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Moltex demonstrates its WATSS fuel recycling process
Advanced reactor company Moltex Energy Canada said it has successfully validated its waste to stable salt (WATSS) process on used nuclear fuel bundles from an unnamed Canadian commercial reactor through hot cell experiments conducted by Canadian Nuclear Laboratories.
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Reactivity Effects of Large Voids in the Reflector of a Light-Water-Moderated and -Reflected Reactor
A. B. Reynolds, T. J. Thompson, K. M. Henry, E. B. Johnson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 1 | January 1960 | Pages 1-13
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The Slowing Down of Neutrons by Deuterium
M. M. Levine, K. E. Roach, D. B. Wehmeyer, P. F. Zweifel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 1 | January 1960 | Pages 14-20
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Steels for Nuclear Reactors
H. F. Beeghly
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 1 | January 1960 | Pages 21-25
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An Accurate Transfer Function for the Dynamic Analysis of Temperature and Heat Release in Cylindrical Fuel Elements
Modesto Iriarte, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 1 | January 1960 | Pages 26-32
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Approximate Solutions of the Reactor Kinetic Equations for Ramp Inputs
John MacPhee
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 1 | January 1960 | Pages 33-43
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Enriched-Uranium Hydride Critical Assemblies
G. A. Linenberger, J. D. Orndoff, H. C. Paxton
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 1 | January 1960 | Pages 44-57
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Integral Transport Theory of Thermal Utilization Factor in Infinite Slab Geometry
Michel H. Theys
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 1 | January 1960 | Pages 58-63
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Space-Dependent Prompt Kinetics of a Subcritical Reactor
Joseph Agresta, Lyle B. Borst
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 1 | January 1960 | Pages 64-68
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An Approximate Method for Treating Neutron Slowing Down
Gerald Goertzel, Eugene Greuling
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 1 | January 1960 | Pages 69-72
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OMR Flat Plate Fuel Element Fabrication
G. V. Alm, E. E. Garrett, M. H. Binstock
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 1 | January 1960 | Pages 73-82
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Development of Centrifugal Pumps for Operation with Liquid Metals and Molten Salts at 1100–1500°F
A. G. Grindell, W. F. Boudreau, H. W. Savage
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 1 | January 1960 | Pages 83-91
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Effects of the Contamination by Light Water on Lattices of Natural Uranium Rods in Heavy Water
Bernard S. Finn, James W. Wade
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 93-96
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Thermal Stresses in Nuclear Reactor Vessel Nozzles
J. S. Busch, A. J. Martenson, S. W. Sinderson, C. F. Peck, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 97-103
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Accuracy of the Sn Code in Cell Calculations
A. V. Campise
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 104-110
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Irradiation of Uranium Monocarbide
F. A. Rough, A. W. Hare, R. B. Price, S. Alfant
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 111-121
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The Use of the Generation Time in Reactor Kinetics
Jeffery Lewins
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 122-126
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Convergence of the Sn Method for Thermal Systems
E. Blue, H. P. Flatt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 127-132
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Feasibility of Radioactive Waste Disposal in Shallow Sedimentary Formations
J. Wade Watkins, F. E. Armstrong, R. J. Heemstra
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 133-143
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Greuling-Goertzel Calculations in Heavy Water
R. J. Mack, P. F. Zweifel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 144-146
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A Wide-Range Neutron Detector and Monitoring Instrument
Karl G. A. Porges, Thomas E. Klippert
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 147-155
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Statistical Analysis of Hot Channel Factors
P. A. Rude, A. C. Nelson, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 156-161
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Collision Probabilities and Resonance Integrals for Lattices
Wolfgang Rothenstein
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 162-171
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Many-fold Moment Method
D. Schiff, S. Ziering
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 172-183
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The Absorption Cross Section of Copper for Thermal Neutrons
D. J. Donahue, R. A. Bennett, D. D. Lanning
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 184-186
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Total Neutron Cross Sections of U233 and U235 from 0.02 to 0.08 ev
O. D. Simpson, M. S. Moore, F. B. Simpson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 187-192
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Total Cross Sections of Ti, V, Y, Ta, and W
R. E. Schmunk, P. D. Randolph, R. M. Brugger
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 2 | February 1960 | Pages 193-197
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Measurement of Air Blast Effects from Simulated Nuclear Reactor Core Excursions
Wendell C. Olson, Richard J. Larson, Harry Goldstein
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 3 | March 1960 | Pages 199-209
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The Decay of a Thermalized Neutron Pulse
Mark Nelkin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 3 | March 1960 | Pages 210-216
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Methods and Cross Sections for Calculating the Fast Effect
Morton R. Fleishman, Harry Soodak
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 3 | March 1960 | Pages 217-227
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Neutron Absorption by Control Rods of Varying Transparency
H. Überall
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 3 | March 1960 | Pages 228-234
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A Useful Analogy for Single-Group Neutron Diffusion Theory
James R. Melcher
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 3 | March 1960 | Pages 235-239
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Slowing Down of Neutrons in Graphite Close to Thermal Equilibrium
L. S. Kothari, P. G. Khubchandani
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 3 | March 1960 | Pages 240-244
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Correlation of Burnout Heat-Flux Data at 2000 psia
Donald W. Bell
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 3 | March 1960 | Pages 245-251
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Calculation of the Effective Resonance Integral of U238
A. R. Vernon
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 3 | March 1960 | Pages 252-259
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Comparison Theorems for the Estimation of Average Collision Probabilities. II
Lawrence Dresner
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 3 | March 1960 | Pages 260-262
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Experimental Check of a Monte Carlo-Calculated Distribution of Resonance Neutron Capture in a Gold Rod
Judson Hardy, Jr., G. G. Smith, D. Klein
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 3 | March 1960 | Pages 263-267
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The Time-Dependent Importance of Neutrons and Precursors
