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Fatigue Design Basis for Zircaloy Components
W. J. O'Donnell, B. F. Langer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 1 | September 1964 | Pages 1-12
Technical Paper |
Processing of Graphite Reactor Fuels Containing Coated Particles and Ceramics
R. E. Blanco, G. I. Cathers, L. M. Ferris, T. A. Gens, R. W. Horton, E. L. Nicholson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 1 | September 1964 | Pages 13-22
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A New Liquid Scintillator for Thermal Neutron Detection
H. H. Ross, R. E. Yerick
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 1 | September 1964 | Pages 23-27
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Laminar, Turbulent, and Transition Gas Flow in Porous Media
E. Creutz
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 1 | September 1964 | Pages 28-44
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Thermally Induced Vibrations of Concentric Thin Spherical Shells
Arthur L. Austin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 1 | September 1964 | Pages 45-52
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Spatial-Distribution Functions for Calculating Neutron Densities by Monte Carlo
Harvey J. Amster, Wilson K. Talley
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 1 | September 1964 | Pages 53-59
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Prompt-Neutron Lifetime in Critical Enriched-Uranium Metal Cylinders and Annuli
John T. Mihalczo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 1 | September 1964 | Pages 60-65
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Point-to-Point Kernel Analysis of an Experiment to Determine Wall Penetration of a Squarebased Concrete Structure by Gamma Radiation
R. E. Rexroad, M. A. Schmoke H. J. Tiller, A. Foderaro, L. Degelman, G. Kowal
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 1 | September 1964 | Pages 66-79
Technical Paper |
Ratio of Capture to Fission in U235 at keV Neutron Energies
L. W. Weston, G. de Saussure, R. Gwin
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 1 | September 1964 | Pages 80-87
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The Milne Problem in a Finite Domain I: Isotropic Scattering
F. A. Hinchey, E. A. Dean, J. B. Pearce
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 1 | September 1964 | Pages 88-92
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Transport-Theory Calculations of Temperature Coefficients in Heterogeneous Reactor Lattices
John E. Suich, Henry C. Honeck
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 1 | September 1964 | Pages 93-110
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PN Calculations
G. R. Dalton
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 2 | October 1964 | Pages 131-137
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An Absolute Thermal-Neutron-Flux Standard
R. G. Cochran, D. E. Feltz, J. D. Randall, J. V. Walker
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 2 | October 1964 | Pages 138-141
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Measurements of Conversion Ratio, Resonance Escape and Fast Fission as Student Experiments
D. A. Daavettila
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 2 | October 1964 | Pages 142-150
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Properties of Ceramic-Coated Nuclear-Fuel Particles
J. M. Blocker, Jr., M. F. Browning, W. J. Wilson, V. M. Secrest, A. C. Secrest, R. B. Landrigan, J. H. Oxley
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 2 | October 1964 | Pages 153-170
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Irradiation Studies of Ceramic-Coated Nuclear Fuel Particles
Charles W. Townley, Neil E. Miller, Robert L. Ritzman, Richard J. Burian
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 2 | October 1964 | Pages 171-179
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Development of Fueled Graphite Containing Pyrolytic-Carbon-Coated Carbide Particles for Non-purged, Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems
F. L. Carlsen, Jr., E. S. Bomar, W. O. Harms
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 2 | October 1964 | Pages 180-200
Technical Paper |
Development and Utilization of Pyrolytic-Carbon-Coated Carbide Fuel for the High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor
Walter V. Goeddel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 2 | October 1964 | Pages 201-218
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Duplex Carbon-Coated Fuel Particles
R. A. Reuter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 2 | October 1964 | Pages 219-226
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The Development of Spherical Pyrolytic-Carbon-Coated UC2 and UThC2 Fuel Particles
H. G. Sowman, R. L. Surver, J. R. Johnson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 2 | October 1964 | Pages 227-234
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A Fluid-Bed Process for the Direct Conversion of Uranium Hexafluoride to Uranium Dioxide
I. E. Knudsen, H. E. Hootman and N. M. Levitz
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 259-265
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Material Buckling and Critical Masses of Uranium Rods Containing 3 wt % U235 in H20
W. B. Rogers, Jr. and F. E. Kinard
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 266-271
Technical Paper |
Fast-Spectrum Doppler Measurements - Part II: A Measurement of a Negative Doppler Effect in U235 and New Measurements in Th232 and U238
T. H. Springer, S. G. Carpenter and R. J. Tuttle
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 272-280
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Fast-Neutron Spectroscopy in a Pool-Type Reactor with Activation Detectors
G. Ben-David, E. Nardi and M. Pasternak
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 281-289
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A Simple, Compact Rod Drive Using a Stepping Motor
