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Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Page 0
Internal Restructuring of TRISO Fuel Layers During Irradiation
T.J. Gerczak (ORNL), G.W. Helmreich (ORNL), C. Griesbach (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), D. Schappel (ORNL), J.D. Arregui-Mena (ORNL), R. Thevamaran (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), J.D. Hunn (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 6-6
Modeling of TRISO Coating Layer Fracture due to Buffer Debonding
Wen Jiang (NCSU), William F. Skerjanc (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 7-7
Micro-Mechanical Response of SiC-OPyC Layers in TRISO Fuel Particles
Katherine Montoya (ORNL), Erik Herbert (ORNL), Danny Schappel (ORNL), Tyler Gerczak (ORNL), Christian Petrie (ORNL), Andrew Nelson (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 8-8
Thermomechanical Evaluation of Fracture Methods on TRISO Fuel Behavior
R.T. Sweet (INL), G. Singh (INL), J.A. Hirschhorn (INL), W. Jiang (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 9-9
Finite-Element-Based Thermomechanical Property Correlations for TRISO Fuels
Sam Heflin (LANL), Dan Kotlyar (Georgia Tech), Vedant Mehta (LANL), Holly Trellue (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 10-10
Anisotropy of Pyrocarbon Layers in Irradiated TRISO Fuel
W.F. Cureton (ORNL), T.J. Gerczak (ORNL), G.W. Helmreich (ORNL), D.J. Skitt (ORNL), J.D. Hunn (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 11-11
Refractory Composites for Nuclear Environments: Design, Synthesis, and Extreme Environment Testing
E. Lang (Univ. New Mexico), S. Evans (Univ. New Mexico), K. Hattar (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), I. McCue (Northwestern Univ.), M. Cusentino (Sandia), A. Kustas (Sandia)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 14-14
Accelerated Design of High-Performance Refractory High Entropy Alloys for Harsh Environments Above 1300 Degree Celsius
Michael C. Gao (National Energy Technology Laboratory), David E. Alman (National Energy Technology Laboratory), Saro San (National Energy Technology Laboratory), Yi Wang (National Energy Technology Laboratory), William Trehern (National Energy Technology Laboratory), Chantal K. Sudbrack (National Energy Technology Laboratory), Paul D. Jablonski (National Energy Technology Laboratory), Vishnu Raghuraman (Carnegie Mellon), Mike Widom (Carnegie Mellon), Saket Thapliyal (ORNL), Michael Kirka (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 15-15
Design and Development of Equi-Atomic Refractory High Entropy Alloys for use in Irradiation Environments
Anilas Karimpilakkal (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Joseph W. Newkirk (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Jason L. Schulthess (INL), Frank Liou (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 16-16
Additive Manufacture of Novel Ceramic Dispersion Strengthened Refractory Metals
C.J. Romnes (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), F.L. Reyes Tirado (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), T.J. Hobbs (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), J.W. Sowards (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), O.R. Mireles (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), J.F. Stubbins (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 17-17
Design and Testing of a Next Generation HFIR Target Rod Rabbit Holder Facility
N.G. Russell (ORNL), A.S. Chapel (ORNL), R.H. Howard (ORNL), C.D. Bryan (ORNL), G.J. Hirtz (ORNL), M.W. Crowell (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 20-20
Neutron Irradiation as a Function of Temperature -- Experiment (NIFT-E)
Simon M. Pimblott (INL), David Armstrong (Univ. Oxford), Matthew Arrowood (INL), Karina Assis (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Christopher Grovenor (Univ. Oxford), Abbie Jones (Univ. Manchester), Susan R. Ortner (National Nuclear Laboratory), Nassia Tzelepi (National Nuclear Laboratory), Stuart Maloy (PNNL), Janelle P. Wharry (Purdue)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 21-21
The Role of Nuclear Science User Facilities in Nuclear Energy Materials Research and Development
Brenden Heidrich (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 22-22
Advanced Reactor Irradiation Testing at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Under the Nuclear Science User Facilities Program
A.G. Le Coq (ORNL), J.P. Gorton (ORNL), N.G. Russell (ORNL), A.M. Schrell (ORNL), K.D. Linton (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 23-23
Molybdenum Weld Development for Applications in the High Flux Isotope Reactor
R.H. Howard (ORNL), A.M. Schrell (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 24-24
Progress in Additive Manufacturing of Stainless Steel for Nuclear Components
Stephen Tate (EPRI)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 26-26
Additive Manufacturing of 316H for High Temperature Nuclear Applications
S.A. Mantri (ANL), X. Zhang (ANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 27-27
Engineering Heterogeneous Microstructures in Additively Manufactured Al0.3Ti0.2Co0.7CrFeNi1.7 High Entropy Alloy for Potential Nuclear Applications
Mohan Sai Kiran Kumar Yadav Nartu (PNNL), Shristy Jha (Univ. North Texas), Advika Chesetti (Univ. North Texas), Sundeep Mukherjee (Univ. North Texas), Isabella Van Rooyen (PNNL), Rajarshi Banerjee (Univ. North Texas)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 28-28
Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing: Towards Modernizing Plate Manufacturing
C.P. Massey (ORNL), B.E. Garrison (ORNL), M. Ridley (ORNL), H. Hyer (ORNL), Y. Yan (ORNL), C.M. Petrie (ORNL), A.T. Nelson (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 29-29
A Path Forward for Regulatory Acceptance of Combined Ion/Neutron Irradiation Data for Qualification
Stephen Taller (ORNL), Yiren Chen (ANL), Wei-Ying Chen (ANL), Rongjie Song (INL), Andrea Jokisaari (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 32-32
Ashby Maps for Nuclear Applications: New Opportunities for Nuclear Materials Design
M.I. Brand (Univ. New South Wales), M. Moschetti (Univ. New South Wales), P. Hosemann (Univ. California, Berkeley), J.J. Kruzic (Univ. New South Wales), E.G. Obbard (Univ. New South Wales), B. Gludovatz (Univ. New South Wales), P.A. Burr (Univ. New South Wales)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 33-33
Design of Experiments for Qualifying Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processed Stainless Steel Components
Holden Hyer (ORNL), Josh Kendall (ORNL), David Collins (ORNL), Amir Ziabari (ORNL), Caleb Massey (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 34-34
Effect of Carbon Concentration on the Creep Resistance and Tensile Properties of Castable Nanostructured Alloys
Emily Proehl (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Weicheng Zhong (ORNL), Ying Yang (ORNL), Lizhen Tan (ORNL), Steven Zinkle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 35-35
Radiation Tolerance of MX-Type Precipitates in Ferritic Martensitic Steels
K.G. Field (Univ. Michigan), T.M.K. Green (Univ. Michigan), K. Sun (Univ. Michigan), Robert Renfrow (Univ. Michigan), T. Graening (ORNL), W. Zhong (ORNL), E. Polselli (Univ. Michigan), L. Tan (ORNL), Y. Yang (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 36-36
Journal of Nuclear Materials Best Paper Award for 2022
Bin Cheng (Stony Brook Univ.), Edward M. Duchnowski (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), David J. Sprouster (Stony Brook Univ.), Lance L. Snead (Stony Brook Univ.), Nicholas R. Brown (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Jason R. Trelewicz (Stony Brook Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 38-38
Hydrogen Barrier Coatings for High-Temperature Hydride Moderators
R.H. Bohanon (LANL), F.R. Caliari (Stony Brook Univ.), E. Garcia-Granados (Stony Brook Univ.), S. Sampath (Stony Brook Univ.), E.P. Luther (LANL), S.S. Raiman (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 39-39
Structural Examinations of Neutron-Irradiated Solid Yttrium Hydride Moderators
M. Nedim Cinbiz (INL), Chase N. Taylor (INL), Thomas Johnson (INL), Joey Charbonneau (INL), Ian Hobbs (INL), Jatuporn Burns (INL), Rafael Garcia (INL), Glen C. Papaioannou (INL), Aditya Shivprasad (LANL), Erik P. Luther (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 40-40
Hydrogen Diffusion in Yttrium Hydride
Yuqing Huang (NCSU), Jacob Eapen (NCSU)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 41-41
Effects of Ti and Si Additions on Precipitate Number Density and Radiation Resistance of Additively Manufactured Oxide Dispersion Strengthened FeCrAl
T. Siggillino (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), T.C. Austin (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), S.J. Zinkle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), C.P. Massey (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 44-44
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Zircaloy-4 Fabricated by Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing
Y. Yan (ORNL), C.P. Massey (ORNL), B.E. Garrison (ORNL), S.A. Taller (ORNL), A.T. Nelson (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 45-45
Investigating the Structure-Property-Performance Relations of Cr Coatings for Zr Alloys
