As Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) defueling progresses, an ongoing transitional program has been developed that incorporates plant equipment modifications as necessary to place TMI-2 in a “postdefueling monitored storage” (PDMS) configuration. The ultimate decision to either restart the plant or to decommission it has been deferred until some time in the future. The PDMS period will commence when essentially all of the fuel is removed and will terminate when a decommissioning or restart program begins. During this period, the plant will be laid up in a safe and stable storage condition. To maintain the plant in this storage condition, hardware modifications are required to convert the plant from one that is dependent on the continuous operation of plant systems and equipment for maintaining stability to one that will remain safe and stable with a minimum of operating or standby systems and equipment. By performing the numerous modifications required, a safe, stable plant will be maintained, ensuring the health and safety of the public and workers at TMI-2.