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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Molten salt research is focus of ANS local section presentation
The American Nuclear Society’s Chicago–Great Lakes Local Section hosted a presentation on February 27 on developments at the molten salt research reactor at Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy Experimental Testing (NEXT) Lab.
A recording of the presentation is available on the ANS website.
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The Age of Polonium-Beryllium Neutrons in Various Metal-Water Mixtures
Melvin Reier, Felix Obenshain, Robert L. Hellens
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 1 | July 1958 | Pages 1-11
Technical Paper |
Neutron Age in Mixtures of D2O and H2O
James W. Wade
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 1 | July 1958 | Pages 12-24
Technical Paper |
The General Critical Reactor Equations
M. J. Nowak
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 1 | July 1958 | Pages 25-43
Technical Paper |
Analysis of Temperatures and Expansions Resulting from Exponential Power Changes in a Reactor
Thomas R. Bump, Ralph W. Seidensticker
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 1 | July 1958 | Pages 44-64
Technical Paper |
Control Rod Worth Studies on Seed and Blanket Reactors
W. H. Hartley, R. T. Bayard
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 1 | July 1958 | Pages 65-72
Technical Paper |
A System of Obtaining and Reducing Neutron Flux Data from a Critical Assembly
H. A. Morewitz, R. F. Valentine
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 1 | July 1958 | Pages 73-81
Technical Paper |
Hydrodynamics of a Liquid Poison Scram System
David Burgreen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 1 | July 1958 | Pages 82-95
Technical Paper |
Suppression of Neutron-Induced Activation Outside a Hydrogenous Shield
Fritz W. Mezger
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 1 | July 1958 | Pages 96-111
Technical Paper |
Interstitial Compounds of Irradiated Graphite
G. L. Montet
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 1 | July 1958 | Pages 112-133
Technical Paper |
Heat Conduction in Internally Cooled Nuclear Reactors
Roy A. Axford
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 2 | August 1958 | Pages 139-154
Uranium-235 Neutron Cross Sections from a Breit-Wigner Analysis
Devereux L. Kavanagh
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 2 | August 1958 | Pages 155-165
Some Applications of the Sn Method
R. M. Klehn
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 2 | August 1958 | Pages 166-179
The EBR-I Meltdown—Physical and Metallurgical Changes in the Core
J. H. Kittel, M. Novick, R. F. Buchanan
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 2 | August 1958 | Pages 180-199
The Stability of Multipass Reactors
John Mac Phee
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 2 | August 1958 | Pages 200-208
An Analytical Approach to the Diffusion Bonding Problem
Louis S. Castleman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 2 | August 1958 | Pages 209-226
Fast Neutron Dosimetry in Pile Irradiations
R. Wayne Houston
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 2 | August 1958 | Pages 227-238
Laminar Tube Flow with Arbitrary Internal Heat Sources and Wall Heat Transfer
E. M. Sparrow, R. Siegel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 2 | August 1958 | Pages 239-254
On the Chemistry of the Fission Process in Reactor Fuels Containing UF4 and UO2
Mark T. Robinson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 263-269
Technical Paper |
Xenon Poisoning Kinetics in Gas-Sparged, Molten Fluoride Fueled Nuclear Reactors
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 270-287
Technical Paper |
The Behavior of Fission Products in Molten Fluoride Reactor Fuels
Mark T. Robinson, William A. Brooksbank, Jr., Samuel A. Reynolds, Henry W. Wright, Thomas H. Handley
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 288-296
Technical Paper |
Determination of k∞ from Critical Experiments with the PCTR
D. J. Donahue, D. D. Lanning, R. A. Bennett, R. E. Heineman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 297-321
Technical Paper |
Application of the Absorption Area Method To Three-Group Diffusion Theory Problems
S. Pearlstein
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 322-331
Technical Paper |
Effects of Low-Lying Europium Resonances on the Temperature Defect in Water-Moderated Reactors
D. M. Keaveney, T. J. Krieger, M. L. Storm
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 332-340
Technical Paper |
Effect of Alloying on the Critical Mass of a Plutonium Spherical Fast Reactor
James T. Waber, Mary Repar Kline, Leah K. Johnson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 341-353
Technical Paper |
Broad Aspects of Absorber Materials Selection for Reactor Control
W. K. Anderson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 357-372
Symposium on Reactor Control Materials |
Nuclear Requirements for Control Materials
H. E. Stevens
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 373-385
Symposium on Reactor Control Materials |
Discrete Fixed Poison Rods Containing Boron
W. E. Ray, W. A. Neisz, H. W. Cooper
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 386-401
Symposium on Reactor Control Materials |
Boron Containing Control Materials
D. N. Dunning, W. K. Anderson, P. R. Mertens
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 402-414
Symposium on Reactor Control Materials |
Boron Stainless Steel Alloys
L. B. Prus, E. S. Byron, J. F. Thompson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 415-428