B.I. Aronson (Penn State), L.M. Erich (Penn State), M.J. Ammendola (Penn State), J. Hannon (Penn State), W.R. Tannehill (Penn State), M. Burton (Purdue), J.A. Reiss (Penn State), C.M. DeSalle (Penn State), P. Fourspring (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), B. Ensor (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), J. Clobes (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), K. Jenkins (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), D.E. Wolfe (Penn State)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 46-46
Miniature Scale Creep Tests on Fuel Cladding Alloys Using a Novel Test System
L.M.A. Lima (NCSU), T. Hassan (NCSU), J. Eapen (NCSU), K.L. Murty (NCSU)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 47-47
Effect of Neutron Irradiation and Heat Treatment on Hydrothermal and High-Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Additively Manufactured SiC Fibers
P. Cervenka (MIT), A. Seshadri (MIT), J. Pegna (Free Form Fiber), S. Harrison (Free Form Fiber), K. Shirvan (MIT)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 48-48
Development of a Weldable Ni-30Cr Filler Metal 52XL for Nuclear Applications
C. Fink (Ohio State), A. Hope (Thermo-Calc Software), S.L. McCracken (EPRI), J.C. Lippold (Ohio State)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 50-50
Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanisms of Electron Beam Welded PM-HIP Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels
E.H. Marrero (Purdue), G. Nemets (Purdue), J. Emerson (Purdue), Z. Shang (Purdue), Y. Lu (Boise State), M.A. Okuniewski (Purdue), J.P. Wharry (Purdue)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 51-51
Effect of Laser Welding on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Ion-Irradiated MA956
E. Getto (U.S. Naval Academy), S. Stokes (U.S. Naval Academy), M. Swenson (Univ. Idaho)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 52-52
Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Characterization of the Phase Transformation Behaviors Induced by Electron Beam Welding in SA508 Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels
J. Emerson (Purdue), G. Nemets (Purdue), E.H. Marrero (Purdue), M. Topsakal (Brookhaven), S. Gill (Brookhaven), J.P. Wharry (Purdue), M.A. Okuniewski (Purdue)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 53-53
Initial Results from High-Temperature Safety Testing of AGR-5/6/7 TRISO Fuel
W.F. Cureton (ORNL), J.D. Hunn (ORNL), D.J. Skitt (ORNL), F.C. Montgomery (ORNL), T.J. Gerczak (ORNL), G.W. Helmreich (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 56-56
Synthesis and Characterization of Palladium Silicides to Inform TRISO Particle Irradiation Performance Modeling
S.J. Cavazos (Univ. Texas, San Antonio), E.S. Sooby (Univ. Texas, San Antonio)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 57-57
Sensitivity Analysis Applied to Mechanistic Calculation for Effective Diffusivity of Ag Through the SiC Layer in TRISO Particles with BISON
C.B. Parsons (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), P.C.A. Simon (INL), B.D. Wirth (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 58-58
Simulation of Fission Gas and Fission Product Diffusion in Irradiated TRISO Fuel Kernels
X.-Y. Liu (LANL), C. Matthews (LANL), J.T. Rizk (LANL), S.J. Cavazos (Univ. Texas, San Antonio), M.W.D. Cooper (LANL), D.A. Andersson (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 59-59
Impact of Explicit Sorption Mass Transfer and Trapping on the Interlayer Fission Product Diffusion Behavior of TRISO Particle Fuel
J.A. Hirschhorn (INL), R.T. Sweet (INL), W. Jiang (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 60-60
A Review of the Mechanical Properties of the 316 Stainless Steel Family for Advanced Nuclear Reactors Application
R. Song (INL), M.D. Eklund (INL), A.M Jokisaari (INL), R.A. Roach (INL), C. Topbasi (EPRI)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 64-64
Influence of Initial Microstructure and Sampling Location on the Mechanical Behavior of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel After Neutron Irradiation
Thak Sang Byun (ORNL), Jesse W. Werden (ORNL), Maxim N. Gussev (ORNL), Timothy G. Lach (ORNL), Annabelle Le Coq (ORNL), Kory Linton (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 65-65
Applying Micro-Tensile Testing, Atom Probe Tomography, and High-Resolution TEM Characterization to Harvested High Dose Zorita Light Water Reactor Internals
Cameron Howard (INL), Mukesh Bachhav (INL), Boopathy Kombaiah (INL), Fei Teng (INL), Sohail Shah (INL), Yachun Wang (INL), Jason Daniel (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 66-66
Analysis of Porosity Defects and Their Impact on Tensile Behavior in LPBF Stainless Steel 316 L Utilizing X-ray Computed Tomography
Tasrif UI Anwar (Utah State), Patrick Merighe (Utah State), Rahul Reddy Kancharla (INL), Boopathy Kombaiah (INL), Nadia Kouraytem (Utah State)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 67-67
In-Situ 3D High-Energy X-ray Diffraction Study on Deformation Behavior of Neutron-Irradiated Fe-9%Cr
Dominic Piedmont (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Jun-Sang Park (ANL), Peter Kenesei (ANL), Jonathan Almer (ANL), Matthew Kasemer (Univ. Alabama), Ezra Mengiste (Univ. Alabama), Meimei Li (ANL), Xuan Zhang (ANL), James F. Stubbins (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 68-68
Atomistic Simulation of Hydrogen Segregation to Grain Boundaries and Crack Tips
Richard W. Smith (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 69-69
Effect of Electron Beam Welding on RPV Steel Microstructural Evolution
G. Nemets (Purdue), E.H. Marrero (Purdue), J. Emerson (Purdue), J. Herrema (Purdue), Z. Shang (Purdue), M. Okuniewski (Purdue), J.P. Wharry (Purdue)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 72-72
Radiation Induced Segregation in Titanium Boride
S. Wei (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), M.W. Qureshi (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), H. Zhang (Fudan Univ.), I. Szlufarska (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 73-73
Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of Neutron Irradiated HT-9 and NF616 (Grade 92) at LWR and Fast Reactor Relevant Temperatures
Ramprashad Prabhakaran (PNNL), Indrajit Charit (Univ. Idaho), Dan Edwards (PNNL), Mychailo Toloczko (PNNL), Stu Maloy (PNNL), Kumar Sridharan (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 76-76
Comparison Of Neutron Irradiation Effects on the Properties of Cast and PM-HIP Grade 91 Steels
Saquib Bin Habib (Purdue), Yu Lu (Boise State), Yaqiao Wu (Boise State), Donna P. Guillen (INL), David W. Gandy (EPRI), Janelle P. Wharry (Purdue)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 77-77
Stability of Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened Steels During Long-Term Thermal Aging
A. Koziol (Oregon State), D. Sprouster (Stony Brook Univ.), B. Adam (Oregon State), C. Huotilainen (TerraPower), J.D. Tucker (Oregon State)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 78-78
High Dose Microstructure Evolution in Fast-Reactor Irradiated HT9 Steel
Stephen Taller (ORNL), Arthur Motta (Penn State), Kevin Field (Univ. Michigan), Gary Was (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 79-79
Object Probability-Based Long-Time Dynamics for Structural Nuclear Materials Applications
A. Chavira (Univ. Michigan), F. Gao (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 80-80
An Integrated Statistical-Thermodynamic Model for Fission Gas Swelling and Release in Nuclear Fuels
C.K.C. Lieou (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), N.A. Capps (ORNL), M.W.D. Cooper (LANL), P.-C.A. Simon (INL), B.D. Wirth (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 82-82
Development of Instrumented Advanced Test Reactor Irradiation Capsule Experiment for In-situ Thermal Conductivity Measurements of High-Density Fuels
C. Downey (INL), K. Jewell (INL), M. Turkmen (INL), D. Chapman (INL), R. Sandbek (INL), J. Watkins (INL), L. Sudderth (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 83-83
Fractography of High Burnup Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods from Cyclic Bending Fatigue Failure
Yadukrishnan Sasikumar (ORNL), Paul Cantonwine (ORNL), Rose Montgomery (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 84-84
Atomistic-Scale Simulations of Creep in Uranium Oxide Nuclear Fuel
Conor Galvin (LANL), David Andersson (LANL), Ryan T. Sweet (INL), Laurent Capolungo (LANL), Michael W. Cooper (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 85-85
Irradiation Enhanced Creep in UO2 from Cluster Dynamics Simulation of Grain Boundaries
W.D. Neilson (LANL), C.O.T. Galvin (LANL), M.W.D. Cooper (LANL), D.A. Andersson (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 86-86
Generative Machine Learning for Microstructural Properties of Chemically Disordered Materials: Application to (U, Pu)O2 Nuclear Fuels
M.J. Karcz (CEA), L. Messina (CEA), E. Kawasaki (CEA), E. Bourasseau (CEA)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 88-88
Analysis of Radially Resolved Thermal Conductivity in High Burnup Mixed Oxide Fuel
Joshua Ferrigno (Ohio State), Tsvetoslav Pavlov (INL), Pierre-Clement Simon (INL), Fabiola Cappia (INL), Marat Khafizov (Ohio State)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 89-89
Structure and Phase Evolution in Uranium Nitride Fuels: Insights from In Situ Neutron Diffraction.
