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Penn State and Westinghouse make eVinci microreactor plan official
Penn State and Westinghouse Electric Company are working together to site a new research reactor on Penn State’s University Park, Pa., campus: Westinghouse’s eVinci, a HALEU TRISO-fueled sodium heat-pipe reactor. Penn State has announced that it submitted a letter of intent to host and operate an eVinci reactor to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on February 28 and plans to engage with the NRC on specific siting decisions. Penn State already boasts the Breazeale reactor, which began operating in 1955 as the first licensed research reactor at a university in the United States. At 70, the Breazeale reactor is still in operation.
Table of Contents
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages vii-xix
Author Index
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages xxi-xxiv
Full Issue
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Page 0
Opening Plenary: The Value of Nuclear
Timothy O'Connor (Xcel Energy)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 3-3
ANS President’s Special Session: Popping the Nuclear Bubble—A Facilitated Conversation with Minnesota’s Utility Community
John E. Kelly (Individual)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 4-4
General Chair's Special Session
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 5-5
Operability Evaluation of Residual Heat Removal Pump for Full System Decontamination of Kori-1 Nuclear Power Plant
Hak-Soo Kim, Cho-Rong Kim (KHNP)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 11-12
The RESRAD Code Applications for Radiological Safety Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants Decommissioning
Huai-En Hsieh, Hui-Fang Miao (Xiamen Univ.), Wen-Yu Wang, Yen-Cheng Liu, Bau-Shei Pei (Tsing Hua Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 13-16
Experimental Investigation of Partitioning Ratio of Co Between Ingot and Slag after Melting Process of Radioactive Metal Waste
Byum Kyu Kim, Hwajeong Han, Byung Gi Park (Soonchunhyang Univ.), Bongsoo Lee (Chung-ang Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 17-17
Water Technologies and Nuclear Power Update–Panel
Leah Parks (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 19-19
License Transfers for Decommissioning–Panel
Gerard P. van Noordennen (Energy Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 20-20
Decommissioning Experience in the Midwest–Panel
James J. Byrne (Byrne & Associates)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 21-21
Teaching the Value of Nuclear—Nuclear Science and Facilities–Panel
Lisa M. Marshall (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 25-25
Nuclear Science Training for Secondary School Teachers at Argonne National Laboratory
David Grabaskas, Sunaree Hamilton, Natalie Zender (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 29-31
Nuclear Power Technology Training Based on Mixed Reality Technology
Yifen Chen, Jianxiang Zheng, Huai-En Hsieh, Yichun Wu (Xiamen Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 32-33
New Toys and Tricks for Old Dogs
Rizwan-uddin (Univ. Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 34-37
Training Management and the Workforce: How to Recognize and Arrest Performance that is Indicative of Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone Column (Column 4) Plants
Gary R. Cavanaugh (Marathon Consulting)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 38-39
Addressing Fears of Nuclear Through Free-Choice Learning
Jonathan Gomez (Y-12)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 43-45
How to Effectively Manage Public Communications and Outreach in Support of Nuclear Energy Related Issues
Scott D. Northard (Due North Energy Consulting)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 46-46
Examining the Role of Cultural Value on Nuclear Acceptance in China
Dongqin Xia, Yazhou Li, Yanling He, Tingting Zhang, FDS Team (Inst. Nuclear Energy Safety)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 47-47
Communication Challenges for the Nuclear Industry in the Era of Fake News and Social Media
P. Thakur (CEMRC), A. L. Ward (U.S. DOE)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 48-52
Focus on Communications: Meanwhile in Canada—How Communications Helped the Nuclear Industry to Expand—I–Panel
Mimi H. Limbach (Potomac Communications)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 53-53
Focus on Communications: What are Your Non-Nuclear Friends REALLY Thinking?—II –Panel
Margaret Harding (4 Factor Consulting)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 54-54
MATLAB PDE Toolbox for Neutron Diffusion Equation
Xue Yang (Texas A&M, Kingsville)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 57-60
Automated Remote Control for Detector System on USMA Subcritical Assembly
Kenneth S. Allen, Samantha Hartman, Garrett Sexton, Robert Thomas (USMA)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 61-63
Seminars for Nuclear Science Public Education in Las Vegas, Nevada
Steven Curtis (ANS, Nevada Section)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 64-64
Developing a Nuclear Science Merit Badge Workshop
Katherine Luebke (UNLV), Steven Curtis (ANS, Nevada Section)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 65-65
The WIPP 20th Anniversary–Panel
Jean-Francois Lucchini (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 69-69
Dynamic Sorption Studies of Organoiodine Species on Silver-Mordenite
Tejaswini Vaidya, Vivek Utgikar, Krishnan Raja (Univ. Idaho), Piyush Sabharwall (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 73-74
Kinetic Study of Ag?Z and Ag?-Aerogel Aged in Off-Gas Streams from Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing System
Seungrag Choi, Yue Nan (Syracuse), Alexander Wiechert, Austin P. Ladshaw, Sotira Yiacoumi (Georgia Tech), Costas Tsouris (Georgia Tech & ORNL), Lawrence L. Tavlarides (Syracuse)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 75-77
Extended Duration Adsorption of Elemental Iodine by AgZ Under Prototypical Vessel Off-Gas Conditions
R. T. Jubin, J. A. Jordan, S. H. Bruffey (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 78-80
Separation of Xenon from Krypton in UNF Reprocessing Off Gas
Amy K. Welty, Mitchell R. Greenhalgh, Troy G. Garn (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 81-82
Removal of Krypton from Nuclear Re-Processing Plants Using Metal Organic Frameworks
Praveen K. Thallapally, Michael Sinnwell (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 83-84
Life-Cycle Assessment of Small-Modular Nuclear Reactors Using Current U.S. Fuel Cycle
Kara Michelle Godsey, Lindsay Shuller-Nickles, Michael Carbajales-Dale (Clemson)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 87-90
Safety Evaluation of a Spent Fuel Dry-Storage Canister with Various Fill Materials
Jeremy W. King, Sunil S. Chirayath, Eric E. Aboud, Victor M. Bautista, Patrick A. Behne, Heukjin Boo, Ryan D. Brownfield, Jim A. Chisholm, Katie M. Cook, Amanda C. Edwin, Hadyn M. Kistle, Patrick J. O'Neal, Ernesto A. Ordonez, Mariah M. Ramirez, Sidney A. Ricketts, Rainbow Y. Suh (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 91-94
Preliminary Evaluation of Low-Force Solid-State Technologies for Mitigation and Repair of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Canister
Hwasung Yeom, Nickolas Pocquette, Evan Rocco, Frederick van Steenderen (U.W., Madison), Kenneth Ross (PNNL), John Kessler (J Kessler & Associates), Gary Cannell (Fluor), Jay Rozzi (Creare), Kumar Sridharan, Frank E. Pfefferkorn (U.W., Madison)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 95-98
Bismuthate Behavior with Used Nuclear Fuel Species in Nitric Acid
Jeffrey D. Einkauf, Andrew J. Wilcox, Jonathan D. Burns (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 101-102
Comparison of DEHiBA and DHOA for Neptunium Separation
Jarrod M. Gogolski (Colorado School of Mines), Peter Zalupski, Dean Peterman (INL), Mark P. Jensen (Colorado School of Mines)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 103-105
Design and Implementation of a Flowsheet Solvent Extraction Simulator
Taha Azzaouiy (Univ. Mass., Lowell), Kevin L. Lyonz (INL), Valmor F. de Almeida (Univ. Mass., Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 106-109
Advances in Online Spectroscopic Monitoring for Application Throughout the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Samuel A. Bryan (PNNL), Gilbert L. Nelson (College of Idaho), Amanda Lines (PNNL), Job Bello (Spectra Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 113-115
