Monoenergetic gamma beams (Δ ~ 10 eV) based on thermal neutron capture, in a nuclear reactor, using the V(n,γ) and Fe(n,γ) reactions were utilized for generating fast neutron sources from lead and thallium, respectively, via the 207Pb(γ,n) and 205Tl(γ,n) reactions. It so happens that one of the incident gamma lines of the V source, Eγ = 7163 keV, photoexcites by chance a resonance level in 207Pb, which emits neutrons at an energy of 423 keV. In a similar manner the incident gamma line at Eγ = 7646 keV of the Fe(n,γ) source photoexcites by chance a resonance level in the 205Tl isotope, which emits neutrons at an energy of 99 keV. The cross sections for the neutron emission process were measured and found to be σ(γ,n) = 35 ± 6 mb and 107 ± 17 mb, respectively, with intensities of the order of 104 n/s.