J.H. Stansby (UNSW), Y. Mishchenko (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), S. Patnaik (INL), F.B. Sweidan (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), M. Ranger (UNSW), V.K. Peterson (ANSTO), J.R. Hester (ANSTO), C. Baldwin (ANSTO), P. Olsson (INL), P.A. Burr (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), D. Adorno-Lopes (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), E.G. Obbard (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 90-90
Measuring Thermal Contact Resistance in Nuclear Fuel-Cladding Assemblies
Najeb M. Abdul-Jabbar (LANL), E. Kardoulaki (LANL), Shane C. Mann (LANL), Christopher Matthews (LANL), Joshua T. White (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 91-91
Synchrotron Analysis of Spent Fuel Irradiated in LWR: Focus on the Inner Cladding Wall
C. Schneider (PSI), M. Makowska (PSI), G. Kuri (PSI), J. Bertsch (PSI)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 92-92
Hydrogen Trapping at Microstructural Features in Irradiated Zr Alloys -- A Combined Experimental and Modelling Study
Vidur Tuli (Univ. New South Wales), Lucia Chen (Univ. New South Wales), Benjamin M. Jenkins (Univ. Rouen Normandie), Siyu Huang (Univ. Sydney), Levi Tegg (Univ. Sydney), Jack Haley (UKAEA), Baptiste Gault (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung), Ingrid McCarroll (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung), Anne Callow (National Nuclear Laboratory), Michael P. Moody (Univ. Oxford), Michael Preuss (Univ. Manchester), Christopher R.M. Grovenor (Univ. Oxford), Julie M. Cairney (Univ. Sydney), Patrick A. Burr (Univ. New South Wales)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 94-94
Effects of Stress on Zirconium Hydride Precipitation and Dissolution in Cold-Worked Stress Relieved Zircaloy-4
J.B. Balog (Penn State), A.A. Waegaert (Penn State), A.T. Motta (Penn State), B.F. Kammenzind (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), J-S. Park (ANL), J.D. Almer (ANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 95-95
Evaluation of Threshold Stress Inducing Hydride Reorientation in Zirconium Cladding Using Multiphase Field Modeling
Wooseob Shin (Kyung Hee Univ.), Kunok Chang (Kyung Hee Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 96-96
Impact of Irradiation Damage and Thermomechanical Treatments on the Hydride Diffusion to the Substrate Liner Interface in Zirconium-Based Nuclear Fuel Claddings
Okan Yetik (Paul Scherrer Institute), Liliana Duarte (Paul Scherrer Institute), Pavel Trtik (Paul Scherrer Institute), Malgorzata Makowska (Paul Scherrer Institute), Cloe Schneider (Paul Scherrer Institute), Diego Sanchez (Paul Scherrer Institute), Robert Zubler (Paul Scherrer Institute), Robin Grabherr (Paul Scherrer Institute), Manuel Pouchon (Paul Scherrer Institute), Johannes Bertsch (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 97-97
Multi-Component Mean-Field Model of Hydride Precipitation in Zircaloys
Connor Cladingboel (Univ. Sheffield), Claire Utton (Univ. Sheffield), Hector Basoalto (Univ. Sheffield), Magnus Anderson (Thermo-Calc Software), Susan Morgan (National Nuclear Laboratory), Anthony Brooks (National Nuclear Laboratory)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 98-98
Post-Irradiation Examination of a Commercially Irradiated FeCrAl Alloy Lead Test Rod
C.P. Massey (ORNL), B.E. Garrison (ORNL), J.W. Werden (ORNL), C.S. McKinney (ORNL), D. Lutz (Global Nuclear Fuel), R. Fawcett (Global Nuclear Fuel), R. Umretiya (GE Vernova), H. Abouelella (GE Vernova), R. Dunavant (Southern Nuclear Co.), Yukinori Yamamoto (ORNL), J.M. Harp (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 100-100
A Method for In-Situ Loading and Corrosion of ATF Cladding
Zhenyu Fei (Univ. Michigan), Peng Wang (Univ. Michigan), Connor Shamberger (Univ. Michigan), Gary Was (Univ. Michigan), Stephen Raiman (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 101-101
Preliminary Results of In-situ Fabricated L-PBF FeCrAl Alloys for ATF Candidate Material
Omer Cakmak (Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology), Seung Hoon Lee (Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology), Seong Gyu Chung (Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology), Jung Wook Cho (Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 102-102
Spatially Resolved Heat Conduction in Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated Metal Oxides by Advanced Thermoreflectance Techniques
Z.N. Utegulov (Nazarbayev Univ.), A. Abdullaev (Nazarbayev Univ.), K. Sekerbayev (Nazarbayev Univ.), B. Muminov (Univ. California, Riverside), J. O'Connell (Nelson Mandela Univ.), R. Rymzhanov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research), V.A. Skuratov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research), A. Kozlovskiy (Eurasian Nat'l Univ.), Y. Wang (Nazarbayev Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 103-103
Impact of Particle Shape and Composition on Surface Potential of Model Corrosion Products
Sri Saravana Konganapuram Narasimma Bharathi (SUNY Polytechnic Institute), Bhavani Sasank Nagothi (SUNY Polytechnic Institute), Eric Wales (SUNY Polytechnic Institute), John Arnason (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Matthew Armstrong (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Kathleen Dunn (SUNY Polytechnic Institute)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 104-104
Effect of Irradiation Temperature on Strain Localization in Zircaloy-4
M. Topping (Queen's Univ.), M. R. Daymond (Queen's Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 106-106
High Temperature Ring-Pull Mechanical Tests of Thin-Walled Tube
Benjamin Eftink (LANL), Peter Beck (LANL), Mathew Hayne (LANL), Tyler Dabney (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Carl Cady (LANL), Tarik Saleh (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 107-107
Overcoming Challenges and Investigating Geometry and Scale Factor Effects During Mechanical Testing of Nuclear Fuel Claddings
B. Garrison (ORNL), C. Massey (ORNL), M. Gussev (ORNL), K. Linton (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 108-108
Evaluation of Zircaloy Cladding Creep Models During High-Rate Temperature Ramps
K. A. Gamble (INL), R. T. Sweet (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 109-109
Effective Lanthanide Diffusivity Through U-Zr Metallic Fuel
L.K. Aagesen (INL), J. Hirschhorn (INL), C. Jiang (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 112-112
Effects of High Temperature Neutron Irradiation on the Thermal Conductivity of Graphite
Anne A. Campbell (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 113-113
Hardening of Beryllium During Low Temperature Irradiation
Slava Kuksenko (U.K. Atomic Energy Authority)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 114-114
Influence of Alloying Element Precipitation (Si, Mg) on Grain Boundary Strength in Al: A Molecular Dynamics Study
ATM Jahid Hasan (NCSU), Benjamin Beeler (NCSU)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 115-115
Machine Learning-Aided Calculations of Thermodynamic Properties of Na-O System up to Na2O2 Composition
Chaeyeong Kim (Seoul Nat'l Univ.), Takuji Oda (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 116-116
Generalizable Neural Network Prediction of Density in Molten Salt Mixtures
J. Barra (Univ. Massachusetts, Lowell), S. Shahbazi (ANL), T. Starkus (ANL), A. Birri (ORNL), P. Balaprakash (ORNL), S.T. Lam (Univ. Massachusetts, Lowell)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 118-118
Development of Accurate Potential Model for Molten Potassium Chloride Using Machine Learning and Pressure-Based Correction
Lee Hyunseok (Seoul Nat'l Univ.), Takuji Oda (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 119-119
Friction and Wear of Candidate Metal Alloys for Fluoride Salt Pump Bearing and Shaft Materials
L. Vergari (Univ. California, Berkeley), M. Borrello (Univ. California, Berkeley), Y.J. Xu (Univ. California, Berkeley), R.O. Scarlat (Univ. California, Berkeley)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 120-120
Evaluating the Methodology of Static Isothermal Molten Salt Compatibility Experiments
B.A. Pint (ORNL), D. Sulejmanovic (ORNL), Y.-F. Su (ORNL), R. Pillai (ORNL), W. Reed (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 121-121
Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Corrosion Interface of α-Iron and Liquid Lead Using Machine Learning Potential
Seoyeon Bak (Seoul Nat'l Univ.), Takuji Oda (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 122-122
Development and Preliminary Results of a Neutron Radiography-Based Hydrogen Quantification Technique for Bulk Hydrogen Studies
J. Zymbaluk (Colorado School of Mines), R. Jarmer (Colorado School of Mines), J.C. King (Colorado School of Mines), J.D. Ballard (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 124-124
Uncovering Helium Cavity Transitions and Their Implications for Mechanical Behavior Using Multimodal Synchrotron X-ray Techniques
J.R. Trelewicz (Stony Brook Univ.), W.S. Cunningham (Stony Brook Univ.), Y. Zhang (Stony Brook Univ.), S.P. Thomas (Stony Brook Univ.), D.J. Sprouster (Stony Brook Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 125-125
Impact of Helium Bubbles on Fracture Stress from Phase Field Simulations