Square Wave Voltammetry Analysis of Metal Ions in Molten Salt Reactors
Huan Zhang, Suhee Choi, Michael F. Simpson (Univ. Utah)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 116-118
Use of Machine Learning with On-Line Monitoring Systems for Reprocessing
Benjamin B. Cipiti, Nathan T. Shoman (Sandia)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 119-122
Fiber-Optic Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in High Temperature/Radiation Environment
Yichen Zhao, Haori Yang (Oregon State)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 123-126
Challenges Associated with Material Transport into and Waste Removal from Hot Cell R&D Facilities Worldwide–Panel
Stephen Napier (National Nuclear Lab)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 127-127
An Update on the Operational Status of the Savannah River Site H-Canyon
Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 131-134
Plans for Treatment of Research Reactor UNF at La Hague
Paul Murray, Sven Bader (Orano)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 135-136
New Reconditioning Strategies for Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods
Craig Barnes, Jordan R. Travis, Breanna K. Vestal (U.T., Knoxville), Guillermo Daniel DelCul (ORNL), David F. McLaughlin (Westinghouse)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 137-137
Gaseous Preparation of Zirconium Clad Nuclear Fuel for Recycling
Rick Demmer, Julia Tripp, Melissa Warner, Richard Tillotson, Amy Welty (INL), Lonnie Olson (INL, Retired)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 138-140
Progress in Consolidated Interim Storage and Next Steps–Panel
Sven O. Bader (Orano)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 141-141
The Importance of Future Fuel Cycle Options in Addressing Growing Worldwide Energy Demand–Panel
Fiona E. Rayment (National Nuclear Lab)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 142-142
Prospects for a Commercial High-Assay Low Enriched Uranium Supply to Support Advanced Reactors and Advanced LWR Fuel Applications–Panel
Everett Redmond (NEI), Morris Hassler (Y-12/CNS)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 143-143
On-Line Monitoring for Spectroelectrochemical Characterization of Uranium Within Molten Salts
Shirmir D. Branch, Amanda M. Lines, Gregg J. Lumetta, Samuel A. Bryan (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 147-148
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Structures and Transport Properties of UCl3-NaCl Molten Salts
Bo Li (U.C., Riverside), Sheng Dai (ORNL), De-en Jiang (U.C., Riverside)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 149-152
Electrochemical Corrosion Monitoring in Molten MgCl2-NaCl-KCl
Suhee Choi, Olivia Dale, Michael F. Simpson (Univ. Utah)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 153-155
Thermodynamic Approach to the Chemical Degradation of Fly Ash-Blended Concrete: Case Study for Korean LILW Trench Type Repository
Sol-Chan Han, Jong-Il Yun (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 159-161
Updates on Borated Aluminum Cask Design for Onsite Used Fuel Storage
R. A. Borrelli (Univ. Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 162-165
Investigation of Void Formations Using Neutron Measurements in Filler Materials for Dual-Purpose Canisters
Seung Min Woo, Shikha Prasad, Sunil Chirayath (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 166-169
Initial Study for De-Inventory of Spent Nuclear Fuel from the Kewaunee Site
Kevin J. Connolly, Matthew R. Feldman (ORNL), Ralph E. Best, Steven J. Maheras (PNNL), Don McGee, Sven O. Bader (Orano)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 170-172
SEPHIS-ACM: A Step Forward in Separations Simulation
Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions), Jeffrey Pike (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 175-179
Hydrodynamics of Extraction Devices: Residence Time Distribution in Centrifugal Extractors
Jarod Perko, Vivek Utgikar (Univ. Idaho), Kevin Lyon (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 180-182
Niowave’s Fuel Fabrication and Recycle for Domestic Radioisotope Production from Fission Fragments
Faisal Y. Odeh, Alex C. Bakken, John Diemer, Amanda K. Grimm, Terry L. Grimm, Nathan C. Johnson, Christine M. Krizmanich, Mayir Mamtimin, William A. Peters, Kristin A. Shannon, Milan Stika, Robert N. Wahlen (Niowave)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 183-184
Understanding Nitrate Chemistry – The Key to Safer and More Efficient TRU Waste Acceptance
Paul B. Duval (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 185-187
Numerical Simulation of Observed Plasma Asymmetries in Tokamaks
Shahab Ud-Din Khan (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission), Salah Ud-Din Khan (King Saud Univ.), Riaz Khan (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission), Song Yuntao (IPP CAS), Shahid Hussain (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 193-195
Estimation of Eddy Current on Pakistan Metallic Spherical Tokamak
Shahab Ud-Din Khan, Riaz Khan, Zia Ur Rehman, Sehrish Shakir, Shahid Hussain (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 196-198
Highlights of the 2019 NPIC-HMIT Conference: Instrumentation and Controls—I–Panel
Pradeep Ramuhalli (PNNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 201-201
Highlights of the 2019 NPIC-HMIT Conference: Human Factors Engineering—II–Panel
Ronald L. Boring (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 202-202
Development of New Performance Shaping Factors’ Taxonomy for a Human Reliability Analysis
Seongkeun Kang, Poong Hyun Seong (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 205-207
An Approach to Multi-Unit Human Reliability Analysis: Application of SPAR-H
Jooyoung Park, Awwal Mohammed Arigi, Jonghyun Kim (Chosun Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 208-211
Development of a Signal Reconstruction Model for NPPs Under Emergency Situation
Seung Geun Kim, Poong Hyun Seong (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 215-218
An Artificial Neural Network Based Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Nuclear Power Plants
Jason Hou, Kan Ni, Ayman Hawari (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 219-222
Nuclear Main Control Room Obsolescence & Cyber Security Regulations Are New Challenges to Overcome
Otto P. Fest (OTEK Corp.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 223-224
Niowave’s Domestic Radioisotope Production from Uranium and Radium
Amanda K. Grimm, Chase H. Boulware, Terry L. Grimm, William A. Peters, Mike A. Zamiara (Niowave)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 229-231
Efficiency Optimization of a Positron Moderator Foil
Raed Alsulami, Mubarak Albarqi (Missouri S&T & King Abdulaziz City), S. Q. Jaradat (Higher Colleges Technol.), Joseph Graham, Shoaib Usman (Missouri S&T)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 232-234
Neutron Depth Profiling Measurement for Borophosphosilicate Glass (BPSG)
Mubarak Albarqi, Raed Alsulami (Missouri S&T & King Abdulaziz City), Joseph Graham (Missouri S&T)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 235-237
Application of Pb Isotopes in Uranium-Cobalt Mineralisation
Manny Mathuthu (North-West Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 238-240
Data-Driven Methodology for Predicting Isotope Production at Material Testing Reactors
Jorge Navarro (ORNL), Josh Peterson-Droogh, Brian Gross (INL), Richard Howard (ORNL), Wilson Cowherd (Univ. Missouri), Carla Dwight (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 241-245
Qualification of U-10Mo Base Fuel Over Design Envelop of U.S. High Performance Research Reactor Using Mini-Plate Irradiation Testing in ATR
Margaret A. Marshall, Irina Glagolenko, Nicholas D. Meacham, Dong O. Choe, Paul E. Gilbreath, Grant L. Hawkes, Doug S. Crawford, Erik S. Rosvall, James D. Wiest (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 249-252
Neutronic Analysis of Mini-Plate Experiments in the ATR for High-Performance Research Reactor LEU Conversion
Paul Gilbreath, Dong O. Choe, Margaret A. Marshall (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 253-256
Thermal Model of Oxide Growth in Mini-Plate Experiments in the Advanced Test Reactor
Grant Hawkes, Dong O. Choe (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 257-260
Structural Safety Analysis Overview for the U.S. HPRR Mini-Plate (MP-2) Experiment
Erik S. Rosvall (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 261-263
