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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Grant awarded for advanced reactor workforce needs in southeast U.S.
North Carolina State University and the Electric Power Research Institute have been awarded a $500,000 grant by the NC Collaboratory for “An Assessment to Define Advanced Reactor Workforce Needs,” a project that aims to investigate job needs to help enable new nuclear development and deployment in North Carolina and surrounding areas.
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A Global Physics Approach to Transmutation of Radioactive Nuclei
M. Salvatores, I. Slessarev, M. Uematsu
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 1 | January 1994 | Pages 1-18
Technical Paper |
Measurement of Radioactivity Production for 48V 56Co, and 65Zn Via the (p,n) Sequential Reaction Processes in Titanium, Iron, and Copper Metals Associated with 14-MeV Neutron Irradiation
Y. Ikeda, C. Konno, H. Maekawa
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 1 | January 1994 | Pages 19-27
Technical Paper |
Measurement of Neutron Activation Cross Sections for the 99Tc(n,p)99Mo, 99Tc(n,α)96Nb, 99Tc(n,n′α)95Nb, and“Tc(n,n′)99mTc Reactions at 13.5 and 14.8 MeV
Y. Ikeda, E. T. Cheng, C. Konno, H. Maekawa
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 1 | January 1994 | Pages 28-34
Technical Paper |
A Method for Calculating Double-Differential Cross Sections of Alpha-Particle Emissions
Jingshang Zhang
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 1 | January 1994 | Pages 35-41
Technical Paper |
Solution of the Mathematical Adjoint Equations for an Interface Current Nodal Formulation
W. S. Yang, T. A. Taiwo, H. Khalil
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 1 | January 1994 | Pages 42-54
Technical Paper |
An Investigation of the Temporal Subdomain Method for Solving the Finite Element Formulation of the Space-Time Reactor Kinetics Equations
Haluk Utku, John M. Christenson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 1 | January 1994 | Pages 55-66
Technical Note |
The Reactor Noise Threshold
Gregory D. Spriggs
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 1 | January 1994 | Pages 67-72
Technical Note |
A Fission-Source Acceleration Technique for Time-Dependent Even-Parity Sn Calculations
J. E. Morel, J. M. McGhee
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 2 | February 1994 | Pages 73-85
Technical Paper |
Effective Diffusion Homogenization of Cross Sections for Pressurized Water Reactor Core Calculations
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 2 | February 1994 | Pages 86-95
Technical Paper |
A Probabilistic Method for Evaluating Reactivity Feedbacks and Its Application to Experimental Breeder Reactor II
R. W. Schaefer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 2 | February 1994 | Pages 96-112
Technical Paper |
A Monte Carlo Variance Reduction Approach for Non-Boltzmann Tallies
Thomas E. Booth
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 2 | February 1994 | Pages 113-124
Technical Paper |
Excitation Functions of Neutron Threshold Reactions on Some Isotopes of Germanium, Arsenic, and Selenium in the 6.3- to 14.7-MeV Energy Range
I. Birn, S. M. Qaim
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 2 | February 1994 | Pages 125-137
Technical Paper |
Measurements of the Modified Conversion Ratio by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry of Fuel Rods for Water-Moderated UO2 Cores
Ken Nakajima, Masanori Akai, Takenori Suzaki
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 2 | February 1994 | Pages 138-146
Technical Paper |
Vectorization Methods Development for a New Version of the KENO-V.a Criticality Safety Code
D. F. Hollenbach, L. M. Petri, H. L. Dodds
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 3 | March 1994 | Pages 147-164
Technical Paper |
A New Approach of Analytic Basis Function Expansion to Neutron Diffusion Nodal Calculation
Jae Man Noh, Nam Zin Cho
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 3 | March 1994 | Pages 165-180
Technical Paper |
Fast Shutdown Margin Calculation Using Perturbation Theory with Regionwise Flux Expansion
Jeng-Ming Fang, Yen-Wan H. Liu, Horng-Kuang Liu, Pin-Wu Kao, Jing-Tong Yang
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 3 | March 1994 | Pages 181-204
Technical Paper |
A Study on Applicability of Decay Ratio Estimation in a Pressurized Water Reactor
G. Por, J. Runkel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 3 | March 1994 | Pages 205-212
Technical Paper |
Statistical Model Calculation of the 237U Fission Cross Section
J. P. Lestone, A. Gavron
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 3 | March 1994 | Pages 213-217
Technical Paper |
Study of Photon Attenuation Coefficients of Some Multielement Materials
G. S. Bhandal, K. Singh
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 3 | March 1994 | Pages 218-222
Technical Note |
Stability, Accuracy, and Convergence of the Numerical Methods in RELAP5/MOD3
A. S.-L. Shieh, R. Krishnamurthy, V. H. Ransom
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 4 | April 1994 | Pages 227-244
Technical Paper |
Rod Bundle Thermal-Hydraulic and Melt Progression Analysis of CORA Severe Fuel Damage Experiments
Kune Y. Suh
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 4 | April 1994 | Pages 245-268
Technical Paper |
Comparison of Scientific Computing Platforms for MCNP4A Monte Carlo Calculations
J. S. Hendricks, R. C. Brockhoff
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 4 | April 1994 | Pages 269-277
Technical Paper |
Neutron Penetration Through Iron and Concrete Shields with the Use of 22.0- and 32.5-MeV Quasi-Monoenergetic Sources
Toshio Ishikawa
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 4 | April 1994 | Pages 278-290
Technical Paper |
Space Proton Transport in One Dimension
Stanley L. Lamkin and Govind S. Khandelwal, Judy L. Shinn, John W. Wilson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 4 | April 1994 | Pages 291-299
Technical Paper |
A New Approach to Core-Reflector Boundary Conditions for Nodal Reactor Computations
Hyung Kook Joo, Chang Hyo Kim, Jae Man Noh, Si-Hwan Kim
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 4 | April 1994 | Pages 300-312
Technical Paper |
Detecting Faults in a Nuclear Power Plant by Using Dynamic Node Architecture Artificial Neural Networks
Anujit Basu, Eric B. Bartlett
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 116 | Number 4 | April 1994 | Pages 313-325
Technical Paper |