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The division's objectives are to promote the advancement of knowledge and understanding of the fundamental physical phenomena characterizing nuclear reactors and other nuclear systems. The division encourages research and disseminates information through meetings and publications. Areas of technical interest include nuclear data, particle interactions and transport, reactor and nuclear systems analysis, methods, design, validation and operating experience and standards. The Wigner Award heads the awards program.
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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Molten salt research is focus of ANS local section presentation
The American Nuclear Society’s Chicago–Great Lakes Local Section hosted a presentation on February 27 on developments at the molten salt research reactor at Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy Experimental Testing (NEXT) Lab.
A recording of the presentation is available on the ANS website.
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Resonance Escape Probability in Hydrogenous Lattices
W. W. Clendenin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 1-4
Technical Paper |
Perturbation Theory of Control Elements. II
Bertram Wolfe, David Fischer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 5-10
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The Utilization of a Cold Trap to Stabilize Suspensions of UO2 in NaK
P. R. Huebotter, W. R. Seitz
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 11-14
Technical Paper |
Effect of Radiation on Corrosion of Structural Materials by Molten Fluorides
G. W. Keilholtz, J. G. Morgan, W. E. Browning
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 15-20
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Theory of Pulsed Neutron Experiments in Multiplying Media
T. J. Krieger, P. F. Zweifel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 21-27
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Nuclear Radiation Heating: Preliminary Design Considerations
Barney L. Byrum, John A. Biggerstaff
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 28-31
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The Width of the 1 ev Resonance in Plutonium-240
B. R. Leonard, Jr., E. J. Seppi, W. J. Friesen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 32-35
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Iterative Solutions to the P1 and Double-P1 Equations1
E. Gelbard, J. Davis, J. Pearson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 36-44
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Intermediate Energy Neutron Leakage Through Iron
D. E. Wood
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 45-48
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Comparison of the Average Number of Prompt Neutrons Emitted in the Fission of U233, U235, Pu239, and Pu241
G. de Saussure, E. G. Silver
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 49-54
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Half Lives of N16, Mg27, Al28, S37, and Rh104m2
J. O. Elliot, F. C. Young
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 55-56
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Calculation of Thermal Utilization in Heterogeneous Nuclear Reactors by the P3 Spherical Harmonics Approximation
T. Asaoka
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 57-60
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Fast Fission Effect in Lattices of Natural Uranium and Heavy Water
A. H. Futch, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 1 | January 1959 | Pages 61-67
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A Simple Analytical Formulation of the Dancoff Correction
J. A. Thie
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 2 | February 1959 | Pages 75-77
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A Kinetic Study of Irradiation Induced Phase Changes in Uranium-9 w/o Molybdenum Alloy1
M. L. Bleiberg
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 2 | February 1959 | Pages 78-87
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Sources of Error in Reactivity Determinations by Means of Asymptotic Period Measurements1
B. J. Toppel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 2 | February 1959 | Pages 88-98
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Inelastic Scattering of Cold Neutrons from Several Hydrogenous Liquids1
R. M. Brugger, L. W. McClellan, G. B. Streetman, J. E. Evans
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 2 | February 1959 | Pages 99-104
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Plutonium Recycle in the Calder Hall Type Reactor
Louis J. Barbieri, J. Wallace Webster, Ken Tang Chow
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 2 | February 1959 | Pages 105-119
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Operating Characteristics of a Graphite-Moderated Subcritical Assembly
Robert E. Uhrig
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 2 | February 1959 | Pages 120-126
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The Computation of Excess Reactivity From Power Traces
H. C. Corben
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 2 | February 1959 | Pages 127-131
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Period-Reactivity Relations Determined Directly From Prompt-Burst Neutron Decay Data
G. R. Keepin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 2 | February 1959 | Pages 132-136
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Zeta Potentials of ThO2 and of Stainless Steel as Related to Aggregation and Caking
B. Levy, A. R. Fritsch
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 3 | March 1959 | Pages 143-149
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Evaluation of a Bank of Slab-type Control Rods
Robert W. Deutsch
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 3 | March 1959 | Pages 150-155
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Calculated Activities and Abundances of U235 Fission Products
R. C. Bolles, N. E. Ballou
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 3 | March 1959 | Pages 156-185
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Time Constant of Cylindrical Fuel Pin with Axial Coolant Flow
H. A. Sandmeier, D. M. O’Shea
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 3 | March 1959 | Pages 186-189
