Gold spheres and foils were activated in a nonisotropic neutron flux in the center of boxes that were cadmium-lined on five sides and located in the graphite thermal column of the JUGGERNAUT reactor. The boxes were cubes, 5, 10, and 20 cm on a side and were either left void or filled with graphite. In the sphere measurements, an attempt was made to measure the angular flux distribution by scanning the spatial distribution of the activation over 1-cm-diam spheres. The results were compared to calculated values. Resolution curves were calculated for gold spheres of different diameters. The self shielding of 1-cm2 gold foils was measured for two different foil orientations and for foil thicknesses between 0.0013 and 0.05 cm. The self shielding was also calculated, approximating the angular flux distribution by polynomials and by step functions in the cosine of the angle of incidence. Finally, a qualitative method was developed to determine the angular flux distribution from the results of the self-shielding measurements with foils.