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NEA panel on AI hosted at World Governments Summit
A panel on the potential of artificial intelligence to accelerate small modular reactors was held at the World Governments Summit (WGS) in February in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency cohosted the event, which attracted leaders from developers, IT companies, regulators, and other experts.
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A Multivariable Autoregressive Model of the Dynamics of a Boiling Water Reactor
K. Matsubara, R. Oguma, M. Kitamura
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 1-16
Technical Paper |
Void Distribution in Boiling Pools with Internal Heat Generation
Mujid S. Kazimi, John C. Chen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 17-27
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Pinhole Imaging of a Test Fuel Element at the Transient Reactor Test Facility
George J. Berzins, Ki S. Han
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 28-40
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Critical Experiments Measuring the Reactivity Worths of Materials Commonly Encountered as Fixed Neutron Absorbers
S. R. Bierman, B. M. Durst, E. D. Clayton
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 41-48
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Cross Sections for Gamma-Ray Production by 1A-MeV Neutrons
D. M. Drake, E. D. Arthur, M. G. Silbert
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 49-64
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Differential Elastic Scattering Cross Sections of Boron-10 for Neutrons of 4 to 8 MeV Energy
H. D. Knox, R. M. White, R. O. Lane
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 65-69
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The Differential Neutron Scattering Cross Sections of Uranium-238 at 144 keV
Francis Y. Tsang, Robert M. Brugger
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 70-75
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Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy in Vanadium, Manganese, and Cobalt
J. B. Garg
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 76-92
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A New Monte Carlo Approach to the Adjoint Boltzmann Equation
Artenio De Matteis, Rolando Simonini
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 93-105
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Space-Time Dynamics of a Fast Breeder Reactor for Localized Disturbances
Jagdeep B. Doshi, Lawrence M. Grossman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 106-129
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A Computational Method for Neutron Transport Problems in Toroidal Geometry
Jungchung Jung
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 130-140
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Radiation Behavior of Vitreous Silica
William Primak
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 141-145
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Two-Dimensional Void Reconstruction by Neutron Transmission
G. D. Zakaib, A. A. Harms, J. Vlachopoulos
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 145-154
Technical Note |
Experimental Investigation of Neutrons Streaming Through the Grid-Plate Shield of Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactors
Shunsuke Uchida, Masao Kitamura, Shunichi Miyasaka
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 155-159
Technical Note |
Measurement of the Neutron Spectrum from a Fast Pulse Reactor in the Presence of the Experimenter's Table
J. T. Harvey, J. L. Meason, H. L. Wright
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 160-161
Technical Note |
On the Spherical Harmonics Treatment of Epithermal-Neutron Spectra in Reactor Lattices—Further Developments and Improvements
M. V. Mataušek
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 161-164
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Fast-Neutron Cross Sections for Curium-244
Horacio Fernández Gianotti
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 164-166
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Fission Cross Section for Curium-245 from 0.01 to 35 eV
J. C. Browne, R. W. Benjamin, D. G. Karraker
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 166-170
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The Fission Cross Sections of Uranium-234 and Uranium-236 Relative to Uranium-235
J. W. Meadows
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 171-174
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Neutron Scattering and the Optical Model near A = 208 and Implications on the Inelastic Scattering Cross Section of Uranium-238
P. T. Guenther, D. G. Havel, A. B. Smith
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 174-180
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Neutron Diffusion Across an Absorption Discontinuity in Water Assemblies
S. K. Trikha, S. C. Jain
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 180-182
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Tailoring the Breeding-Fission Ratio in a Hybrid Fusion Reactor Blanket by Neutron Moderation with Iron
Gad Shani
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 183-187
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Sensitivity Theory for General Nonlinear Algebraic Equations with Constraints
E. M. Oblow
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 187-191
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On Multiregion Problems in Plane Geometry and the Use of Half-Range Orthogonality Relations
Yuji Ishiguro
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 1 | January 1978 | Pages 191-196
Technical Note |
The CN Method of Solving the Transport Equation: Application to Plane Geometry
Alain Kavenoky
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 209-225
Technical Paper |
Generalized Rebalance: A Common Framework for Transport Acceleration Methods
W. F. Miller, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 226-236
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Application of the Fictitious Scattering Radiation Transport Model for Deep-Penetration Monte Carlo Calculations
S. N. Cramer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 237-253
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Multidimensional Space-Time Nuclear Reactor Kinetics Studies. Part III: Three-Dimensional Experiments
W. G. Winn, P. B. Parks, N. P. Baumann, C. E. Jewell
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 254-272
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Prediction of Monte Carlo Errors by a Theory Generalized to Treat Track-Length Estimators
Thomas E. Booth, Harvey J. Amster
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 273-281
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Critical Impurity Concentrations for Power Multiplication in Beam-Heated Toroidal Fusion Reactors
R. V. Jensen, D. E. Post, D. L. Jassby
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 282-289
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Neutron Drift in Heterogeneous Media
Edward W. Larsen, Michael Williams
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 290-302