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Restricted Minimum Critical Mass
J. Devooght
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 3 | March 1959 | Pages 190-194
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A Note on the Elastic Constants of Uranium
S. J. Rothman, E. S. Fisher
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 3 | March 1959 | Pages 195-196
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The Behavior of a Reactor at Prompt Critical when the Reactivity is a Linear Function of Time
J. Ernest Wilkins, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 4 | April 1959 | Pages 207-214
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Thermal Buckling of Cruciform Control Rods
John E. Goldberg, M. F. Sankovich
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 4 | April 1959 | Pages 215-218
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Magnesium-Clad Wedge S-Shaped Fuel Plates for Gas-Cooled Reactors
Guy H. Cannon
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 4 | April 1959 | Pages 219-224
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Pile Oscillator Measurements of Eta
C. O. Muehlhause
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 4 | April 1959 | Pages 225-226
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A UO2—Liquid Metal Slurry Reactor for Economic Power
J. K. Davidson, W. L. Robb, O. N. Salmon, J. B. Sampson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 4 | April 1959 | Pages 227-236
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Resonance Escape Probability in Water Lattice
Hiroshi Takahashi
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 4 | April 1959 | Pages 237-241
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A Method of Correlating Burnout Heat Flux Data
G. Sonnemann
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 4 | April 1959 | Pages 242-247
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On the Validity of the Second Fundamental Theorem for Small Reactors
Erdal Inönü
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 4 | April 1959 | Pages 248-253
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The Dynamic Reactivity Interpretation of Pulsed Neutron Measurements
B. E. Simmons
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 4 | April 1959 | Pages 254-256
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A Study of Split Cores for Research Reactors
F. E. Jablonski, R. S. Carter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 4 | April 1959 | Pages 257-263
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Pile Neutron Capture Cross Sections of Np239
E. M. Kinderman, H. W. Lefevre, H. H. Van Tuyl
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 4 | April 1959 | Pages 264-268
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On the Termination of Reactor Excursions
John Macphee
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 5 | May 1959 | Pages 273-284
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A Simple Device for Personnel Monitoring of an Accidental Nuclear Reaction
H. F. Henry, J. C. Bailey, R. C. Rohr
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 5 | May 1959 | Pages 285-290
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Reduced Delayed Neutron Group Representations
R. E. Skinner, E. R. Cohen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 5 | May 1959 | Pages 291-298
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Thermal Activation Shapes in a Water-Moderated Critical Assembly
M. Goldsmith, T. M. Ryan
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 5 | May 1959 | Pages 299-305
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The Transmission of Neutrons in Multilayered Slab Geometry
Herbert S. Wilf
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 5 | May 1959 | Pages 306-319
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Measurement of the Doppler Temperature Effect in an EBR-I Type Assembly
W. Y. Kato, D. K. Butler
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 5 | May 1959 | Pages 320-330
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Determination of Reactor Kinetic Parameters by Pile Noise Analysis
Charles Erwin Cohn
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 5 | May 1959 | Pages 331-335
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The Number of Elastic Collisions in a Finite Lethargy Interval
Wendell C. Demarcus
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 5 | May 1959 | Pages 336-337
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The Thermal Neutron Spectrum in a Heterogeneous Reactor
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 5 | May 1959 | Pages 338-346
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Nucleate Boiling Characteristics of Organic Reactor Coolants
D. P. Jordan G. Leppert
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 6 | June 1959 | Pages 349-359
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Two Region Studies in Slightly Enriched Water-Moderated Uranium and Uranium Dioxide Lattices
John J. Volpe, George G. Smith, Daniel Klein, F. S. Frantz, Jocelyn C. Andrews
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 6 | June 1959 | Pages 360-370
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A Monte Carlo Method for Criticality Problems
W. Goad, R. Johnston
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 6 | June 1959 | Pages 371-375
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Analysis of Reactor Oscillations for Coefficients of Reactivity
H. Dean Brown, William E. Loewe
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 6 | June 1959 | Pages 376-381
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The Use of Thermally Black Control Sheets
R. J. Mcwhorter, John Russell, Bertram Wolfe
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 6 | June 1959 | Pages 382-389
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Turbulent Liquid-Metal Heat Transfer in Channels
H. F. Poppendiek
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 6 | June 1959 | Pages 390-404
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Transfer Functions of Distributed Parameter Nuclear Reactor Systems
Elias P. Gyftopoulos, Henry B. Smets
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 5 | Number 6 | June 1959 | Pages 405-414
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