ho Kim, Sang Hun Shin (UNIST), Gyeong-Geun Lee, Junhyun Kwon (KAERI), Ji Hyun Kim (UNIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 877-879
Characterization of High Energy Xe Ion Irradiation Effects in Single Crystal Molybdenum with Depth Resolved Synchrotron Microbeam Diffraction
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 880-882
Irradiated Microsphere Gamma Analyzer for Examination of Particle Fuel
Charles A. Baldwin, Robert N. Morris, John D. Hunn (ORNL), Paul A. Demkowicz (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 883-885
Effects of Aging and Heavy Ion Irradiation on Microstructural Evolution in CF8 Cast Austenitic Stainless Steel
Wei-Ying Chen (Univ of Illinois/ANL), Meimei Li, Mark A. Kirk, Pete M. Baldo (ANL), Tiangan Lian (EPRI)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 886-888
Microstructure Evolution in a 9Cr Ferritic-Martensitic Steel under Ion Irradiation
Cem Topbasi, Arthur T. Motta (Penn State), Mark A. Kirk (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 889-892
A Curtaining Removal Technique for Focused Ion Beam Milled U-Mo Fuels
Ryan Collette, Jeffrey King (Colorado School of Mines), Dennis Keiser, Jr., Jason Schulthess (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 893-895
Phase Stability and Mechanical Properties of Nuclear Grade FeCrAl Under LWR-Relevant Neutron Irradiation
K. G. Field, Y. Yamamoto, L. L. Snead (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 896-897
In-situ X-ray Reflectivity Study of Interfacial Structure Between the Pre-Oxidized Ni(110) Surface and Liquid
Jong Jin Kim, Tae Ho Kim, Seung Hyun Kim (UNIST), Hongping Yan (Carnegie Inst of Washington, HP-CAT), Chi Bum Bahn (Pusan National Univ), Changyong Park (Carnegie Inst of Washington, HP-CAT), Ji Hyun Kim (UNIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 898-899
Hydrogen Migration, Precipitation and Re-Orientation in Nuclear Spent Fuel Cladding in Dry Storage
Nicolas Silva, Yong Yang (Univ of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 900
Kapitza Resistance of the Grain Boundaries in Ceria
Aleksandr Chernatynskiy (Univ of Florida), David Bai, Jian Gan (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 901-902
Simulation of Swelling and Stress State in Neutron Irradiated U-10Mo Monolithic Plate
Walid Mohamed, Y. S. Kim, G. L. Hofman, A. M. Yacout (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 903-905
Simulation of U-Mo Fuel Swelling to High Burnup
Bei Ye, Yeon Soo Kim, Gerard Hofman, Jeff Rest (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 906-908
Diffusion of Cs-137 in a Vented Metallic Fuel for SFR
Chihyung Kim, Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 909-911
Development of Advanced In-Pin Metallic Fuel Performance Models for SAS4A
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 912-915
Development of Enhanced Mechanistic Model for Metallic Fuel Constituent Redistribution
Aydin Karahan (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 916-918
Atomistic Modeling of U3Si2 Electronic Structure and Properties
J. L. Wormald, A. I. Hawari (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 919-921
Modeling Constituent Redistribution in U-Pu-Zr Metallic Fuel Using the Advanced Fuel Performance Code BISON
Jack Galloway, Cetin Unal, Neil Carlson (LANL), Douglas Porter, Steve Hayes (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 922-924
Obtaining Elastic Constants using Phase Field Crystal Modeling
Aaron Butterfield (INL), Victor Chan, Susanta Ghosh, Katsuyo Thornton (Univ of Michigan), Michael Tonks, Yongfeng Zhang (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 925-926
Stress Analysis Study of Silicon Carbide Cladding Under Accident Conditions
V. Avincola (MIT/KIT), K. Shirvan, M. Kazimi (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 927-930
Measurement of Hydrogen Generation during Steam Oxidation using Quadruple Mass Spectrometry LA-UR 14-20443
A. J. Parkison, A. T. Nelson (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 931-933
Effect of Neutron Irradiation on the Nd-Fe-B Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet
Jie Qui, Adib Samin (Ohio State Univ), Jason Hattrick-Simpers (Univ of South Carolina), Yuan F. Zheng, Lei Cao (Ohio State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 934-936
Radiation Resistance of XLPE Nano-Dielectrics for Advanced Reactor Applications
Robert C. Duckworth, Georgios Polyzos, Parans Paranthaman, Tolga Aytug, Keith Leonard, Isidor Sauers (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 937-941
Coherent Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering Studies of the Collective Diffusion of Glass-Forming Metallic Liquids
Abhishek Jaiswal, Yang Zhang (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 942-943
Experimental Validation of the Topological Sensitivity Approach to Elastic-Wave Imaging
Roman D. Tokmashev, Bojan B. Guzina (Univ of Minnesota)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 944-945
Chromium Oxide Films Formed on Stainless Steel 316 in Molten LiCl-Li2O
Augustus Merwin, Dev Chidambaram (University of Nevada, Reno)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 946-948
Oxidation and Volatilization of SiC Layer in High Temperature Steam
Byung Ha Park, Cheon No (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 949
Review of Fluoride Salt-Cooled High Temperature Reactor LiF-BeF2 (Flibe) Coolant Properties
R. R. Romatoski, L. W. Hu (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 950-954
LightGauge Sensor Production and Verification on Nuclear Reactor Materials
