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Division Spotlight
Reactor Physics
The division's objectives are to promote the advancement of knowledge and understanding of the fundamental physical phenomena characterizing nuclear reactors and other nuclear systems. The division encourages research and disseminates information through meetings and publications. Areas of technical interest include nuclear data, particle interactions and transport, reactor and nuclear systems analysis, methods, design, validation and operating experience and standards. The Wigner Award heads the awards program.
Meeting Spotlight
ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
Standards Program
The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
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Mar 2025
Jul 2024
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Nuclear Science and Engineering
March 2025
Nuclear Technology
Fusion Science and Technology
February 2025
Latest News
Grant awarded for advanced reactor workforce needs in southeast U.S.
North Carolina State University and the Electric Power Research Institute have been awarded a $500,000 grant by the NC Collaboratory for “An Assessment to Define Advanced Reactor Workforce Needs,” a project that aims to investigate job needs to help enable new nuclear development and deployment in North Carolina and surrounding areas.
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Performance Modeling of Parallel Algorithms for Solving Neutron Diffusion Problems
Y. Y. Azmy, B. L. Kirk
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 1 | May 1995 | Pages 1-17
Technical Paper |
Physics Characteristics of Nuclear Power Systems with Reduced Long-Term Radioactivity Risk
M. Salvatores, I. Slessarev, M. Uematsu
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 1 | May 1995 | Pages 18-39
Technical Paper |
Thick-Target Neutron Yield for Charged Particles
Kazuo Shin, Kagetomo Miyahara, Eiji Tanabe, Yoshitomo Uwamino
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 1 | May 1995 | Pages 40-54
Technical Paper |
Inelastic Neutron Scattering by 235U and 238U Nuclei
N. V. Kornilov, A. B. Kagalenko
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 1 | May 1995 | Pages 55-64
Technical Paper |
Behavior and Removal of Radionuclides Generated in the Cooling Water of a Proton Accelerator
C. Degueldre, A. Bilewicz, H. P. Alder
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 1 | May 1995 | Pages 65-71
Technical Paper |
P1, P2 and Asymptotic Approximations for Stochastic Transport
Bingjing Su, G. C. Pomraning
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 2 | June 1995 | Pages 75-90
Technical Paper |
Application of Piecewise Polynomial Collocation to the Unconstrained Quasi-Static Method for Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) Reactor Space-Time Kinetics
A. Monier
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 2 | June 1995 | Pages 91-101
Technical Paper |
A New MCNP Option: KCORR—The Use of the Correlated Sampling Method to Study Reactivity Effects Due to Changes of a Reactor Arrangement
Franz X. Gallmeier
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 2 | June 1995 | Pages 102-109
Technical Paper |
One-Dimensional Diffusion Theory Kinetics in RELAP5
William K. Terry, David W. Nigg
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 2 | June 1995 | Pages 110-123
Technical Paper |
Three-Dimensional Model of Vibration and Impacting of Instrument Tubes in a Boiling Water Reactor and Transfer from Mechanical to Neutron Noise
E. Laggiard, J. Runkel, D. Stegemann
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 2 | June 1995 | Pages 124-135
Technical Paper |
Systematics in Differential Thick-Target Neutron Yields Parameterized by Moving Source Model
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 2 | June 1995 | Pages 136-145
Technical Note |
A Diffusion-Synthetic Acceleration Technique for the Even-Parity Sn Equations with Anisotropic Scattering
J. E. Morel, J. M. McGhee
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 3 | July 1995 | Pages 147-164
Technical Paper |
Exponential Characteristic Spatial Quadrature for Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport with Rectangular Cells
Bryan Minor, Kirk Mathews
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 3 | July 1995 | Pages 165-186
Technical Paper |
Anisotropic Scattering Treatment for the Neutron Transport Equation with Primal Finite Elements
B. Akherraz, C. Fedon-Magnaud, J. J. Lautard, R. Sanchez
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 3 | July 1995 | Pages 187-198
Technical Paper |
Effects of Linear Polarization and Doppler Broadening on the Exposure Buildup Factors of Low-Energy Gamma Rays
Y. Namito, S. Ban, H. Hirayama
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 3 | July 1995 | Pages 199-210
Technical Paper |
Approximating Model for Multilayer Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors by Transmission Matrix Method: Application to Point Isotropic Source Geometry
Kazuo Shin, Hideo Hirayama
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 3 | July 1995 | Pages 211-222
Technical Paper |
Neutron Temperature Measurements in a Cryogenic Hydrogenous Moderator
Russell M. Ball, Gary S. Hoovler, Robert H. Lewis
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 120 | Number 3 | July 1995 | Pages 223-230
Technical Paper |