An T. Ta (Univ. Florida), Yixi Shen (Univ. Florida), Micheal R. Tonks (Univ. Florida), Doug E. Spearot (Univ. Florida), Simon R. Phillpot (Univ. Florida)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 126-126
Tellurium Embrittlement of Alloy 617 in Molten FLiNaK Salt
Mohammad Umar Farooq Khan (Univ. Michigan), Lesley Frame (Univ. Connecticut), Stephen S. Raiman (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 127-127
Multiscale Modeling for the High-Burnup Structure in UO2
S. Biswas (INL), L.K. Aagesen (INL), W. Jiang (INL), M.W.D. Cooper (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 132-132
UO2 MiniFuel Irradiation for High-Burnup Fuel Applications
J.P. Gorton (ORNL), K.M. Godsey (ORNL), A.C. Telles (ORNL), A.G. Le Coq (ORNL), K.D. Linton (ORNL), C.M. Petrie (ORNL), N.A. Capps (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 133-133
UO2 High-Burnup Behavior and Transient Fission Gas Release Modeling
P.-C.A. Simon (INL), L.K. Aagesen (INL), D. Andersson (LANL), S. Biswas (INL), N. Capps (ORNL), M.D.W. Cooper (LANL), W. Jiang (INL), S. Novascone (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 134-134
Very High Burnup Transient Fission Gas Release: A Sensitivity Study in BISON
Ian Greenquist (ORNL), Nathan Capps (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 135-135
Fracture Behavior Analysis of UO2 Nuclear Fuel Using a Ball-on-Ring Biaxial Flexure Test
Adrianna E. Lupercio (Boise State), Cayden Doyle (Boise State), Andrew T. Nelson (ORNL), Brian J. Jaques (Boise State)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 138-138
An Empirical Model for Fractional High Burnup Structure in UO2 Fuel
W.C. Brinkley (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), N. Capps (ORNL), B.D. Wirth (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 139-139
The Transient Behavior of the Porous UO2 Pellets with Submicron Grain Size Under LOCA and RIA Thermal Shock Testing
Dong Zhao (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Andre Broussard (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Kevin Yan (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Heng Ban (Univ. Pittsburgh), Jie Lian (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 140-140
Multiphysics and Multiscale Modeling of High Burnup UO2
Karim Ahmed (TAMU)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 141-141
Analysis of Future Fuel/Cladding Systems for Light Water Reactor Use
Inez Beverly Solomon (Univ. Manchester), Joel Turner (Univ. Manchester), Robert Harrision (Univ. Manchester)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 142-142
Fabrication and Properties Determination in Chromium-Doped UO2 for Fuel Performance Validation
Adrien J. Terricabras (LANL), Arjen van Veelen (LANL), Maria Kosmidou (LANL), Sean M. Drewry (LANL), Darrin D. Byler (LANL), Joshua T. White (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 144-144
Examinations of Xenon Bubbles in High-Burnup UO2 Fuel Before and After LOCA Testing
L.K. Reyes (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), C.M. Parish (ORNL), C.S. McKinney (ORNL), J.M. Harp (ORNL), N.A. Capps (ORNL), B.D. Wirth (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 145-145
Phase-Field Modeling of Fission Gases in Polycrystalline UO2 with Realistic Microstructures
L. Messina (CEA), C. Introini (CEA), E. Delobre (CEA), M. Josien (CEA), L.K. Aagesen (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 146-146
Uranium Enrichment Homogeneity Study on HALEU/LEU UO2 Fuel Pellets
Jennifer K. Watkins (INL), Adrian R. Wagner (INL), Daniel J. Murray (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 147-147
Modeling Fuel Fragmentation Probability and Fragment Size in the BISON Fuel Performance Code
O. Baldwin (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), N. Capps (ORNL), B.D. Wirth (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 148-148
Influence of Corrosion Products and Impurities on the Behavior of Molten Salts In-Reactor
T.M. Besmann (Univ. South Carolina), J. Schorne-Pinto (Univ. South Carolina), M. Aziziha (Univ. South Carolina), J. Paz Soldan Palma (Univ. South Carolina), A.M. Mofrad (Univ. South Carolina), C.M. Dixon (Univ. South Carolina), R.E. Booth (Univ. South Carolina), J.A. Wilson (Univ. South Carolina), J. McFarlane (ORNL), M.E. Woods (INL), R. Gakhar (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 150-150
Comprehensive Characterization of Microstructure Evolution and its Impact on Thermal Conductivity of Nuclear Fuel Surrogates
Marat Khafizov (Ohio State), Amey Khanolkar (INL), Kaustubh Bawane (INL), Miaomiao Jin (Penn State), Joshua Ferrigno (Ohio State), Saqeeb Adnan (Ohio State), Erika Nosal (Ohio State), Linu Malakka (INL), Boopathy Kombiah (INL), Anter el Azab (Purdue), Lingfeng He (NCSU), David Hurley (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 151-151
Manufacturing and Property Measurements of Homogeneous Simulated FP (Nd/Sm/Gd/Zr)-Doped MOX
Y. Horii (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), S. Hirooka (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), R. Vauchy (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), K. Hayashizaki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), H. Uno (Inspection Development Co.), T. Tamura (Inspection Development Co.), T. Sunaoshi (Inspection Development Co.), H. Ohwada (Inspection Development Co.), T. Yamada (Inspection Development Co.), T. Murakami (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 152-152
Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Irradiated MOX Fuel: Study of Thermodynamic and Thermoelastic Properties
G. Porto (CEA), J. Bouchet (CEA), E. Bourasseau (CEA), Ph. Martin (CEA)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 153-153
Pressureless AC Controlled Current-Rate Flash Sintering of (U,Ce)O2 Mixed Oxide Fuel Surrogates; Microstructural Analysis and Kinetic Model Refinement
J. Morgan (Univ. Manchester), S. Bostanchi (Lucideon), C. Green (Lucideon), D. Pearmain (Lucideon), D. Goddard (National Nuclear Laboratory), T. Abram (Univ. Manchester), N. Barron (Arup), R.W. Harrison (Univ. Manchester)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 154-154
Effects of Lanthanides on Phase Distribution in As-Cast Unirradiated U-Pu-Zr Metallic Fuel
M. Mika (Univ. Florida), A. Aitkaliyeva (Univ. Florida)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 156-156
Stability and Diffusion of Lanthanide Fission Products in HCP Zirconium Revealed by Density Functional Theory Calculations
Shehab Shousha (NCSU), Benjamin Beeler (NCSU), Maria Okuniewski (Purdue)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 157-157
In-situ TEM Studies of Microstructural and Phase Evolution in Metallic Fuel Alloys
Fidelma G. Di Lemma (INL), S. Vajayan (Michigan Tech Univ.), D. Salvato (INL), K.D. Wright (INL), L.R. Hawkins (INL), K.K. Bawane (INL), L. Capriotti (INL), T. Yao (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 158-158
Localized Composition of Constituent Redistribution Regions in a Neutron Irradiated U-10wt.%Zr Fuel
N. Rodriguez Perez (Purdue), J. Thomas (Purdue), M.A. Okuniewski (Purdue)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 159-159
Correlating Constituent Redistribution and Fission Gas Bubble Structures in Irradiated U-Zr Fuels
Assel Aitkaliyeva (Univ. Florida), Mitch Mika (Univ. Florida), Mary Sevart (Univ. Florida), Fei Xu (INL), Tiankai Yao (INL), Luca Capriotti (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 160-160
Machine Learning Interatomic Potential for Qualitative Reproduction of Phase Transition of Metal Uranium at Ambient Pressure
Jae-Hyuk Kim (Seoul Nat'l Univ.), Takuji Oda (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 162-162
Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Fuel Cladding Chemical Interaction Layer Forming in a U-10Zr Fuel Sample Irradiated to High Burnup
D. Salvato (INL), A. Pradhan (INL), F. Xu (INL), K.M. Paaren (INL), F. Teng (INL), F. Di. Lemma (INL), L. Capriotti (INL), T. Yao (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 163-163
A Study in the Thermal Transport Properties of Sodium-Bonded U-Zr Metallic Fuels for Fast Reactors
Cynthia Adkins (INL), Daniele Salvato (INL), Tiankai Yao (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 164-164
Scanning Electron Microscopy on Innovative Advance Reactor Metallic Fuel Concepts
Luca Capriotti (INL), Fidelma G. Di Lemma (INL), Daniele Salvato (INL), Tammy L. Trowbridge (INL), Fei Xu (INL), Tiankai Yao (INL), Jason M. Harp (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 165-165
Advanced Cladding Irradiation Experiment Capabilities at HFIR
P.A. Champlin (ORNL), A.G. Le Coq (ORNL), K.D. Linton (ORNL), C.M. Petrie (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 166-166
Operational Limitations of Uranium Mononitride
Z.A. Miller (LANL), M. Fratoni (Univ. California, Berkeley), V.K. Mehta (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 168-168
Comparing and Contrasting Properties, Defects and Fission Products in UN and PuN
R.W. Grimes (Imperial College London), C.O.T. Galvin (LANL), N. Kuganathan (Imperial College London)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 169-169
Assessment of Uranium Nitride Fuel Safety Limits Using Existing Experimental Data
A. Levinsky (LANL), Z. Miller (LANL), V.K. Mehta (LANL), M. Fratoni (Univ. California, Berkeley)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 170-170