Symposium on Reactor Control Materials |
Materials, Fabrication and Performance of the EBWR Control Rods
Nicholas Balai
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 429-438
Symposium on Reactor Control Materials |
The Use of Boron Carbide for Reactor Control
W. K. Barney, G. A. Sehmel, W. E. Seymour
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 439-448
Symposium on Reactor Control Materials |
Development of a Composite Control Rod
G. W. Cunningham, A. K. Foulds, D. L. Keller, W. E. Ray
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 449-457
Symposium on Reactor Control Materials |
Radiation Damage Resistance of Some Rare Earth Cermets
W. K. Anderson, D. N. Dunning
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 458-466
Symposium on Reactor Control Materials |
New Developments in the Fabrication of Hafnium Control Rods
J. Giacobbe, D. N. Dunning
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 467-480
Symposium on Reactor Control Materials |
A Method of Hot Coextruding Complex Shapes through Round Dies
W. E. Ray, C. J. Beck
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 3 | September 1958 | Pages 481-494
Symposium on Reactor Control Materials |
The Preparation of Thorium Metal by Sodium Amalgam Reduction of Thorium Chloride: the Metallex Process
O. C. Dean, G. K. Ellis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 4 | October 1958 | Pages 509-521
Technical Paper |
Mutual Shielding of Lattice Pins in the Resonance Energy Region
W. G. Pettus, I. E. Dayton
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 4 | October 1958 | Pages 522-529
Technical Paper |
Self-Shielding Experiments with Gaseous and Solid B-10
G.P. Rutledge, R. R. Eggleston
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 4 | October 1958 | Pages 530-535
Technical Paper |
Production Cross Section of N6 and N171
Paul A. Roys, Kalman Shure
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 4 | October 1958 | Pages 536-545
Technical Paper |
Age to Indium Resonance for D-D Neutrons in Water
V. Spiegel, Jr., D. W. Oliver, R. S. Caswell
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 4 | October 1958 | Pages 546-562
Technical Paper |
Computing Absolute Thermal Neutron Flux from Measurements Made with Indium Foils
Moses A. Greenfield, Roscoe L. Koontz, Alan A. Jarrett
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 4 | October 1958 | Pages 563-569
Technical Paper |
A Remark on Neutron Thermalization Theory
G. Leibfried
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 4 | October 1958 | Pages 570-575
Technical Paper |
Total Neutron Cross Sections for Structural Materials
R. J. Brown, L. M. Bollinger
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 4 | October 1958 | Pages 576-580
Technical Paper |
The Method of Discrete Ordinates
Gerald Goertzel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 4 | October 1958 | Pages 581-587
Technical Paper |
The Kinetics of Circulating Fuel Reactors
John MacPhee
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 4 | October 1958 | Pages 588-597
Technical Paper |
Heat Transfer in a Cross Flow Nuclear Reactor
Charles L. Larson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 5 | November 1958 | Pages 607-622
Technical Paper |
Perturbation Integrals for Two Group Calculations and Application to Reflector Ducts
Gene A. Baraff, Raymond L. Murray, A. C. Menius, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 5 | November 1958 | Pages 623-634
Technical Paper |
The General Theory of Control Sheets
Bertram Wolfe
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 5 | November 1958 | Pages 635-648
Technical Paper |
Some Refinements in the Calculation of Resonance Integrals
Jack Chernick, Russel Vernon
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 5 | November 1958 | Pages 649-672
Technical Paper |
Effect of In-Pile Local Boiling on Surface Deposition and Corrosion
Kurt Katz, Walter E. Hopkins, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 5 | November 1958 | Pages 673-689
Technical Paper |
Variation of Graphite Diffusion Length with Temperature
R. C. Lloyd, E. D. Clayton, C. R. Richey
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 5 | November 1958 | Pages 690-697
Technical Paper |
Capture and Fission Patterns of U238 in EBR-I (Mark II)
P. Kafalas, R. R. Heinrich
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 5 | November 1958 | Pages 698-702
Technical Paper |
Prompt Neutron Periods of a Critical Assembly Measured with a Pulsed Source
P. J. Bendt, H. J. Karr, F. R. Scott
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 6 | December 1958 | Pages 703-708
Isotopic Analysis: Cerium-141 and Cerium-144
W. S. Lyon
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 6 | December 1958 | Pages 709-712
Fission Power Distribution near a Cruciform Water Gap
E. R. Sanford, H. J. Litre
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 6 | December 1958 | Pages 713-726
Verification of a Method for Treating Neutron Space-Time Problems
A. F. Henry, N. J. Curlee
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 6 | December 1958 | Pages 727-744
Plutonium Fast Power Breeder with Oxide Fuel and Blanket Elements
John B. Sampson, E. A. Luebke
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 6 | December 1958 | Pages 745-761
Selection of a Reactor Containment Structure
Theodore H. Smith, Burr H. Randolph
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 6 | December 1958 | Pages 762-784
Perturbation Theory of Control Elements. I
Bertram Wolfe, David L. Fischer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 4 | Number 6 | December 1958 | Pages 785-793