Critical experiments were performed at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory-Critical Mass Laboratory from 1985 to 1987 with mixed Pu+U nitrate solutions in annular geometry. The 25.4-cm-diam central region of the annular vessel contained various inserts, such as a bottle containing fissile solution and borated-concrete and cadmium-covered polyethylene annular inserts. The fissile solution concentrations ranged from 47 to 226g Pu/ℓ with Pu/Pu+U ratios of 1.0, 0.5, and 0.2. The criticality data were used to validate two versions of the SCALE computer code system (SCALE-4 and SCALE-2). The analyses were performed with the 27-energy-group cross-section library, derived from the Evaluated Nuclear Data File B-Version IV. Computer models were prepared to accurately simulate all significant materials that would affect the system reactivity. The average calculated keff for the 18 experiments was 1.008 (σ = 0.006) with SCALE-4 and 1.004 (σ = 0.006) with SCALE-2. Overall, the range of calculated keff’s varied from 0.990 to 1.017. The results of the validation calculations indicate that the SCALE computer code system is capable of accurately modeling Pu+U nitrate. solutions in annular geometry.