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Nuclear Criticality Safety
NCSD provides communication among nuclear criticality safety professionals through the development of standards, the evolution of training methods and materials, the presentation of technical data and procedures, and the creation of specialty publications. In these ways, the division furthers the exchange of technical information on nuclear criticality safety with the ultimate goal of promoting the safe handling of fissionable materials outside reactors.
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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
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Feb 2025
Jul 2024
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Colin Judge: Testing structural materials in Idaho’s newest hot cell facility
Idaho National Laboratory’s newest facility—the Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL)—sits across the road from the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF), which started operating in 1975. SPL will host the first new hot cells at INL’s Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) in 50 years, giving INL researchers and partners new flexibility to test the structural properties of irradiated materials fresh from the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) or from a partner’s facility.
Materials meant to withstand extreme conditions in fission or fusion power plants must be tested under similar conditions and pushed past their breaking points so performance and limitations can be understood and improved. Once irradiated, materials samples can be cut down to size in SPL and packaged for testing in other facilities at INL or other national laboratories, commercial labs, or universities. But they can also be subjected to extreme thermal or corrosive conditions and mechanical testing right in SPL, explains Colin Judge, who, as INL’s division director for nuclear materials performance, oversees SPL and other facilities at the MFC.
SPL won’t go “hot” until January 2026, but Judge spoke with NN staff writer Susan Gallier about its capabilities as his team was moving instruments into the new facility.
B. C. Johnson, G. E. Apostolakis, R. Denning
Nuclear Technology | Volume 172 | Number 2 | November 2010 | Pages 108-119
Technical Paper | Reactor Safety |
Articles are hosted by Taylor and Francis Online.
We consider the design of a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) in the context of the risk-informed technology neutral framework (TNF) for licensing new reactors that has been proposed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff. In lieu of design-basis accidents (DBAs), the TNF imposes limits on the frequency and consequences of accident sequences called licensing-basis events (LBEs). We present a method to define LBEs for a SFR using generic functional event trees. Very large consequence events are considered beyond the licensing basis in the TNF as long as their mean frequencies are less than 1 × 10-7 per reactor year.For SFRs, energetic accidents have historically represented a major regulatory hurdle in the traditional licensing system that is based on DBAs. As a result, key systems that prevent or mitigate these accidents may have been overdesigned. We propose a new importance measure, the Limit Exceedance Factor (LEF). It is the factor by which the failure probability of structures, systems, and components (SSCs) may be multiplied such that the frequency of a risk metric reaches a limit. LEF allows a designer to know how much margin exists to the safety limit for each SSC. Alternatively, in the case where a design does not meet the frequency limit, LEF can reveal which systems are candidates for improvement to satisfy the limit. Within the TNF, using a frequency limit of 1 × 10-7 per reactor year and LEF, we find that for some SSCs a wide margin exists to this limit. Therefore, these SSCs are candidates for simplification resulting in economic benefit. This simplification should be done under the frequency-consequence constraints and the deterministic defense-in-depth requirements described in the TNF.