Design of a Pressurized Fuel Rod Weld System
N. S. Oldham, C. C. Baker, B. P. Durtschi, D. E. Stacey (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 264-265
An Expert System to Assist Researchers with Nuclear Materials Experiment Design
Brenden J. Heidrich (INL), Jordan M. Argyle (Univ. Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 269-272
Neural Network Coupled with MCNP for Neutron Depth Profiling
Mubarak Albarqi, Raed Alsulami (Missouri S&T, King Abdul Azziz City), Joseph Graham (Missouri S&T)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 273-275
Activation and Decay Heat Calculations Supporting MIMIC Experiment Design in TREAT
John D. Bess, Connie M. Hill, James R. Parry, Nicolas E. Woolstenhulme, Colby B. Jensen (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 276-279
Overview of I2 Irradiation Deployment Activities in TREAT
N. Woolstenhulme, J. Bess, P. Calderoni, B. Heidrich, D. Hurley, C. Jensen, R. Schley, K. Tsai (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 280-282
MCNP Analysis of the Aqua-SETH Experiment in TREAT
Connie M. Hill, Nicolas E. Woolstenhulme, D. Devin Imholte, John D. Bess (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 283-286
State-of-the-Art Experimental Capabilities at the N.C. State PULSTAR Reactor
A. I. Hawari, S. A. Lassell (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 289-292
The Fission Accelerated Steady State Test (FAST) – A Revised Capsule Design for the Accelerated Testing of Advanced Reactor Fuels
Bryon Curnutt, Geoffrey Beausoleil (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 293-296
Novel Intermediate Conductivity Experiment (NICE) Capsules for Irradiated Fuel
Brian Durtschi, Charles Folsom, Bryon Curnutt, Nate Oldham, Dan Wachs (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 297-298
Compressible Metal Foils for Temperature Control During Irradiation
Christian M. Petrie, Padhraic Mulligan, Joel McDuffee (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 299-302
Finite Element Based Surrogate Modeling and Irradiation Capsule Optimization for Large-Scale Neutron Irradiation Campaigns
Padhraic L. Mulligan, Nesrin O. Cetiner, Ryan Gallagher, J. Wilna Geringer, Anne Campbell (ORNL), Martin van Staden (X-Energy)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 303-306
Design and Encapsulation of Irradiation Experiments for Previously Irradiated Materials
Ryan C. Gallagher, Richard H. Howard (ORNL), Grant A. Bickel (CNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 309-312
A Review of Molten Salt Irradiation Experiments
Joel McDuffee, Ken Thoms (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 313-316
Validation Efforts for the ATRC MC21 Model Using the Last Decade of Experiments
Josh Peterson-Droogh, Joe Nielsen, M. Rose Holtz, Nathan Manwaring (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 317-318
Examination of Corrosion Development in a Chloride Salt Irradiation Experiment
N. Dianne Bull Ezell, Joel McDuffee, Stephen Raiman, Dave Bryant, Josh Schmidlin (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 319-321
Irradiation Damage Behavior in Novel High-Entropy Carbide Ceramics
Fei Wang, Xueliang Yan (Univ. Nebraska), Lin Shao (Texas A&M), Michael Nastasi, Bai Cui (Univ. Nebraska)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 327-327
Radiation Damage in High Entropy Alloys
Calvin Parkin, Michael Moorehead, Mohamed Elbakhshwan, Kumar Sridharan, Adrien Couet (U. W., Madison)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 328-330
Evaluation of Nb-Rich Clustering in a Zr-1.0%Nb Alloy Following Kr2+ or Neutron Irradiation at 310 oC
S. B. Adisa (Univ. Idaho), J. Hu (ANL), M. J. Swenson (Univ. Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 331-334
Nb Redistribution in Proton Irradiated Zr1.0Nb
Zefeng Yu, Adrien Couet (U. W., Madison)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 335-338
TEM Study of Nickel Under In-Situ Helium/Krypton Dual-Beam Irradiation
Wei-Ying Chen, Meimei Li (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 339-339
Development of the FaMUS Methodology for Quantify Materials Understanding and its Application to the NSUF Research Portfolio
Simon M. Pimblott and J. Rory Kennedy (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 340-342
EBSD Characterization of Metallic Nuclear Fuel
Fidelma Di Lemma, Daniel Murray, James Madden, Alex Winston, Cynthia Adkins, Jan-Fong Jue, Jason Harp (INL), Assel Aitkaliyeva (Univ. Florida), Dennis Keiser (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 345-347
Thermal-Hydraulics and Neutronics Overview of the DISECT Experiment
W. J. Williams (INL, Purdue), C. Hale (INL), E. Sikik (SCK-CEN), M. Sprenger (INL), G. Borghmans (SCK-CEN), D. M. Wachs (INL), S. Van den Berghe (SCK-CEN), M. A. Okuniewski (Purdue), T. Maddock (INL), B. Boer (SCK-CEN)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 348-351
Thermal Transport Measurement of a UN/U?Si? Accident Tolerant Fuel Using a Square-Wave Pulse Thermoreflectance Technique
Scott C. Middlemas, Zilong Hua, W. Tanner Yorgason, Robert S. Schley, David H. Hurley (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 352-353
X-Ray Computed Tomography Analysis of Neutron-Irradiated SiC Composite Tube
Takaaki Koyanagi, Yutai Katoh (ORNL), Gyanender Singh (U. T., Knoxville), Christian M. Petrie (ORNL), Christian P. Deck (General Atomics), Kurt A. Terrani (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 354-355
Post-Irradiation Analysis at the Nanoscale of 14YWT after Neutron Irradiation (16.6 dpa) at 386?C and 412?C
Maria A. Auger (Univ. Carlos III de Madrid), David T. Hoelzer (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 356-358
Technological Aspects of MSR Fuel Cycle
Martin Straka (ÚJV ?ež), Jan Uhlí? (Res. Centre ?ež), Lórant Szatmáry (ÚJV ?ež), Martin Mare?ek (Res. Centre ?ež)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 361-362
Compatibility Studies of Structural and Moderator Materials with Molten Chloride and Fluoride Salts
Stephen S. Raiman, Richard T. Mayes, J. Matthew Kurley, James R. Keiser, Nidia C. Gallego, Cristian I. Contescu, Dino Sulejmanovic, A. Lou Qualls (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 363-364
First-Principles Investigation on the Effect of Salt Species Adsorption on Cr Surface Segregation in Ni-Cr Alloys
J. K. Startt (Georgia Tech, ORNL), C. S. Deo (Georgia Tech), S. S. Raiman (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 365-368
Overview of General Atomics SiGA™ SiC-SiC Composite Development for Accident Tolerant Fuel
C. P. Deck, S. Gonderman, G. M. Jacobsen, J. Sheeder, S. Oswald, R. Haefelfinger, K. S. Shapovalov, H. E. Khalifa, J. Gazza (General Atomics), J. Lyons, P. Xu (Westinghouse), T. Koyanagi, C. Petrie (ORNL), C. A. Back (General Atomics)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 371-374
Potential Impact of Accident Tolerant Fuel Thermal Properties on Rod Ejection and Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents
Robert F. Kile (U. T., Knoxville, Penn State), Aaron J. Wysocki, Andrew T. Nelson (ORNL), Nicholas R. Brown (U. T., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 375-378
Characterization of the Thermal Conductivities of UO? Fuel Pellets with Aligned Molybdenum Metal Particles
Dong Seok Kim, Dong-Joo Kim, Sang-Chae Jeon, Keon Sik Kim, Jong Hun Kim, Ji-Hae Yoon, Jae Ho Yang (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 379-380
Oxidation of Cold Spray Cr Coatings in High Temperature Steam Environments
Hwasung Yeom, Tyler Dabney, Greg Johnson, Benjamin Maier, Kumar Sridharan (U. W., Madison)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 383-386
Development of Cold Spray FeCrAl Coatings for Accident Tolerant Fuel
Tyler Dabney, Greg Johnson, Benjamin Maier, Hwasung Yeom, Kumar Sridharan (U. W., Madison)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 387-390
Development of Cold-Sprayed Chromium Coatings for Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding
Greg Johnson, Benjamin Maier, Tyler Dabney, Hwasung Yeom, Kumar Sridharan (U. W., Madison)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 391-393
Successful Operation of the SNS Mercury Target at 1.4 MW
Mark Wendel, Drew Winder (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 394-396
Bison Metallic Fuel Modeling Capabilities
A. Casagranda, S. R. Novascone (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 399-402
High-Power Lead-Bismuth Targets and Material Studies