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Calculation of Neutron and Gamma-Ray Energy Spectra in Liquid Air and Liquid Nitrogen Due to 14-MeV Neutron and Californium-252 Sources
E. A. Straker, M. L. Gritzner, L. Harris, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 303-315
Technical Paper |
Threshold-Foil Measurements of Reactor Neutron Spectra for Radiation Damage Applications
Victor V. Verbinski, Norman A. Lurie, Vern C. Rogers
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 316-330
Technical Paper |
Measurement of the Differential Elastic and Inelastic Neutron Scattering Cross Sections of Carbon from 8.0 to 14.5 MeV
G. Haouat, J. Lachkar, J. Sigaud, Y. Patin, F. Coçu
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 331-346
Technical Paper |
Neutron Total Cross-Section Measurement of Thorium Near 24 keV with an Iron-Filtered Neutron Beam
Katsuhei Kobayashi, Yoshiaki Fujita, Tohru Oosaki, Robert C. Block
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 347-353
Technical Paper |
Use of Interactive Graphic Techniques to Evaluate Uranium-238 Cross Sections from Integral Measurements
Ansar Parvez, Martin Becker
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 354-367
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Application of Nuclear Reaction Models for Neutron Nuclear Data Evaluation: Statistical and Optical Model Calculations for 134–138Ba
B. Strohmaier, M. Uhl, W. K. Matthes
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 368-384
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A Digital Transfer Matrix for Fuel Pin Heat Transfer
Michael D. Green, Jak Kornfilt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 385-393
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Experimental Studies of the Growth of an Internally Heated Liquid Pool in a Solid Bed
Rouyentan Farhadieh, Louis Baker, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 394-400
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Probabilistic Analysis of Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Accident Consequences with Response Surface Techniques
J. K. Vaurio, C. Mueller
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 401-413
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Approximation to cosγ Appearing in the Formula for the Coulomb Scattering of Relativistic Electrons
Tatsuo Tabata, Rinsuke Ito
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 414-415
Technical Note |
Restrained Acceleration in Iteration
D. R. Vondy, T. B. Fowler
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 415-416
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Some Observations on Transverse Leakage Approximations in Multidimensional Transport Theory
M. M. R. Williams, J. M. Kallfelz
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 416-419
Technical Note |
The Effect of Non-1/v Absorbers on Thermal-Neutron Transport in Finite Size Assemblies of Water and Heavy Water
R. M. Bansal, S. P. Tewari
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 2 | February 1978 | Pages 419-422
Technical Note |
Thermal Expansion Worths for a Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Inferred from Small-Sample Reactivity Measurements
B. Wei-Teh Lee, R. E. Kaiser, J. T. Hitchcock, C. S. Russell
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 429-440
Technical Paper |
An Evaluation of ENDF/B-IV and Hansen-Roach Uranium-233 Cross Sections for Use in Criticality Calculations
S. R. McNeany, J. D. Jenkins
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 441-453
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Neutron Capture and Fission Cross Sections of Plutonium-241
L. W. Weston, J. H. Todd
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 454-463
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Predictions of Fission Cross Sections in the 3- to 5-MeV Neutron Energy Range
J. W. Behrens, R. J. Howerton
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 464-467
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Practical Formalisms for Nuclear Data Representation in Evaluated Nuclear Data Files in the Unresolved Resonance Energy Region
Y. Gur, S. Yiftah
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 468-476
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Consistent Utilization of Shielding Benchmark Experiments
A. D'Angelo, A. Oliva, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, S. Zero
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 477-491
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Substitution Measurements on 28-Fuel-Rod Critical Clusters in D2O and Their Analysis by the Second-Order Perturbation Method
Kiminori Shiba
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 492-507
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A Linear Stability Analysis of Reactors with a Delayed Temperature Feedback
Trine-Yie Dawn, Chio-Min Yang
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 508-513
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The CN Method of Solving the Transport Equation: Application to Cylindrical Geometry
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 514-531
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Iterative Solution of the Neutron Transport Equation by Means of Diffusion Techniques
M. Michelini
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 532-539
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Neutron Heating Sensitivity to Cross-Section Variations in a Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor Blanket
B. Arcipiani, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 540-544
Technical Note |
Production of Uranium-232 in a 1200-MW(e) Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor
F. M. Mann, R. E. Schenter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 544-547
Technical Note |
Measurement of the Uranium-238 Doppler Effect in Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Critical Assemblies
S. K. Bhattacharyya, R. B. Pond
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 548-553
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On the Energy Dependence of the Total Cross Section of the Reaction 2H(d, n)3He
M. Drosg
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 553-554
Technical Note |
A First-Order Approximation to Fast-Neutron Penetration Spectra for Non-Normally Incident Neutrons on Water Slabs
William H. Miller, David Hollabaugh, Walter Meyer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 554-557
Technical Note |
Effects of Isotopic Abundance on Kerma in Naturally Occurring Targets: Chlorine
Martin S. Spergel, Otto W. Lazareth
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 558-560
Technical Note |
Expansion About a Local Maxwellian for Evaluating the Spatially Dependent Neutron Spectrum
V. G. Molinari, R. Simonini
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 560-565
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Kinetic Parameters of the University of Maryland Reactor by the Interval-Distribution Method
John A. Rawlins, S. Christian Simonson III
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 65 | Number 3 | March 1978 | Pages 565-567
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