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Calculations of the Neutron Age in Water and Heavy Water for D-D Sources
John W. Cooper
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 1-10
Technical Paper |
Age to Indium Resonance for D-D Neutrons in Heavy Water
V. Spiegel, Jr., A. C. B. Richardson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 11-15
Technical Paper |
Some Calculations on the Age of Neutrons in D2O
Herbert Goldstein, Jeremiah Certaine
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 16-23
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Further Results of Irradiation of Uranium Carbide
A. W. Hare, S. Aifant, F. A. Rough, D. I. Slnizer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 24-30
Technical Paper |
A Two-Mode Variational Procedure for Calculating Thermal Diffusion Theory Parameters
G. P. Calame, F. D. Federighi, P. A. Ombrellaro
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 31-39
Technical Paper |
Hydraulic Studies for the Fluid-Bed Reactor
V. P. Kelly
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 40-44
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Pulsed Neutron Measurement of Control Rod Worths
O. C. Kolar, F. A. Kloverstrom
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 45-52
Technical Paper |
The Determination of Hydrogen in Uranium by Mass Spectrometry
L. A. Fergason, D. E. Seizinger, C. H. McBride
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 53-56
Technical Paper |
U238 Epithermal Capture in PWR-1 Blanket Clusters
W. Baer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 57-60
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Fast Neutron Energy Spectra in Graphite-Moderated Reactors
Mark T. Robinson, O. S. Oen, D. K. Holmes
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 61-69
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Determination of Trace Quantities of Fission Products in Nonirradiated Natural and Depleted Uranium Salts
P. K. Kuroda, M. P. Menon
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 70-74
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Examination of the Range of Applicability of Conditional Monte Carlo to Deep Penetration Problems
S. K. Penny, C. D. Zerby
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 75-82
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The Fast Effect in Uranium and Beryllium Systems
Herbert Rief
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 1 | May 1961 | Pages 83-89
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An Application of the Reciprocity Theorem to the Acceleration of Monte Carlo Calculations
C. W. Maynard
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 97-101
Technical Paper |
The Single-Scattering Approximation to the Solution of the Gamma-Ray Air-Scattering Problem
D. K. Trubey
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 102-116
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Slowing Down from an Energy Distributed Neutron Source
A. Keane
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 117-119
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The Effect of Temperature on Xenon Instability
J. Chernick, G. Lellouche, W. Wollman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 120-131
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Spherical Harmonic Calculations for a Cylindrical Cell of Finite Height
N. Tralli, J. Agresta
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 132-141
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Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons by U238 below 1 Mev
Lawrence Dresner
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 142-150
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Investigation on the Inelastic Moderation of Fast Neutrons
C. A. Heusch, T. Springer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 151-158
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Minimum Critical Mass in Variable Density and Epithermal Reactors
Mathew M. Shapiro
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 159-162
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The Solubility of Nickel in Sodium by a Tracer Technique
T. A. Kovacina, R. R. Miller
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 163-166
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Doppler Broadening of Low-Energy Neutron Resonances
A. W. Solbrig, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 167-168
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Low-Energy Neutron Resonances in Eu151
S. Tassan, A. Hellsten, V. L. Sailor
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 169-172
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Thermionic Reactor Systems
R. C. Howard
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 173-182
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Application of Rapid Fission Gas Analyses to an Off-Gas System Test
R. C. Koch, G. L. Grandy, J. A. Roll
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 183-189
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A Variational Procedure for Determining Spatially Dependent Thermal Spectra
G. P. Calame, F. D. Federighi
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 2 | June 1961 | Pages 190-201
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Few Group Calculations of Thermal Neutron Transport
M. Goldsmith, R. M. Cantwell
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 3 | July 1961 | Pages 207-218
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Exact Solution of the Slowing-Down Equation
Roman Bednarz
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 3 | July 1961 | Pages 219-222
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Temperature Distributions of Reactor Fuel Element End Caps
K. R. Merckx
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 3 | July 1961 | Pages 223-227
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A Suggested Method for the Chemical Reprocessing and Purification of Th—U—O Slurry-Type Reactor Fuels
Donald G. Gardner
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 3 | July 1961 | Pages 228-234
Technical Paper |
U238 Radiative Capture in PWR-2 Blanket Geometry
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 3 | July 1961 | Pages 235-239
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Two-Group Theory of a Ring of N Cylindrical Rods or Zones in a Reflected Reactor
M. S. Trasi
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 3 | July 1961 | Pages 240-246
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Correlation and Predicfion of Explosive Metal-Water Reaction Temperatures
Leo F. Epstein
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 3 | July 1961 | Pages 247-253
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Applications of Geometric Theory to Nonlinear Reactor Dynamics
Elias P. Gyftopoulos
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 3 | July 1961 | Pages 254-268
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Hydrodynamic Models for the Treatment of Reactor Thermal Transients
J. E. Meyer
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 3 | July 1961 | Pages 269-277
Technical Paper |
The Connection of Zircaloy-2 with Stainless Steel for Operation over a Wide Temperature Range
C. Gordon Duff
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 3 | July 1961 | Pages 278-284
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Diffusion Lengths in Heterogeneous Media
Joel H. Ferziger, George S. C. Wang, P. F. Zweifel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 3 | July 1961 | Pages 285-294
Technical Paper |
Particle Self-Shielding in Plates Loaded with Spherical Poison Particles
W. B. Doub
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 299-307
Cross Sections of Threshold Reactions for Fission Neutrons: Nickel as a Fast Flux Monitor
T. O. Passell, R. L. Heath
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 308-315
Formation and Control of Turbidity in Aluminum-Water Reactor Systems
S. R. Hatcher, H. K. Rae
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 316-330
Nuclear Reactors with Maximum Prompt Neutron Lifetime
J. Ernest Wilkins, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 331-336
Mean Square Instability in Boiling Reactors
A. Z. Akcasu
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 337-345
A Radiochemical Technique for the Determination of Short-Lived Fission Gases
Charles W. Townley, James E. Howes, Jr., Gilbert E. Raines, Ward S. Diethorn, Duane N. Sttnderman
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 346-351
Asymptotic Reactor Theory
K. M. Case, Joel H. Ferziger, P. F. Zweifel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 352-356
Consistent P1 Criticality Calculations
P. F. Zweifel, Joel H. Ferziger
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 357-361
Escape-Probabilities in Asymptotic Reactor Theory
S. Yip, P. F. Zweifel
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 362-366
Laboratory Development of the Acid Thorex Process For Recovery of Thorium Reactor Fuel
R. H. Rainey, J. G. Moore
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 367-371
On the Range of Validity of Nonlinear Reactor Dynamics
Elias P. Gyftopoulos, Jacques Devooght
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 372-376
Comparison of Wilkins Equation with Experiments on Water Systems
Luis de Sobrino, Melville Clark, Jr.
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 377-383
Comparison of the Wilkins Equation and Higher Order Approximations for Solid Moderators
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 384-387
A Study of Wilkins Equation
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 10 | Number 4 | August 1961 | Pages 388-399