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The objectives of MSTD are: promote the advancement of materials science in Nuclear Science Technology; support the multidisciplines which constitute it; encourage research by providing a forum for the presentation, exchange, and documentation of relevant information; promote the interaction and communication among its members; and recognize and reward its members for significant contributions to the field of materials science in nuclear technology.
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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
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Investment bill would provide funding options for energy projects
The bipartisan Financing Our Futures Act, which expands certain financing tools to all types of energy resources and infrastructure projects, was reintroduced to the U.S. Senate on February 20 by Sens. Jerry Moran (R., Kan.) and Chris Coons (D., Del.).
Via amendment to the Internal Revenue Code, the legislation would allow advanced nuclear energy projects to form as master limited partnerships (MLPs), a tax structure currently available only to traditional energy projects.
An MLP is a business structure that is taxed as a partnership but the ownership interests of which are traded like corporate stock on a market. Until the Internal Revenue Code is amended, MLPs will continue to be available only to investors in energy portfolios for oil, natural gas, coal extraction, and pipeline projects that derive at least 90 percent of their income from these sources. This change would take effect on January 1, 2026.
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CANDU Reactor Operation for Electricity Production and District Heating
J. T. Rogers, A. E. Abdelkerim, M. C. Swinton
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 165-173
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Atomic Central Heating-and-Power Plants and Atomic Boiler Houses
I. N. Sokolov, S. A. Skvortsov
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 174-177
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Survey of Existing District Heating Systems
Volker Scholten, Manfred Timm
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 178-186
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Experience in Operation of the Experimental Atomic Power Plant “ARBUS” with the High-Boiling Organic Coolant-Moderator Ditolylmethane
V. A. Tzikanov, Yu. N. Aleksenko, V. D. Tetyukov, V. A. Kuprienko, I. G. Kobzar, V. A. Khramchenkov, M. P. Mexcheryakov, V. I. Zinoviev
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 187-191
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Economics of Long-Distance Transmission, Storage, and Distribution of Heat from Nuclear Plants with Existing and Newer Techniques
Peter H. Margen
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 192-203
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
HERA—A High-Temperature Reactor for Use in a Refinery
P. H. Chaubernard, G. Lelarge d’Ervau, R. Pfertzel
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 204-208
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Desalination by Very Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat
Risto Saari
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 209-214
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
A Dual-Purpose Light Water Reactor Supplying Heat for Desalination
Geoffrey Waplington, Hannes Fichtner
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 215-220
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
A Boiling Water Reactor in a Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Vessel for an Atomic Central Heating-and-Power Plant
Yu. I. Tokarev, I. N. Sokolov, S. A. Skvortsov, A. M. Sidorov, L. V. Krauze
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 221-224
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
SECURE Nuclear District Heating Plant
L. Nilsson, M. Hannus
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 225-234
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Application of the Integrated Pressurized Water Reactor to District Heating and Desalination
F. K. Boese, H. Kadella
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 235-241
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
THERMOS Reactors
M. Labrousse, B. Lerouge, G. Dupuy, J. P. Schwartz
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 242-247
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
The Low-Temperature Water Reactor for the District Heating Atomic Power Plant
S. A. Skvortsov, I. N. Sokolov, L. V. Krauze, Yu. G. Nikiporetz, Yu. V. Philimonov
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 248-251
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Low-Temperature Heat from High-Temperature Reactors by Means of Nuclear Long-Distance Energy
Ralf Harth, Kurt Kugeler, Hans F. Niessen, Udo Boltendahl, Karl A. Theis
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 252-257
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Nuclear Wastes as a Heat Source
Warren F. Witzig, Michael E. Foster
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 258-263
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Radioactive Waste |
Dual-Purpose Nuclear Power Plants for Military Installations
Gary S. Stewart, George T. Story
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 264-270
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
An Energy Alternative for Industry—The High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Steamer
A. T. McMain, Jr., Franz J. Blok
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 271-279
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
The Economics of Nuclear District Heating from the Utility’s Point of View
Manfred Timm
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 280-287
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Estimates of the Costs of Steam Derived from Nuclear and Fossil Fuels
I. Spiewak, O. H. Klepper
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 288-294
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
A Nuclear District Heating System with a High-Temperature Reactor
G. Schroeder, H. Barnert, R. Wischnewski
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 295-303
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Cost Comparison of Low-Temperature Heat Production and Supply to the Industrial and Domestic Sector by Means of Nuclear Energy
F. K. Boese, W. Breyer, R. Pruschek
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 304-311
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Utility Optimization Model of Fuel Cycle Back-End Services
