Received August 8, 1981 Accepted for Publication March 10, 1982 Fuzzy set theory is adapted here to handle decisions on selection of sites for nuclear power plants. The approach is demonstrated by considering a choice of a site for the first nuclear power plant in Saudi Arabia. The approach allows for accommodation of imprecision in evaluation of the factors impacting site selection such as the site geology; hydrology; seismology; topography; meteorology; and availability of cooling water, services, and transportation. Based on the criteria used, preference of the East Coast site over the West Coast site is found within the fuzzy environment surrounding the decision. The approach is quite adequate in situations where precise data are not available and when the decision maker prefers to resort to verbal ratings rather than to use the tedious course of sensitivity analysis. The alternate sites under consideration, however, must meet at least a minimum level of acceptance from the nuclear safety point of view.