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Effect of Debris Bed Pressure, Particle Size, and Distribution on Degraded Nuclear Reactor Core Coolability
D. Squarer, A. T. Pieczynski, L. E. Hochreiter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 2-13
Technical Paper |
Leaching of Radionuclides from a Cement Composite Incorporating Evaporator Concentrates Generated at a Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant
Hideo Matsuzuru, Noboru Moriyama
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 14-25
Technical Paper |
On the Fundamental Continuity Equation for Material Transport in Fractured Media and Retention Factor for a System of Joints
Nimai C. Mukhopadhyay, Jörg Hadermann
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 26-31
Technical Paper |
A Coordinate Transformation Method for Thermohydraulics in Irregular Three-Dimensional Geometries
A. K. Agrawal, R. S. Peckover
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 32-46
Technical Paper |
Physics of the Reactor Meltdown Accident
Bernard L. Cohen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 47-60
Technical Paper |
Application of Neutron Count Moment Analysis Method to Passive Assay
N. Shenhav, Y. Segal, A. Notea
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 61-73
Technical Paper |
Average Beta-Ray Energies of Short-Lived Fission Products
K. Aleklett, G. Rudstam
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 74-91
Technical Paper |
Nuclear Excitation by Gamma Rays from Cobalt-60
Yoshihisa Watanabe, Takeshi Mukoyama
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 92-100
Technical Paper |
Unfolding Methods with the Prior Knowledge and Integral Data of Neutron Spectrum
Hiroshi Sekimoto, Nobuhiro Yamamuro
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 101-112
Technical Paper |
New Singular Integral Equations in Experimental Neutron Rethermalization
Nassar H. S. Haidar
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 113-123
Technical Paper |
Kinetics and Energetics of Muon-Catalyzed Deuterium-Tritium Fusion
S. G. Lie, A. A. Harms
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 124-129
Technical Paper |
Multigroup Transfer Matrices for Charged-Particle and Neutron-Induced Reactions. Part I: The General Two-Body Interaction
Sterrett T. Perkins
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 130-138
Technical Paper |
Geometrical Splitting in Monte Carlo
A. Dubi, T. Elperin, Donald J. Dudziak
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 139-161
Technical Paper |
Continuous-Energy Adjoint Monte Carlo Theory of Coupled Continuum/Discrete Radiation Transport
John A. Halbleib, Sr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 162-171
Technical Paper |
Zero Variance Biasing Schemes for Monte Carlo Calculations of Neutron and Radiation Transport Problems
S. R. Dwivedi
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 172-178
Technical Paper |
Asymptotic Frequency Behavior of the Two-Detector Cross Power Spectral Density Function for a Propagating Perturbation of Moderator Density
Mikdam Saleh, R. A. Danofsky, R. A. Hendrickson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 179-184
Technical Note |
A New Method for the Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reaction in a Hydrophobic Catalyst Bed
Yamato Asakura, Makoto Kikuchi, Hideo Yusa
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 184-189
Technical Note |
The Radiative Capture Yield of Thorium-232 from 100 to 4000 eV
R. B. Perez, G. de Saussure, R. L. Macklin, J. Halperin, N. W. Hill
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 189-198
Technical Note |
A Double Error Mode Extrapolation Procedure
D. R. Vondy, T. B. Fowler
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 1 | January 1982 | Pages 198-201
Technical Note |
Neutron Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Media and the Interpretation of Neutron Noise in Boiling Water Reactors
F. C. Difilippo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 211-217
Technical Paper |
Neutron Wave Propagation Across a Temperature Discontinuity—Multigroup Approach
Ashok Sadhwani, Ashok Kumar, L. S. Kothari
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 218-229
Technical Paper |
Evaluation of AMPX-KENO Benchmark Calculations for High-Density Spent Fuel Storage Racks
Stanley E. Turner, Marva K. Gurley
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 230-237
Technical Paper |
Six-Group Representation of the Energy Spectra of Delayed Neutrons from Fission
G. Rudstam
