Data dealing with the education, experience, training and certification procedures for supervisors, operators and trainees employed at AEC-owned reactors indicate that a college education or equivalent is required of reactor supervisors, while reactor operators are required to have a high school diploma or equivalent. The average education for reactor supervisor trainees ranges from 15.6 years at the Large Reactor Facilities to 17.5 years at the Test and Research Reactor Facilities. By comparison, the average education of certified reactor supervisors ranged from 16.1 to 18.0 years, respectively. The average education of reactor operator trainees varies from 13.7 to 18.3 years while the average educational level of certified reactor operators ranges from 12.6 to 15.8 years, respectively. These data illustrate a general trend toward increasing the minimum education requirements for reactor operators, while the minimum requirements for supervisory personnel remain approximately unchanged. The average reactor operating experience of certified supervisors ranges from 7.0 to 3.6 years, while the averages for certified operators range from 5.6 to 3.1 years, respectively. Training programs usually consist of instruction in formal subjects, and on-the-job training in manipulations, equipment operation, and maintenance. The initial supervisor training stresses the diagnostic and control aspects of reactor operations, while the manipulative aspects are emphasized in operator training. The length of the training depends on the complexity of the operation and the previous education and experience of the candidates. Examinations are generally required as prerequisites to certification. Generally, AEC contractors provide refresher training for previously qualified operators and supervisors and require periodic requalification.