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Aerospace Nuclear Science & Technology
Organized to promote the advancement of knowledge in the use of nuclear science and technologies in the aerospace application. Specialized nuclear-based technologies and applications are needed to advance the state-of-the-art in aerospace design, engineering and operations to explore planetary bodies in our solar system and beyond, plus enhance the safety of air travel, especially high speed air travel. Areas of interest will include but are not limited to the creation of nuclear-based power and propulsion systems, multifunctional materials to protect humans and electronic components from atmospheric, space, and nuclear power system radiation, human factor strategies for the safety and reliable operation of nuclear power and propulsion plants by non-specialized personnel and more.
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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Fusion Science and Technology
February 2025
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WEST claims latest plasma confinement record
The French magnetic confinement fusion tokamak known as WEST maintained a plasma in February for more than 22 minutes—1,337 seconds, to be precise—and “smashed” the previous record plasma duration for a tokamak with a 25 percent improvement, according to the CEA, which operates the machine. The previous 1,006-second record was set by China’s EAST just a few weeks prior. Records are made to be broken, but this rapid progress illustrates a collective, global increase in plasma confinement expertise, aided by tungsten in key components.
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Discrete Ordinate Neutron Transport Equation Equivalent to PL Approximation
Jungchung Jung, Hiroshi Chijiwa, Keisuke Kobayashi,Hiroshi Nishihara
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 1-9
Technical Paper |
Spherical Harmonic Solutions of the Neutron Transport Equation from Discrete Ordinate Codes
Wm. H. Reed
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 10-19
Technical Paper |
Effect of Singularities on Approximation in SN Methods
Jacek Arkuszewski, Teresa Kulikowska, Janusz Mika
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 20-26
Technical Paper |
A Timing Comparison Study for Some High Order Finite Element Approximation Procedures and a Low Order Finite Difference Approximation Procedure for the Numerical Solution of the Multigroup Neutron Diffusion Equation
Hans G. Kaper, Gary K. Leaf, Arthur J. Lindeman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 27-48
Technical Paper |
Spherical Harmonics Treatment of Epithermal Neutron Spectra in Reactor Lattices
M. V. Mataušek
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 49-58
Technical Paper |
In-Core Fuel Management Optimization by Heuristic Learning Technique
Tsutomu Hoshino*
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 59-71
Technical Paper |
The Yield Stress Radiation Damage Function of Iron
G. R. Odette, T. O. Ziebold
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 72-81
Technical Paper |
Monte Carlo Calculations of High-Energy Nucleon-Meson Cascades and Comparison with Experiment
T. W. Armstrong, R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., K. C. Chandler, B. L. Bishop
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 82-92
Technical Paper |
A Numerical Calculation of the Redistribution of an Interstitial Solute in a Thermal Gradient
G. P. Marino
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 93-98
Technical Paper |
Linear Stability of Fast and Thermal Reactor Models Using Space-Time Kinetics
Kenneth Alvin Solomon and William E. Kastenberg
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 99-103
Technical Note |
Experimentally Measured Dose Albedos of Intermediate Energy Bremsstrahlung
Thomas R. Crites
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 103-106
Technical Note |
Hot Spot Expectation in Nuclear Reactor Core Thermal Design
A. Amendola
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 1 | September 1972 | Pages 106-108
Technical Note |
Inverse Compton Scattering as an Energy Loss Mechanism in a Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor
Paul A. Robinson, Jr., George D. Sauter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 117-129
Technical Paper |
Neutron Displacement Cross Sections for Stainless Steel and Tantalum Based on a Lindhard Model
D. G. Doran
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 130-144
Technical Paper |
The Total Neutron Cross Sections of the Curium Isotopes from 0.01 to 30 eV
J. R. Berreth, F. B. Simpson, B. C. Rusche
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 145-152
Technical Paper |
Neutron Capture, Fission, and Total Cross Sections of Plutonium-240 from 20 eV to 30 keV
R. W. Hockenbury, W. R. Moyer, R. C. Block
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 153-161
Technical Paper |
Neutron Angular Distribution Analysis Using Cylindrical Bessel Functions
S. Pearlstein
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 162-171
Technical Paper |
On the Application of Eigenfunction Expansions to Problems in Nonlinear Space-Time Reactor Dynamics
Edmund T. Rumble, III, William E. Kastenberg
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 172-187
Technical Paper |
Local Nuclear Reactor Power Measurements Using Gamma-Ray Fluctuations
F. E. LeVert, M. A. Schultz
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 188-201
Technical Paper |
A Two Overlapping-Group Transport Computational Method for Thermal Neutron Problems
M. Natelson, E. M. Gelbard
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 202-212
Technical Paper |
An Improved Reactivity Table Model for Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Dynamics
Weston M. Stacey, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 213-227
Technical Paper |
An Analysis of the Doppler Effect of Structural Materials
Yukio Ishiguro
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 228-232
Technical Note |
The Neutron Spectrum from a Fission Source in Water
A. E. Profio, R. J. Cerbone, D. L. Huffman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 232-236
Technical Note |
Measurements of the Effective Delayed-Neutron Fraction in Two Fast Critical Experiments
S. G. Carpenter, J. M. Gasidlo, J. M. Stevenson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 236-239
