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Thermal Hydraulics
The division provides a forum for focused technical dialogue on thermal hydraulic technology in the nuclear industry. Specifically, this will include heat transfer and fluid mechanics involved in the utilization of nuclear energy. It is intended to attract the highest quality of theoretical and experimental work to ANS, including research on basic phenomena and application to nuclear system design.
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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Jul 2024
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Nuclear Science and Engineering
March 2025
Nuclear Technology
Fusion Science and Technology
February 2025
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WEST claims latest plasma confinement record
The French magnetic confinement fusion tokamak known as WEST maintained a plasma in February for more than 22 minutes—1,337 seconds, to be precise—and “smashed” the previous record plasma duration for a tokamak with a 25 percent improvement, according to the CEA, which operates the machine. The previous 1,006-second record was set by China’s EAST just a few weeks prior. Records are made to be broken, but this rapid progress illustrates a collective, global increase in plasma confinement expertise, aided by tungsten in key components.
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Two-Group Critical Problems for Slabs and Spheres in Neutron-Transport Theory
J. T. Kriese, C. E. Siewert, Y. Yener
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 3-9
Technical Paper |
Neutron Transport for a Slab with a Degenerate Scattering Kernel
H. A. Larson, N. J. McCormick
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 10-19
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Improved Moment Method Calculations of Gamma-Ray Transport: Application to Point Isotropic Sources in Water
L. V. Spencer, G. L. Simmons
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 20-31
Technical Paper |
Moments Method Calculation of Buildup Factors for Point Isotropic Monoenergetic Gamma-Ray Sources at Depths Greater than 20 Mean-Free-Paths
E. E. Morris
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 32-37
Technical Paper |
A Pulsed Neutron Experiment with Beryllium by the Use of a Gamma-Ray Flash from an Electron Linear Accelerator
Otohiko Aizawa, Hiroyuki Kadotani, Keiji Kanda, Yoshiaki Fujita
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 38-45
Technical Paper |
On the Use of Maximum Principle in Optimal Xenon Shutdown Problems
Seppo Salo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 46-52
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Analysis of the Coolant Behavior Following Fuel Failure and Molten Fuel-Sodium Interaction in a Fast Nuclear Reactor
A. W. Cronenberg, H. K. Fauske, D. T. Eggen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 53-62
Technical Paper |
Sensitivity Analysis of Ideal Centrifuge Cascade for Producing Slightly Enriched Uranium
Toshio Kawai, Kotaro Inoue, Hiroshi Motoda, Tomofumi Kobayashi, Takashi Kiguchi
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 63-72
Technical Paper |
Monte Carlo Confidence Limits for Iterated-Source Calculations
D. B. MacMillan
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 73-75
Technical Note |
Studies in Spectral Neutron Flux Synthesis
Harold Greenspan
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 75-78
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The Effective Cross Section for the 16O(d, n)17 F Reaction for Fission Neutrons Moderated by Heavy Water
H. S. Pruys, B. D. Ganapol
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 79-80
Technical Note |
Revised Delayed-Neutron Yield Data
A. E. Evans, M. M. Thorpe, M. S. Krick
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 80-82
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Merit Index for Gas-Cooled Reactor Heat Transfer
G. Melese-d’Hospital
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 83-85
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Thermal Characterization of Restructured Fuel
Aaron J. Friedland
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 1 | January 1973 | Pages 85-87
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Mixed Sorption Models and Isotherms of the Cesium-Rubidium-Graphite System at High Temperatures
M. J. Haire, L. R. Zumwalt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 91-97
Technical Paper |
The Neutron-Induced Gamma-Ray Reactions in Sodium-23 in the Energy Range 4.85 ≤ En ≤ 7.5 MeV
J. K. Dickens
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 98-107
Technical Paper |
The Energy Spectrum of Prompt Neutrons from the Fission of Uranium-235 by 0.40-MeV Neutrons
M. M. Islam, H. -H. Knitter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 108-114
Technical Paper |
Critical Experiments with Homogeneous Mixtures of Plutonium and Uranium Oxides Containing 8,15, and 30 wt% Plutonium
S. R. Bierman, E. D. Clayton, L. E. Hansen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 115-126
Technical Paper |
Criticality of Plutonium Nitrate Solutions Containing Borated Raschig Rings
R. C. Lloyd, S. R. Bierman, E. D. Clayton
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 127-134
Technical Paper |
Improved Integral Transport Theory by Means of Space Polynomial Approximations
J. Ligou
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 135-146
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Higher Flux Mode Effects in Xenon Spatial Oscillations
R. A. Rydin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 147-152
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Optimal Fuel Enrichment Distribution in Fast Reactors
P. Goldschmidt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 153-163
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An Integral Formulation of the Neutron Scattering Moments for Monatomic Gases
Nicholas H. Kuehn III, Raymond L. Murray
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 164-169
Technical Note |
Neutron Multiplicity Distributions in the Spontaneous Fission of 244Cm, 248Cm, and 252Cf
R. W. Stoughton, J. Halperin, C. E. Bemis, H. W. Schmitt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 169-171
Technical Note |
Average Neutron Cross Sections in the Unresolved Resonance Range
Mendel Beer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 171-173