Robert N. Wahlen, Terry L. Grimm, Mayir Mamtimin, Faisal Y. Odeh, William A. Peters (Niowave), Stuart A. Maloy, Eric Olivas, Keith A. Woloshun (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 403-406
Characterization of Annealed U-10Zr Fuel with Additive Antimony for Immobilizing Fission Product Lanthanides
Weiqian Zhuo (Virginia Tech), Michael T. Benson, Yi Xie, Robert D. Mariani (INL), Jinsuo Zhanga (Virginia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 407-409
High Borated Molybdenum Alloyed Stainless Steels for Thermal Neutron Absorption
Tomáš Studecký (COMTES FHT)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 410-411
Diffusion Behaviors Between Fe and Pd-Containing Metallic Fuel
Yi Xie, Michael T. Benson, Lingfeng He, James A. King (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 412-413
Aging of Aromatic Polyurethanes Bags for Nuclear Storage
Joseph H. Dumont, Eamonn Murphy, Drew Geller, Tristan M. Karns, Timothy A. Stone, Paul H. Smith, Kwan-Soo Lee, Andrea Labouriau (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 417-418
Preliminary Characterization of RPV Materials Harvested from the ?Decommissioned Zion Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant
Mikhail A. Sokolov, Thomas M. Rosseel, Randy K. Nanstad, Xiang Chen (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 419-421
Degradation Behavior of Fluoroelastomer under Simulated Severe Accident Environment
Inyoung Song (UNIST), Taehyun Lee, Kyungha Ryu (KIMM), In Cheol Bang, Ji Hyun Kim (UNIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 422-425
First Tests of a Gamma-Blind Fast Neutron Detector Prototype Based on ZnS and Wavelength-Shifting Fibers
Alexander Wolfertz (ETHZ & PSI), Robert Adams (ETHZ), Grégory Perret (PSI)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 426-428
In-Situ PWSCC Initiation Measurement of Nickel-Based Alloy Under Triaxial Stress State in Simulated PWR Water Environment
Seung Chang Yoo (UNIST), Kyoung Joon Choi (KAERI), Jong Sung Kim (Sejong Univ.), Ji Hyun Kim (UNIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 429-432
Development of Cold Spray Process for Manufacturing of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Steel Cladding Tubes
Mia Lenling, Hwasung Yeom, Benjamin Maier, Greg Johnson, Tyler Dabney (U. W., Madison), Jeff Graham, Peter Hosemann (U. C., Berkeley), David Hoelzer (ORNL), Stuart Maloy (LANL), Kumar Sridharan (U. W., Madison)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 435-437
Embedding Fiber-Optic Strain Sensors Using Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing
Christian M. Petrie, Niyanth Sridharan (ORNL), Adam Hehr, Mark Norfolk (Fabrisonic), John Sheridan (Sheridan Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 438-441
3D Printing Assisted 4H-SiC Schottky Diodes Fabricated for Alpha Particle Spectroscopy
Neil Taylor (Ohio State), Chaochao Dun, Mortaza Saeidijavash, Wenzheng Kuang, Yanliang Zhang (Notre Dame), Lei R Cao (Ohio State)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 442-445
BISON Fuel Performance Simulations of TREAT Transients
David Kamerman, Nicolas Woolstenhulme, Colby Jensen, Dan Wachs (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 446-449
Effect of Interstitial Point Defect on Thermal Transport in Uranium Dioxide and Plutonium Dioxide
Katherine Mitchell, Alex Resnick, Jungkyu Park, Eduardo B. Farfán, Tien Yee, Andrew Hummel (Kennesaw State)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 450-450
Current Issues in Computational Methods–Roundtable
David P. Griesheimer (Naval Nuclear Lab)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 453-453
A Reduced-Order Neutron Diffusion Model Separated in Space and Energy via Proper Generalized Decomposition
Kurt A. Dominesey, Wei Ji (RPI)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 457-460
Calculation of Parametric Variance Using Variance Deconvolution
Aaron J. Olson (Sandia)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 461-464
Correlated Synthetic Time Series Generation Using Fourier and ARMA
Paul Talbot, Cristian Rabiti, Andrea Alfonsi, Cameron Krome, M. Ross Kunz, Aaron Epiney, Congjian Wang, Diego Mandelli (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 465-468
Conditional Point Sampling: A Novel Monte Carlo Method for Radiation Transport in Stochastic Media
Emily H. Vu (U. C., Berkeley, Sandia), Aaron J. Olson (Sandia)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 471-474
Enhancements to the Discrete Generalized Multigroup Method
Richard L. Reed, Jeremy A. Roberts (Kansas State)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 475-478
Angular Adaptivity with Filtered Pn Methods
S. Dargaville (Imperial College), A. G. Buchan (Queen Mary Univ.), R. P. Smedley-Stevenson (Imperial College, AWE), P. N. Smith (Imperial College, ANSWERS Software), C. C. Pain (Imperial College)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 479-482
Weighted Average Calculation of the Method of Characteristics
Gil Soo Lee, Chae-Yong Yang (Korea Inst. Nucl. Safety) Adriaan Buijs (McMaster Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 483-486
Rejuvenate Nuclear Technology Infrastructure and Facilities–Panel
Kevin H. Reynolds (Y-12)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 489-489
Credible Accident Sequences in NCS–Panel
Lon E. Paulson (GE Hitachi)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 490-490
Whisper Sensitivity Study of the NMIS ATR Fuel Storage Racks
K. M. Casanova (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 493-495
Investigating Region-Wise Sensitivities for Nuclear Criticality Safety Validation
Bobbi Merryman (Univ. New Mexico), Forrest Brown (Univ. New Mexico, LANL), Jennifer Alwin, Christopher Perfetti (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 496-499
Preliminary TSUNAMI Assessment of the Impact of Accident Tolerant Fuel Concepts on Reactor Physics Validation
W. J. Marshall, J. Yang, U. Mertyurek, M. A. Jessee (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 500-503
A Method for Performing k?ff Validation of As-Loaded Criticality Safety Calculations Using UNF-ST&DARDS
Justin B. Clarity, William J. Marshall, Kaushik Banerjee, John M. Scaglione (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 504-507
Operational Reviews: How Facilities Meet ANSI/ANS-8.1 Section 4.1.6–Panel
Kristan M. Wessels (Y-12)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 509-509
Excluding Benchmark Statistical Outliers in Nuclear Criticality Safety Validation
Jennifer Alwin, Forrest Brown (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 513-516
Initial Investigations of the Criticality Safety Validation Basis for HA-LEU Transportation
B. T. Rearden, W. J. Marshall, J. B. Clarity, A. M. Holcomb, F. Bostelmann, J. M. Scaglione (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 517-520
Minimum Accident of Concern for Uranyl Sulfate Solutions
Joseph Christensen (SHINE Medical Technol.), R. A. Borelli (Center Advanced Energy Studies), Charles S. Henkel, Brian Matthews (Nucl. Safety & Technol. Services)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 521-523
Performance of Nano-Fluids as Coolants/Moderator in APR1400 –Neutronics Case Study
Fatima I. Alhamadi, Rana Sadek, Amal Abdalla, Ahmed Ababneh, Zafar Said, Bassam A. Khuwaileh (Univ. Sharjah)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 524-527
The Effect of Phase Disengagement on Criticality Safety Calculations for Aqueous Separations
Tracy Stover (Savannah River Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 531-534
On the Use of Nature of Process Arguments
Tracy Stover, John Lint, Joshua Butler, Jaclyn Fitzpatrick (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions), Tara Smith, Kevin McCann (SRNL), Brett Clinton, Brittany Williamson (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 535-538
Carbon Reactivity Effect with Fissile Mass and Hydrogenous Moderation Control
Brandon M. O'Donnell (BWXT)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 539-541
Mission Change from Enrichment to Deactivation Impact on Nuclear Criticality Safety
Tom Hines (PPPO), Matthew Wilson (Paschal Solutions), John Justice (Enercon), David Little (Fluor-BWXT), Brandon Little (Value Added Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 542-544
Criticality Evaluation of SMART Fuel Storage with MCNP6
Sungwook Choi, Bon-Seung Koo (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 547-549
User Experiences with ICSBEP Distributed Sensitivity Data Profiles with the SCALE Sensitivity and Uncertainty Methods as of Winter 2019
