The ratios σγ(238U)/σ/(235U), σγ(238U)/σγ(239Pu), and σf (239Pu)/σf (235U) have been measured in the energy range 130 to 1400 keV. The activation technique was used to determine the capture rate in 238U. The 278 keV γ ray emitted in the decay of 239Np was detected by means of a Ge(Li) detector. The counting efficiencies have been absolutely determined for the measurement of σγ(238U)/σf(239Pu). For the determination of the ratio σγ(238U)/σf(235U) the counting efficiencies have been eliminated by a measurement of the ratio at thermal-neutron energies. The ratio σf(239Pu)/σf(235U) has been measured in a back-to-back gas scintillation counter using the time-of-flight method for background suppression. The measurements resulted in an overdetermination of two unknown quantities by three measured values. The fitted values derived from the collective results were in good agreement with the individual measured ratios.