Absolute cross-section measurements for reactions among light-mass nuclei (A < 10) are important in feasibility studies of controlled thermonuclear reactor systems. For a 6Li-d fueled fusion reactor, the 6Li (p,3He)α reaction is of particular interest. The absolute cross sections for this reaction are incomplete and poorly known and have accordingly been remeasured in the range Ep = 3 to 12 MeV. The results support recent measurements below 3 MeV in finding the cross section to be higher in this region than previously supposed. Additional results for the 6Li(p,p)6Li and 6Li(p,p′)6Li* reactions imply the cross sections for these reactions are ∼40% higher than earlier measurements. A plot of the Maxwell-averaged reaction rate parameter, , for the 6Li(p,3He)α reaction is presented as a function of kT, the temperature of a p – 6Li plasma.