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 3 | March 1960 | Pages 268-274
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Static and Dynamic Multiplication Factors and Their Relation to the Inhour Equation
E. E. Gross, J. H. Marable
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 281-291
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Slowing Down of Neutrons
T. Teichmann
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 292-294
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Velocity Dependent Neutron Transport Theory
W. R. Conkie
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 295-303
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On the Theory of the Diffusion Cooling Effect in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Assemblies
W. Häfele, L. Dresner
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 304-312
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Transient Piston Ring Wear in Automotive Engines Using Fe59
James J. Gumbleton, Farno L. Green, William J. Mayer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 313-319
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Continuous Counting of Gamma Rays from Hot Radioactive Liquids
Farno L. Green, A. Somerville
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 320-322
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Isolation of Carrier-Free Mn54 and I125 from Cyclotron Targets
H. T. Russell
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 323-324
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Cyclotron Targets Using Enriched Stable Isotopes
P. S. Baker, F. R. Duncan, L. O. Love
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 325-326
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The Fission Gas Problem for Mobile Fuel Fast Reactors
Frederick G. Hammitt, Evan C. Kovacic, Frederick J. Leitz
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 327-335
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An Analysis of Neutron Flux Spatial Oscillation Due to Xenon Build-Up in a Large Power Reactor Core
Keiichi Mochizuki, Atushi Takeda
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 336-344
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Thermal Neutron Flux Spectrum in a Medium with a Temperature Discontinuity
D. A. Kottwitz
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 345-354
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Neutron Energy Spectrum Measurements in Unmoderated Assemblies
G. J. Fischer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 355-362
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Diffusion of Intermediate Energy Neutrons into a Thick Resonance Absorber
H. H. Hummel, D. Meneghetti
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 363-368
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Relationships between Reactivity Changes, Buckling Changes, and Periods in a Heavy Water Reactor
B. S. Finn
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 369-376
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Considerations in the Design of a Nuclear Rocket
John J. Newgard, Myron M. Levoy
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 377-386
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Maximizing Production of Radioisotopes in a Cyclotron
Farno L. Green, John A. Martin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 4 | April 1960 | Pages 387-391
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Absorption Cross Section of Graphite
P. F. Nichols
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 395-399
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The Effects of Internal Heat Generation on Heat Transfer in Thin Fins
W. S. Minkler, W. T. Rouleau
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 400-406
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The Reactivity of Natural UO2 Irradiated to 6 × 1021 n/cm2
S. B. Gunst, E. D. McGarry, J. J. Scoville
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 407-418
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On the Validity of the Second Fundamental Theorem in a Medium with Anisotropic Scattering
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 419-424
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Elastic-Plastic Thermal Stresses in Tubes Subjected to Uniform Heat Generation Evaluation of Experimental Results Obtained Using Graphite Tubes
T. Kammash
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 425-434
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An Investigation of Effective Neutron Temperatures
W. P. Stinson, L. C. Schmid, R. E. Heineman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 435-441
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The Density of Liquid Lead and of Dilute Solutions of Nickel in Lead
S. W. Strauss, L. E. Richards, B. F. Brown
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 442-447
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Fission-to-Indium Age in Water
D. B. Lombard, C. H. Blakchard
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 448-453
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Resonance Capture of Neutrons in Nonheavy Absorbers
W. Rothenstein, J. Chernick
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 454-457
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Experimental Investigations of Pressure Drop through Interrupted-Plate-Type Fuel Elements
B. W. LeTourneau, R. E. Grimble
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 458-467
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On the Temperature Dependence of the Thermal Neutron Flux Kernel
D. C. Anderson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 468-471
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A Simplified Theory of Pile Noise
Charles Erwin Cohn
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 1960 | Pages 472-475
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Surface Perturbation Theory
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 6 | June 1960 | Pages 481-486
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Gas Bubble Formation in Irradiated Plastics and Reactor Fuels
G. G. Bentle
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 6 | June 1960 | Pages 487-495
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Flat Flux by Nonuniform Moderation
Jack M. Ravets, John R. Lamarsh
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 6 | June 1960 | Pages 496-501
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Parameters of the Lu176 Neutron Resonance at 0.142 ev
Joseph P. Roberge, Vance L. Sailor
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 6 | June 1960 | Pages 502-504
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The Black Void Reactor Concept
C. O. Muehlhause
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 6 | June 1960 | Pages 505-507
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In-Pile Loop Study of UO2-NaK Slurry
R. D. Carlson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 6 | June 1960 | Pages 508-513
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Measurements of Parameters Leading to P28, f, and ϵ in Light Water Moderated 4.48% and 2.73% Enriched Lattices
Victor E. Grob, E. Santandrea, Hilmar Ritz
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 6 | June 1960 | Pages 514-524
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The Prediction of Steam Volume Fractions in Boiling Systems
J. F. Marchaterre, M. Petrick
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 6 | June 1960 | Pages 525-532
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Boundedness and Stability in Nonlinear Reactor Dynamics
Elias P. Gyftopoulos, Jacques Devooght
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 6 | June 1960 | Pages 533-540
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An H2O-D2O Moderated Reactor
Norman P. Klug, P. F. Zweifel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 6 | June 1960 | Pages 541-544
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Breeding Ratio in U233 and Pu239 Fueled Reactors
Melvin M. Levine
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 7 | Number 6 | June 1960 | Pages 545-551
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