Exploring the Compatibility of UN in Combination with Zr-4 and SiC as Advanced Fuel-Clad Systems
M. Salata-Barnett (Univ. Manchester), J. Buckley (Univ. Manchester), J. Paul (National Nuclear Laboratory), D. Goddard (National Nuclear Laboratory), T. Abram (Univ. Manchester)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 171-171
Advancements in Uranium Nitride Fuel Performance Modeling in BISON
Christopher Matthews (LANL), Pierre-Clement Simon (INL), Jason Rizk (LANL), Michael W.D. Cooper (LANL), David Andersson (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 172-172
Characterization of Hydrogen Interaction with High-Density Fuels
Adrian Gonzales (Univ. Texas, San Antonio), Elizabeth Sooby (Univ. Texas, San Antonio), Scarlett Widgeon Paisner (LANL), Josh White (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 174-174
Modeling of Fission Gas Behavior in Uranium Nitride Fuel
J. Rizk (LANL), C. Matthews (LANL), M. Cooper (LANL), A. Schneider (LANL), A.D. Andersson (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 175-175
Thermal Shock Testing of Cermet Fuel UN+Mo/W
A. Broussard (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), D. Zhao (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), E. Kardoulak (LANL), J. Lian (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 176-176
Corrosion Behavior of Doped High-Density Fuels
S. Widgeon Paisner (LANL), B. Gong (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), J. Lian (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), J.T. White (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 177-177
UO2-Liquid Metal Suspension Fuel Concept
Ian Greenquist (ORNL), Marie Romedenne (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 178-178
Sintering Behaviors of (Zr, Nb, Ta)C Tri-Carbides as a Fuel for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
Jonas R. Kessing (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Alexander T. Nadermann (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Brandon Shaver (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Justin Milner (NASA Glenn Research Center), Kelsa Palomares (Analytical Mechanics Assoc.), Steven J. Zinkle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 180-180
Analysis of Solute Interdiffusion Kinetics Based on Classic High Temperature Diffusion Couple Tests of ZrC, NbC, and TaC Carbides as Surrogate Fuels for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Systems
Alexander T. Nadermann (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Jonas R. Kessing (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Brandon Shaver (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Justin Milner (NASA Glenn Research Center), Kelsa Palomores (Analytical Mechanics Assoc.), Steven J. Zinkle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 181-181
Chemical Vapor Deposition and Infiltration of ZrC for Space Nuclear Propulsion
E. Lopez-Honorato (ORNL), R. Heldt (ORNL), P. Doyle (ORNL), W. Cureton (ORNL), K. Montoya (ORNL), D. Richardson (ORNL), G. Helmreich (ORNL), T. Gerczak (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 182-182
Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics of Tetra-Carbide Fuels for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
R.E. Booth (Univ. South Carolina), J. Rizk (LANL), N.M. Abdul-Jabbar (LANL), E. Kardoulaki (LANL), J. Rosales (NASA), T.M. Besmann (Univ. South Carolina)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 183-183
Impact of Fluidization Behavior on the Development of Coated Particle Fuels
Eddie Lopez Honorato (ORNL), Elvis Dominguez-Ontiveros (ORNL), Ryan Heldt (ORNL), Katherine Montoya (ORNL), Tyler J. Gerczak (ORNL), John D. Hunn (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 184-184
High-Resolution TEM Characterization of Neutron-Irradiated U-10Mo Fuel in the Low Temperature and Low Burnup Regime
Sukanya Majumder (Purdue), Gyuchul Park (Purdue), T.K. Yao (INL), Kaustubh K. Bawane (INL), Cameron Howard (INL), Kourtney D. Wright (INL), Laura Hawkins (INL), Brandon D. Miller (INL), Jonova Thomas (Purdue), Benjamin Beeler (NCSU), Maria A. Okuniewski (Purdue)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 186-186
Lower Length Scale Fuel Performance Modeling of U-Mo Fuel
Benjamin Beeler (NCSU), ATM Jahid Hasan (NCSU), Shenyang Hu (PNNL), Sourabh Kadambi (INL), Linu Malakkal (INL), Zhi-Gang Mei (ANL), Maria Okuniewski (Purdue), Gyuchul Park (ANL), Shipeng Shu (ANL), Bei Ye (ANL), Yongfeng Zhang (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 187-187
Accelerated Fuel Qualification Using in situ Neutron Diffraction
E.G. Obbard (Univ. New South Wales), J.H. Stansby (Univ. New South Wales), V.K. Peterson (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation), D. Adorno Lopes (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), P.A. Burr (Univ. New South Wales), J. Bevitt (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation), A. Paradowska (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation), E.S. Sooby (Univ. Texas, San Antonio), J.T. White (LANL), P. Olsson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 188-188
Advancing Thermo-Physical Property Characterization Techniques and Methods for Irradiated Nuclear Fuels
T. R. Pavlov (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 189-189
Fission Accelerated Steady-State Testing Irradiations and Post Irradiation Examination
S. Patnaik (INL), G.L. Beausoleil (INL), L. Capriotti (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 190-190
Bridging Gaps in High Uranium Density Fuels Proposed for Advanced Reactors
Elizabeth S. Sooby (Univ. Texas, San Antonio)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 192-192
Characterization of Defects in Uranium Carbide Using XAS and Neutron Scattering
Arjen van Veelen (LANL), Adrien J. Terricabras (LANL), Scarlett Widgeon Paisner (LANL), Tarik Saleh (LANL), Joshua T. White (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 193-193
Understanding Phase Relationships in the Uranium-Carbon-Niobium/Tantalum Systems
Geronimo Robles (LANL), Shane Mann (LANL), Erofili Kardoulaki (LANL), Joshua White (LANL), Najeb Abdul-Jabar (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 194-194
Fabrication and Thermophysical Properties of (U,Zr)C; A High Uranium Density Fuel Candidate for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Reactors
E. Kardoulaki (LANL), S. Widgeon Paisner (LANL), D. Byler (LANL), A. Gonzales (LANL), J. Schaeperkoetter (LANL), J. White (LANL), K. McClellan (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 195-195
Thermodynamic Assessment of NaF-KF-UF4 for Molten Salt Reactor Design
L. Voigt (Seaborg Technologies), M. Fache (JRC European Commission), J. Ocadiz Flores (Delft Univ. Technology), L. Ruszczynski (Delft Univ. Technology), J.T.M. Amphlett (Seaborg Technologies), A.L. Smith (Delft Univ. Technology), O. Beneš (JRC European Commission)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 198-198
Accelerated Isothermal MiniFuel Irradiations Using Liquid Metal Encapsulation
Zane Wallen (ORNL), Ryan Gallagher (Kairos Power), Kara Godsey (ORNL), Annabelle Le Coq (ORNL), Christian Petrie (ORNL), Caleb Massey (ORNL), Richard Howard (ORNL), Jorge Navarro (ORNL), Jim Nash (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 199-199
Atomic Scale Investigation of the Effect of Americium on the Properties of Nuclear Oxide Fuels
B. Labonne (CEA), C. Gueneau (CEA), M. Bertolus (CEA)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 200-200
Correlating Atomic Structure with Elastic Properties in Non-Textured Pyrocarbon
Raphaelle David (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Yongfeng Zhang (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 201-201
Investigating the Low-Energy Recoil Events in GaN
A.S. Hauck (Penn State), B.R. Tuttle (Penn State Behrend), M. Jin (Penn State)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 206-206
Investigation of Ion Irradiation Effects on Mineral Analogues of Concrete Aggregates
Zehui Qi (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Steven John Zinkle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Yann Le Pape (ORNL), Elena Tajuelo Rodriguez (ORNL), Xin Chen (Univ. California, Los Angeles), Arnaud Bouissonnié (Univ. California, Los Angeles), Gaurav Sant (Univ. California, Los Angeles)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 207-207
Determination of the Radiation Induced Athermal Diffusivity in Uranium Mononitride from an Integrated Approach
A. Schneider (LANL), M. Cooper (LANL), J. Rizk (LANL), T. Matthews (LANL), M. Kosmidou (LANL), D. Andersson (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 208-208
Cluster Dynamics Simulations of the Full Xenon-Vacancy-Interstitial Phase-Space in Irradiated UO2
S. Blondel (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), C. Matthews (LANL), M. Cooper (LANL), B. Wirth (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), D. Andersson (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 209-209
Self-Irradiation Effects During Alternative Cooling and Heating of δ-phase 239Pu-Ga Alloys
Alice I. Smith (LANL), F.J. Freibert (LANL), S.C. Vogel (LANL), J. Zhang (LANL), J.E. Siewenie (LANL), S. Richmond (LANL), M. Ramos (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 210-210
