ANS is committed to advancing, fostering, and promoting the development and application of nuclear sciences and technologies to benefit society.
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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Nuclear News 40 Under 40 discuss the future of nuclear
Seven members of the inaugural Nuclear News 40 Under 40 came together on March 4 to discuss the current state of nuclear energy and what the future might hold for science, industry, and the public in terms of nuclear development.
To hear more insights from this talented group of young professionals, watch the “40 Under 40 Roundtable: Perspectives from Nuclear’s Rising Stars” on the ANS website.
George N. Salaita, Andrew Robeson
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Volume 46 | Number 2 | November 1971 | Pages 214-222
Technical Paper |
Articles are hosted by Taylor and Francis Online.
The diffusion parameters for mixtures of 0, 20, 50, 80, and 100% D2O in H2O have been measured by the pulsed-neutron method at temperatures near the freezing point and in ice at -20°C. A 250-keV Cockcroft-Walton accelerator was used to produce neutron bursts in cylindrical samples by the 2K(d,n)3Re reaction. The waiting time method was used for establishment of the asymptotic spectrum in each sample. The infinite medium decay constants for D2O were evaluated from known density and nuclear cross-section data; those for H2O, H2O ice, and (H2O + D2O) mixtures were determined by a three parameter least-squares fit of the experimental data to the equation λ = λ0 + DoB2 - CB4. An iterative procedure was used to make the value of the extrapolated distance compatible with the diffusion coefficient D0 derived from the least-squares analysis. The results are compared with those of similar measurements by other workers for H2O and D2O at various temperatures. The effect of the liquid-solid phase transition on the diffusion coefficient and diffusion cooling coefficient in H2O and D2O is discussed. The expression D0 = 1 / αi/D0,i, where αi and D0,i are the fractional volume and diffusion coefficient of the i’th component of the mixture, respectively, gave lower values than the experimental results for the mixtures.