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A Two-Dimensional Turbulent-Flow Mixing Model for Parallel-Flow Rod Bundles
Phillip A. Lowe
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 1-7
Technical Paper |
In-Pile Heat-Transfer Studies of Roughened Helium-Cooled Reactor Fuel Elements
C. A. Brandon, G. J. Kidd, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 8-15
Technical Paper |
The Influence of Axial Conduction on the Thermal Entry-Region Heat Transfer in Magnetohydrodynamic Channel Flow
Chia-Jung Hsu, George C. Lindauer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 16-29
Technical Paper |
Fission-Spectrum-Averaged Cross-Section Measurement for the 9Be (n, 2n) Reaction
L. Green
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 30-34
Technical Paper |
Selected Fission Cross Sections for 232Th, 233U, 234U, 235U, 236U, 237Np, 238U, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Pu, and 242Pu
William G. Davey
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 35-45
Technical Paper |
Half-Lives of Radionuclides—III
S. A. Reynolds, J. F. Emery, E. I. Wyatt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 46-48
Technical Paper |
The Measurement of Short-Lived Delayed Photoneutrons from Fission-Fragment Gamma Rays of 235U in Heavy Water
R. J. Onega, P. W. Forbes, A. K. Furr, A. Robeson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 49-55
Technical Paper |
The Validity of the Straightahead Approximation in Space-Vehicle Shielding Studies—Part II
R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., D. C. Irving, H. S. Moran
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 56-61
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A Method for the Calculation of Neutron-Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra
K. J. Yost
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 62-75
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Mathematical Verification of a Certain Monte Carlo Sampling Technique and Applications of the Technique to Radiation Transport Problems
W. A. Coleman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 76-81
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A New Synthesis Method for Pulsed-Neutron Experiments
J. Devooght, C. Machgeels
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 82-92
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Excitation of Higher Space Modes in Reactor Transfer Function Measurement (Part I)
Genn Saji
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 93-100
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Extensions of Asymptotic Neutron Diffusion Theory
Alan M. Winslow
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 101-110
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An Exact Solution of Milne's Problem with a General Scattering Law
T. Trombetti
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 111-119
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Biorthogonal Angular Polynomial Expansion of the Two-Dimensional Transport Equation
K. D. Lathrop, N. S. Demuth
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 120-130
Technical Paper |
Average Cross Sections and Resonance Integrals of 242mAm
S. T. Perkins, G. F. Auchampaugh, R. W. Hoff, C. D. Bowman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 131-132
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Half-Life of 54Mn
W. H. Zimmer, R. E. Dahl
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 132-133
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Minimum Thickness of a Water-Reflected Infinite Slab of an Aqueous Solution of 235UO2F2 at Optimum Concentration
J. Wallace Webster
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 133-135
Technical Note |
Minimum Critical 235U Enrichment of Homogeneous, Hydrogenous Uranyl Nitrate Systems
S. R. Bierman, G. M. Hess
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 135-139
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Energy Correlation in a Moderating Nonmultiplying Medium
W. J. Turner
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 139-140
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One-Velocity Calculations for the Analysis of Reactor Physics Experiments
P. d'Oultremont, M. Van Malder
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 140-142
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Reactor Noise Measurements Using Gamma Rays
Wayne K. Lehto, John M. Carpenter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 142-146
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An Optimal Control of a Distributed-Parameter Reactor
Sang Hyon Kyong
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 1 | April 1968 | Pages 146-149
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Characteristics of a Tapered Cascade for Isotope Separation by Gaseous Diffusion
Kunio Higashi, Akio Oya, Jun Oishi
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 159-165
Technical Paper |
Gamma Radiation Fluxes Near a Ground-Air Interface Using an Image Source Technique
C. Eisenhauer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 166-177
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A Formalism for Calculation of Neutron Induced Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections and Spectra
R. J. Howerton, E. F. Plechaty
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 178-183
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Calculation of the Penetration of Gamma Rays Through Slabs by the Method of Invariant Imbedding
A. Shimizu
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 184-194
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Some Neutron Reaction Cross Sections for 111, 112Cd, 87Sr, and 58Ni
J. K. Temperley
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 195-200
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Study of Lattices of Graphite with Empty Channels by Means of the Pulsed Source Technique
V. Deniz, J. G. Le Ho, M. Sagot
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 201-224
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A New Method of Approximation of the Boltzmann Equation
Pierre Benoist, Alain Kavenoky
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 225-232