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 238-255
Technical Paper |
Elastic and Inelastic Neutron Cross Sections for Boron-10 and Boron-11
S. G. Glendinning, S. El-Kadi, C. E. Nelson, R. S. Pedroni, F. O. Purser, R. L. Walter, A. G. Beyerle, C. R. Gould, L. W. Seagondollar, P. Thambidurai
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 256-262
Technical Paper |
Uranium-238 Resonance Self-Indication Capture Measurements
Robert C. Block, Donald R. Harris, Si Hwan Kim, Katsuhei Kobayashi
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 263-281
Technical Paper |
Measurement of the 235U Neutron-Induced Fission Cross Section at 14.1 MeV
Oren A. Wasson, Allan D. Carlson, Kenneth C. Duvall
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 282-303
Technical Paper |
Air Bubble Oscillation Frequencies in Boiling Water Reactor Pressure Suppression Pools
Brian E. Foody, Peter W. Huber
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 304-312
Technical Paper |
Nuclear Material Inventory Estimation in a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facility
John E. Bennett, Adolph L. Beyerlein
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 313-321
Technical Paper |
Vectorization for Solving the Neutron Diffusion Equation—Some Numerical Experiments
Misako Ishiguro, Yuji Koshi
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 322-328
Technical Note |
Anisotropy in the Scattering of Thermal Neutrons in Crystalline Moderators—Beryllium Oxide
A. N. Verma, Balesh Verma, Feroz Ahmed, L. S. Kothari
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 329-333
Technical Note |
Point Kernel Calculations of Skyshine Exposure Rates
M. L. Roseberry, J. Kenneth Shultis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 334-338
Technical Note |
The Reactivity Worth of Protactinium-233 Inferred from Measurements
Louis B. Freeman, Herbert C. Hecker
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 2 | February 1982 | Pages 338-341
Technical Note |
Development of Scaling Requirements for Natural Convection Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Shutdown Heat Removal Test Facilities
Michael P. Heisler
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 347-359
Technical Paper |
Penetration Through Shielding Materials of Secondary Neutrons and Photons Generated by 52-MeV Protons
Yoshitomo Uwamino, Takashi Nakamura, Kazuo Shin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 360-369
Technical Paper |
A Study of the Neutron Noise Transmission Characteristics of Nonmultiplying Media in Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactors by Neutron Wave Propagation Technique
T. M. John, C. P. Reddy, Om Pal Singh
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 370-378
Technical Paper |
Delayed Neutron Yields from Fission of Uranium-233, Neptunium-237, Plutonium-238, -240, -241, and Americium-241
G. Benedetti, A. Cesana, V. Sangiust, M. Terrani, G. Sandrelli
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 379-387
Technical Paper |
Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections for Carbon-13 Between 10 and 18 MeV
J. H. Davè, C. R. Gould, L. W. Seagondollar, C. R. Howell, R. S. Pedroni, F. O. Purser, R. L. Walter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 388-392
Technical Paper |
Measurement of the Neutron-Induced Fission Cross Section of Neptunium-237 Relative to Uranium-235 from 20 keV to 30 MeV
J. W. Behrens, J. C. Browne, J. C. Walden
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 393-400
Technical Paper |
An Accurate Background Cross-Section Method for Reactor Cell Homogenization
Yung-An Chao, Aquilino Senra Martinez
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 401-406
Technical Paper |
The Perturbation Produced in the Neutron Spectrum of an Assembly by a Spectrometer
Hiroshi Sekimoto, Masaya Ohtsuka, Nobuhiro Yamamuro
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 407-411
Technical Paper |
Time-Dependent Surface Angular Flux for a Semi-Infinite Medium with Specular Reflection
B. D. Ganapol
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 412-415
Technical Paper |
Fuel-Flow Dynamics of Fission-Fusion Symbiotic Systems
G. Pantis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 416-423
Technical Paper |
Predicting the Cost of Splitting in Monte Carlo Particle Transport
Raymond J. Juzaitis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 424-447
Technical Paper |
Neutron-Photon Multigroup Cross Sections for Neutron Energies 400 MeV
R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., J. Barish