Scott McBeath, Eric Burgett (Idaho State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 955-957
Bulk Single Crystal Growth of Fuel Materials
Malwina Chaczko, Daniel Isaacs, Eric Burgett (Idaho State Univ)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 958-960
The Constitutive Modeling of Fracture Toughness in Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel
Pritam Chakraborty, S. Bulent Biner (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 961-963
Advance the Understanding of the Phases’ Distribution of Triso Fuel Coater using Gamma Ray Computed Tomography (CT)
Neven Ali, Thaar Al-Juwaya, Muthanna Al-Dahhan (Missouri Univ Sci Tech)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 964-966
Dynamical Recovery in UO2 Following Radiation Impact
V. Ajay Annamareddy, Xiaojun Mei, Jacob Eapen (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 967-969
Positron Characterization of Neutron Irradiated Reactor-Grade Graphite
M. Liu, A. I. Hawari (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 970-972
Modeling—II: Radiation Effects
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 973
Radiation Response in FeCr Alloys: The State-of-the-Art
P. Olsson (KTH), L. Malerba (SCK-CEN), invited
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 975-976
Thermochemical Assessment of Advanced LWR Fuel Cladding
T. M. Besmann, Y. Yamamoto, K. A. Unocic (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 977-979
Computer Modeling of Transport of Oxidizing Species in Grain Boundaries during Zirconium Corrosion
Xian-Ming Bai, Yongfeng Zhang, Michael R. Tonks (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 980
Modeling of Neutron Irradiation Hardening of Iron
X. Hu (Univ of Tennessee/ORNL), D. Xu (Univ of Tennessee), T. S. Byun (ORNL), K. A. Terrani (ORNL), B. D. Wirth (Univ of Tennessee/ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 981-983
LWR Accident Tolerant Fuels—II
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 985
Overview of Properties and Performance of Uranium-Silicide Compounds for Light Water Reactor Applications
A. T. Nelson, J. T. White, D. D. Byler, J. T. Dunwoody, J. A. Valdez, K. J. McClellan (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 987-989
Uranium Silicide Fabrication for use in LWR Accident Tolerant Fuel
Jason M. Harp, Paul A. Lessing, Rita E. Hoggan (INL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 990-993
MAX Phase Coatings for Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuel
Brenda Garcia-Diaz (SRNL), Luke Olson (SRNS), Christopher Verst, Robert Sindelar, Elizabeth Hoffman (SRNL), Ben Hauch, Ben Maier, Kumar Sridharan (Univ of Wisconsin-Madison)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 994-996
Safety of Silicon Carbide Cladding for Fail-Safe Simple Economical SMR (FASES)
Youho Lee, Ho Sik Kim, Hee Cheon No (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 997-998
Development of a High Density Uranium Nitride-Uranium Silicide Composite Accident Tolerant Fuel
Luis H. Ortega, Jordan Evans, Sean M. McDeavitt (TAMU)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 999-1000
Core Structural Components—II
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 1001
Strengthening of Irradiation-Induced Defects in AISI 304 and 316 Variants
Lizhen Tan, Jeremy T. Busby (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 1003
Irradiation Effects on LWR Accident Tolerant Fuels Cladding Materials
Tarik A. Saleh, Osman Anderoglu, Stuart A. Maloy (LANL), G. Robert Odette (Univ of California, Santa Barbara), Tobias J. Romero (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 1004-1005
TEM, APT and Hardness Studies of Neutron-Irradiated Ferritic Fe-Cr Single Crystals
Wei-Ying Chen, Yinbin Miao, Carolyn A. Tomchik, Kun Mo (Univ of Illinois), Jian Gan, Maria A. Okuniewski (INL), Y. Q. Wu (Boise State Univ, Center of Advanced Energy Studies), Stuart A. Maloy (LANL), James F. Stubbins (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 1006-1008
Nanoparticles Loading Behavior Before and After Matrix Necking: An In-Situ Synchrotron Radiation Study in a 9Cr ODS Alloy
Kun Mo (Univ of Illinois, ANL), Yinbin Miao (Univ of Illinois), Zhangjian Zhou (Univ of Science and Technology Beijing), Di Yun (ANL), Xiang Liu (Univ of Illinois), Jonathan Almer (ANL), James F. Stubbins (Univ of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 1009-1011
A Study on Compatibility of Ferritic-Martensitic Steels with High-Temperature Sodium for SFR Application
Sang Hun Shin (UNIST), Jun Hwan Kim (KAERI), Ji Hyun Kim (UNIST)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 1012-1015
LWR Sustainability and Used Fuel Disposition
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Page 1017
Degradation of Concrete for Nuclear Structures: Identified Mechanisms and Knowledge Gaps
Yann Le Pape, Kevin G. Field, Jeremy Busby (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 1019-1020
Analytical Model Methodology Development and Demonstration of Approach on Used Fuel Performance Characterization for Condition of Normal Transportation
Kenneth Geelhood, Harold Adkins (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 1021-1024
Alloying and Grain Boundary Structure Effects on the Radiation Induced Segregation Response in Type 304 Variants Under Neutron Irradiation
K. G. Field, M. N. Gussev, J. T. Busby (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 1025-1026
The Effect of Stress Biaxiality on Hydride Reorientation Threshold Stress
M. Nedim Cinbiz, Arthur T. Motta, Donald A. Koss (Penn State)
Transactions | Volume 110 | Number 1 | June 2014 | Pages 1027-1030