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The Integral 9Be (n,2n) Cross Section
F. F. Felber, Jr., D. R. Farmelo, V. C. Van Sickle
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 1-7
Technical Paper |
Effective Thermal-Neutron Cross Sections for Materials with Grain Structure
M. W. Dyos, G. C. Pomraning
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 8-11
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Burnup Cross Sections and Resonance Integrals of Dysprosium
J. J. Scoville, E. Fast, J. W. Rogers
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 12-20
Technical Paper |
Neutron Spectra in Light or Heavy Water Within a Container Located Inside a Uranium Tube
E. Johansson, E. Jonsson, M. Lindberg
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 21-30
Technical Paper |
Parameters of Neutron Resonances in 184W
F. A. Khan, J. A. Harvey
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 31-36
Technical Paper |
Doppler Effect Measurements in Plutonium-Fueled Fast Power Breeder Reactor Spectra
G. J. Fischer, D. A. Meneley, R. N. Hwang, E. F. Groh, C. E. Till
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 37-46
Technical Paper |
A Nonlinear Study of Reactors with a Linear Feedback
A. Ziya Akcasu, Larry D. Noble
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 47-57
Technical Paper |
The Stabilized March Technique Applied to the Diffusion Equation
D. R. Edwards, K. F. Hansen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 58-65
Technical Paper |
Dose Attenuation in Two-Legged Concrete Ducts for Various Gamma-Ray Energies
J. M. Chapman, C. M. Huddleston
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 66-74
Technical Paper |
Transport Effects in the P3 Treatment of Cylindrical Rods in a Square Lattice
T. E. Dudley, P. B. Daitch
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 75-84
Technical Paper |
Dose Buildup Factors of Plane Parallel Barriers for 60Co Plane Monodirectional Source
Yutaka Furuta, Akira Tsuruo, Shun-ichi Miyasaka, Kozo Tamura,Yoshihiko Kanemori
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 85-92
Technical Paper |
Yields of 133I in the Fission of 233U and 239Pu Relative to that for 235U
R. G. Nisle, I. E. Stepan
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 93-94
Technical Note |
Rigorous Solution of the Initial Value Problem of the Time-Dependent Reactor Transport
Hans Hejtmanek
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 94-95
Technical Note |
Monte Carlo Investigation of the Interaction Between the Resonances of Fertile and Fissile Isotopes in Fast Reactor Cores
G. Shaviv S. Yiftah
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 1 | May 1966 | Pages 95-96
Technical Note |
Isothermal Reaction of Uranium with Steam Between 400 and 1600°C
R. E. Wilson, C. Barnes, Jr., R. Koonz, L. Baker, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 109-115
Technical Paper |
Nonisothermal Reaction of Uranium with Water by the Condenser Discharge Method
Louis Baker, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 116-130
Technical Paper |
Reaction of Uranium with Water as Initiated by a Power Excursion in a Nuclear Reactor (TREAT)
Richard O. Ivins, Robert C. Liimatainen, Frank J. Testa
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 131-140
Technical Paper |
Influence of Cross-Sectional Shape on Irradiation—Induced Stresses in Graphite Columns
F. J. Wittk, B. L. Greenstreet
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 141-151
Technical Paper |
Charge-Carrier Collection from Inside and Outside the Space-Charge Region
Michael J. Basso
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 152-156
Technical Paper |
The Spectrum of the Angular Neutron Flux in a Heavy-Water Natural-Uranium Lattice
E. Johansson, E. Jonsson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 157-164
Technical Paper |
Criticality Studies with Plutonium Solutions
R. C. Lloyd, C. R. Richey, E. D. Clayton, D. R. Skeen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 165-173
Technical Paper |
Intermediate Resonance Absorption in Heterogeneous Media
Bal Raj Sehgal, Rubin Goldstein
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 174-182
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Numerical Solution of the Reactor Kinetics Equations by Approximate Exponentials
T.A. Porsching
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 183-188
Technical Paper |
Variational Vacuum Boundary Conditions for a PN Approximation
James A. Davis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 189-197
Technical Paper |
Comparison of the Gamma-Ray Dose in an Exponential Atmosphere Calculated by the Monte Carlo Method and the Moment Method.
