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A Simplified Finite Element Model for Fully Developed Axial Turbulent Flow in Rod Bundles
M. Abdelghany, M. C. Roco, R. Eichhorn
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 1 | September 1983 | Pages 1-16
Technical Paper |
Observation of Ionic Sodium Uranate Precursors in a Laser Simulation of the Conditions Inside the Bubble Formed in an HCDA of an LMFBR
William A. Zanotelli, Stephen M. Craven, Garry D. Miller, William E. Moddeman, Frank Novak, David M. Hercules
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 1 | September 1983 | Pages 17-25
Technical Paper |
Application of the Image Method to Thermal Neutron Leakage Problems
D. Ingman, E. Taviv
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 1 | September 1983 | Pages 26-35
Technical Paper |
Use of Boundary-Fitted Coordinate Transformation in Neutron Diffusion Calculations for Arbitrary Two-Dimensional Geometries
Sadao Uchikawa
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 1 | September 1983 | Pages 36-44
Technical Paper |
An Approximation of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors for Two-Layer Shields
Y. Harima
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 1 | September 1983 | Pages 45-51
Technical Note |
Decay Heat and Decay Rate of Actinides in Highly Neutron-Irradiated Uranium Initially of High 235U Content
K. Shure
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 1 | September 1983 | Pages 51-55
Technical Note |
A Semianalytic Solution of the Monoenergetic Transport Equation in Cylindrical Geometry and the Derivation of Fluxes from Singular Sources
J. K. Fletcher
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 1 | September 1983 | Pages 55-61
Technical Note |
First-Flight Neutron Collision Probabilities in an Annular Region Containing Fuel Rods
Erkang Li
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 1 | September 1983 | Pages 61-70
Technical Note |
Calculational Model Based on Influence Function Method for Power Distribution and Control Rod Worth in Fast Reactors
Toshio Sanda, Kazuo Azekura
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 1 | September 1983 | Pages 70-79
Technical Note |
Validated Deep-Penetration, Air-Over-Ground, Neutron/Gamma-Ray Transport
W. E. Loewe, W. A. Turin, C. W. Pollock, A. C. Springer, B. L. Richardson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 2 | October 1983 | Pages 87-115
Technical Paper |
Flux-Limited Diffusion and Fokker-Planck Equations
G. C. Pomraning
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 2 | October 1983 | Pages 116-126
Technical Paper |
A Proposed Technique for Producing High-Purity Monoenergetic Neutron Beams Between 100 eV and 2.5 keV for Nuclear Research
A. J. Mill
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 2 | October 1983 | Pages 127-132
Technical Paper |
Basic Principles for Developing Equations for Heterogeneous Reactors—A Modification of the Homogenization Method
N. I. Laletin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 2 | October 1983 | Pages 133-138
Technical Paper |
Aggregate Delayed Neutron Intensities and Spectra Using Augmented ENDF/B-V Precursor Data
T. R. England, W. B. Wilson, R. E. Schenter, F. M. Mann
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 2 | October 1983 | Pages 139-155
Technical Paper |
Malfunction Isolation in Linear Stochastic Systems: Application to Nuclear Power Plants
Yakov Ben-Haim
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 2 | October 1983 | Pages 156-166
Technical Paper |
On The Neutron Noise Diagnostics of Pressurized Water Reactor Control Rod Vibrations. I. Periodic Vibrations
I. Pázsit and O. Glöckler
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 2 | October 1983 | Pages 167-177
Technical Paper |
Asymmetric Effects on Vibrations of a Cylinder in Turbulent Parallel Flows
Y. T. Fung
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 2 | October 1983 | Pages 178-187
Technical Paper |
Boundary Perturbation Theory for Nonanalytic Perturbations
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 2 | October 1983 | Pages 188-191
Technical Note |
A Simplified Perturbation Model for Calculation of Few-Group Cross Sections and Reaction Rates
Anthony N. Sinclair, John C. Lee
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 2 | October 1983 | Pages 191-196
Technical Note |
Transient Two-Phase Two-Component Water-Steam-Air Flow
N. I. Kolev
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 3 | November 1983 | Pages 209-220
Technical Paper |
The Transport of Radioactive Corrosion Products in High-Temperature Water—III. The Interaction of Dissolved Cobalt with Heated Surfaces
D. H. Lister, S. A. Kushneriuk, R. H. Campbell
