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Colin Judge: Testing structural materials in Idaho’s newest hot cell facility
Idaho National Laboratory’s newest facility—the Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL)—sits across the road from the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF), which started operating in 1975. SPL will host the first new hot cells at INL’s Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) in 50 years, giving INL researchers and partners new flexibility to test the structural properties of irradiated materials fresh from the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) or from a partner’s facility.
Materials meant to withstand extreme conditions in fission or fusion power plants must be tested under similar conditions and pushed past their breaking points so performance and limitations can be understood and improved. Once irradiated, materials samples can be cut down to size in SPL and packaged for testing in other facilities at INL or other national laboratories, commercial labs, or universities. But they can also be subjected to extreme thermal or corrosive conditions and mechanical testing right in SPL, explains Colin Judge, who, as INL’s division director for nuclear materials performance, oversees SPL and other facilities at the MFC.
SPL won’t go “hot” until January 2026, but Judge spoke with NN staff writer Susan Gallier about its capabilities as his team was moving instruments into the new facility.
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A Pin Power Reconstruction Method for CANDU Reactor Cores Based on Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference Calculations
Hyung-Seok Lee, Won Sik Yang, Man Gyun Na, Hangbok Choi
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 1 | April 2000 | Pages 1-8
Technical Paper | Fission Reactors |
Fission Gas Release from UO2+x in Defective Fuel Rods
Yeon Soo Kim
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 1 | April 2000 | Pages 9-17
Technical Paper | Fuel Cycle and Management |
RELAP5 Simulation of Thermal-Hydraulic Behavior in a CANDU Reactor - Assessments of RD-14 Experiments
Sukho Lee, In-Goo Kim
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 1 | April 2000 | Pages 18-26
Technical Paper | Thermal Hydraulics |
Development of a Dynamic Event Tree for a Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Tube Rupture Event
Chun-Chang Chao, Chin-Jang Chang
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 1 | April 2000 | Pages 27-38
Technical Paper | Thermal Hydraulics |
Heat Transfer Modeling During a Vapor Explosion
Georges Berthoud
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 1 | April 2000 | Pages 39-58
Technical Paper | Thermal Hydraulics |
Hydrogen Water Chemistry Technology in Boiling Water Reactors
Chien C. Lin
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 1 | April 2000 | Pages 59-70
Technical Paper | Nuclear Plant Operations and Control |
Analysis of Radionuclide Release from Spent Ion-Exchange Resins
Sol-Il Su, Man-Sung Yim
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 1 | April 2000 | Pages 71-88
Technical Paper | Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal |
Alternatives to High-Level Waste Vitrification: The Need for Common Sense
Jimmy T. Bell
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 1 | April 2000 | Pages 89-98
Technical Paper | Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal |
A Comparison of Natural Convection Heat Transfer for a Staggered Versus an Aligned Array of Horizontal Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods Within a Rectangular Enclosure
C. Eric Triplett, Robert E. Canaan, Dale E. Klein
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 1 | April 2000 | Pages 99-110
Technical Note | Thermal Hydraulics |
Criticality and Safety Parameter Studies of a 3-MW TRIGA MARK-II Research Reactor and Validation of the Generated Cross-Section Library and Computational Method
S. I. Bhuiyan, M. A. W. Mondal, M. M. Sarker, M. Rahman, M. S. Shahdatullah, M. Q. Huda, T. K. Chakrobortty, M. J. H. Khan
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 2 | May 2000 | Pages 111-131
Technical Paper | Fission Reactors |
A Formal Procedure for Probabilistic Quantification of Modeling Uncertainties Employed in Phenomenological Transient Models
Kwang-Il Ahn, Hee-Dong Kim
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 2 | May 2000 | Pages 132-144
Technical Paper | Reactor Safety |
Experimental Breeder Reactor-II Frequency Response Test Measurements Via Pseudorandom, Discrete-Level Binary and Ternary Signals
William D. Rhodes, Raymond V. Furstenau, Howard A. Larson
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 2 | May 2000 | Pages 145-158
Technical Paper | Reactor Safety |
Comparisons of Cell Calculations for Uranium-Free Light Water Reactor Fuels
Jean-M. Paratte, Hiroshi Akie, Rakesh Chawla, Marc Delpech, Jan Leen Kloosterman, Carlo Lombardi, Alessandro Mazzola, Sandro Pelloni, Yannick Pénéliau, Hideki Takano
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 2 | May 2000 | Pages 159-176
Technical Paper | Fuel Cycle and Management |
Comparative Study of Station Blackout Counterpart Tests in APEX and ROSA/AP600
Abd Y. Lafi, Jose N. Reyes, Jr.