Edward F. Groh and Charles E. Cohn
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 290-297
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Neutron-Capture Cross Section of 35-h Rh105
L. E. Glendenin and R. A. Schmitt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 298-301
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Thermal-Neutron Capture Cross Section and Resonance Capture Integral of Ce140 and Effective Capture Cross Section of Ce141
P. M. Lantz, C. R. Baldock and L. E. Idom
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 302-306
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Application of a Simple, Practical Method for Computing Interaction to Arrays Found Experimentally to be Critical
Hugh K. Clark
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 307-313
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Thermal-Neutron Transmission Through Plane Cadmium Covers
J. A. DeJuren and R. K. Paschall
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 314-317
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Optimum Reactor Shutdown Program for Minimum Xenon Buildup
Zoltan R. Rosztoczy and Lynn E. Weaver
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 318-323
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The Even-Order Spherical-Harmonics Method in Cylindrical Geometry
John O. Mingle
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 324-330
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Intermediate Resonance Absorption in Nonhomogeneous Systems
Rubin Goldstein and Harvey Brooks
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 331-337
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The Application of Inhour Modes to the Description of Non-Separable Reactor Transients
A. F. Henry
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 338-351
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Non-l/ν Thermalization Parameters for the Mass-1 and Nelkin Scattering Kernels
Gerald P. Calame
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 3 | November 1964 | Pages 352-357
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Detection of Gunpowder Residues by Neutron Activation Analysis
R. R. Ruch, V. P. Guinn, R. H. Pinker
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 381-385
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Measurement of Free Fission-Gas Pressure in Operating UO2-Filled Fuel Rods
Myron B. Reynolds
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 386-391
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A Space-Dependent Dynamic Analysis of Boiling Water Reactor Systems
Amir N. Nahavandi, Richard F. von Hollen
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 392-413
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Thermal-Neutron Space-Time Decay Constants in Various Order PN Approximations
A. Travelli, Gerald P. Calame
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 414-427
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Time-Dependent Flux in Small Assemblies
F. D. Judge, P. B. Daitch
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 428-435
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The Age of Fission Neutrons to Indium-Resonance Energy in Water
R. K. Paschall
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 436-444
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The Age of Fission Neutrons to Indium-Resonance Energy in Graphite
R. W. Campbell, R. K. Paschall, V. A. Swanson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 445-454
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A Thermal Neutron Extrapolation Length Measurement
Edward E. Carroll, Jr., Robert W. Stooksberry
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 455-461
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Transport Solution of the One-Speed Slab Albedo Problem
N. J. McCormick, M. R. Mendelson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 462-467
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A Double-Iteration Method for Determination of Diffusion Length
Richard E. Kaiser, William R. Kimel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 468-475
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A Determination of the Cadmium Absorption of Resonance Neutrons in Cadmium-Covered Indium Foils
J. E. Powell, J. V. Walker
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 476-480
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The Effect of Flux Anisotropy on Neutron-Detector Foils
G. R. Dalton, R. K. Osborn
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 481-492
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Limitations in the Orthonormal Expansion of Neutron Spectra with Activation Measurements
Raymond Gold
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 493-512
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Anisotropic Scattering in the SN Method
P. F. Zweifel, S. B. Garg
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 513-516
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Time-Dependent Variational Principles for Nonconservative Systems
Jeffrey Lewins
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 517-520
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Wear Rates in Automotive Engines by Liquid Scintillation Counting of Fe55
H. H. Ross, R. P. Gardner, J. W. Dunn, III
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 521-526
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of U238 from 1.5 to 15 MeV
I. Asplund-Nilsson, H. Condé, N. Starfelt
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 527-535
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Radiation and Creep Analysis for Strain Stress Distributions in Tubular Fuel Elements
Benjamin M. Ma, Glenn Murphy
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 20 | Number 4 | December 1964 | Pages 536-546
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