We have determined the critical mass of a water-reflected plutonium sphere. The experimental data are:

  1. Properties of metal: (a) all alpha-phase, (b) high purity, and (c) 94.5% 239Pu, 5.18% 240Pu
  2. Measurements: (a) mass—5546 g, (b) diameter—8.126 em at 20°C, (c) density—19.74 g/cm3 at 20°C, and (d) neutron multiplication—71 (based on unreflected value of 5)
  3. Reflector—effectively infinite water
  4. Results: (a) critical mass, our experiment—5790 ± 25 g (extrapolated from appropriately adjusted data), (b) DTF calculation, our experiment—keff = 1.0037, and (c) applying above normalizing factor to DTF, critical mass of pure 239Pu—5430 (±25)g.