H. Kaikkonen, J.-P. Salo, P. Silvennoinen
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 312-320
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Summary—Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat
Peter Margen
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 2 | April 1978 | Pages 321-330
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Economics and Potential Use of Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat
D. Oesterwind
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 11-18
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
U.S. Department of Energy Programs to Evaluate Applications of Heat from Nuclear Reactors
W. F. Savage, I. Spiewak
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 19-24
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
A Summary of U.S. Activities in Low-Temperature Reject Heat Utilization
Warren F. Witzig, David R. DeWalle
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 25-34
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Heat Extraction from Nuclear Power Plants
Gerhard Deuster, Peter Zenker
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 35-40
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
The Optimization Problems in a Large Nuclear Heat-and-Power Plant Connected to a Developing District Heating System
Jacek Marecki, Rudolf Krajewski, Andrzej Reński
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 41-49
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
District Heating in Greater Stockholm
Lars Jäderberg
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 50-53
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Investigations Concerning Nuclear Energy in the Combined Production of Electricity and Heat in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area
M. Aho, H. Hiidenpalo, M. Seppä, O. J. A. Tiainen, L. Nevanlinna, R. Perander
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 54-61
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
A Duplex Chemical System for the Storage and Container Transport of Heat for District Heating
M. Taube
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 62-68
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Multi-Stage-Flash Desalination Plants of Relative Small Performance with Integrated Pressurized Water Reactors as a Nuclear Heat Source
Gerhard Petersen, Michael Peltzer
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 69-74
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Measures to Ensure the Possibility of Future Heat Supply from the Kaiseraugst Nuclear Power Station
Janos Fazekas, Mirko Mamuzic
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 75-82
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Soil Warming for Utilization and Dissipation of Waste Heat in Pennsylvania
David R. DeWalle, Andrew M. Chapura, Jr.
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 83-89
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Experience Gained in France on Heat Recovery from Nuclear Plants for Agriculture and Pisciculture
P. Balligand, P. Le Gouellec, M. Dumont, A. Grauby
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 90-96
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Front Heat Extraction
Ph. Aussourd
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 97-103
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
District Heating from Nuclear Power Plants
J. Bogen, K.-H. Schüller
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 104-112
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Steam Turbines for District Heating in Nuclear Power Plants
Helmut J. Mühlhäuser
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 113-119
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Nuclear Steam Turbines for Power Production in Combination with District Heating and Desalination
Bjarne Frilund, Knud Knudsen
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 120-125
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Safety Evaluation of the SECURE Nuclear District Heating Plant
Jean-Pierre Bento, Tuomas Mankamo
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 126-134
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Risk Assessment of Urban-Sited Heating Reactors
I. Savolainen, R. Tarjanne, S. Vuori
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 135-143
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
Core Design and Dynamics of the SECURE District Heating Reactor
Hans Gransell, R. Höglund
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 1 | April 1978 | Pages 144-154
Technical Paper | Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat / Reactor |
A Condensed Review of the Technology of Post-Accident Heat Removal for the Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor
M. S. Kazimi, J. C. Chen
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 3 | May 1978 | Pages 339-366
Critical Review |
Reactivity Behavior of a Reactor Core Loaded with Gadolinium-Poisoned Fuel Assemblies
K. P. Termaat, N. V. Kema
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 3 | May 1978 | Pages 367-373
Technical Paper | Reactor |
Performance of Thorium Fuel Cycles in the Pebble-Bed Reactor
Eberhard Teuchert, Hans Joachim Rütten, Heinz Werner
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 3 | May 1978 | Pages 374-383
Technical Paper | Fuel Cycle |
The Effect of Finite Plant Life on the Doubling Time of a Breeder Reactor Population
Suresh M. Lee
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 3 | May 1978 | Pages 384-386
Technical Paper | Fuel Cycle |
Feasibility of Chemical Getter Beds in Scavenging Tritium from Inert Gases
Jon L. Maienschein
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 3 | May 1978 | Pages 387-404
Technical Paper | Chemical Processing |
The Application of Simulation Experiments to Fusion Materials Development
F. V. Nolfi, Jr., Che-Yu Li
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 3 | May 1978 | Pages 405-414
Technical Paper | Material |
Crack Propagation in Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperatures
P. Shahinian
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 3 | May 1978 | Pages 415-426
Technical Paper | Material |
Calculated Atom Displacement and Gas Production Rates of Materials Using a Fusion Reactor First Wall Neutron Spectrum
T. A. Gabriel, B. L. Bishop, F. W. Wiffen
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 3 | May 1978 | Pages 427-433
Technical Paper | Material |
Experimental Verification of Tritium Control by Glove-Box Containment
Layton J. Wittenberg
Nuclear Technology | Volume 38 | Number 3 | May 1978 | Pages 434-440
Technical Paper | Hot Laboratory |