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Effect of Delayed-Neutron Mode on the Determination of the Prompt-Neutron Decay Constant in Pulsed-Neutron Measurements
Yoshihiko Kaneko, Shuzi Ohkubo, Fujiyoshi Akino
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 173-176
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Correlating the Ratio of the Peak-to-Average Power in a Reactor with Quadrant Power Distributions
M. M. Levine
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 2 | February 1973 | Pages 176-179
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Numerical Methods of High Order Accuracy for One-Dimensional Diffusion Equation
J. P. Hennart
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 185-199
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The Neutron Diffusion Coefficient as a Second-Order Tensor—Theory and Calculations
V. C. Boffi, T. Trombetti
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 200-207
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Delayed Neutron Data for Fast Reactor Analysis
J. E. Cahalan, K. O. Ott
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 208-215
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On the Applicability of Sjöstrand’s Area Method for Reactivity Measurement by the Pulsed-Neutron Technique
Jan B. Dragt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 216-219
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A Bilinear Formulation for Spatial Cross-Section Averaging
Masaoki Komata, Richard B. Nicholson, Earl M. Page
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 220-228
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A Study of Several Methods for Analysis of Critical Assembly Heterogeneity
R. G. Palmer, J. P. Plummer, R. B. Nicholson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 229-242
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The Total Neutron Cross Sections of Uranium-238 from 0.8 to 30 MeV
S. H. Hayes, P. Stoler, J. M. Clement, C. A. Goulding
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 243-247
Technical Paper |
Measurement of Bremsstrahlung Spectra Produced in Iron and Tungsten Targets by 15-MeV Electrons with Activation Detectors
Hideo Hirayama, Takashi Nakamura
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 248-256
Technical Paper |
The Californium-252 Fission Neutron Spectrum from 0.5 to 13 MeV
L. Green, J. A. Mitchell, N. M. Steen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 257-272
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A Study of Fission-Fragment-Induced Nucleation of Bubbles in Superheated Water
L. W. Deitrich, T. J. Connolly
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 273-282
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Thermal Contact Conductance in Reactor Fuel Elements
Gary Jacobs, Neil Todreas
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 283-290
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Errors in Perturbation Calculations
C. W. J. McCallien
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 290-293
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Second-Order Boltzmann Equation from Invariant Imbedding Theory
Zbigniew Weiss
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 294-297
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Computational Experimentation on the Finite Element Method in Bare Slab Criticality Calculations
Juhani Pitkäranta, Pekka Silvennoinen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 297-300
Technical Note |
Variational Estimates of the Detector Response Change in a Fixed Source System Due to Cross-Section Perturbations
T. J. Hoffman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 300-302
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In-Core Neutron Flux Distribution Measurement by a Circulating Fluid Activation Method
Masaaki Fujii
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 3 | March 1973 | Pages 302-306
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Neutron-Induced Gamma-Ray Production in Iron for the Energy Range 0.8 ≤ En ≤ 20 MeV
J. K. Dickens, G. L. Morgan, F. G. Perey
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 311-336
Technical Paper |
Neutron Thermalization in Various H2O-D2O Mixtures in the Temperature Range 253 to 4°K
G. S. Gangwani, S. P. Tewari, L. S. Kothari
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 337-344
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Adjustment of Multigroup Neutron Cross Sections by a Correlation Method
M. Salvatores
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 345-353
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A Many-Resonance Approximation for the Neutron Energy Spectrum
M. Segev
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 354-363
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Thermal-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Resonance Integrals of Americium-241
R. M. Harbour, K. W. MacMurdo, F. J. McCrosson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 364-369
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Stability of Nuclear Reactors with Changes in Eigenvalue
Dong H. Nguyen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 370-381
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Two-Phase Mixing for Annular Flow in Simulated Rod Bundle Geometries
Kuldip Singh, C. C. St. Pierre
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 382-387
Technical Note |
Extrapolated Endpoint for the Uniform Source Half-Space Problem
W. P. Petrick, C. T. McDaniel, A. Leonard
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 388-390
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Interpolation of Tabular Secondary Neutron and Photon Energy Distributions
Richard J. Doyas, Sterrett T. Perkins
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 390-392
Technical Note |
The (n, γn’) Reaction in Calculations of Fast Reactor Neutron Spectra
M. P. Fricke, J. M. Neill
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 392-397
Technical Note |
Effect of the 238U(n, γn’) Reaction in Fast-Neutron Spectrum Critical Assemblies
Harry H. Hummel, Weston M. Stacey, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 397-398
Technical Note |
Exact Time-Dependent Second Spatial Moment of the One-Speed Neutron Transport Model
C. S. Barnett
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 50 | Number 4 | April 1973 | Pages 398-401
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