The application of systems reliability analysis (SRA) at nuclear power plants is broadening from its initial focus on safety-related design considerations to also include operations and maintenance (O&M) issues. Effective analysis of O&M questions requires increased resources and support such as accurate and timely plant feedback. A new approach has been developed that links data from plant information management systems with systems reliability tools and models. This approach is being automated in a software system named RAPID (Reliability Assessment Program with In-Plant Data). The objective of RAPID is to provide an environment for SRA with potential for dramatically improving the quality, quantity, and timeliness of plant reliability information available for decision making, especially for O&M issues. At the same time, the system should enhance engineering efficiency by automating access to such needed resources as plant data, logic models, and evaluation codes. A developmental version of RAPID is operational at the Arizona Nuclear Power Project, where features for supporting engineering activities are being demonstrated.