Plutonium recycling in light water reactors (LWRs) has progressively become a fact. Over 200 t of mixedoxide (MOX) fuel have been produced in the COGEMA and BELGONUCLÉAIRE plants in the last 7 yr. Fuel loaded in European reactors—mainly MIMAS fuel—is presenting satisfactory in-core behavior and performance. Fuel fabrication technology and operation experience of the BELGONUCLÉAIRE Po Dessel Plant (35 tonne HM/yr) are reviewed. Backfitting of the Complexe de Fabrication de Cadarache (CFCa) plant to MOX fabrication and recent fabrication progress are also addressed. The MELOX plant erected by COGEMA in Marcoule (South France) is a major commitment to provide the utilities with important additional plutonium recycling by the mid-1990s. This second generation plant has been designed to currently produce high plutoniumcontent MOX fuel and recycle degraded plutonium originating from high-burnup LWR UO2 fuels.