The activation cross sections for the 99Tc(n,p)99Mo, 99Tc(n,α)96Nb, 99Tc(n,n′α)95Nb, and“Tc(n,n′)99mTc reactions at 13.5 and 14.8 MeV have been measured by using the deuterium-tritium neutron generator (the Fusion Neutronics Source) at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The results were compared with experimental values from the literature, evaluated activation cross-section files, and predictions by current cross-section computer codes. Special emphasis was placed on the feasibility of producing high-specific-activity“Mo, to be used in medical applications, via the 99Tc(n,p)99Mo reaction in the Fusion Material Irradiation Facility. A factor of 3 overestimate of 99Mo production resulted when the REAC *2 code was used. It is suggested that this discrepancy is due primarily to the factor of 5 difference in cross sections at the 14-MeV region between the REAC*2 data and the current measurement.