Justin B. Clarity, William J. Marshall, Ellen M. Saylor (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 550-553
Validation of keff Calculations for Extended BWR Burnup Credit Calculations
W. J. Marshall, J. B. Clarity, S. M. Bowman (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 554-557
Sharing of Good Industry Practices and/or Lessons Learned in Nuclear Criticality Safety–Panel
Deborah Ann Hill (National Nuclear Lab)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 559-559
[Grand Challenge] Sodium Reactor Database to Support Knowledge Management–Panel
Matthew R. Denman (Kairos Power)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 563-563
Safety Aspects of Accident-Tolerant Fuel Critical Heat Flux–Panel
Nicholas R. Brown (U. T., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 564-564
A New Computational Tool for Rapid Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Sodium Reactor Source Term
David Grabaskas, James Jerden, Matthew Bucknor (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 567-569
Protected and Unprotected Transient Performance and Sensitivity in a B&B Core
Chris Keckler (U. C., Berkeley), Thomas Fanning (ANL), Massimiliano Fratoni, Ehud Greenspan (U. C., Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 570-573
A Few Comparative Risk Lessons from WIPP
Norbert T. Rempe (Individual)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 574-576
Risk-Informed Enhanced Resilient Plant Systems Analysis
Zhegang Ma, Hongbin Zhang (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 577-580
Hybrid Methodology of Deterministic and Probabilistic Safety Assessment Focusing on DSA
Bokyung Kim, Hee Cheon No (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 581-582
Radiological Accident Source Terms for LWRs: A Historical Perspective
Hossein Nourbakhsh (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 585-588
Development of a Thermochemical Database for Sodium Fast Reactor Mechanistic Source Term Calculations
James Jerden, David Grabaskas, Matthew Bucknor (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 589-590
Experimental Approach for the Effects of Various Iodines on Hydrogen Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner (PAR)
Hee-Jung Im, Jei-Won Yeon (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 591-592
Application of International Radiological Information Exchange (IRIX) Format for Radiation Monitoring Networks
Sanjoy Mukhopadhyay, Stephane Defour, Florian Baciu, Gurdeep Saluja, Jose Segarra (IAEA)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 593-596
Monte Carlo Simulation of a Multisphere Neutron Spectrometer Based on CLYC Detector
Stuti Surani, Daniel Arizaga, Angela Di Fulvio (Univ. Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 597-598
Highlights of 2019 ANS Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (PSA 2019)–Panel
Kevin R. O'Kula (AECOM Technical Services)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 599-599
Key Regulatory Issues of Probabilistic Safety Analysis in Korea
Seungwoo Lee, Arryum Kin, Bogyung Kim, Dohyung Kim (Korea Inst. Nucl. Safety)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 603-604
Nuclear Power Plant Evacuation: Gaps, Strategies, and Activity Scheduling
Adam Stein, Paul Fischbeck (Carnegie Mellon), Sola Talabi (Pittsburgh Technical)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 605-608
On-Site Electrical Systems and Components Reliability Study in NPPs
Gary Wang (NRC), Zhegang Ma, Nancy Lybeck (INL), Don Marksberry, John Lane (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 609-612
Coupling RAVEN to SAPHIRE for Performing Time Dependent Probabilistic Risk Assessment
C. Wang, D. Mandelli, A. Alfonsi, P. W. Talbot, S. T. Wood, J. K. Knudsen, C. Rabiti (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 613-616
Conversion of Miniature Neutron Source Reactors to Low Enriched Uranium Fuel
James A. Morman, Francesc Puig, John G. Stevens (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 621-624
Japanese Plutonium Balance Outlook to 2050: A Monte Carlo Approach
Shutaro Takeda (Kyoto Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 625-628
Investigation on Iran’s Nuclear Weapon Latency Time in Case of Non-Compliance with JCPOA
Kavita Rathore, Sunil S. Chirayath (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 629-632
Meeting Low-Carbon Industrial Heat Demand with High-Temperature Reactors Using Co-Generation and Heat Storage
Charles Forsberg (MIT)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 637-642
Economic and Low-Carbon Incentives for Dispatchable Electricity From Base-load Reactors with Heat Storage
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 643-646
Potential of Chemical-Absorption Heat Pumps for Thermoamplification in Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems
Paul D. Armatis (Oregon State), Aman Gupta (Univ. Idaho), Piyush Sabharwall (INL), Vivek Utgikar (Univ. Idaho), Brian M. Fronk (Oregon State)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 647-649
Experimental Investigation and Analysis of Ca(OH)?/CaO Chemical Heat Pump for Thermal Energy Storage
Aman Gupta (Univ. Idaho), Paul D. Armatis (Oregon State), Piyush Sabharwall (INL), Vivek Utgikar (Univ. Idaho), Brian M. Fronk (Oregon State)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 650-652
The Progress, Process and Value of a Zero Carbon Electric Generation Financial Futures Instrument
John K. Downing (John Downing Consulting)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 653-655
Results of the April 2019 “Fastest Path to Zero” Summit and Unconference–Panel
Todd R. Allen (U. W., Madison)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 657-657
Conceptual Design Considerations for KAIST Hybrid Micro Modular Reactor (H-MMR)
Jin Young Heo, In Woo Son, Ye Seul Kim, Jeong Ik Lee (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 661-662
Experimental Verification of the In-Vessel CEDM for Small Modular Reactors
Park Jinseok, Lee Wonho, Lee Myounggoo, Cho Yeonho, Kim Hyunmin, Maeng Chulsoo (KEPCO)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 663-665
A Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (MHTGR) with Decreased Power Density and In-Core Stored Heat for Variable Electricity and Industrial Heat
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 666-669
Economic Assessment of Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems: Nuclear-Renewable-Water Integration in Arizona
Aaron S. Epiney, Cristian Rabiti, Paul Talbot, James Richards (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 670-673
Conceptual Design of China Lead-Based Mini-Reactor CLEAR-M10d
Zhumin Zhao, Liqin Hu, Yican Wu (FDS)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 674-674
A Study of Passive Features of a Small Modular Reactor
Jun Chen, Huifang Miao, Huai-En Hsieh, Zhi'ao Huang (Xiamen Univ.), Xingwei Shi (Nucl. Radiat. Safety Center)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 677-679
Floating Micro-Modular-Reactor Concept for Localized Power Outages
Kristin Smith, Pavel Tsvetkov, Moo-Hyun Kim, Lin Shao, Sunil Chirayath (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 680-682
Development of Frequency Response Function for ABWR
Shunsuke Konno, Junichi Kitamura (Hitachi-GE)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 685-686
Financial Analysis of Modular Nuclear Reactors
Pedro Mena, Leslie Kerby (Idaho State)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 687-690
First Assessment of the New Atomic Data Used in ENDF/B-VIII
Tullio Basaglia (CERN), Matteo Bonanomi, Federico Cattorini (Univ. Milano), Chansoo Choi (Hanyang Univ.), Min Cheol Han (INFN), Gabriela Ho? (Univ. Cagliari), Chan Hyeong Kim, Sung Hun Kim (Hangyang Univ.), Matteo Marcoli (Univ. Milano), Maria Grazia Pia, Paolo Saracco (INFN)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 695-701
Electron Transport Algorithms in the Integrated TIGER Series (ITS) Codes
Brian C. Franke, Ronald P. Kensek (Sandia)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 702-705
Monte Carlo Neutronics Analysis of the SNS STS Monolith
Igor Remec, F. X. Gallmeier (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 706-712
Adjoint-Enabled Multidimensional Optimization of Satellite Radiation Shields
Shawn Pautz, Don Bruss, Brian Adams, Brian Franke, Ethan Blansett (Sandia)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 713-716
Evaluating Importance Maps for TRIPOLI-4® Using Deterministic or On-Line Methods