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 448-452
Technical Note |
Calculated Neutron Production by 190- to 268-MeV Protons in a Water-Cooled Tantalum Target
R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., J. Barish, J. M. Barnes, R. T. Santoro
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 452-455
Technical Note |
Yields of Short-Lived Fission Products of Thermal-Neutron Fission of Thorium-229
J. K. Dickens, J. W. McConnell, K. J. Northcutt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 455-461
Technical Note |
Rational Chebyshev Approximations to the Bickley Functions
D. Davierwalla
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 461-469
Technical Note |
The Calculation of the Chord Distribution Function
D. Kwiat
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 469-473
Technical Note |
Estimating the Eigenvalue of the Dominant Error Vector of an Iteration Process
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 473-476
Technical Note |
A Theory of Space-Time Reactor Kinetics
Yung-An Chao
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 3 | March 1982 | Pages 476-480
Technical Note |
Fundamental Theory of the Direct Integration Method for Solving the Steady-State Integral Transport Equation for Radiation Shielding Calculation
Kiyoshi Takeuchi, Nobuo Sasamoto
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 536-553
Technical Paper |
Direct Integration Method for Solving the Neutron Transport Equation in Three-Dimensional Geometry
Nobuo Sasamoto, Kiyoshi Takeuchi
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 554-569
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Accurate Evaluation of Multigroup Transfer Cross Sections and Their Legendre Coefficients
Kou-John Hong, J. Kenneth Shultis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 570-578
Technical Paper |
Multigroup Transfer Matrices for Charged-Particle and Neutron-Induced Reactions. Part II: An Analytic Integration of the Inner Integral
S. T. Perkins, P. C. Giles
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 579-585
Technical Paper |
Calculated Neutron and Gamma-Ray Energy Spectra from 14-MeV Neutrons Streaming Through an Iron Duct: Comparison with Experiment
R. T. Santoro, R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., J. M. Barnes, G. T. Chapman, J. S. Tang
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 586-602
Technical Paper |
A Measurement of the Average Number of Prompt Neutrons from Spontaneous Fission of Californium-252
R. R. Spencer, R. Gwin, R. Ingle
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 603-629
Technical Paper |
Fast Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Related Gamma-Ray Spectra of Niobium-93, Rhodium-103, and Tantalum-181
G. Reffo, F. Fabbri, K. Wisshak, F. Käppeler
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 630-647
Technical Paper |
Multiregion Neutronics Model Based on Coarse Mesh Nodal Coupling Method for Transient Analyses of Boiling Water Reactors
Hiroshi Motoda, Tamotsu Hayase, Yasunori Bessho, Kanji Kato
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 648-666
Technical Paper |
Experimental Determination of Sodium Evaporation Rates
W. Schütz, H. Sauter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 667-672
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Sodium Boiling Pattern in Porous Blockages
D. Droste, H. M. Kottowski
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 673-688
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Radiation-Enhanced Saline Leaching of Silicate Glasses
William Primak
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 689-699
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Comparative Analysis of Integrated and Nonintegrated Fusion and Fission Energy Systems
K. F. Schoepf, M. Heindler, A. A. Harms
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 700-710
Technical Note |
Spatial Convergence Properties of the Diamond Difference Method in x,y Geometry
Edward W. Larsen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 710-713
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Numerical Development and Investigation of the Factorized Kernel Approach for Solving Multidimensional Neutron Transport Problems
W. A. Wassef
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 714-720
Technical Note |
A Self-Powered Neutron Detector with a Fissile Emitter
Helmuth Boeck
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 80 | Number 4 | April 1982 | Pages 720-723
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