Dominic J. Raso, Stanley Woolf
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 198-199
Technical Note |
The Roots of an Equation in Slowing Down Theory
Coleridge A. Wilkins
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 199-201
Technical Note |
Improved Method for the Prompt-Neutron-Period Measurements
S. Chwaszczewski, A. Szechter, K. Dybowski
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 201-202
Technical Note |
A Note on Multiplication Method of Reactivity Measurements
J. Boużyk, S. Latek, W. Suwalski
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 202-204
Technical Note |
Cadmium Correction Factors for Iodine, Indium, and Gold Foils
J. E. Powell, C. L. Beck
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 1966 | Pages 204-206
Technical Note |
Gamma-Induced Electrical Conductivity in Alumina
Gary J. Dau and Monte V. Davis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 223-226
Technical Paper |
Surface Concentration Changes During Distillation of Liquid Metals
W. J. Walsh and George Burnet
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 227-235
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Spin Polarization and the Age of Neutrons in Water
Mark Goldsmith
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 236-241
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On the Effect of Delayed Neutrons in Reactor Dynamics
Henri B. Smets
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 242-247
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Slow-Neutron Scattering by Water
H. L. McMurry and G. J. Russell and R. M. Brugger
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 248-260
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Thermal-Neutron Spectrum in Water with Temperature Discontinuity
J. Saastamoinen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 261-265
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The Definition of Neutron Diffusion Parameters for a Uniform Reactor Lattice
J. D. Stewart
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 266-274
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A Self-Adjoint Variational Principle for Deriving Vacuum and Interface Boundary Conditions in the Spherical Harmonics Method
Timo Toivanen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 275-284
Technical Paper |
Zirconium (n, p) Cross-Section Measurements
Edward E. Carroll and Robert W. Stooksberry
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 285-290
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Total Cross Sections of Gadolinium for Fast Neutrons
C. J. Wickstrom, S. B. Potter, and Hans J. Tiller
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 291-293
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On the Utility of the Statistical Treatment of Resonance Absorption in the Unresolved Resonance Region
M. W. Dyos and C. A. Stevens
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 294-296
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An Estimate of the Decrease in the Effective Resonance Integral Due to Resonance Overlap
A. Keane
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 296-298
Technical Note |
Neutron Lifetime and Slowing-Down Time Calculations in Beryllium
Feroz Ahmed and A. K. Ghatak
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 298-300
Technical Note |
Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections for Polyethylene and Water in the Gas Transition Region
G. J. Kirouac, W. E. Moore, and K. W. Seemami
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 300-302
Technical Note |
An Experimental Determination of the Energy Distribution of Gamma Rays Scattered in Sand
Mary Alberg, Keran O'Brien, and James McLaughlin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 3 | July 1966 | Pages 303-305
Technical Note |
Influence of Irradiation on the Tensile Properties of the Aluminum Alloy 6061
H. E. McCoy, Jr., J. R. Weir, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 319-327
Technical Paper |
Natural Convection in a Rectangular Cavity with Internal Heat Generation
Willy Smith and Frederick G. Hammitt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 328-342
Technical Paper |
Analytical Study of Heat Transfer to Liquid Metals Flowing In-Line Through Closely Packed Rod Bundles
O. E. Dwyer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 343-358
Technical Paper |
A Generalization of the Dirac Chord Method to Include Charged-Particle Phenomena
E. E. Lewis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 359-364
Technical Paper |
The Effective Resonance Integral of Uranium Carbide Rods
A. Boeuf and S. Tassan
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 365-372
Technical Paper |
The Secondary-Particle Contribution to the Dose from Solar-Flare Protons Incident Isotropically on Slab Shields
D. C. Irving, R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., F. S. Alsmiller, H. S. Moran, and J. Barish
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 373-376
Technical Paper |
The Neutron-Production Cross Section of 238Pu in a Fast Spectrum
Warren Fenton Stubbins, David M. Barton, and Frank D. Lonadier
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 377-382
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Study of D2O Ice as a Cold-Neutron Source
J. J. Rush, D. W. Connor, and R. S. Carter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 383-389
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Pulsed-Neutron Measurements in Diphenyl at 24, 85, and 105°C
M. Reier
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 390-394
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Analytic Error Estimates for Integral-Equation Eigenvalue Problems in Neutron Physics
David A. Sargis and Lawrence M. Grossman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 395-406
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Methods for the Comparison of Pulsed-Neutron Shutdown Measurements with Theory
S. K. Wallace, K. R. Teare, and J. B. Green
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 407-412
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A Noniterative Method of Computing Neutron Flux Distributions and Coolant Density Profile in a Light-Water Moderated Reactor
William T. Sha
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 413-421
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The Dispersion of Thermal-Neutron Pulses in Neutronic Systems
M. N. Moore
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 422-426
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Lagrange Stability in Reactors with a Linear Feedback
A. Ziya Akcasu and Larry D. Noble
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 427-429
Technical Paper |
Natural Modes of the Xenon Problem with Flow Feedback — An Example
S. Kaplan and J. B. Yasinsky
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 430-438
Technical Paper |
Multigroup Cross Sections of Resonance Absorbers
A. Keane and J. P. Pollard
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 439-440
Technical Note |
The Collision Integral for Anisotropic Chain-Type Nuclear Reactions
Harvey Amster and S. T. Perkins
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 440-442
Technical Note |
Critical Mass of SEFOR Mockup in ZPR-III
J. K. Long, R. L. McVean, A. B. Reynolds, S. L. Stewart, A. Weitzberg, and A. Leridon
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 442-444
Technical Note |
Uranium (93.2%) Metal Cylinders with Thin Stainless-Steel Reflectors
J. T. Mihalczo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 25 | Number 4 | August 1966 | Pages 444-445
Technical Note |