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NEA panel on AI hosted at World Governments Summit
A panel on the potential of artificial intelligence to accelerate small modular reactors was held at the World Governments Summit (WGS) in February in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency cohosted the event, which attracted leaders from developers, IT companies, regulators, and other experts.
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Transient Freezing of Liquids in Tube Flow
F. B. Cheung, L. Baker, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 1-9
Technical Paper |
An Analysis of Transients in Experiments on Loss-of-Coolant Accidents
Makoto Sobajima
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 10-18
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Present Status of Photofission of Actinides Near Threshold
B. S. Bhandari, I. C. Nascimento
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 19-26
Technical Paper |
Measurements of the Neutron Spectra from Materials Used in Fusion Reactors and Calculations Using the ENDF/B-III and -IV Neutron Libraries
L. F. Hansen, C. Wong, T. Komoto, J. D. Anderson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 27-35
Technical Paper |
Production of Low-Energy Gamma Rays by Neutron Interactions with Fluorine for Incident Neutron Energies Between 0.1 and 20 MeV
G. L. Morgan, J. K. Dickens
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 36-43
Technical Paper |
Measurement and Normalization of the Relative Plutonium-241 Fission Cross Section in the Thermal and Low-Resonance Energy Region
C. Wagemans, A. J. Deruytter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 44-52
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Neutron-Capture Cross Sections of the Europium and Lutetium Isotopes from 0.01 to 10 eV
J. F. Widder
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 53-61
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Fast-Pulse Reactor Operation with Reflector Control and a 106-mm-diam Glory Hole
A. H. Kazi
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 62-73
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Finite Difference Equations for Transport Equation in Toroidal Geometry
Jungchung Jung
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 74-86
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Dispersion of Radioactive Materials by a Fluid Flowing in a Pipe
S. A. Kushneriuk, J. M. Blair
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 87-95
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Charge Released by Beta-Decaying Self-Powered Neutron Detectors
H. D. Warren, N. L. Snidow
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 95-97
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A Comparison of Some Eigenvalues in Reactor Theory
Y. Ronen, D. Shvarts, J. J. Wagschal
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 97-101
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Equivalence of Transformed and Invariant Radiative Transfer Kernels
B. R. Wienke
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 101-103
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Time-Dependent Moments of the Monoenergetic Transport Equation in Spherical and Cylindrical Geometry
B. D. Ganapol
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 1 | May 1976 | Pages 103-105
Technical Note |
Numerical Solution of the Transport Equation by Collocation with Bivariate Splines
L. Finkelstein, A. Krumbein
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 2 | June 1976 | Pages 113-119
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Finite Element Solutions of Space-Time Nonlinear Reactor Dynamics
Dong H. Nguyen, David Salinas
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 2 | June 1976 | Pages 120-130
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Prediction of Statistical Error in Monte Carlo Transport Calculations
Harvey J. Amster, M. Jahed Djomehri
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 2 | June 1976 | Pages 131-142
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Criticality of Plutonium-Uranium Nitrate Solutions
R. C. Lloyd, E. D. Clayton
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 2 | June 1976 | Pages 143-146
Technical Paper |
A Pulsed Activation Measurement of the Doppler Effect of Uranium-238 over the Temperature Range 300 to 3115 K
S. K. Bhattacharyya, G. J. Russell, W. K. Foell
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 2 | June 1976 | Pages 147-168
Technical Paper |
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Tritium Production in a Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor Blanket Model
R. Herzing, L. Kuypers, P. Cloth, D. Filges, R. Hecker, N. Kirch
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 2 | June 1976 | Pages 169-175
Technical Paper |
Sodium-Water-Reaction Test and Evaluation for a Protected Bayonet-Tube Steam Generator
S. M. Cho, E. C. Govignon, G. J. Degutis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 2 | June 1976 | Pages 176-186
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Measurement of Cross Sections for the 59Co(n,p)59Fe Reaction Near Threshold
Donald L. Smith, James W. Meadows
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 2 | June 1976 | Pages 187-188
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On-Line Prediction of the Power Distribution Within Boiling Water Reactors
Yasuo Nishizawa, Takashi Kiguchi, Hiroshi Motoda
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 2 | June 1976 | Pages 189-192
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Exact Doppler Broadening of Tabulated Cross Sections
Dermott E. Cullen, Charles R. Weisbin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 199-229
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Total Neutron Cross Section of Lead
Keiji Kanda, Otohiko Aizawa
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 230-234
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14.6-MeV Neutron Activation Cross Section for the Xenon Isotopes
R. A. Sigg and P. K. Kuroda
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 235-238