Modeling Radiolysis Effects in FLiNaK and FLiBe Molten Fluoride Salt
A. Peterkin (MIT), H. Caralp (Brown Univ.), W. Zhou (MIT), M. Short (MIT)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 211-211
Modeling Radiation-Induced Spinodal Decomposition with Coherency Loss in Austenite Fe-Ni
Quentin Tencé (Univ. Paris-Saclay), Estelle Meslin (Univ. Paris-Saclay), Thomas Jourdan (Univ. Paris-Saclay), Maylise Nastar (Univ. Paris-Saclay)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 214-214
Microstructural Evolution of F82H-IEA Under Dual Ion Irradiation
L.N. Clowers (Univ. Michigan), Z. Jiao (Univ. Michigan), G.S. Was (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 215-215
On Self-Organization of Dislocation Loops in Ion Irradiated BCC Fe and Fe-Cr Alloys
Yao Li (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Austin Houston (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Yajie Zhao (ORNL), Gerd Duscher (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Jonathan Poplawsky (ORNL), Steven John Zinkle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 216-216
Investigating Radiation Induced Segregation near Nanosized Cavities in Ferritic-Martensitic Steels
Xing Wang (Penn State), Xingyu Liu (Penn State), Xinyuan Xu (Penn State)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 217-217
Data-Driven Pseudo Real-Time Analysis of Defect Evolution
K. Burns (Univ. Virginia), E.J. Lang (Univ. New Mexico), C.A. Kohnert (LANL), K. Hattar (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 220-220
Understanding Bias and Error in Human and Machine Learning Quantification of Swelling in Irradiated Materials
Gabriella Bruno (Univ. Michigan), Matthew J. Lynch (Univ. Michigan), Ryan Jacobs (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Nicholas Clancy (Univ. Michigan), Dane D. Morgan (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Kevin G. Field (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 221-221
Microstructure Evolutions of Nuclear Materials Under Ion Beam Irradiations Using the Michigan In-situ Ion Irradiation Facility
K. Sun (Univ. Michigan), F. Naab (Univ. Michigan), K.G. Field (Univ. Michigan), G.S. Was (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 222-222
Comparison of Radiation Effects in Harvested Stainless Steel Baffle Former Bolts and HFIR Irradiated Wrought and Additively-Manufactured Stainless Steel
T.G. Lach (ORNL), M.N. Gussev (ORNL), T.S. Byun (ORNL), A.G. LeCoq (ORNL), K.D. Linton (ORNL), X. Chen (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 223-223
Machine-Learned Interatomic Potentials for Radiation Damage in Metals and Alloys
J. Byggmästar (Univ. Helsinki), K. Nordlund (Univ. Helsinki), F. Djurabekova (Univ. Helsinki)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 226-226
Atomistically-Informed Cluster Dynamics Modelling of Concurrent Interstitial and Vacancy a-Loop Evolution in Alpha-Zirconium
Jose F. March-Rico (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Sophie Blondel (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Brian D. Wirth (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 227-227
Hydrogen Pickup via the Implantation of Collision Recoils
Richard W. Smith (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Bruce F. Kammenzind (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 228-228
Faulted Vacancy Basal Pyramids and Their Impact on Breakaway Growth in α-Zr
N. Militello (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), S. Blondel (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), J.F. March-Rico (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), B.D. Wirth (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 229-229
Accurate High-Energy Repulsive Interatomic Potentials from Quantum Chemical Calculations
Kai Nordlund (Univ. Helsinki), Susi Lehtola (Univ. Helsinki), Gerhard Hobler (TU Wien)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 232-232
Resolution of Xenon Gas Bubbles in UMo Fuels
Linu Malakkal (INL), ATM Jahid Hasan (INL), Mathew Swisher (INL), Benjamin Beeler (NCSU)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 233-233
Conventional Technology and Future Development of Artificial Barriers for Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste in Japan
Yu Kogawa (Hachinohe College), Yuto Imaizumi (Hachinohe College), Kazuhito Niwase (Hachinohe College)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 234-234
Fundamental Surface Reconstruction and Formation of Phyllosilicate Waste Barrier Materials
An T. Ta (Univ. Florida), R. Seaton Ullberg (Univ. Florida), Simon R. Phillpot (Univ. Florida)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 235-235
Analysis of Deuterium and Defects in Tungsten by Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy and Nuclear Reaction Analysis in Channeling Configuration
S. Markelj (Jožef Stefan Institute), M. Kelemen (Jožef Stefan Institute), E. Punzón-Quijorna (Jožef Stefan Institute), T. Schwarz-Selinger (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik), X. Jin (Univ. Helsinki), F. Djurabekova (Univ. Helsinki), K. Nordlund (Univ. Helsinki), J. Zavasnik (Jožef Stefan Institute), A. Sestan (Jožef Stefan Institute), M.L. Crespillo (Center for Micro Analysis of Materials), G. Garcia López (Center for Micro Analysis of Materials), R. Heller (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 238-238
Investigating Radiation Damage via a Novel XRD Technique, Convolutional Multiple Whole Profile (CMWP)
Kavi Sharma (Univ. Sheffield), Helen Swan (National Nuclear Laboratory), Tamas Ungar (Univ. Manchester), Susan Morgan (National Nuclear Laboratory), Lewis Owen (Univ. Sheffield), Amy Gandy (Univ. Sheffield)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 239-239
In-situ Electrochemical Studies of the Effects of Irradiation with a Bremsstrahlung X-Ray Source on the Post-Transition Corrosion of Zircaloy-4
D.M. Bartels (Univ. Notre Dame), D.C. Martin (Univ. Notre Dame), B. Ensor (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), D.M. Rishel (Naval Nuclear Laboratory (retired)), S.L. Fisher (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), B.J. Usman (Univ. Notre Dame)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 240-240
Study of the Effect of Helium on Prismatic Loop Evolution in Irradiated Fe-Cr Alloys Using Cluster Dynamics Code
Anthony Tom (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Dwaipayan Dasgupta (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Sophie Blondel (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Brian Wirth (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 241-241
Characterization of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel Embrittlement After High-Fluence Neutron Irradiation
Brandon Bohanon (Univ. Florida), Boopathy Kombaiah (INL), Douglas Spearot (Univ. Florida), Scott Middlemas (INL), Mukesh Bachhav (INL), Assel Aitkaliyeva (Univ. Florida)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 244-244
Post-Irradiation Examination of Neutron Irradiated FeCrAl Material
Aaron W. Colldeweih (INL), Robert S. Hansen (INL), Mukesh N. Bachhav (INL), Kaustubh K. Bawane (INL), Fabiola Cappia (INL), David W. Kamerman (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 245-245
Prediction of Neutron-Irradiated Cavity Microstructure with Dual-Ion Irradiation up to 100 dpa
V. Pauly (Univ. Michigan), S. Taller (ORNL), G.S. Was (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 246-246
Disposition and Dissipation of Ion Beam Energy in Complex Materials
Y. Zhang (INL), A.R. Khanolkar (INL), Z. Hua (INL), K. Gofryk (INL), K.K. Bawane (INL), B. Kombaiah (INL), W.J. Weber (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), E. Zarkadoula (ORNL), M. Khafizov (Ohio State), D.H. Hurley (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 248-248
Defect Evolution in Multi-Principal Chemically Disordered Alloys from Multiscale Simulations
Shijun Zhao (City Univ. Hong Kong)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 249-249
Fundamental Properties and Evolution of Point Defects in Concentrated Alloys
Yongfeng Zhang (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Anus Manzoor (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Peng Wei (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 250-250
Role of Electronic Energy Dissipation on Radiation Damage Production/Evolution in SiC
W.J. Weber (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), L. Nuckols (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Y. Zhang (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 251-251
Kinetics and Stability of Nano-Scale Precipitates in Fe-Based Alloys During Ion Irradiations
Yajie Zhao (ORNL), Pengcheng Zhu (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Jonathan Poplawsky (ORNL), Arunodaya Bhattacharya (U.K. Atomic Energy Authority), Steven Zinkle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 254-254
Impact of Micro-Alloying and Precipitation in Ion-Irradiated Nickel: From the Inhibition of Point-Defect Cluster Diffusion by Thermal Segregation to the Change of Dislocation Loop Nature
M. Loyer-Prost (CEA), K. Ma (CEA), B. Décamps (Univ. Paris-Saclay), L. Huang (CEA), M. Nastar (CEA), R.E. Schäublin (ETH Zurich), J.F. Löffler (ETH Zurich), A. Fraczkiewicz (CNRS), M.A. Belghoul (CEA), P. Vermaut (CNRS), F. Prima (CNRS)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 255-255
