Nuclear News on the Newswire

ANS certificate and certification courses continue to improve

The American Nuclear Society launched its inaugural Nuclear 101 certificate course at the 2024 ANS Winter Conference and Expo in November. The five-day program, which is designed to provide participants with a robust understanding of nuclear energy and engineering, was the talk of the conference, with nearly 50 attendees from different nuclear organizations participating in the course.

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Will policies outlined in Project 2025 affect nuclear much?

James Conca

I think so. The near future for nuclear depends on both the cabinet picks for Energy, Defense, Interior, and Commerce, and how well the new secretaries stick to the Project 2025 plan, the Heritage Foundation’s conservative blueprint for the future.

Those who want to read the entire 900-­page Mandate for Leadership can find it easily online. The section relating to nuclear power and waste begins on page 363: “Department of Energy and Related Commissions,” by Bernard L. McNamee. The nuclear weapons–related portions are scattered throughout.

It is obvious from the beginning of the chapter that McNamee doesn’t really understand the Department of Energy. He can be forgiven, since most people don’t. For the several months following their appointments, new energy secretaries generally fail to understand what the DOE does—except for real nuclear folks like Ernest Moniz, who held the position from 2013 to 2017. Most think that the DOE is all about energy, when really it is mostly about weapons and waste.

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SRNL patents structure for better nuclear materials packaging

Savannah River National Laboratory said it has received a patent for its radially oriented honeycomb structures. The technology offers a solution to the deformation of cylindrical honeycomb structures when they are formed from flat panels, providing a way to create structures with greater wall thickness than traditional methods.

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El Salvador: Looking to nuclear

In 2022, El Salvador’s leadership decided to expand its modest, mostly hydro- and geothermal-based electricity system, which is supported by expensive imported natural gas and diesel generation. They chose to use advanced nuclear reactors, preferably fueled by thorium-based fuels, to power their civilian efforts. The choice of thorium was made to inform the world that the reactor program was for civilian purposes only, and so they chose a fuel that was plentiful, easy to source and work with, and not a proliferation risk.

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Tennessee senators call on Trump to “rescue TVA from itself”



In a strongly worded opinion piece published by Power Magazine on March 24, Tennessee Sens. Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty call for new leadership at the Tennessee Valley Authority to jumpstart its small modular reactor program.

The GOP lawmakers are looking to President Donald Trump and Energy Secretary Chris Wright to overhaul TVA’s board of directors to drive America’s role in the nuclear renaissance. TVA is the first and only U.S. energy company to obtain an early site permit for a small modular reactor, but the utility has not progressed on physical deployment of a unit since the permit was awarded in 2019.

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Lego model of Swiss CROCUS reactor provides unique educational tool

For many of us, the height of our accomplishments with Lego blocks might have been constructing little square houses as children. For others, these versatile building blocks are a medium for creating complex models of sophisticated machinery—models that have practical and educational applications. One such individual is ANS member Vincent Lamirand, a reactor physicist at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Systems Behavior (LRS) in Switzerland.

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J. Bennett Johnston, energy and science advocate, dies at age 92


John Bennett Johnston Jr., a moderate-to-conservative Democrat who served four terms in the U.S. Senate (19721997) and often advocated for the energy and infrastructure interests of his home state of Louisiana, passed away on March 25 at the age of 92. Johnston was a strong supporter of Louisiana’s oil and natural gas sectors and nuclear energy expansion.

Johnston was born on June 10, 1932, in Shreveport, La. He left Shreveport to attend the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and then Washington and Lee University in Virginia. He earned his juris doctorate in 1956 from Louisiana State University. From 1956 to 1959, he served as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army’s Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps.

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My story: Ralph Cooper

. . . and today

Ralph Cooper in 1955. . .

Variety characterized my career: in profession (engineer, physicist, educator), in field (energy, space, defense), in technology (fusion, lasers, nuclear), and in community (STEM diversity, scouting, social service).

After earning my energy engineering degree from The Cooper Union in New York and my Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois, I was most excited by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory’s 1957 program (pre-Sputnik) to develop a nuclear rocket engine. There I worked on everything from reactor physics to vehicle design and mission analysis. I participated in the Gardner Committee that recommended the Apollo program, a thrill for a young scientist.

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$900M offer for SMR funding opens again—realigned to energy dominance agenda

The Department of Energy reissued a $900 million solicitation on March 24 designed to de-risk the deployment of “Gen-III+” light water small modular reactors. The same funding was previously offered in October 2024, with applications due January 17. Now, potential applicants have until April 23 to apply for a grant under a solicitation modified to “better align with President Trump's bold agenda to unleash American energy and AI dominance.”

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