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Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Grant awarded for advanced reactor workforce needs in southeast U.S.
North Carolina State University and the Electric Power Research Institute have been awarded a $500,000 grant by the NC Collaboratory for “An Assessment to Define Advanced Reactor Workforce Needs,” a project that aims to investigate job needs to help enable new nuclear development and deployment in North Carolina and surrounding areas.
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Assigning Uncertainties to Scientific Data
F. H. Fröhner
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 1-18
Technical Paper |
Space-Dependent Resonance Self-Shielding
Mark L. Williams, R. Raharjo
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 19-34
Technical Paper |
Extension of Analytic Function Expansion Nodal Method to Multigroup Problems in Hexagonal-Z Geometry
Nam Zin Cho, Yong Hee Kim, Keon Woo Park
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 35-47
Technical Paper |
Simplified Spherical Harmonics in the Variational Nodal Method
E. E. Lewis, G. Palmiotti
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 48-58
Technical Paper |
An Assessment of the Continuous Neutron Source Using a Low-Energy Electron Accelerator
Takeshi Kase, Hideo Harada
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 59-70
Technical Paper |
Uniform Particle Beam Distributions Produced by Octupole Focusing
N. Tsoupas, M. S. Zucker, T. E. Ward, C. L. Snead, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 71-79
Technical Paper |
Physics Study on Direct Use of Spent Pressurized Water Reactor Fuel in CANDU (DUPIC)
Hangbok Choi, Bo W. Rhee, Hyunsoo Park
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 80-93
Technical Paper |
Weapons-Grade Plutonium Burning with High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors Using Plutonium Burner Balls and Thorium Breeder Balls
Kiyonobu Yamashita, Kazumi Tokuhara, Nozomu Fujimoto
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 94-100
Technical Paper |
Neutron-Induced Reaction Cross Sections Between 9 and 14 MeV
Julio Cezar Suita, Arthur Gerbasi da Silva, Luiz Telmo Auler, Solange de Barros
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 101-107
Technical Paper |
Air-Water Experiment for Annular Flow Pressure Drop in a Small Pipe
Martin A. Lopez de Bertodano, Jian-Feng Shi,Stephen G. Beus
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 108-114
Technical Paper |
A Control Algorithm Capable of Handling Steam Generator Water Level Swell and Shrinkage
Byung Soo Moon
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 115-118
Technical Paper |
Data for the Chilton-Huddleston Photon-Albedo Approximations
Ronald C. Brockhoff, J. Kenneth Shultis, Richard E. Faw
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 1 | May 1997 | Pages 119-126
Technical Note |
Monte Carlo Estimation of Generalized Unreliability in Probabilistic Dynamics—I: Application to a Pressurized Water Reactor Pressurizer
P. E. Labeau
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 2 | June 1997 | Pages 131-145
Technical Paper |
Monte Carlo Estimation of Generalized Unreliability in Probabilistic Dynamics—II: Handling Uncertainties in Parameters
P. E. Labeau, Z. Ould Amar
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 2 | June 1997 | Pages 146-157
Technical Paper |
High-Probability One-Sided Confidence Intervals in Reliability Models
Enrique Castillo, Cristina Solares, Patricia Gómez
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 2 | June 1997 | Pages 158-167
Technical Paper |
The 14N(n,n′γ) Cross Section of the 2.313-MeV First Excited State
P. Staples, J. J. Egan, G. H. R. Kegel, A. Mittler
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 2 | June 1997 | Pages 168-175
Technical Paper |
Gamma and Neutron Dosimetry Using CaF2:Tm Thermoluminescent Dosimeters for Fusion Reactor Shielding Experiments
M. Angelone, P. Batistoni, M. Pillon, V. Rado, A. Esposito
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 2 | June 1997 | Pages 176-186
Technical Paper |
Measurement of Gamma-Ray Spectra and Heating Rates in Iron and Stainless Steel Shields Bombarded by Deuterium-Tritium Neutrons and Validation of Secondary-Gamma-Ray Data in Evaluated Nuclear Data Libraries
F. Maekawa, Y. Oyama, C. Konno, M. Wada, Y. Ikeda
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 2 | June 1997 | Pages 187-200
Technical Paper |
Fission Cross-Section Measurements of 241Am Between 0.1 eV and 10 keV with Lead Slowing-Down Spectrometer and at Thermal Neutron Energy
Shuji Yamamoto, Katsuhei Kobayashi, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Itsuro Kimura, Ikuo Kanno, Nobuo Shinohara, Yoshiaki Fujita
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 2 | June 1997 | Pages 201-212
Technical Paper |
Alkaline Peroxide Processing of Low-Enriched Uranium Targets for 99Mo Production—Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide
Daojie Dong, George F. Vandegrift
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 2 | June 1997 | Pages 213-223
Technical Paper |
Effective Atomic Numbers of Low-Z Compounds for Photon Interaction
S. Guru Prasad, K. Parthasaradhi, W. D. Bloomer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 2 | June 1997 | Pages 224-228
Technical Paper |
Critical Flow of Initially Highly Subcooled Water Through a Short Capillary
S. M. Ghiaasiaan, J. R. Muller, D. L. Sadowski, S. I. Abdel-Khalik
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 2 | June 1997 | Pages 229-238
Technical Paper |
The ASYNT Adjoint Synthesis Method for Neutron Irradiation Assessment of VVER/Pressurized Water Reactor Pressure Vessel
Sergey I. Belousov, Krassimira D. Ilieva
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 2 | June 1997 | Pages 239-244
Technical Paper |
Advances in the Development of a Subgroup Method for the Self-Shielding of Resonant Isotopes in Arbitrary Geometries
Alain Hébert
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 3 | July 1997 | Pages 245-263
Technical Paper |
Exponential Characteristic Nonlinear Radiation Transport Method for Unstructured Grids of Triangular Cells
Kirk A. Mathews, Charles R. Brennan
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 3 | July 1997 | Pages 264-281
Technical Paper |
Variational Estimates for Use with the Improved Quasistatic Method for Reactor Dynamics
J. A. Favorite, W. M. Stacey, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 3 | July 1997 | Pages 282-292
Technical Paper |
The Green's Function Method for Nuclear Engineering Applications
Drew E. Kornreich, Barry D. Ganapol
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 3 | July 1997 | Pages 293-313
Technical Paper |
A Measurement-Based Method to Determine the Photofission Contribution to Fission Rate
R. Venkataraman, R. F. Fleming, E. D. McGarry
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 3 | July 1997 | Pages 314-323
Technical Paper |
Delayed Neutron Energy Spectra of 87Br, 88Br, 89Br, 90 Br, 137l, 138l, 139l, and 136Te
R. C. Greenwood, K. D. Watts
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 3 | July 1997 | Pages 324-332
Technical Paper |
The Potential of Accelerator-Driven Systems for Transmutation or Power Production Using Thorium or Uranium Fuel Cycles
M. Salvatores, I. Slessarev, A. Tchistiakov, G. Ritter
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 3 | July 1997 | Pages 333-340
Technical Paper |
Evidence of Source Dominance in the Dynamic Behavior of Accelerator-Driven Systems
R. A. Rydin, M. L. Woosley, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 126 | Number 3 | July 1997 | Pages 341-344
Technical Note |