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Monte Carlo Analysis of Direct Measurements of the Fission Neutron Yield Per Absorption by Uranium-233 and Uranium-235 of Monochromatic Neutrons
J. J. Ullo and M. Goldsmith
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 239-250
Technical Paper |
Monte Carlo Analysis of Thermal-Spectrum Averaged Measurements of η of Uranium-233 and Uranium-235
M. Goldsmith and J. J. Ullo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 251-261
Technical Paper |
The Effective Delayed Neutron Fraction from Fission in an Unreflected Uranium Sphere from Time Correlation Measurements with Californium-252
J. T. Mihalczo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 262-275
Technical Paper |
Space- and Angle-Dependent Steady-State Thermal-Neutron Spectra Inside Small Beryllium Assemblies
Suresh Garg, Feroz Ahmed, L. S. Kothari
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 276-287
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Space-Dependent Continuous Neutron Slowing Down Theory Utilizing Integral Transport Concepts
Gilbert Epstein, James Biffer, Martin Becker
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 288-301
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Transport Equations in Axisymmetric Toroidal Coordinates
Samuel L. Gralnick
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 302-310
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A Theory of Heat Transfer Between Two Gases in a Mixture
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 311-314
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The Release of Iodine from Iodide Salts by Gamma Radiolysis
Daniel Cubicciotti, John H. Davies
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 314-319
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Fast-Neutron Excitation of Isomeric States in Indium
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 319-322
Technical Note |
On the Average Energies of β− Particles Emitted by Fission Products
M. Goldsmith, K. Shure
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 322-324
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Collision Method in Spherical Geometry by Escape Probabilities
G. Bitelli, A. Turrin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 324-326
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The Importance of the Uranium-238 Inelastic Transfer Matrix for Fast-Reactor Analysis
T. Choong and E. Kujawski
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 3 | July 1976 | Pages 326-329
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Application of Walsh Functions to Neutron Transport Problems—I. Theory
Thomas J. Seed, Robert W. Albrecht
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 337-345
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Application of Walsh Functions to Neutron Transport Problems—II. Analysis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 346-356
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Neutron Transport and Diffusion in Inhomogeneous Media. II
Edward W. Larsen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 357-368
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Measurement of the Uranium-235 Fission Cross Section over the Neutron Energy Range 1 to 6 MeV
D. M. Barton, B. C. Diven, G. E. Hansen, G. A. Jarvis, P. G. Koontz, R. K. Smith
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 369-382
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A Measurement of the Fission Cross Section of Uranium-235 from 100 eV to 680 keV
J. B. Czirr, G. S. Sidhu
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 383-389
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Measurement of Neutron Radiative Capture in Cobalt-59
R. R. Spencer, H. Beer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 390-398
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Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy in Natural Copper
M. S. Pandey, J. B. Garg
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 399-404
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Measured and Calculated Neutron Albedo for Concrete and Iron
Walter Meyer, J. W. Leighty, J. W. Thiesing, D. H. Timmons
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 405-420
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Design of Ideal Cascades of Gas Centrifuges with Variable Separation Factors
D. R. Olander
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 421-434
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Molten Clad Motion Model for Fast Reactor Loss-of-Flow Accidents
M. Ishii, W. L. Chen, M. A. Grolmes
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 435-451
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Simple Heat Conduction Model with Phase Change for Reactor Fuel Pin
W. L. Chen, M. Ishii, M. A. Grolmes
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 452-460
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The Monte Carlo Nonuniform Sampling Technique Applied to the Klein-Nishina Probability Density Function
Y. S. Horowitz, A. Dubi, S. Mordechai
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 461-463
Technical Note |
The Determination of Homogenized Group Diffusion Theory Parameters
John G. Kollas and Allan F. Henry
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 464-471
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Neutron Thermalization in Light Water—Measurement and Calculation of Spectra
M. J. Abbate, J. V. Lolich, T. F. Parkinson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 471-477
Technical Note |
Cross-Section Measurements for Charged Particle Fusion Reactors: The 6Li(3He, p) 2α Reaction
C. R. Gould, J. R. Boyce
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 477-481
Technical Note |
An Estimate of the Yield of Photoneutrons from Beryllium Using a LINAC as the X-Ray Source
G. S. Khandelwal, W. M. Pritchard, J. J. Singh
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 60 | Number 4 | August 1976 | Pages 481-482
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