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Interface Conditions for Few-Group Neutron Diffusion Equations with Flux-Adjoint Weighted Constants
A. J. Buslik
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 233-240
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Formal Solution to the Neutron Moderation Problem in Nonhydrogenous Infinite Homogeneous Media
Leib Finkelstein
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 241-248
Technical Paper |
The Study of One-Speed Multiregion Transport Problems in Plane Geometry by the Method of Boundary Sources
R. Beauwens, J. Devooght
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 249-261
Technical Paper |
On the Use of 164Dy, 176Lu, and 239Pu in Thermal-Neutron Spectrum Determinations
J. J. Volpe
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 262-264
Technical Note |
Effective Cadmium Cutoff Energies for Finite Cylindrical Filters with Finite-Size Detectors
S. S. Glickstein, W. J. Hall
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 264-265
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Resonance Parameters for 236U from Integral Measurements
N. P. Baumann, J. D. Halford, D. J. Pellarin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 265-267
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A Technique for the Determination of Ratios of Effective Cross Sections from Reactor Fuel Burnup Data
R. P. Matsen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 267-270
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The Cn Method of Approximating the Boltzmann Equation in Cylindrical Geometry
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 270-271
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Approximate Zero-Power Describing Function Valid at All Frequencies
A. Ziya Akcasu, Louis M. Shotkin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 271-273
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On Controllability of Neutron-Flux Distribution
Nobuhide Suda
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 2 | May 1968 | Pages 273-274
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Reactor Physics Parameters of 1.03% Enriched Uranium Metal, D2O Moderated Lattices
Walter H. D'Ardenne, Henry E. Bliss, David D. Lanning, Irving Kaplan and Theos J. Thompson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 283-291
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Prompt Neutron Decay and Reactivity Measurements in Subcritical Uranium Metal Cylinders
J. T. Mihalczo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 292-301
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Anisotropic Neutron Slowing Down in Aluminum-Water Mixtures-I: Experiments
Philip F. Palmedo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 302-312
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Anisotropic Neutron Slowing Down in Aluminum-Water Mixtures-II: Monte Carlo Calculations
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 313-318
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Monte Carlo Criticality Calculations for Thermal Reactors
M. R. Mendelson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 319-331
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The Asymmetric Source Method of Measuring Reactor Shutdown
J. F. Walter and A. F. Henry
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 332-341
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Asymptotic Solutions to the Transport Equation for a Plane Lattice
A. Leonard
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 342-349
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The Thermal-Neutron Milne Problem and the Albedo of a Semi-Infinite Absorbing Medium-I: Theory
André Mockel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 350-356
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Ray Effects in Discrete Ordinates Equations
K. D. Lathrop
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 357-369
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Reflection and Refraction of Neutron Diffusion Waves
R. Kladnik
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 370-376
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Parametric Fit of the Total Neutron Cross Section of Manganese from 0.01 eV to 50 keV
Thomas E. Stephenson and Sol Pearlstein
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 377-384
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Calculation of the Penetration of Gamma Rays Through Two-Layer Slabs
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 385-391
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Gamma Rays from Bombardment of Light and Intermediate Weight Nuclei by 16- to 160-MeV Protons and 59-MeV Alpha Particles
W. Zobel, F. C. Maienschein, J. H. Todd, and G. T. Chapman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 392-406
Technical Paper |
Diffusion Model for Release of Fission Products from Coated Particle Fuels
R. W. Dunlap and T. D. Gulden
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 407-416
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Interrelation of Nuclear Reactor Kinetic Experiments
J. L. Russell, Jr., W. Rotter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 417-420
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Nuclear Resonance Spacings and Synthetic Kernels
C. A. Wilkins, C. Chiarella, A. J. Gilks, A. Reichel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 420-422
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Exact Treatment of the Resonance Absorption of Neutrons of Intermediate Energy
Yukio Ishiguro
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 422-425
Technical Note |
On the Application of Time-Synthesis Techniques to Coupled Core Reactors
J. B. Yasinsky
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 425-429
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Statistical Analysis of Static Power Tilting in Reactors Due to Manufacturing Tolerances
F. D. Judge
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 429-430
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The Effect of Fission Density on Fission-Gas Release
R. M. Carroll, O. Sisman, and R. B. Perez
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 32 | Number 3 | June 1968 | Pages 430-431
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