Davide Mancusi, Michel Nowak (CEA Saclay), Éric Dumonteil (IRSN), Henri Louvin, Emiliano Masiello, Daniele Sciannandrone (CEA Saclay)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 719-722
SINBAD Database – Ongoing Activities
Ivan A. Kodeli (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 723-726
Performance Study of Atomic Tally Methods For GPU-Accelerated Monte Carlo Dose Calculation
Tianyu Liu, Noah Wolfe, Hui Lin, Christopher D. Carothers, X. George Xu (RPI)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 727-730
Effects of Statistical Uncertainty in Activation Calculations Based on Monte Carlo Radiation Transport
Jason Haverkamp (Naval Nuclear Lab)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 731-734
Key Results of the ANS/HPS Conference on Low Level Radiation
Alan Waltar (Atomic Talk), Antone Brooks (DOE), Ludwig Feinendegen (Heinrich-Heine Univ.), Wanda Munn (Individual)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 737-739
Neutron Spectrum Unfolding with a Planar Miniaturized Fast-Neutron Detector
Luke A. Stegeman, Quentin Pease, Tyler J. Hieber, Dipta Sarkar, Samuel W. Oxandale (Kansas State), Steven L. Bellinger (Radiation Detection Technologies), Zayd C. Leseman, Amir A. Bahadori (Kansas State)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 740-743
Three-Dimensional Charge Distribution for Electrostatic Space Radiation Shielding
Rajarshi Pal Chowdhury, Luke Stegeman (Kansas State), Janet E. Barzilla (Leidos, NASA) Dan J. Fry, Ashish Goel (NASA), Matthew L. Lund (Univ. Utah), Stojan M. Madjunkov (NASA), Amir A. Bahadori (Kansas State)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 744-747
Dissecting Air Secondary Gamma Dose Contribution for a 14 MeV Neutron Source in Air
E. S. Lum, M. L. Fensin, K. C. Kelley, S. S. McCready (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 748-751
Insulating Boron-Containing PDMS-Based Materials for Space and Nuclear Applications
Joseph H. Dumont, Eamonn Murphy, Kwan-Soo Lee, Andrea Labouriau (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 752-755
Effects of Season, Altitude, and Areal Density on Neutron Transport in Air
L. M. Rolison, M. L. Fensin, K. C. Kelley, S. S. McCready (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 759-762
Validation of the Shift Monte Carlo Code – Neutron Field Measurements in a Concrete Labyrint
Jackson N. Wagner (Texas A&M), Douglas E. Peplow (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 763-766
Comparison of MCCAD and DAGMC for Predictive Capability with BGA Inspection Systems
Michael P. Pfeifer, Nathanael Simerl (Kansas State), John Porter (Honeywell), Walter J. McNeil, Amir A. Bahadori (Kansas State)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 767-770
Radiation Assessment of Nuclear Accident in the Greater Bay Area of China
Junjie Cai, Jiyun Zhao (City Univ. Hong Kong)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 771-774
Comparing Two Methods for Approaching Nested DXTRAN Spheres as a Weight Shield
M. L. Fensin, K. C. Kelley, L. M. Rolison, E. S. Lum and S. S. McCready (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 777-780
Validation of Shielding Analysis Capability of SuperMC3.3 with Dogleg Duct Streaming Experiment in FNS
Jun Zou, Bin Wu, Lijuan Hao, Jing Song, Pengcheng Long (Inst. Nucl. Energy Safety Technol.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 781-783
Derivative of an (?,n) Neutron Source with Respect to Nuclear Data
Jeffrey A. Favorite (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 784-787
Overview of the Versatile Test Reactor—I–Panel
Florent Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 791-791
Overview of the Versatile Test Reactor Core Design Activities
Florent Heidet (ANL), Gilles Youinou (INL), Jordi Roglans-Ribas (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 795-797
Assessment of High Quality Plutonium-Fueled Core Configurations for the Versatile Test Reactor
Bo Feng, Florent Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 798-800
Assessment of Low Enriched Uranium Fueled Core Configurations for the Versatile Test Reactor
Nicolas E. Stauff, Florent Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 801-804
Preliminary In-Vessel Shielding Analysis for the Versatile Test Reactor
T. Fei (ANL), S. Bays (INL), F. Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 805-808
Preliminary Control Rod Lifetime Assessment for the Versatile Test Reactor
Zhaopeng Zhong (ANL), Abdalla Abou-Jaoude (INL), Florent Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 809-811
Preliminary Thermal-Hydraulic Assessment of the Versatile Test Reactor
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 812-814
Evaluation of Pressure Drop for Possible Reflector Designs for the Versatile Test Reactor Using Nek5000
Dillon R. Shaver, Haomin Yuan, Florent Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 817-818
Preliminary Evaluation of Fuel Management Strategies for the Versatile Test Reactor
Abdalla Abou-Jaoude, Sam Bays, Gilles Youinou (INL), Florent Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 819-821
Fuel Loading Optimization and Planning for the Versatile Test Reactor
Michael Jarrett, Florent Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 822-824
Versatile Test Reactor Preliminary Safety Analysis
Tyler Sumner, Tingzhou Fei, Nicolas Stauff, Thomas Fanning, Florent Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 825-826
Probabilistic Risk Assessment Approach for the Versatile Test Reactor
David Grabaskas (ANL), Jason Andrus (INL), Dennis Henneke, Jonathan Li (GE-Hitachi), Matthew Bucknor, Acacia J. Brunett, Matthew Bucknor, Thomas Fanning (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 827-828
Candidates for Non-Fuel Antineutrino Emissions in the High Flux Isotope Reactor
Andrew J. Conant, Anna Erickson (Georgia Tech)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 831-833
Mesh and Effect on Thermal Hydraulic Calculations
Alok Jha (Homi Bhabha National Inst.), Anurag Gupta (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 834-836
Measurement of Reactor Kinetics Parameters in TREAT During Temperature Limited Transients
Thomas Holschuh, Daniel Wachs (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 837-840
Burnup Calculation Methodology for a Small-Scale Fuel Irradiation ?Experiment in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR)
J. R. Burns, C. M. Petrie, D. Chandler (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 841-844
Equilibrium Cycle Convergence During Predicted Bifurcation Using PARCS/PATHS for BWRs
P. Yarsky, A. Bielen (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 847-850
Uncertainty Quantification/Reduction of BWR Core Characteristics Considering? Cross Section and Thermal-Hydraulics Uncertainties
Motohiro Ito, Akio Yamamoto, Tomohiro Endo (Nagoya Univ.), Tsuyoshi Ama (TEPCO)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 851-854
A New Two-Step Framework with Improved Nodal Equivalence for PWR Depletion Analysis
Kyunghoon Lee (KAIST & KAERI), Woosong Kim (KAERI), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 855-859
Real Variance Analysis of Unbiased Ratio Estimator in Monte Carlo k-Eigenvalue Calculation
HyeonTae Kim (KAIST), YuGwon Jo (KHNP-CRI), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 860-863
Uncertainty Quantification of SMR Core Linear Power Using Polynomial Chaos Method
Syed Bahauddin Alam (FAEC, Rhode Island Nucl. Sci. Centre), Bader Almutairi (Missouri Univ. S&T, Kuwait Inst. Sci. Res.), Tuhfatur Ridwan (Cambridge), Dinesh Kumar (FAEC, Uppsala Univ.), Cameron S. Goodwin (Rhode Island Nucl. Sci. Centre)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 867-870
Uncertainty Quantification on Core Input Parameter for SFR Core Using Polynomial Chaos
Syed Bahauddin Alam (FAEC, Rhode Island Nucl. Sci. Centre), Bader Almutairi (Missouri Univ. S&T, Kuwait Inst. Sci. Res.), Tuhfatur Ridwan (Cambridge), Denish Kumar (FAEC, Uppsala Univ.), Cameron S. Goodwin (Rhode Island Nucl. Sci. Centre)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 871-874
Reactor Physics Analysis of Thorium-Based Fuel for Long-Life SMR Cores Using Seed-Blanket Fuel Concept
Bader Almutairi (Missouri S&T, Kuwait Inst. Sci. Res.), Dinesh Kumar (FAEC, Uppsala Univ.), Tuhfatur Ridwan (Cambridge), Syed Bahauddin Alam (FAEC, Rhode Island Nucl. Sci. Centre), Geoff Parks (Cambrige), Cameron S. Goodwin (Rhode Island Nucl. Sci. Centre), Shoaib Usman (Missouri S&T)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 875-878
Performance Improvement of the Linear System Solver for CMFD Acceleration in PROTEUS-MOC