Beryllium Carbide Tolerance to Radiation Damage for Advanced Reactor Moderators
Diego A. Muzquiz (Univ. Michigan), Stephen S. Raiman (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 256-256
Temperature Dependent Evolution of Microstructure in Fe10Cr Alloy Under Proton Irradiation
Siwei Chen (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Yajie Zhao (ORNL), Yao Li (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Qinyun Chen (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Steven J. Zinkle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 257-257
Irradiation Resistant Refractory High Entropy Alloys for Applications in Extreme Environments
Osman El Atwani (PNNL), Matheus Tunes (LANL), Enrique Martinez (Clemson Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 262-262
Current Challenges and Opportunities for Neutron Irradiation Testing of Fast Spectrum Reactor Specimens
N. Woolstenhulme (INL), J. Brookman (INL), C. Downey (INL), C. Jesse (INL), M. Worrall (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 263-263
Target Rod Capsules in the Removable Beryllium Position in HFIR
A.M. Schrell (ORNL), J.W. Geringer (ORNL), R.H. Howard (ORNL), R. Matthews (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 264-264
Design of a SiC Irradiation Creep Experiment in HFIR
J.R. Chappell (ORNL), P.A. Champlin (ORNL), C.M. Petrie (ORNL), T. Koyanagi (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 265-265
Thermal Stability and Environmentally-Assisted Cracking of Ferritic-Martensitic Steels in Sodium Reactor Coolant Environments
Julie D. Tucker (Oregon State), Benjamin Adam (Oregon State), Samuel A. Briggs (Oregon State), Caitlin Huotilainen (TerraPower), Adam Koziol (Oregon State), Dustin Mangus (Oregon State), Guillaume Mignot (Oregon State), David J. Sprouster (Stony Brook Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 268-268
Long-Term Thermal Ageing Effects in HT9 and Structure-Property Characterization
D. Sprouster (Stony Brook Univ.), B. Adam (Oregon State), A. Koziol (Oregon State), L. Rolly (Oregon State), C. Huotilainen (TerraPower), J.D. Tucker (Oregon State)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 269-269
The Effect of Variable Strain Rate on Environmentally Assisted Cracking of 316L in Molten FLiNaK
Xavier Quintana (Oregon State), Jake Quincey (Oregon State), Julie D. Tucker (Oregon State), Samuel Briggs (Oregon State)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 270-270
Study on Eutectic Melting and Relocation Behavior of B4C Powder and Stainless Steel Through Radiative Heating
Zeeshan Ahmed (Univ. Tokyo), Marco Pellegrini (Univ. Tokyo), Yamano Hidemasa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Avadhesh K. Sharma (Univ. Tokyo), Koji Okamoto (Univ. Tokyo)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 271-271
Rationalizing the Effects of Corrosion, Irradiation and Stresses on the Mechanical Performance of Structural Alloys Used Molten Salt Reactors
Laurent Capolungo (LANL), Xueyang Wu (LANL), Nathan Bieberdorf (Univ. California, Berkeley), Mark Asta (Univ. California, Berkeley), A. Rovinelli (LANL), M. Zecevic (LANL), R. Lebensohn (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 274-274
4D-STEM Strain Mapping of Internal and External Strain-Induced Phase Transformations in Ni-based Alloy 625
Caleb Clement (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Yongwen Song (Penn State), Jim Ciston (LBNL), Colin Ophus (LBNL), Yang Yang (Penn State), Janelle Wharry (Purdue)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 275-275
Effects of Porosity on Buffer Layer Fracture Mode
A.M. Masri (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Y. Zhang (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), A. Rezwan (Sandia), C. Griesbach (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), R. Thevamaran (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), T. Gerczak (ORNL), W. Jiang (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 276-276
FeCrAl Fuel Clad Chemical Interaction in Light Water Reactor Environments
Haozheng J.Qu (GE Global Research), Maria Higgins (Penn State), Hamdy Abouelella (GE Global Research), Fabiola Cappia (INL), Jatuporn Burns (INL), Lingfeng He (INL), Caleb Massey (ORNL), Jason Harp (ORNL), Rajnikant V. Umretiya (GE Research Center), Andrew K. Hoffman (GE Research Center), Janelle Wharry (Purdue), Raul B. Rebak (GE Global Research)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 278-278
Integral Irradiation Testing and Post Irradiation Examination Programs for Accident Tolerant Fuel Development at Idaho National Laboratory
D.W. Kamerman (INL), B.P. Durtschi (INL), N.S. Oldham (INL), N.E. Woolstenhulme (INL), F. Cappia (INL), R.S. Hansen (INL), A.W. Colldeweih (INL), P.G. Petersen (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 279-279
Development and Preliminary Testing of an Internal Pressure Fatigue Test Rig for Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding
Q. Cheng (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories), H.M Nordin (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories), C. Zhang (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories), T. Molnar (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories), R. Lungu (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 280-280
Effect of Surface Damage on Corrosion of Zr Alloys
B. Ensor (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), A. Lucente (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), R. Morris (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), J. Sutliff (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 281-281
Phase-Field Modeling for the High-Temperature Zirconium Oxidation
Jiho Kim (Kyung Hee Univ.), Kunok Chang (Kyung Hee Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 282-282
Development of Tapered Specimen Geometries for Accelerated Ion Irradiation Creep Testing of 316 Stainless Steel
M.M. Warwick (Univ. Michigan), W. Peterson (Univ. Michigan), C.A. Hirst (Univ. Michigan), K.G. Field (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 284-284
Evaluation of Irradiation Creep Effects in HT9 Cladding for FAST Experiments
A.I. Swearingen (INL), K.M. Paaren (INL), G.I. Beausoleil (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 285-285
Accelerating Ion Irradiation Sample Throughput via Lateral Gas Implantation Gradients
Charles A. Hirst (Univ. Michigan), Aäron Penders (Univ. Michigan), Alexander Flick (Univ. Michigan), Fabian Naab (Univ. Michigan), Logan N. Clowers (Univ. Michigan), Valentin Pauly (Univ. Michigan), Lauren M. Garrison (Commonwealth Fusion Systems), Cody A. Dennett (Commonwealth Fusion Systems), Michael P. Short (MIT), Gary S. Was (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 286-286
Integral Performance of Advanced Metallic Fuel During Severe Transient Overpower
C. Jensen (INL), K. Anderson (INL), B. Armstrong (INL), Austin Fleming (INL), M. Mihelish (INL), R. Fielding (INL), N. Woolstenhulme (INL), J. Schulthess (INL), L. Ocampo Giraldo (INL), P. Medvedev (INL), D. Wachs (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 287-287
Investigation of Representative LOCA Scenarios on Transient Fission Gas-Induced Fragmentation in Support of Integral LOCA Experiments to be Performed in TREAT
R.J. Armstrong (INL), C.B. Jensen (INL), C.P. Folsom (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 288-288
Impact of Proton Irradiation on Corrosion Behavior of Zircaloy-4 and Zr-1Nb Alloys in Hydrogenated Water: A Post-Irradiation Study
Peng Wang (Univ. Michigan), Gary S. Was (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 290-290
In-situ Irradiation and Elastic Stress Effects on Molten Fluoride Salt Corrosion of Structural Alloys
C. Evered (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), M. Tonks (Univ. Florida), K. Sridharan (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), A. Couet (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 291-291
Molten Chloride Salt Corrosion of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics
Brian Carpman (Univ. Michigan), James Kelly (Univ. Michigan), Stephen S. Raiman (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 292-292
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Novel Nickel-Base Alloys for Molten Salt Reactor Applications
Ryan Thier (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Jaimie Tiley (ORNL), Bruce Pint (ORNL), Ryan Gordon (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Kumar Sridharan (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Soumya Nag (ORNL), Steven Zinkle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 293-293
Design of Functionally-Graded Cermet Coatings for Molten Salt Reactors by High Throughput Finite Element Modeling
K. Yan (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), D. Zhao (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), S. Sarkar (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), R.Rahul (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), J. Lian (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 294-294
How Social Science Could (Re-)Shape Research and Governance of Nuclear Energy Technology: Some Recent Examples from Academia
Denia Djokic (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 298-298
