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An Analytical Approach to Continuous Reactor Refueling
S. Yasukawa
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 1-13
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The Thermal Utilization in Noncylindrical Reactor Cells Containing a Cylindrical Fuel Rod
Joel Adir and John R. Lamarsh
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 14-26
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Critical Experiments for the Repetitively Pulsed Reactor SORA
G. Kistner and J. T. Mihalczo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 27-44
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Moderator Studies for a Repetitively Pulsed Test Facility (RPTF)
R. G. Fluharty, F. B. Simpson, and G. J. Russell, J. H. Menzel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 45-69
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Pulsed-Neutron Diffusion Parameters in Spherical Water Systems
Shawky F. Nassar and Glenn Murphy
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 70-79
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Slow-Neutron Scattering by Diphenyl
D. Sprevak and J. U. Koppel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 80-87
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The Thermal-Neutron Activation Cross Sections and Resonance Integrals for 128Te (n,γ) 129gTe and 128Te(n,γ)129mTe
Vera Maxia, Edoardo Orvini, and Mario A. Rollier
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 88-90
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The Neutron Spectrum from a Fission Source in Graphite
A. E. Profio, H M. Antúunez, and D. L Huffman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 91-103
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An Improved Neutron Decay Spectrometer
T. L. Yang and T. F. Parkinson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 104-112
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Gamma-Ray Transmission Through Inhomogeneous Layers
G. W Hinman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 113-117
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Longitudinal Hydraulic Wave Phenomena in Fuel Assemblies Consisting of Concentric Fuel Elements
Robert S. Wick
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 118-126
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An Experimental Study of Vibration of Flexible Cylinders Induced by Nominally Axial Flow
M. P. Paidoussis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 127-138
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Sn Calculation of Highly Forward Peaked Neutron Angular Fluxes Using Asymmetrical Quadrature Sets
R. J. Cerbone and K. D. Lathrop
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 139-141
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Perturbation Methods in Nuclear Reactors from the Importance Conservation Principle
A. Gandini
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 141-144
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Experimental Anisotropic Source Distribution for Spatially Dependent Thermal-Neutron Spectrum Calculations
Tsahi Gozani and G. D. Trimble
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 144-149
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Neutron Source Inversion Levels and Source-Drop Technique for Negative Reactivity Measurements
E. Pedretti
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 149-152
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Neutron-Wave Propagation Through a Crystalline Moderator—III: Ice
S. P. Tewari and L. S. Kothari
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 152-154
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Some Similarities Between Boiling and Condensing Flow
Louis M. Shotkin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 1 | January 1969 | Pages 154-156
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Surface Depletion in the Vacuum Distillation of Metals from Bismuth
R. F. Bradley, D. S. Webster
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 159-164
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Simplified Analysis of Coolant Flow and Outlet Temperature in Gas-Cooled Nuclear Reactor Cores
G. Melese-d'Hospital
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 165-175
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Linear Dynamics Model for Steam Cooled Fast Power Reactors
Heinz Vollmer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 176-189
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Two-Phase Fluid Modeling—The Critical Heat Flux
F. W. Staub
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 190-199
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An Integrated Analytical Model for the Evaluation of Two-Phase Flow Stability
Niels Kjaer-Pedersen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 200-210
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Instability Bounds in Linearly Stable Systems
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 211-219
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Shielding of Neutrons from 80-MeV Alpha-Particle Bombardment of Tantalum
William W. Wadman III
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 220-226
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Time Spectra from Spheres Pulsed with 14-MeV Neutrons
Luisa F. Hansen, John D. Anderson, Eugene Goldberg, Ernest F. Plechaty, Marion L. Stelts, Calvin Wong
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 227-239
Technical Paper |
An Analysis of the Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Equation with Delayed Neutrons by the Method of Matched Asymptotic Expansions
W. L. Hendry, G. I. Bell
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 240-248
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Reactor-Noise Analysis: The Covariance Method via Polarity Detection
Nicola Pacilio
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 249-258
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Measurement of the Thermal-Neutron Extrapolation Length in a Pulsed Water System
S. Shalev, G. Shani, Z. Fishelson, and Y. Ronen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 259-266
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Critical Measurements on an Enriched Uranium Solution System
Robert E. Rothe
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 267-276
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The Effect of Linearly Anisotropic Neutron Scattering on Disadvantage Factor Calculations
G. R. Bond, C. E. Siewert
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 277-282
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Modeling Relationships for Radiation Transport Within Ducts and Other Cavities in Shields
Justo Diaz, A. B. Chilton
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 283-285
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Analysis of the Dieaway of Prompt Neutrons with Two-Group Time-Dependent Diffusion Equation in Reflected Reactors
R. A. Karam
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 285-289
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A Method for Treating the Neutron Leakage in Small Exponential Cores
Hans Ludewig
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 289-295
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Monte Carlo Interpretation of a 238U Spherical Shell Transmission Experiment at 23 keV
L. B. Miller, W. P. Poenitz
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 295-297
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Multilevel Effects on Infinite Dilution Resonance Integrals
E. M. Pennington, D. A. Sargis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 2 | February 1969 | Pages 297-298
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Extremum Variational Principles for the Monoenergetic Neutron Transport Equation with Arbitrary Adjoint Source
A. J. Buslik
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 303-318
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Space-Time Kinetics for Heterogeneous Reactor Models
Genn Saji, Roy A. Axford
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 319-331
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Application of Laguerre Polynomials in the Analysis of Neutron-Wave Propagation
J. H. Warner, Jr., R. C. Erdmann
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 332-341
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Axial Propagation of Neutron Waves in Heterogeneous Media
M. A. Quddus, R. G. Cochran, D. E. Emon
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 342-349
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Energy-Dependent Shielding Factors for 235U Foils from Transmission Experiments
R. L. Bramblett, J. B. Czirr
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 350-357
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Material Buckling Measurements with 2.1 wt% 235U Enriched Uranium Tubes in Light Water
C. L. Brown, L. E. Hansen, H. Toffer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 358-363
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Average s- and p-Wave Resonance Parameters of 115In and 127I
A. Keith Furr and John R. Tucker
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 364-370
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Neutron Dose Rate Attenuation by Iron and Lead
K. Shure, J. A. O'Brien, D. M. Rothberg
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 371-375
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Fast-Neutron Spectrum and Dose-Rate Measurements in Water and Aluminum-Water Laminations
G. I. Coulbourn, T. G. Williamson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 376-383
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Effects of Condensation on the Transport of Matter from Vapor and Noncondensable Gas Mixtures
M. Necati Özişik, Daniel Hughes
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 384-393
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The Effect of Coolant pH on Reactor Reactivity
N. G. Sjöstrand
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 394-395
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A Nonlinear Xenon Stability Criterion for a Spatially Dependent Reactor Model
Weston M. Stacey, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 395-396
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Review of Epithermal Integral Measurements of Neutron Capture end Fission in 233U
S. B. Gunst, D. E. Conway
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 396-398
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A Comprehensive System for Computer Gain Changing of Scintillation Spectra
J. J. Steyn, D. G. Andrews
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 399-401
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Differential Dose Albedo for Fast Neutrons
Y. T. Song, C. M. Huddleston, A. B. Chilton
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 401-405
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The Effects of Multiple Coulomb Scattering and Range Straggling in Shielding Against Solar-Flare Protons
R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., J. Barish, W. W. Scott
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 405-406
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The Attenuation of Space Protons by Thin Cylindrical Shell and Slab Disk Shields
Richard Madey, G. Thomas Huetter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 35 | Number 3 | March 1969 | Pages 406-408
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