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 3 | November 1983 | Pages 221-232
Technical Paper |
On the Theory of Transport of Fluids in Fractured Media for the Safety Analysis of a Nuclear Waste Repository
Nimai C. Mukhopadhyay
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 3 | November 1983 | Pages 233-244
Technical Paper |
Calibration of Self-Powered Neutron Detectors
M. F. Sulcoski, H. D. Warren
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 3 | November 1983 | Pages 245-250
Technical Paper |
Neutron Capture and Fission Cross Section of 243Am in the Energy Range from 5 to 250 keV
K. Wisshak, F. Käppeler
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 3 | November 1983 | Pages 251-260
Technical Paper |
The Total Neutron Cross Sections of 249Bk and 249Cf Below 100 eV
Richard W. Benjamin, John A. Harvey, Nathaniel W. Hill, Madhu S. Pandey, Robert F. Carlton
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 3 | November 1983 | Pages 261-270
Technical Paper |
The Fission Cross Section of 237Np Relative to 235U from 0.1 to 9.4 MeV
J. W. Meadows
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 3 | November 1983 | Pages 271-279
Technical Paper |
Measurements of Fast Neutron Number Albedos for Double-Layered Slabs
Kazuo Shin, Hiroyuki Nakano, Tomonori Hyodo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 3 | November 1983 | Pages 280-288
Technical Paper |
The Finite Element Response Matrix Method
Horacio Nakata, William R. Martin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 3 | November 1983 | Pages 289-305
Technical Paper |
Multigroup Transfer Matrices for Charged-Particle and Neutron-Induced Reactions—Part III: Energy Conservation and Local Deposition
S. T. Perkins, R. J. Howerton
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 3 | November 1983 | Pages 306-313
Technical Paper |
Measurement of the Subthreshold Neutron-Induced Fission Cross Section of 240Pu Relative to 235U from 5 to 300 keV
J. W. Behrens
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 3 | November 1983 | Pages 314-318
Technical Note |
Neutron Signal Multiplet Analysis for the Mass Determination of Spontaneous Fission Isotopes
R. Dierckx and W. Hage
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 4 | December 1983 | Pages 325-338
Technical Paper |
Evaluation of the Yields from the Radiolysis of Water in Boiling Water Reactors by Neutron and Gamma Radiation
Eishi Ibe, Shunsuke Uchida
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 4 | December 1983 | Pages 339-349
Technical Paper |
Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Resonances of Iodine-127 and Iodine-129
R. L. Macklin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 4 | December 1983 | Pages 350-361
Technical Paper |
Neutron Noise Transmission Characteristics of Multiplying Media and Neutron Noise Source Localization in Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactors by Using the Neutron Wave Propagation Technique
T. M. John, Om Pal Singh
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 4 | December 1983 | Pages 362-370
Technical Paper |
Comparison of Measured and Calculated Radiation Transport in Air-Over-Ground Geometry to 1.6 km from a Fission Source
A. H. Kazi, C. R. Heimbach, R. C. Harrison
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 4 | December 1983 | Pages 371-386
Technical Paper |
Mixing of Molten Core Material and Water
S. G. Bankoff, S. H. Han
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 4 | December 1983 | Pages 387-395
Technical Paper |
Real-Time Simulation of the Transient Behavior of Local and Global Pressurized Water Reactor Core and Plant Parameters
A. Hoeld, O. Lupas
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 4 | December 1983 | Pages 396-417
Technical Paper |
Significant Differences in Reported Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors
A. Natarajan, K. V. Subbaiah, D. V. Gopinath
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 4 | December 1983 | Pages 418-422
Technical Note |
Exploitation of Bragg Cutoff Phenomenon for Improved Albedo in Beryllium-Reflected Minimum Critical Mass Systems
P. K. Job, M. Srinivasan
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 4 | December 1983 | Pages 422-425
Technical Note |
A Simple Semi-Empirical Formula for the Incoherent Scattering Cross Sections for Gamma Rays in the 300- to 1250-keV Energy Region
T. K. Umesh, C. Ranganathaiah, B. Sanjeevaiah
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 4 | December 1983 | Pages 426-427
Technical Note |
An Evaluation of Two Aggregates for Use in a Concrete Reactor Shield
F. U. Ahmed, M. A. Rahman, S. R. Husain, M. M. Rahman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 85 | Number 4 | December 1983 | Pages 427-430
Technical Note |