Simulations of Radionuclide Uptake in Porous Nuclear Waste-Form Materials Under Continuous Flow
Zirui Mao (PNNL), Yulan Li (PNNL), Robert Montgomery (PNNL), Shenyang Hu (PNNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 299-299
Modeling Ionic Exchange in Faujasite Zeolite for Nuclear Waste Treatment
An T. Ta (Univ. Florida), R. Seaton Ullberg (Univ. Florida), Ayoub Daouli (Univ. Lorraine), Vanessa Proust (CEA), Michael Badawi (Univ. Lorraine), Agnes Grandjean (CEA), Simon R. Phillpot (Univ. Florida)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 300-300
Cerium Corrosion and Embrittlement of Refractory Metals in Chloride Salts
Elise M. Shauf (Univ. Michigan), Stephen S. Raiman (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 301-301
Opportunities of Advanced Reactor Systems to Support Nuclear Fuel Cycle Development Options
Patricia Paviet (PNNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 304-304
Thermophysical Properties of Actinide-Containing Molten Salts
D. Nathanael Gardner (Univ. California, Berkeley), Maximilien Denis (Univ. California, Berkeley), Randall Chiu (Univ. California, Berkeley), Raluca O. Scarlat (Univ. California, Berkeley)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 305-305
Thermodynamic Assessment of Fourteen Pseudo-Ternary Reciprocal Salt Systems Relevant to Molten Salt Reactors
Clara Dixon (Univ. South Carolina), Mina Aziziha (Univ. South Carolina), Juliano Schorne-Pinto (Univ. South Carolina), Jorge Paz Soldan Palma (Univ. South Carolina), Theodore Besmann (Univ. South Carolina)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 306-306
Turing Instability in the Solid State: Void Lattices in Irradiated Metals
M.W. Noble (Oxford Univ.), M.R. Tonks (Univ. Florida), S.P. Fitzgerald (Univ. Leeds)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 307-307
Studying Solvation Structure of Metallic Impurities with Machine Learning Molecular Dynamics Enhanced EXAFS
Stephen Lam (Univ. Massachusetts, Lowell), Nicholas Marcella (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Rajni Chahal (ORNL), Anatoly Frenkel (Stony Brook Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 310-310
Determination of Hydrogen and Oxygen Impurities in Chloride Salts via Combustion Analysis
Adam Burak (Univ. Michigan), Brian Carpman (Univ. Michigan), Mohammad Umar Farooq Khan (Univ. Michigan), Vyomini Vakil (Univ. Michigan), Stephen Raiman (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 311-311
Hold Up of Fuel and Model Fission Products in Fluoride Salts
D.J. Macias (Univ. Michigan), S. Raiman (Univ. Michigan)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 312-312
Internal Gelation Studies Relevant to Nuclear Fuel: Neodymium Oxide
J. Granger-Jones (Univ. California, Irvine), J. Matthews (Zeno Power), S.C. Finkeldei (Univ. California, Irvine)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 313-313
Ionic Radii in the Actinide Dioxides
Romain Vauchy (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Shun Hirooka (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Tatsutoshi Murakami (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 314-314
High Temperature Structures, Oxidation, and Thermodynamics of Uranium Nitride and Uranium Carbide
Xiaofeng Guo (Washington State), Vitaliy Goncharov (Washington State), Juejing Liu (Washington State), Arjen van Veelen (LANL), Emma Carlsen (Washington State), Sam Karcher (Washington State), John McCloy (Washington State), Hongwu Xu (LANL), Joshua White (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 316-316
Irradiation-Enhanced Diffusion in Advanced Ceramic Nuclear Fuels
M.W.D. Cooper (LANL), A. Schneider (LANL), C. Matthews (LANL), V. Kocevski (LANL), J. Rizk (LANL), D.A. Andersson (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 317-317
Contact Angle of Molten Fluoride Salts on Graphite: A Parametric Study
L. Vergari (Univ. California, Berkeley), Z. Falkowski (Univ. California, Berkeley), M. Dennis (Univ. California, Berkeley), R. O. Scarlat (Univ. California, Berkeley)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 318-318
Trends in LOCA Testing and Modeling Needs for High Burnup and Accident Tolerant Fuel
A. Probert (Univ. Florida), A. Aitkaliyeva (Univ. Florida), J. Watson (Univ. Florida)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 320-320
Measurement of High Temperature Heat Capacity and Thermal Diffusivity of (U,Pu)O2 as a Function of Pu Content
S. Hirooka (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), T. Matsumoto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), K.Morimoto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), M. Ogasawara (Inspection Development Co.), T. Murakami (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), M. Kato (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 321-321
Dynamic Mechanical Properties of High Purity Graphite
B.D. Huddleston (INL), T.A. Mason (INL), C.J. Gibson (INL), N. Rasmussen (INL), C. Angell (INL), J. Coleman (INL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 322-322
Corrosion Behavior and Microstructural Characterization Study of Alloy 709 in a High-Temperature Lead Environment
D.J. Park (KAERI), J.H. Moon (KAERI), H.Y. Song (KAERI), T.W. Cho (KAERI), S.H. Kim (KAERI), Y.J. Jeong (KAERI)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 323-323
Interpretation Using Multiphysics Simulation of Rechargeable Battery Electrolyte Gelation Process by Electron Beam Irradiation
Woojien Lee (Kyung Hee Univ.), Jaehyeon Kim (Hongik Univ.), Taeshik Earmme (Hongik Univ.), Kunok Chang (Kyung Hee Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 324-324
CPU-GPU Hybrid Parallelized Solver for Semi-Implicit Cahn-Hilliard Equation
Ilhyun Cho (Kyung Hee Univ.), Kunok Chang (Kyung Hee Univ.)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 325-325
Helium Effects on Defect Evolution of In-Situ Irradiated Additive-Manufactured Grade 91 Steel
Sydney Copp (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), Yan-Ru Lin (ORNL), Arunodaya Bhattacharya (U.K. Atomic Energy Authority), Wei-Ying Chen (ANL), Steven Zinkle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 326-326
Irradiation Hardening Analysis with Elasto-Plastic and Load-Partitioning Behaviors on Fe-Cr-C Alloys Using In-Situ XRD Technique
Hoon Lee (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Dominic Piedmont (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Xiang Liu (Zhejiang Univ.), Kuan-Che Lan (Nat'l Tsing Hua Univ.), Meimei Li (ANL), Jonathan Almer (ANL), James F. Stubbins (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 327-327
Exploration of Sintering Phenomena and Grain Growth in Doped CeO2 and UO2
J. Proctor (Univ. California, Irvine), O. Lori (Univ. California, Irvine), S. Dillon (Univ. California, Irvine), J.T. White (LANL), S.C. Finkeldei (Univ. California, Irvine)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 328-328
Moduli Measurements of Metal Hydride Moderators, Fuels, and Cladding Materials via Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
T.A. Saleh (LANL), J.R. Torres (ORNL), M.L. Hayne (LANL), C.A. Kohnert (LANL), J.T. White (LANL), S. Widgeon Paisner (LANL), A.J. Terricabras (LANL), A.P. Shivprasad (LANL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 329-329
The use of X-rays to Image Nuclear Fuel and new Approaches Through Gratings Based X-ray Imaging
A. N. Sarceno (Univ. Florida), J. E. Baciak (Univ. Florida)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 330-330
Examining Porosity of U-10wt%Zr Fuel at Various Burnups and Temperatures
M.K. Smith (Purdue), N. Rodriguez Perez (Purdue), M.A. Okuniewski (Purdue)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 331-331
Multiscale Multiphysics Model of Crud Transport and Deposition in Pressurized Water Reactors: Formulation and Preliminary Results Examining the Effect of Surface Potentials
Sri Saravana Konganapuram Narasimma Bharath (SUNY Polytechnic Institute), Bhavani Sasank Nagothi (SUNY Polytechnic Institute), Eric Wales (SUNY Polytechnic Institute), John Arnason (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Matthew Armstrong (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Kathleen Dunn (SUNY Polytechnic Institute)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 332-332
High Density TRISO
Daniel R. Talbot (U.S. Air Force Academy)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 333-333
Analyzing ZrN and LiF-Doped ZrN as a Shield Material for Fusion and Space Reactors
M.M. Karatas (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville), S.J. Zinkle (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 334-334
Liquid Tin Compatibility Experiment in HFIR
N.G. Russell (ORNL), B.A. Pint (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 335-335
Inverse Temperature Dependence of Silver Release Rate from Intact TRISO Fuel
T.J. Gerczak (ORNL), J.D. Hunn (ORNL), D.J. Skitt (ORNL), G.W. Helmreich (ORNL), D. Schappel (ORNL), Z.M. Burns (ORNL)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 336-336
Determining the Spatial Distribution of Primary Radiation Damage in Real Materials
M.I. Brand (Univ. New South Wales), E.G. Obbard (Univ. New South Wales), P.A. Burr (Univ. New South Wales)
Proceedings | Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES 2023) | New Orleans, LA, December 10-14, 2023 | Pages 337-337