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Isotopes & Radiation
Members are devoted to applying nuclear science and engineering technologies involving isotopes, radiation applications, and associated equipment in scientific research, development, and industrial processes. Their interests lie primarily in education, industrial uses, biology, medicine, and health physics. Division committees include Analytical Applications of Isotopes and Radiation, Biology and Medicine, Radiation Applications, Radiation Sources and Detection, and Thermal Power Sources.
Meeting Spotlight
ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
Standards Program
The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
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Jul 2024
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Nuclear Science and Engineering
March 2025
Nuclear Technology
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February 2025
Latest News
RP3C Community of Practice’s fifth anniversary
In February, the Community of Practice (CoP) webinar series, hosted by the American Nuclear Society Standards Board’s Risk-informed, Performance-based Principles and Policies Committee (RP3C), celebrated its fifth anniversary. Like so many online events, these CoPs brought people together at a time when interacting with others became challenging in early 2020. Since the kickoff CoP, which highlighted the impact that systems engineering has on the design of NuScale’s small modular reactor, the last Friday of most months has featured a new speaker leading a discussion on the use of risk-informed, performance-based (RIPB) thinking in the nuclear industry. Providing a venue to convene for people within ANS and those who found their way online by another route, CoPs are an opportunity for the community to receive answers to their burning questions about the subject at hand. With 50–100 active online participants most months, the conversation is always lively, and knowledge flows freely.
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The Unavailability of Systems Under Periodic Test and Maintenance
G. Apostolakis, T. L. Chu
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 1 | August 1980 | Pages 5-15
Technical Paper | Reactor |
Gas Tag Identification of Failed Reactor Assemblies—IV. Analysis Methods
J. A. Figg, N. J. McCormick, R. E. Schenter, F. Schmittroth
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 1 | August 1980 | Pages 16-24
Technical Paper | Fuel |
Irradiation Performance of Metallic Driver Fuel in Experimental Breeder Reactor II to High Burnup
Robert E. Einziger, Bobby R. Seidel
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 1 | August 1980 | Pages 25-39
Technical Paper | Fuel |
Turbulent Flow Split Model and Supporting Experiments for Wire-Wrapped Core Assemblies
Chong Chiu, Neil E. Todreas, Warren M. Rohsenow
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 1 | August 1980 | Pages 40-52
Technical Paper | Fuel |
Emanation Thermal Analysis—Results from Characterizing Intermediate Steps and Intermediate Products for Urania Spheres
Vladimír Balek, Miroslav Vobořil, Václav Baran
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 1 | August 1980 | Pages 53-59
Technical Paper | Fuel |
A Comparative Study of Tritium Breeding Performance of Lithium, Li2O, and Li7Pb2 Blankets in a Tokamak Power Reactor
Jungchung Jung
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 1 | August 1980 | Pages 60-82
Technical Paper | Fuel |
Suivi de Rupture de Gaine du Combustible Caramel: Experience CARINE
J. Gilbert, R. Marfaing, H. Vidal
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 1 | August 1980 | Pages 83-87
Technical Paper | Fuel |
The Effect of the Spontaneous Fission of Plutonium-240 on the Energy Release in a Nuclear Explosive
Sümer Şahin, Jacques Ligou
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 1 | August 1980 | Pages 88-94
Technical Paper | Nuclear Explosive |
Use of Fuel Thermocouple Transient Response for Data Verification and Fuel Rod Modeling
Donald D. Lanning, Bruce O. Barnes, W. A. Scheffler
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 1 | August 1980 | Pages 95-107
Technical Paper | Technique |
Fueling Moving Ring Field-Reversed Mirror Reactor Plasmas
F. S. Felber
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 2 | September 1980 | Pages 119-123
Technical Paper | Reactor |
An Application of Information Divergence to Nuclear Reactor Noise Analysis
J. Nagashima, D. G. Andrews
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 2 | September 1980 | Pages 124-135
Technical Paper | Reactor |
Inherent Safety in the Design of Future Nuclear Plants
Edward Lantz
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 2 | September 1980 | Pages 136-147
Technical Paper | Reactor Siting |
Dissolution and Storage Experiment with 4.75-wt%-235U-Enriched UO2 Rods
J. C. Manaranche, D. Mangin, L. Maubert, G. Colomb, G. Poullot
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 2 | September 1980 | Pages 148-157
Technical Paper | Fuel Cycle |
Characterization of Organics in Leachates from Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites
A. J. Francis, C. R. Iden, B. J. Nine, C. K. Chang
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 2 | September 1980 | Pages 158-163
Technical Paper | Radioactive Waste |
Numerical Calculations of the Effect of Recombination on Sink Strengths in the Rate Theory of Void Swelling, Irradiation Creep, and Growth
R. Bullough, M. H. Wood
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 2 | September 1980 | Pages 164-168
Technical Paper | Material |
Effect of Gamma Radiation on the Release of Corrosion Products from Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel in High Temperature Water
Kenkichi Ishigure, Norihiko Fujita, Takaaki Tamura, Keichi Oshima
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 2 | September 1980 | Pages 169-177
Technical Paper | Material |
Uranium Isotope Enrichment by Chemical Method
Maomi Seko, Tetsuya Miyake, Kohji Inada, Kunihiko Takeda
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 2 | September 1980 | Pages 178-186
Technical Paper | Isotopes Separation |
An Appraisal of the Effect of Graphite Interlayers on the Tolerance of Water Reactor Fuel Rods to Power Ramp Defects
E. Smith
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 2 | September 1980 | Pages 187-189
Technical Note | Fuel |
The Effect of Accidental Steam Entry on Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Integral Neutronics Parameters
S. K. Bhattacharyya, J. A. Morman, R. G. Bucher, D. M. Smith, W. R. Robinson, E. F. Bennett
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 3 | October 1980 | Pages 197-218
Technical Paper | Reactor |
Parametric Study of Radioactive Release from a Breached Containment
A. Kenigsberg, D. Hasan, E. Elias
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 3 | October 1980 | Pages 219-224
Technical Paper | Reactor |
TREAT Test E8 Simulating a Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor $3/s Overpower Accident with Irradiated Fast Test Reactor Type Fuel
Richard Simms, Robert K. LO, William F. Murphy, Alan B. Rothman, George S. Stanford
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 3 | October 1980 | Pages 225-241
Technical Paper | Reactor Siting |
An Evaluation of the Plutonium Denaturing Concept as an Effective Safeguards Method
Carolyn D. Heising-Goodman
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 3 | October 1980 | Pages 242-251
Technical Paper | Fuel Cycle |
Using Fuel Performance to Determine Operating Limit Uncertainty Allowance
John F. Carew, David J. Diamond
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 3 | October 1980 | Pages 252-256
Technical Paper | Fuel |
An Evaluation of Fuel Motion in Recent TREAT Experiments with Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Fuel
Richard Simms
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 3 | October 1980 | Pages 257-266
Technical Paper | Fuel |
To the Corrosion of Austenitic Steel in Sodium Loops
M. Schad
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 3 | October 1980 | Pages 267-288
Technical Paper | Material |
Application of a Sodium Austenitic Corrosion Model to a Fuel Rod
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 3 | October 1980 | Pages 289-297
Technical Paper | Material |
One-Dimensional Penetration of Molten UO2 into Substrate Limestone Concrete
R. Farhadieh, W. H. Gunther
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 3 | October 1980 | Pages 298-306
Technical Paper | Material |
A Thermal Neutron Coincidence Counting System
B. H. Erkkila, R. S. Marshall
Nuclear Technology | Volume 50 | Number 3 | October 1980 | Pages 307-313
Technical Paper | Instrument |