Technical Note |
A Simple Computational Model for Rod Motion Transients
D. J. Diamond, G. S. Lellouche, M. M. Levine
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 2 | October 1972 | Pages 239-243
Technical Note |
Tritium Generation in the Coolant-Moderator of Pressurized Water Reactors
Karl Hornyik
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 247-254
Technical Paper |
Optimum Binary Signals for Reactor Frequency Response Measurements
M. R. Buckner, T. W. Kerlin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 255-262
Technical Paper |
Minimum Critical Mass in Intermediate Reactors Subject to Constraints on Power Density and Fuel Enrichment
P. Goldschmidt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 263-273
Technical Paper |
Critical Experiments for the Brookhaven Pulsed Fast Reactor Study
J. Phelps, H. Windsor, H. Takahashi, J. Conant, K. Chandramoleswar
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 274-300
Technical Paper |
The Angular Distribution of Thermal Neutrons at the Surfaces of Black and Grey Cylinders
D. G. Doutriaux, D. G. Andrews
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 301-309
Technical Paper |
The Ratio of the Uranium-238 to Uranium-235 Fission Cross Sections from 1 to 5 MeV
J. W. Meadows
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 310-316
Technical Paper |
Neutron Capture Cross Sections in the keV Region for 154Sm, 160Gd, 164Dy, and 165Ho
L. R. Fawcett, Jr., A. Keith Furr, J. G. Lindsay
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 317-329
Technical Paper |
Measurement and Analysis of Fast Neutron Spectra in Uranium Depleted in the Uranium-235 Isotope
N. N. Kaushal, B. K. Malaviya, M. Becker, E.T. Burns, E. R. Gaerttner
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 330-348
Technical Paper |
Evaluation of Gamma-Ray Shielding Calculations and Determination of Shielding Parameters with Bremsstrahlung Radiation
L. F. Rodriguez, A. Shapiro
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 349-357
Technical Paper |
Measurement of the Ratio of the Prompt to the Delayed Neutronic Response of a Self-Powered Vanadium Detector by Cross-Correlation Techniques
W. Seifritz
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 358-369
Technical Paper |
The Integral Transform Method for the Average Neutron Transport Properties of a Lattice
M. opi
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 370-376
Technical Note |
Analytical Treatment of Neutron Age in Perpendicular Direction in Slab Lattices
Kalimullah, K. S. Ram, G. Srikantiah
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 376-384
Technical Note |
The Treatment of Boundary Value Problems in Optically Thick Media by Means of Lie Series
T. Auerbach, W. Hälg, J. Mennig
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 384-387
Technical Note |
Calculations of Cadmium Cutoff Energies
Antanasije Koci
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 387-389
Technical Note |
Note on the Fast Neutron Cross Sections of Palladium
A. B. Smith, P. Lambropoulos, P. Guenther, J. Whalen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 389-392
Technical Note |
Total Neutron Cross Section of Mylar at Low Energies
C. Castro Madero, F. Kropff, A. Oliva, J. M. Neill
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 392-393
Technical Note |
Specification and Testing of Nuclear Data Required for Monte Carlo Transport Calculations
E. D. Cashwell, E. F. Plechaty
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 394-395
Technical Note |
The Validity of Using Only Primary Protons in Van Allen Belt and Solar-Flare Proton Shielding Studies
R. T. Santoro, R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., J. Barish
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 395-398
Technical Note |
Laminar- and Slug-Flow Heat Transfer Characteristics of Fuel Rods Adjacent to Fuel Subassembly Walls
Chia-Jung Hsu
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 3 | November 1972 | Pages 398-404
Technical Note |
Radiation Transport in a Halfspace with a Source External to the Medium
G. C. Pomraning
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 409-417
Technical Paper |
Time-Dependent Leakage Neutron Spectrum Studies of Some Small Hydrogenous Moderators
Kingsley F Graham, John M. Carpenter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 418-437
Technical Paper |
An Investigation of Non-Exponential Decay of Neutron Distributions in Graphite
Harold F. McFarlane
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 438-449
Technical Paper |
The Probability Table Method for Treating Unresolved Neutron Resonances in Monte Carlo Calculations
Leo B. Levitt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 450-457
Technical Paper |
A New Method for Analysis of Pulsed Fast Neutron Experiments
Shin-ichi Ito
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 458-467
Technical Paper |
Reactivity Worths of Boron, Tantalum, and Europium in a Fast Reactor Spectrum
R. J. Tuttle, T. H. Springer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 468-481
Technical Paper |
Reactor Depletion Analyzed as a Space-Time Problem
William J. Westlake, Jr., A. F. Henry
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 482-488
Technical Paper |
Criticality of Graphite- and Polyethylene-Reflected Uranium (93.2%)-Metal Cylinders and Annuli
J. T. Mihalczo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 489-504
Technical Paper |
A Fitting Function for Energy Dissipation Curves of Fast Electrons
Tatsuo Tabata, Rinsuke Ito, Shigeru Okabe
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 505-506
Technical Notes |
Temperature Dependence of Uranium Carbide Fission-Gas Swelling: An Analytical Evaluation
Alan J. Markworth
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 506-507
Technical Notes |
Exact Collision Probabilities for Spherical Shells in a Homogeneous Medium
Tomas Lefvert
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 507-509
Technical Notes |
The Transverse Diffusion Coefficient in a Square Lattice
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 509-515
Technical Notes |
Optimization of Control Rod Programming and Loading Pattern in Multiregion Nuclear Reactor by the Method of Approximation Programming
Hiroshi Motoda
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 49 | Number 4 | December 1972 | Pages 515-524
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