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 2 | May 2000 | Pages 177-183
Technical Paper | Thermal Hydraulics |
Metal Surface Decontamination Using 1-Hydroxyethane-1,1-Diphosphonic Acid
Michael D. Kaminski, Luis Nuñez, Ankur Purohit, Michael Lewandowski
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 2 | May 2000 | Pages 184-195
Technical Paper | Decontamination/Decommissioning |
Radioactive Waste Minimization by Electrolytic Extraction and Destruction in a Purex-Truex Actinide Separation System
Masaki Ozawa, Yuichi Sano, Chisako Ohara, Takamichi Kishi
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 2 | May 2000 | Pages 196-205
Technical Paper | Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal |
Measurements of the Effective Diffusion Coefficient of Dissolved Oxygen and Oxidation Rate of Pyrite by Dissolved Oxygen in Compacted Sodium Bentonite
Mitsuo Manaka, Manabu Kawasaki, Akira Honda
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 2 | May 2000 | Pages 206-217
Technical Paper | Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal |
Fracture Mechanism of Borated Stainless Steel
J. Y. He, Salah E. Soliman, Anthony J. Baratta, Thomas A. Balliett
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 2 | May 2000 | Pages 218-225
Technical Paper | Materials for Nuclear Systems |
Plutonium Recycling in Pressurized Water Reactors: Influence of the Moderator-to-Fuel Ratio
Jan Leen Kloosterman, Evert E. Bende
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 3 | June 2000 | Pages 227-241
Technical Paper | Fission Reactors |
A Recriticality-Free Fast Reactor Core Concept
Tetsuo Sawada, Hisashi Ninokata, Hirofumi Tomozoe, Hiroshi Endo
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 3 | June 2000 | Pages 242-251
Technical Paper | Fission Reactors |
Fuel Pin Behavior Under the Slow Power Ramp Transients in the CABRI-2 Experiments
Jean Charpenel, Francette Lemoine, Ikken Sato, Dankward Struwe, Werner Pfrang
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 3 | June 2000 | Pages 252-271
Technical Paper | Reactor Safety |
Irradiation Experiment on ZrC-Coated Fuel Particles for High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors
Kazuo Minato, Toru Ogawa, Kazuhiro Sawa, Akiyoshi Ishikawa, Takeshi Tomita, Shozo Iida, Hajime Sekino
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 3 | June 2000 | Pages 272-281
Technical Paper | Fuel Cycle and Management |
In-Core Fuel Management with Biased Multiobjective Function Optimization
Youssef A. Shatilla, David C. Little, Jack A. Penkrot, Richard Andrew Holland
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 3 | June 2000 | Pages 282-295
Technical Paper | Fuel Cycle and Management |
Analysis of Transient Events Without Scram in a Research Reactor Using the RELAP5/MOD3.2 Computer Code
Sridhar Hari, Yassin A. Hassan, Jiyuan Tu
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 3 | June 2000 | Pages 296-309
Technical Paper | Thermal Hydraulics |
A Procedure to Predict Subcooled-Water-Flow-Boiling CHF in Uniformly Heated Tubes for High-Heat-Flux Applications
Young Min Kwon, Soon Heung Chang
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 3 | June 2000 | Pages 310-328
Technical Paper | Thermal Hydraulics |
Risk-Informed Assessment of the Technical Specifications of PWR RPS Instrumentation
Ioannis A. Papazoglou
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 3 | June 2000 | Pages 329-350
Technical Paper | Nuclear Plant Operations and Control |
An Approximate Reasoning-Based Method for Screening High-Level-Waste Tanks for Flammable Gas
Stephen W. Eisenhawer, Terry F. Bott, Ronald E. Smith
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 3 | June 2000 | Pages 351-361
Technical Paper | Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal |
Interaction Between Molecular Iodine in a Gas Phase and Paints Aged in a Nuclear Power Plant
André Zoulalian, Edith Belval-Haltier
Nuclear Technology | Volume 130 | Number 3 | June 2000 | Pages 362-371
Technical Paper | Radioisotopes |