Yeon Sang Jung, Changho Lee (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 879-882
3D SPN Transport and Diffusion Approaches for the Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Core Using Deterministic Method
Dinesh Kumar (FAEC, Uppsala Univ.), Bader Almutairi (Missouri S&T, Kuwait Inst. Sci. Res.), Tuhfatur Ridwan (Cambrige), Syed Bahauddin Alam (FAEC, Rhode Island Nucl. Sci. Centre), Cameron S. Goodwin (Rhode Island Nucl. Sci. Centre)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 883-886
Investigating Simple Physical Means to Reduce TREAT Core Neutron Lifetime
John D. Bess, Thomas V. Holschuh II, Nicolas E. Woolstenhulme (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 889-892
Preliminary Neutronics Analysis for a Compact Heat-Pipe Cooled Fast Reactor Core
Qin Zeng, Yao Zhou, Ying Shi, Chenghao Li, Putong Wang (South China Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 893-895
Operation of a Subcritical Reactor for Radioisotope Production
Faisal Y. Odeh, Alex C. Bakken, Amanda K. Grimm, Terry L. Grimm, Nathan C. Johnson, Christine M. Krizmanich, Mayir Mamtimin, William A. Peters, Kristin A. Shannon, Milan Stika, Robert N. Wahlen (Niowave)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 896-899
Development of a Lead-Bismuth Cooled Subcritical Fast/Thermal Reactor
Mayir Mamtimin, Terry L. Grimm, Faisal Y. Odeh, William A. Peters, Robert N. Wahlen (Niowave), Puran Deng, Won-Sik Yang (Univ. Michigan), Stuart A. Maloy, Keith A. Woloshun (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 900-902
Implementation of Depletion Architecture in the MAMMOTH Reactor Physics Application
Olin Calvin (Univ. Florida), Javier Ortensi, Sebastian Schunert, Yaqi Wang, Mark DeHart (INL), Sedat Goluoglu (Univ. Florida)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 905-906
Physics Assessment of Energy Deposition Distribution in Pressure-Tube Heavy Water Reactor Lattices with Uranium-Based and Thorium-Based Fuels
B. P. Bromley, J. Alexander, H. Yan, A.V. Colton, S. Golesorkhi (CNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 907-912
Numerical Evaluation of the Pin-by-Pin Isotope Inventory Considering the Effects of Neutron Flux Level and Neutron Spectrum
Zafar Iqbal Zafar, Myung Hyun Kim (Kyung Hee Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 913-914
TOPAZ-II and the HITEC: A Thermionic Reactor Design Comparison
Austin Lo, Jon Morell (U. C., Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 915-918
Activation Rates Validation to Support MSR Development
Evžen Losa, Michal Koš?ál, Jan Šimon (Research Centre ?ež), Ond?ej Chvála (U. T., Knoxville), Vlastimil Ju?í?ek (Research Centre ?ež)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 921-922
Simulation of Thermal Spectrum MSR Using PROTEUS
T. Fei, B. Feng, F. Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 923-924
Demonstration of the CFD Code Nek5000 for Molten Salt Applications
Dillon R. Shaver, Bo Feng, Elia Merzari, Florent Heidet (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 925-926
Design Optimization and Burnup Analysis for Molten Chloride Fast Reactor
L.Y. He (Shanghai Inst. App. Phys.), G.C. Li (Tsinghua Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 929-932
Chemical Overview of Molten Salts
Robin V. Roper (Univ. Idaho), Piyush Sabharwall (INL), Richard Christensen (Univ. Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 933-936
A Versatile Experimental Salt Irradiation Loop (VESIL) in the Advanced Test Reactor
Abdalla Abou-Jaoude, Joe Palmer, James W. Sterbentz, Pattrick Calderoni (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 937-939
Design of a Small Modular Molten Salt Reactor
Lance Bullerwell (NCSU), Nicholas Smith (Southern Co.), Jason Hou (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 940-943
MPACT Linear Source MOC Validation with Pin Resolved and Temperature Varying Measurements
Kyle Vaughn, Brendan Kochunas, Ethan Cole, Thomas Downar (Univ. Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 947-950
A Demonstration of BWR Coupled Analysis and Potential ATF Applications Using CASL’s MPACT/CTF
Jacob P. Gorton (U. T., Knoxville, ORNL), Benjamin S. Collins (ORNL), Nicholas R. Brown (U. T., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 951-954
Achieving High-Power Configuration in Missouri S&T Reactor (MSTR) for Potential Uprate
Thaqal Alhuzaymi (King Abdulaziz City, Missouri Univ. S&T), Ayodeji B. Alajo (Missouri Univ. S&T)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 957-960
Low-Power Core Reconfiguration for Missouri S&T Reactor (MSTR)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 961-963
A Zero-Power Hybrid Fast and Thermal Subcritical Testbed
P. Deng, W. S. Yang (Univ. Michigan), F. Y. Odeh, M. Mamtimin (Niowave)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 964-967
Revisiting Saxton Plutonium Project MOX Fuel Experiments as International Benchmarks
John D. Bess, Margaret A. Marshall, Brittney Saenz (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 968-971
SPERT III E-Core Critical Experiments Calculation with NECP-X
Chen Zhao, Zhouyu Liu (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.), Thomas Downar (Univ. Michigan), Liangzhi Cao (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 975-978
Simulation of Spherical Fast Burst Reactor Pulses Using MCATK
Scott Dossa (Univ. Minn.), Travis J. Trahan (LANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 979-982
Utilization of the Precursor-Based Delayed Neutrons Emission Model for a Control Rod Insertion Transient
A. Talamo, Y. Gohar (ANL), S. Sikorin, S. Mandzik, S. Polazau, T. Hryharovich (Joint Inst. Power and Nucl. Res.), V. Valtavirta, J. Leppänen (VTT)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 983-984
Comparison of the Reactivity Feedback Effects Between a Molybdenum-Producing ?PHWR Fuel Bundle and a Standard PHWR Fuel Bundle
Jawad Haroon, Eleodor Nichita (Ontario Inst. Technol.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 985-988
Overview of Nuclear Data Needs for Nuclear Energy Applications
B. T. Rearden, F. Bostelmann, V. Sobes, A. M. Holcomb (ORNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 989-992
Turbulent Flow Measurements of the Under-Expanded Free Jet and Jet Impinging on a Flat Surface
B. Maher, T. D. Nguyen, C. F. Matozinhos, G. C. Q. Tomaz, Y. A. Hassan (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 997-1000
Temperature Measurements in Sub-cooled Boiling Using Laser Induced Fluoresce Technique (LIF)
Bandar Alkhudhiri, Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1001-1003
Temperature Measurement of Direct Contact Condensation of Steam Using Backlight Aided LIF
Joseph Seo, Sero Yang, Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1004-1006
Facility for Simulating Transient Boiling Behavior Under PWR Conditions
C. Jensen, C. Folsom, N. Woolstenhulme, N. Smith, K. Condie (INL), K. Terrill, R. Christensen (Univ. Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1007-1009
Experimental Research of Jet Diameter on Heat Transfer in a Small Steel Containment
Shengfei Wang (North China Electric Power Univ.), Yusheng Liu (Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center), Xiaowei Jiang (Nuclear Power Inst.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1010-1011
An Investigation to Develop Measurement Techniques for Quantifying Fission Product Transport in a Gas-cooled Fast Reactor—Versatile Test Reactor Program
D. Orea, B. H. Choi, D. T. Nguyen, R. Vaghetto, N. K. Anand, Y. A. Hassan (Texas A&M), Piyush Sabharwall (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1015-1018
Experimental Study on Non-Condensable Gas Effect on Heat Transfer ?Coefficient in Steam/Air Direct Contact Condensation
Joseph Seo, Sero Yang, Kimoon Lee, Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1019-1021
Assessment of Potential Improvements in Level II PRAs for Advanced ?Reactors based on Improved Aerosol Removal Mechanisms
Rohan Biwalkar, Sola Talabi (Pittsburgh Technical), Kenneth Redus (Redus and Assoc.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1022-1025
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Natural Vibration Characteristics ?of Heat Exchanger in a LMFBR Intermediate Heat Exchanger
Mengmeng Liu, Guangdong Song (China Inst. Atomic Energy)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1026-1028
Numerical Investigation of Flow in Rod Bundle Subchannels on Natural Convection: Effect of Twisted Tapes
