Experimental analyses of 237Np, 241Am, and 243Am fission, as well as 237Np capture reaction rates, are conducted with the Serpent 2 code together with ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JENDL-5 using experimental data for the neutron spectra of thermal and intermediate regions obtained in the solid-moderated and solid-reflected cores with highly enriched uranium fuel at the Kyoto University Critical Assembly. Also, uncertainty quantification of the fission and capture reaction rate ratios of the test samples of 237Np, 241Am, and 243Am with reference samples of 235U and 197Au are evaluated by the MARBLE code system.

In terms of the fission reaction rate ratios of 237Np/235U, 241Am/235U, and 243Am/235U, a comparison between experiments and Serpent 2 calculations shows an accuracy of about 5%, 15%, and 10%, respectively, together with ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JENDL-5. For the capture reaction rate ratios of 237Np/197Au, Serpent 2 calculations reveal a fairly good accuracy at the thermal neutron spectrum. The total uncertainties of the 237Np/235U, 241Am/235U, and 243Am/235U fission reaction rate ratios by MARBLE with the covariance data of ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JENDL-5 are found to be about 4% at most in all cores, except for about 8% for 243Am/235U with ENDF/B-VIII.0 at the intermediate neutron spectrum.