Salman Alzahrani (King Abdulaziz City, Missouri Univ. S&T), Shoaib Usman (Missouri Univ. S&T)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1031-1034
S-RELAP5 and RELAP5/MOD2-B&W Validation for Long Term Core Cooling Following a Large-Break LOCA
C. K. Nithianandan, Andrei Burghelea, Kent Abel, Robert L. Baxter Jr., Gordon Wissinger, John Klingenfus (Framatome)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1035-1038
Preliminary Heater Rod Design for Transient Critical Heat Flux Experiments in TREAT
Richard Hernandez (Penn State), Charles P. Folsom, Nicolas E. Woolstenhulme, Colby B. Jensen (INL), Nicholas R. Brown (U. T., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1039-1041
Point Kinetics and Reactivity Feedback Modeling in SAM
Guojun Hu, Guanheng Zhang, Rui Hu (ANL), Joseph M. Kelly (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1042-1045
Effect of Off-Nominal Channel Thickness for MITR LEU Conversion
Dakota Allen, Akshay J. Dave, Kaichao Sun, Lin-Wen Hu (MIT), Son H. Pham, David Jaluvka, Erik H. Wilson (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1046-1049
RCIC Terry Turbine Nozzle Simulation with RELAP5-3D
Hongbin Zhang, Tyler Hughes (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1053-1056
Study of Vortex Shedding in Helical Coil Steam Generator
Mustafa Alper Yildiz (Texas A&M), Elia Merzari (ANL), Yassin Hassan, Marilyn Delgado (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1061-1064
Recent Advances in the Coupling of SAS4A/SASSYS-1 and ?STAR-CCM+ for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Transient Analyses
Adam Kraus, Acacia Brunett (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1065-1067
Numerical Study on the Thermal Stratification Phenomenon in the Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor
Dalin Zhang, Shibao Wang, Suizheng Qiu, Guanghui Su (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1068-1069
Numerical Investigation on the Hemispherical Downward Facing Pool Boiling of a Simulated Reactor Vessel
Xiang Zhang, Daogui Tian, Bin Jiang, Lian Chen (SNPTC)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1073-1076
Uncertainty Assessment for Small Break LOCA of a Generation III Reactor
Ye Yang, Jun Yang, Chengcheng Deng
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1077-1080
The Application of Dual-Mesh Coupled Heat Transfer Porous Media Model on the Numerical Simulation of a Shell-Tube Heat Exchanger
Guangdong Song (China Inst. Atomic Energy), Qingchuan Yang (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.), Hongyi Yang (China Inst. Atomic Energy), Binbin Qiu (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.), Huajin Yu, Mengmeng Liu (China Inst. Atomic Energy)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1081-1084
Preliminary TH Analysis on Steam Generator Tube Rupture Without High Pressure Safety Injection
Jisuk Kim, Man Cheol Kim (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1085-1086
Critical Heat Flux Study with Different Substrate Conditions for Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding Development
HangJin Jo, Emilio Gutierrez, Hwasung Yeom, Kumar Sridharan, Michael Corradini (U. W., Madison)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1089-1090
Thermal Hydraulic Performances Analysis of Cr-Coated Zircaloy Clad During Station Blackout Accident
Jun Wang, Hwasung Yeom, Michael Corradini (U. W., Madison)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1091-1093
Sensitivity of Critical Heat Flux for ATF FeCrAl Alloy Using RELAP5-3D and RAVEN
Jacob P. Gorton (U. T., Knoxville, Penn State), Nicholas R. Brown (U. T., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1094-1096
Potential Impact of Increased Critical Heat Flux for FeCrAl Clad Fuels in Hot Zero-Power Rod-Ejection Accidents
Robert F. Kile(U. T., Knoxville, Penn State), Nicholas R. Brown (U. T., Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1097-1099
Scaling Methodologies for SET and IET–Panel
Lane Carasik (USNC - Space)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1101-1101
Bubble Formation Through Submerged Vertical Orifices with Horizontal Air Inflow
Naveen Pillai, Katharina Stapelmann, Igor A. Bolotnov (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1105-1108
Investigation on Bubble Deformation and Break-Up Dynamics Using Interface Tracking Method
Yuqiao Fan, Igor Bolotnov (NCSU)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1109-1111
Large Eddy Simulation of the Turbulent Flow Around a Helical Coil Steam Generator Geometry for a Small Modular Reactor
Samuel J. Lee, Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1112-1115
Steady State Predictions of Reflood Characteristics in a Rod Bundle
Grant R. Garrett, Yue Jin, Faith R. Beck, Fan-Bill Cheung (Penn State), Stephen M. Bajorek, Kirk Tien, Chris L. Hoxie (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1119-1122
Effect of Fouling on Quenching of Simulated Fuel Rods
Faith R. Beck, Yue Jin, Grant Garrett, Fan-Bill Cheung (Penn State), Stephen M. Bajorek, Kirk Tien, Chris L. Hoxie (NRC)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1123-1125
Effect of Thermal Effusivity on Nanoparticle Deposited Surface CHF
Ji Yong Kim, In Cheol Bang (UNIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1126-1129
The Statistical Analyses on the Bubble Contact Diameters in the Vertical Narrow Channel
Qi Lu, Yu Liu, Wei Liu, Xi Chen, Hangxing He, Linglan Zhou (Nuclear Power Inst. China)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1130-1133
Injectable Sacrificial Material Safety System to Mitigate Molten Corium in Containment
David L. Y. Louie, Yifeng Wang, Rekha Rao, Alec Kucala, Jessica Kruichak, William Chavez (Sandia)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1137-1141
Experimental Investigation on Ex-Vessel Debris Bed Formation Using Simulant Particles
Sang Mo An, Sang Ho Kim, Jin Ho Park (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1142-1145
Development of Simplified Ex-Vessel Debris Bed Coolability Model
Jaehoon Jung, Sang Mo An, Sang Ho Kim (KAERI)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1146-1149
Calculation and Study on DCP of Hydrogen Igniter Design in PWR with Large Containment
Ding Chao (Tsinghua Univ.), Yang Zhiyi, Chai Guohan (Nuclear Radiation Saftey Center), Zhou Zhiwei (Tsinghua Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1150-1152
Effect of Subcooling on Flow Boiling CHF Using a Full Scale 2-D Curved Test Section for ERVC
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1155-1158
Analysis of Core Coolability During a Severe Accident with Delayed External Injection for CPR1000
Zhi’ao Huang, Huifang Miao, Huai-En Hsieh, Ning Li (Xiamen Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1159-1161
A Zero-Dimensional Model for Dryout Heat Flux of Debris Bed Considering Interfacial Friction Between Two Phases
Dong Yeol Yeo, Hee Cheon No (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1162-1164
Analysis of PWR SBO Scenarios Under Refueling Condition Using MAAP5
Peng Yuan, Xiaoli Wu (Nuclear Power Inst. China)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1165-1168
Thermal Analysis for SRS Saltstone Disposal Facility
Enrique Molina (U. T., Rio Grande), Si Y. Lee (SRNL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1171-1174
Thermal-Hydraulic Design of Visual 3D Printed Integral Test Facility Toward Nuclear Innovation Platform
Kyung Mo Kim, Ji Hyun Kim, In Cheol Bang (UNIST)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1175-1179
Optimization of Airfoil PCHE for the Recuperator of Nitrogen Brayton Cycle
Jin Gyu Kwon, Joo Hyun Park, Tae Ho Kim, Moo Hwan Kim (POSTECH)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1180-1183
Development of Regulatory Audit Framework for Asymmetric Events of the Non-LOCA
Il Suk Lee (KINS, Korea Univ.), Dong H. Yoon, Tae H. Kim, Ahn D. Shin (KINS), Yong C. Kim (Korea Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1184-1185
Pitch Your PhD–Panel
Nicolas E. Stauff (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1189-1189
Creating a Successful Career–Panel
Kelsey Amundson (U. C., Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1190-1190
Innovations in Nuclear Education–Panel
Matthew Jeffrey Jasica (Sandia)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1191-1191
Advanced Nuclear NOW! Showcasing Technology Near Deployment–Panel
Abdalla Abou-Jaoude (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1192-1192
From Nuclear Advocacy to Policy, From Local to Global–Panel
Fidelma Giulia Di Lemma (INL)
Transactions | Volume 120 | Number 1 | June 2019 | Pages 1193-1193